This file is used to list changes made in each version (>= 2.11.0) of the newrelic cookbook.
## v2.42.0 - This is a quick fix and not part of the supermarket cookbook
- fix default attributes on YML LWRP
## v2.41.0
- add distributed tracing to php agent resource
- update default value for windows_checksum
- addition of circuit breaker configuration to java_agent recipe
- circuit breaker configuration for YML LWRP
- trim_stats for YML LWRP
- add explicit circuit breaker configuration for Ruby agent
- support strip_command_line flag for the infra agent
- add explicit circuit breaker configuration for Java agent
- trim_stats config item for Java/Ruby agent
- add Distributed Tracing support for the .NET Agent
- Fix distributed tracing issues
- add distributed_tracing attribute for Java and Ruby APM
- Fix linux service provider for Amazon Linux 2 support
- Fix .NET agent configuration when a proxy is specified
- update file permission for infra agent YML config file
- lazy evaluation of license attribute(s)
- download path to DotNet agent has changed, again...
- support for amazon linux 2018
- allow installing on-host integrations package
- repository attribute for java agent download
- multiple application names for Windows
## v2.35.1
- fix Travis CI build
- add error_collector_ignore_classes attribute for java_agent
## v2.34.0
- allow custom attributes for infrastructure agent
- bring dotnet agent's README, attribute and recipe in sync
- fix dotnet MSI download url, given New Relic changed it all of a sudden...
- add error_collector_ignore_errors attribute for php_agent
- fixed location of closing tag for service element
- added upstart support for Amazon Linux (infrastructure agent)
- download server monitor msi over https
- ChefSpec update(s) - version bumps
## v2.31.0
- write infrastructure license before package
- set service provisioner to Upstart for ubuntu < 16.04
- bump Chef version in README (caused by poise-python dependency)
- ChefSpec fix(es) - String (or Array) key on apt_repository is treated as Array upon inspection
- FoodCritic fix(es) - FC028: Incorrect #platform? usage
## v2.30.0
- logic for repository proxy for RHEL
- support for Amazon Linux in Chef 13
## v2.29.0
- implementation of the New Relic Infrastructure Agent
## v2.28.1
- addition of CHANGELOG entry for version 2.28.0
## v2.28.0
- addition of ssl verify on yum_repository for those that have a mirror yum repo with a self-signed certificate
- integration test fix(es)
- swapping out python for poise-python as its deprecated
- additional (integration) test suite: python-agent
- added the ability to specify New Relic NodeJS agent version
- rename test fixture cookbook: newrelic_poc > newrelic_lwrp_test
- adding other_options to server_monitor
- (feature) class transformer configuration support for Java agent
- (bugfix) default agent_actions converted to strings
- (bugfix) for missing erb tag for feature_flag variable (#289)
- don't verify the Python agent configuration on every Chef run
- Rubocop fix(es) for cops in latest Chef DK version
- updated version constraint for apt cookbook
- fix for enable_custom_tracing when using newrelic_yml-LWRP directly
- support for PHP7
- parameterize dotnet agent config file
- properly follow through with hostname
- make documentation more consistent
- version incorrectly used and filename unused
- workaround inconsistencies in .zip file naming of New Relic download
- unzipping the agent with sudo broke when user didn't have sudo rights
- remove parsing of download page for Java-agent download
- include unzip-package for extracting newrelic.jar from zip
- addition of CentOS 7.2 platform integration tests
- minor syntax correction (server monitor)
- fix(es)
- get rid of confusing chefignore in cookbook repo, as it is actually only respected in the cookbook_path
- reimplementation of cookbook-path in Rakefile
- rework of version in metadata.rb
- addition of quotes around cookbook name and cookbook category
- workaround for CHEF-3627 in CI-setup
- adjustment to upload complete-matcher when uploading to the Chef Supermarket
- CI-improvements
- fix for typo
- remove friction and run tests via ChefDK
- add usage of Java agent_action attribute
- ensure setting execute_php5enmod is meaningful
- DRY up Test Kitchen spec_helper
- bugfix: forward slashes must be escaped
- Add verify_agent_config virtualenv support
- Refactoring: set agent_type and license as default in resources
- Bugfix: Fedora is not part of the RedHat platform_family
- Make service action configurable; service_action will be restart by default as per New Relic docs
- Ability to add additional config
- Trigger apt-get update run
- Do not stop newrelic-daemon unnecessarily when using agent mode
- Addition of matcher methods for resources
- Cleanup documentation on newrelic_deployment LWRP
- Ability to configure the alert policy group when installing/removing server monitor
- nodejs template update - make use of LWRP attributes
- Cleanup of unused attribute(s) in agent_java LWRP: owner > app_user and group > app_group
- Bugfix: broken YML LWRP after 2.11.0
- Bugfix: newrelic_lwrp_test::agent_java failed due to incorrect remote_file usage
- Bugfix: NodeJS cookbook default attribute to avoid capitalization issue with the New Relic agent
- Bugfix: Java agent provider was throwing a uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::File::SEPARATOR error due to a missing Ruby namespace resolution operator
- php -> python typo
- Take out unnecessary disabling of Metrics/AbcSize
- Bugfix: illegal to set resource values during the provider execution
- Bugfix: fixed detection of the java_agent execute_agent_action node attribute
- Refactoring: convert other agents to lwrp
- Removal of non-ASCII characters in
- Java agent upgrades: 'latest'
- support for labels in Java and Ruby agents
- Bugfix: ssl attribute in server monitor, see issue #179
- General: 2.11.x cleanup
- Bugfix: attribute that was previously potentially a TrueClass or FalseClass must be of type String, see issue #175
- Refactoring: convert php agent and server monitor to lwrp
- Housekeeping: copyright