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File metadata and controls

255 lines (185 loc) · 7.78 KB


Supports PHP 5.3.2 and up.


RemoteResource adopts most of the public API of ActiveResource for Rails and enforces many of the same expectations.


Available Instance Methods
returns     method( args )
boolean     updateAttributes( $attributes = array() )
null        destroy()
boolean     save()
boolean     persisted()
boolean     valid()
integer     id()
array       errors()
array       attributes()
Available Class Methods
returns                      method( args )
RemoteResource               create( $attributes = array() )
RemoteResource               find( $id )
RemoteResourceCollection     where( $attributes_to_match = array() )
RemoteResourceCollection     all()


Creating a Model

Extend RemoteResource\RemoteResource, and set static $site. $resource_name and $plural_resource_name properties are optional, and may be set where the name of the class does not mirror the name of the remote resource. Configuration is set on a per-resource basis, designated by the $format, $auth_type, and $credentials properties.

class ProductImage extends RemoteResource\RemoteResource {
  public static $site                 = "";
  public static $resource_name        = "product_image";
  public static $plural_resource_name = "product_images";
  public static $format               = "json";
  public static $auth_type            = "basic";
  public static $credentials          = "user:password";
Simplest Model
class ProductImage extends RemoteResource\RemoteResource {
  public static $site = "";
Attribute Assignment

Dynamically assigned attributes are added to the attributes which will be sent over on save.

$product_image = new ProductImage;
$product_image->file = $file;
$product_image->name = 'rainbow cube';

If an attribute comes back from the remote API which has already been set on the resource instance, it will be overwritten to reflect the persisted value.

$product_image = ProductImage::find(15);
echo $product_image->name; // "rainbow cube"
echo $product_image->sizes_and_urls[30]; // "https://path/to/cdn/image/sjiEFzciA.png"
$product_image = ProductImage::create($attributes);
$product_images = ProductImage::where( array('product_id' => 12) );
$product_image = ProductImage::find(15);
$product_images = ProductImage::all();

As with ActiveResource, the update() method is reserved for internal use. use updateAttributes() instead.

$product_image->updateAttributes( array('product_id' => 12) );

Expectations / Assumptions

Expectations on how the remote API is configured mirrors ActiveResource expectations. I will list those expectations here, since they aren't clearly documented for ActiveResource. It is necessary for the remote API you are accessing to fulfill the HTTP, status codes, and JSON responses from the interface below, unless you do not plan (or do not need) to use the associated methods.

method    HTTP                                 status        expected JSON response
create    POST /remote_resource_path/          201           {'remote_resource': {}}
create    POST /remote_resource_path/          422           {'errors': []}

where     GET /remote_resource_path/           200           {'remote_resources': []}

all       GET /remote_resource_path/           200           {'remote_resources': []}

find      GET /remote_resource/path/:id        200           {'remote_resource': {}}

update    PATCH /remote_resource_path/:id      204           nil
update    PATCH /remote_resource_path/:id      422           {'errors': []}

destroy   DELETE /remote_resource_path/:id     204           nil


Familiarize yourself with RemoteResource Exceptions. Exceptions are evaluated in the order presented here.

status_code         exception
400                 RemoteResource\Exception\BadRequest
401                 RemoteResource\Exception\UnauthorizedAccess
403                 RemoteResource\Exception\ForbiddenAccess
404                 RemoteResource\Exception\ResourceNotFound
405                 RemoteResource\Exception\MethodNotAllowed
408                 RemoteResource\Exception\RequestTimeout
409                 RemoteResource\Exception\ResourceConflict
410                 RemoteResource\Exception\ResourceGone
401..499            RemoteResource\Exception\ClientError
500..599            RemoteResource\Exception\ServerError
unknown             RemoteResource\Exception\ConnectionError

The response that triggered the exception is stored, and can be accessed.

try {
} catch ( RemoteResource\Exception\ResourceNotFound $e) {
  $response = $e->response;

Checking Validity

In order to determine whether or not a resource was correctly created, check the validity of the resource.

$product_image = ProductImage::create($attributes);
if ( $product_image->valid() ) {
  // success

Validity is determined by whether or not errors were generated for the resource. A resource is considered valid when it has no errors. This does not necessarily mean that the resource has been persisted. Check the persisted() method for this information.


A RemoteResource\Collection is a collection of RemoteResource objects. The RemoteResource\Collection object implements the Iterator interface, and can therefore be treated as a PHP collection.

$remote_resource_collection = ProductImage::all();

foreach($remote_resource_collection as $remote_resource) {
  echo get_class( $remote_resource ); // "RemoteResource\RemoteResource"
RemoteResource\Collection methods of interest
returns                      method( args )
integer                      size() || count()
RemoteResource               first()
RemoteResource               last()
Custom Methods

RemoteResource allows you to go off of the rails of RESTful convention. Know that responses will be returned as arrays, and not as RemoteResource objects.

returns     method        ( args )
array       static get       ( $path, $attributes=array() )
array       static post      ( $path, $attributes=array() )

array              patch     ( $path, $attributes=array() )
array              delete    ( $path )
// requests GET ""

// requests POST ""
ProductImage::post("5/clone", array("clone_to" => 15));

// requests PATCH ""

// requests DELETE ""


Global logging through New Relic will be activated if new relic is configured against the application consuming RemoteResource.

Global Config

TODO: info on Global Config here


View the


  • README section on Formatters and Auth choices and Installation
  • http_build_query may have problems with more complex query string requirements
  • handle timeouts gracefully
  • handle data URI conversion of files