Graphene is a |~| lightweight guest OS, designed to run a |~| single Linux application with minimal host requirements. Graphene can run applications in an isolated environment with benefits comparable to running a |~| complete OS in a |~| virtual machine -- including guest customization, ease of porting to different host OSes, and process migration.
Graphene supports running Linux applications using the :term:`Intel SGX <SGX>` (Software Guard Extensions) technology (we call this version Graphene-SGX). With Intel SGX, applications are secured in hardware-encrypted memory regions (called SGX enclaves). SGX protects code and data in the enclave against privileged software attacks and against physical attacks on the hardware off the CPU package (e.g., cold-boot attacks on RAM). Graphene is able to run unmodified applications inside SGX enclaves, without the toll of manually porting the application to the SGX environment.
See :doc:`quickstart` for instructions how to quickly build and run Graphene. For full build instructions, see :doc:`building`. To deploy Graphene in the cloud, see :doc:`cloud-deployment`.
For bug reports, post an issue on our GitHub repository:
For any questions, please send an email to [email protected] (public archive).
If you want to contribute to the project, please see :doc:`devel/contributing`. Thank you for your interest!
.. toctree:: :caption: Introduction :maxdepth: 2 quickstart building manifest-syntax attestation cloud-deployment sgx-intro glossary
.. toctree:: :caption: Tutorials :maxdepth: 2 tutorials/pytorch/index.rst
.. toctree:: :caption: Manual pages :maxdepth: 1 :glob: manpages/*
.. toctree:: :caption: Developing Graphene :maxdepth: 1 devel/contributing devel/DCO/index devel/howto-doc devel/coding-style devel/setup devel/debugging devel/benchmarks devel/performance devel/new-syscall
.. toctree:: :caption: LibOS libos/shim-init
.. toctree:: :caption: PAL pal/host-abi pal/porting