diff --git a/bin/miden-cli/src/tests.rs b/bin/miden-cli/src/tests.rs
index 3b29e84ba..a942e3ef2 100644
--- a/bin/miden-cli/src/tests.rs
+++ b/bin/miden-cli/src/tests.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ use std::{
 use assert_cmd::Command;
-use config::RpcConfig;
 use miden_client::{
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ use miden_client::{
     Client, Felt,
-use miden_client_tests::common::{execute_tx_and_sync, insert_new_wallet};
+use miden_client_tests::common::{execute_tx_and_sync, get_client_config, insert_new_wallet};
 use predicates::str::contains;
 use rand::Rng;
 use uuid::Uuid;
@@ -62,8 +61,6 @@ fn test_init_without_params() {
     init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost"]);
-    sync_cli(&temp_dir);
     // Trying to init twice should result in an error
     let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -90,13 +87,6 @@ fn test_init_with_params() {
-    sync_cli(&temp_dir);
-    // Trying to init twice should result in an error
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().failure();
@@ -105,11 +95,6 @@ fn test_init_with_params() {
 /// This test tries to run a mint TX using the CLI for an account that isn't tracked.
 async fn test_mint_with_untracked_account() {
-    let store_path = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
     let target_account_id = {
         let other_store_path = create_test_store_path();
         let mut client = create_test_client_with_store_path(&other_store_path).await;
@@ -138,9 +123,7 @@ async fn test_mint_with_untracked_account() {
     // On CLI create the faucet and mint
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
+    let (temp_dir, store_path) = init_cli();
     // Create faucet account
     let mut create_faucet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -188,10 +171,7 @@ const GENESIS_ACCOUNTS_FILENAMES: [&str; 1] = ["faucet.mac"];
 #[ignore = "import genesis test gets ignored by default so integration tests can be ran with dockerized and remote nodes where we might not have the genesis data"]
 async fn test_import_genesis_accounts_can_be_used_for_transactions() {
-    let store_path = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
+    let (temp_dir, store_path) = init_cli();
     for genesis_account_filename in GENESIS_ACCOUNTS_FILENAMES {
         let mut new_file_path = temp_dir.clone();
@@ -207,10 +187,6 @@ async fn test_import_genesis_accounts_can_be_used_for_transactions() {
         std::fs::copy(source_path, new_file_path).unwrap();
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
     // Import genesis accounts
     let mut args = vec!["import"];
     for filename in GENESIS_ACCOUNTS_FILENAMES {
@@ -266,26 +242,8 @@ async fn test_import_genesis_accounts_can_be_used_for_transactions() {
 async fn test_cli_export_import_note() {
     const NOTE_FILENAME: &str = "test_note.mno";
-    let store_path_1 = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir_1 = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir_1.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir_1.clone()).unwrap();
-    let store_path_2 = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir_2 = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir_2.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir_2.clone()).unwrap();
-    // Init and create basic wallet on second client
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args([
-        "init",
-        "--network",
-        "localhost",
-        "--store-path",
-        store_path_2.to_str().unwrap(),
-    ]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir_2).assert().success();
+    let (temp_dir_1, store_path_1) = init_cli();
+    let (temp_dir_2, store_path_2) = init_cli();
     // Create wallet account
     let mut create_wallet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -299,17 +257,6 @@ async fn test_cli_export_import_note() {
-    // On first client init, create a faucet and mint
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args([
-        "init",
-        "--network",
-        "localhost",
-        "--store-path",
-        store_path_1.to_str().unwrap(),
-    ]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir_1).assert().success();
     // Create faucet account
     let mut create_faucet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -395,37 +342,8 @@ async fn test_cli_export_import_note() {
 async fn test_cli_export_import_account() {
     const ACCOUNT_FILENAME: &str = "test_account.acc";
-    let store_path_1 = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir_1 = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir_1.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir_1.clone()).unwrap();
-    let store_path_2 = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir_2 = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir_2.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir_2.clone()).unwrap();
-    // Init the first client
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args([
-        "init",
-        "--network",
-        "localhost",
-        "--store-path",
-        store_path_1.to_str().unwrap(),
-    ]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir_1).assert().success();
-    // Init the second client
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args([
-        "init",
-        "--network",
-        "localhost",
-        "--store-path",
-        store_path_2.to_str().unwrap(),
-    ]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir_2).assert().success();
+    let (temp_dir_1, store_path_1) = init_cli();
+    let (temp_dir_2, store_path_2) = init_cli();
     // Create wallet account
