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Contributing to MongoDB CLI

Thanks for your interest in contributing to mongocli, this document describes some guidelines necessary to participate in the community.

Feature Requests

We welcome any feedback or feature request, to submit yours please head over to our feedback page.

Reporting Issues

Please create a GitHub issue describing the kind of problem you're facing with as much detail as possible, including things like operating system or anything else may be relevant to the issue.

Submitting a Patch

Before submitting a patch to the repo please consider opening an issue first.

Contributor License Agreement

For patches to be accepted, contributors must sign our CLA.

Development Setup

Prerequisite Tools


  • Fork the repository.
  • Clone your forked repository locally.
  • We use Go Modules to manage dependencies, so you can develop outside of your $GOPATH.
  • We use golangci-lint to lint our code, you can install it locally via make setup.

Building and Testing

The following is a short list of commands that can be run in the root of the project directory

  • Run make see a list of available targets.
  • Run make test to run all unit tests.
  • Run make lint to validate against our linting rules.
  • Run E2E_TAGS=e2e,atlas make e2e-test will run end to end tests against an Atlas instance, please make sure to have set MCLI_* variables pointing to that instance.
  • Run E2E_TAGS=cloudmanager,remote,generic make e2e-test will run end to end tests against an Cloud Manager instance.
    Please remember that you need an automation agent running and to set MCLI_* variables to point to your Cloud Manager instance.
  • Run make build to generate a local binary in the ./bin folder.

We provide a git pre-commit hook to format and check the code, to install it run make link-git-hooks.

Generating Mocks

We use mockgen to handle mocking in our unit tests. If you need a new mock please update or add the //go:generate instruction to the appropriate file.

Adding a New Command

mongocli uses Cobra as a framework for defining commands, in addition to this we have defined a basic structure that should be followed. For a mongocli scope newCommand command a file internal/cli/scope_new_command.go should implement:

  • A ScopeNewCommandOpts struct which handles the different options for the command.
  • At least a func (opts *ScopeNewCommandOpts) Run() error function with the main command logic.
  • A func ScopeNewCommandBuilder() *cobra.Command function to put together the expected cobra definition along with the ScopeNewCommandOpts logic.

Third Party Dependencies

We scan our dependencies for vulnerabilities and incompatible licenses using Snyk. To run Snyk locally please follow their CLI reference.

Maintainer's Guide

Reviewers, please ensure that the CLA has been signed by referring to the contributors tool (internal link).