     let mut create_wallet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -472,15 +390,7 @@ async fn test_cli_export_import_account() {
 fn test_cli_empty_commands() {
-    let store_path = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
+    let (..) = init_cli();
     let mut create_faucet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -500,14 +410,7 @@ fn test_cli_empty_commands() {
 async fn test_consume_unauthenticated_note() {
-    let store_path = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
-    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
+    let (temp_dir, store_path) = init_cli();
     // Create wallet account
     let mut create_wallet_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
@@ -558,9 +461,102 @@ async fn test_consume_unauthenticated_note() {
     consume_note_cli(&temp_dir, &wallet_account_id, &[&note_id]);
+async fn debug_mode_outputs_logs() {
+    const NOTE_FILENAME: &str = "test_note.mno";
+    env::set_var("MIDEN_DEBUG", "true");
+    let (temp_dir, store_path) = init_cli();
+    // Create a Client and a custom note
+    let mut client = create_test_client_with_store_path(&store_path).await;
+    let (account, _) = insert_new_wallet(&mut client, AccountStorageMode::Private).await.unwrap();
+    // Create the custom note
+    let note_script = "
+            begin
+                debug.stack
+                assert_eq
+            end
+            ";
+    let note_script = client.compile_note_script(note_script).unwrap();
+    let inputs = NoteInputs::new(vec![]).unwrap();
+    let serial_num = client.rng().draw_word();
+    let note_metadata = NoteMetadata::new(
+        account.id(),
+        NoteType::Private,
+        NoteTag::from_account_id(account.id(), NoteExecutionMode::Local).unwrap(),
+        NoteExecutionHint::None,
+        Default::default(),
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+    let note_assets = NoteAssets::new(vec![]).unwrap();
+    let note_recipient = NoteRecipient::new(serial_num, note_script, inputs);
+    let note = Note::new(note_assets, note_metadata, note_recipient);
+    // Send transaction and wait for it to be committed
+    let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()
+        .with_own_output_notes(vec![OutputNote::Full(note.clone())])
+        .unwrap()
+        .build();
+    execute_tx_and_sync(&mut client, account.id(), transaction_request).await;
+    // Export the note
+    let note_file: NoteFile = NoteFile::NoteDetails {
+        details: note.clone().into(),
+        after_block_num: 0.into(),
+        tag: Some(note.metadata().tag()),
+    };
+    // Serialize the note
+    let note_path = temp_dir.join(NOTE_FILENAME);
+    let mut file = File::create(note_path.clone()).unwrap();
+    file.write_all(&note_file.to_bytes()).unwrap();
+    // Import the note
+    let mut import_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
+    import_cmd.args(["import", note_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
+    import_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
+    sync_cli(&temp_dir);
+    // Consume the note and check the output
+    let mut consume_note_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
+    let account_id = account.id().to_hex();
+    let note_id = note.id().to_hex();
+    let mut cli_args = vec!["consume-notes", "--account", &account_id[0..8], "--force"];
+    cli_args.extend_from_slice(vec![note_id.as_str()].as_slice());
+    consume_note_cmd.args(&cli_args);
+    consume_note_cmd
+        .current_dir(&temp_dir)
+        .assert()
+        .success()
+        .stdout(contains("Stack state"));
 // ================================================================================================
+// Initializes the CLI on the given directory using the parameters from the test config files.
+fn init_cli() -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) {
+    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
+    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
+    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
+    let (endpoint, _, store_path) = get_client_config();
+    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
+    init_cmd.args([
+        "init",
+        "--network",
+        endpoint.to_string().as_str(),
+        "--store-path",
+        store_path.to_str().unwrap(),
+    ]);
+    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
+    (temp_dir, store_path)
 // Syncs CLI on directory. It'll try syncing until the command executes successfully. If it never
 // executes successfully, eventually the test will time out (provided the nextest config has a
 // timeout set).
@@ -652,7 +648,7 @@ pub fn create_test_store_path() -> std::path::PathBuf {
 pub type TestClient = Client<RpoRandomCoin>;
 async fn create_test_client_with_store_path(store_path: &Path) -> TestClient {
-    let rpc_config = RpcConfig::default();
+    let (endpoint, timeout, _) = get_client_config();
     let store = {
         let sqlite_store = SqliteStore::new(PathBuf::from(store_path)).await.unwrap();
@@ -666,7 +662,7 @@ async fn create_test_client_with_store_path(store_path: &Path) -> TestClient {
     let authenticator = StoreAuthenticator::new_with_rng(store.clone(), rng);
-        Box::new(TonicRpcClient::new(rpc_config.endpoint.into(), rpc_config.timeout_ms)),
+        Box::new(TonicRpcClient::new(endpoint, timeout)),
@@ -680,84 +676,3 @@ fn assert_command_fails_but_does_not_panic(command: &mut Command) {
     assert_ne!(exit_code, 0); // Command failed
     assert_ne!(exit_code, 101); // Command didn't panic
-async fn debug_mode_outputs_logs() {
-    const NOTE_FILENAME: &str = "test_note.mno";
-    env::set_var("MIDEN_DEBUG", "true");
-    // Create a Client and a custom note
-    let store_path = create_test_store_path();
-    let mut client = create_test_client_with_store_path(&store_path).await;
-    let (account, _) = insert_new_wallet(&mut client, AccountStorageMode::Private).await.unwrap();
-    // Create the custom note
-    let note_script = "       
-            begin
-                debug.stack
-                assert_eq
-            end
-            ";
-    let note_script = client.compile_note_script(note_script).unwrap();
-    let inputs = NoteInputs::new(vec![]).unwrap();
-    let serial_num = client.rng().draw_word();
-    let note_metadata = NoteMetadata::new(
-        account.id(),
-        NoteType::Private,
-        NoteTag::from_account_id(account.id(), NoteExecutionMode::Local).unwrap(),
-        NoteExecutionHint::None,
-        Default::default(),
-    )
-    .unwrap();
-    let note_assets = NoteAssets::new(vec![]).unwrap();
-    let note_recipient = NoteRecipient::new(serial_num, note_script, inputs);
-    let note = Note::new(note_assets, note_metadata, note_recipient);
-    // Send transaction and wait for it to be committed
-    let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()
-        .with_own_output_notes(vec![OutputNote::Full(note.clone())])
-        .unwrap()
-        .build();
-    execute_tx_and_sync(&mut client, account.id(), transaction_request).await;
-    // Export the note
-    let note_file: NoteFile = NoteFile::NoteDetails {
-        details: note.clone().into(),
-        after_block_num: 0.into(),
-        tag: Some(note.metadata().tag()),
-    };
-    // Serialize the note
-    let mut temp_dir = temp_dir();
-    let note_path = temp_dir.join(NOTE_FILENAME);
-    let mut file = File::create(note_path.clone()).unwrap();
-    file.write_all(&note_file.to_bytes()).unwrap();
-    // Use the Cli to import the note
-    temp_dir.push(format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()));
-    std::fs::create_dir(temp_dir.clone()).unwrap();
-    let mut init_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    init_cmd.args(["init", "--network", "localhost", "--store-path", store_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    init_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
-    // Import the note
-    let mut import_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    import_cmd.args(["import", note_path.to_str().unwrap()]);
-    import_cmd.current_dir(&temp_dir).assert().success();
-    sync_cli(&temp_dir);
-    // Consume the note and check the output
-    let mut consume_note_cmd = Command::cargo_bin("miden").unwrap();
-    let account_id = account.id().to_hex();
-    let note_id = note.id().to_hex();
-    let mut cli_args = vec!["consume-notes", "--account", &account_id[0..8], "--force"];
-    cli_args.extend_from_slice(vec![note_id.as_str()].as_slice());
-    consume_note_cmd.args(&cli_args);
-    consume_note_cmd
-        .current_dir(&temp_dir)
-        .assert()
-        .success()
-        .stdout(contains("Stack state"));
diff --git a/tests/config/miden-client-rpc.toml b/tests/config/miden-client-rpc.toml
index 477687ce6..9f1e5108d 100644
--- a/tests/config/miden-client-rpc.toml
+++ b/tests/config/miden-client-rpc.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 ## USAGE:
 ## ================================================================================================
-# - endpoint: tuple indicating the protocol (http, https), the host, and the port where the node is listening.
+# - endpoint: tuple indicating the protocol (http, https), the host, and (optionally) the port where the node is listening.
 # - timeout: timeout in ms for the rpc requests against the node.
+# endpoint = { protocol = "https", host = "rpc.devnet.miden.io" }
 endpoint = { protocol = "http", host = "localhost", port = 57291 }
 timeout = 10000
diff --git a/tests/integration/common.rs b/tests/integration/common.rs
index 0467776a0..cf2920bde 100644
--- a/tests/integration/common.rs
+++ b/tests/integration/common.rs
 pub type TestClient = Client<RpoRandomCoin>;
-pub const TEST_CLIENT_RPC_CONFIG_FILE_PATH: &str = "./config/miden-client-rpc.toml";
+pub const TEST_CLIENT_RPC_CONFIG_FILE: &str = include_str!("../config/miden-client-rpc.toml");
 /// Creates a `TestClient`.
 /// Creates the client using the config at `TEST_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH`. The store's path is at a
@@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ pub async fn create_test_client() -> TestClient {
 pub fn get_client_config() -> (Endpoint, u64, PathBuf) {
-    let rpc_config_toml = std::fs::read_to_string(TEST_CLIENT_RPC_CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
-        .unwrap()
-        .parse::<Table>()
-        .unwrap();
+    let rpc_config_toml = TEST_CLIENT_RPC_CONFIG_FILE.parse::<Table>().unwrap();
     let rpc_endpoint_toml = rpc_config_toml["endpoint"].as_table().unwrap();
-    let endpoint = rpc_endpoint_toml["protocol"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
-        + "://"
-        + rpc_endpoint_toml["host"].as_str().unwrap()
-        + ":"
-        + &rpc_endpoint_toml["port"].as_integer().unwrap().to_string();
-    let endpoint = Endpoint::try_from(endpoint.as_str()).unwrap();
+    let protocol = rpc_endpoint_toml["protocol"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+    let host = rpc_endpoint_toml["host"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+    let port = if rpc_endpoint_toml.contains_key("port") {
+        rpc_endpoint_toml["port"].as_integer().map(|port| port as u16)
+    } else {
+        None
+    };
+    let endpoint = Endpoint::new(protocol, host, port);
     let timeout_ms = rpc_config_toml["timeout"].as_integer().unwrap() as u64;