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171 lines (129 loc) · 7.79 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (129 loc) · 7.79 KB


Bukkit APi-based management plugin

Support Bukkit branch such as Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Purpur

Support 1.13.x-1.19.x, 1.16.x-1.19.x tested

Provide complete language files, welcome pr other language files

1.12 and below are not supported, Sponge core is not supported, Does not support Mohist/Arclight/CatServer etc. any server core with mod support added, handling of MOD entities is not supported(You can use it, but please don't report any problems here)

Release Downloads

support function

All of the following configurations can be configured individually by world(Under global are the global settings, Under each.<world name> are the settings for individual worlds)

  • control entity explosion
  • prevent fire from spreading
  • prevent fire from destroying blocks
  • protect farmland from being trampled by entities
  • prevent entity transformation (villager, witch, zombie villager, drowned)
  • prevent enderman from lifting blocks
  • straighten itself when making armorstand spawn(made armorstand have two hands by default)
  • keep items on death
  • preserve experiences on death
  • prevent the use of the bed
  • prevent the use of respawn anchor
  • prevent players from using commands(The function of command transform will skip this detection)
  • command transform enter command a to use command b(can trigger multiple commands)(supports the transfer of console commands)
  • restrict entity generation(percentage)





pr other language files are welcome

how to configure

# The configuration under global is the global configuration
      enable: false
      cancel: false
  disable_fire_spread: false
  disable_fire_burn: false
  # other configuration is omitted here...

# The configuration under each is the configuration of a separate world
  # !! In actual processing, the configuration of the corresponding world will be found first, if not found, the configuration in global will be used !!
  # Here you only need to write a configuration different from global, the same can be omitted
  # Here example_world1 and example_world2 are used as world names, and they are changed to the names of their own worlds in actual use.
  # such as world or world_nether, etc.
  # World names are case-sensitive, no extra spaces
  # If you don't know the name of your world, you can use the client (requires permission) to execute bm world to view the name of the world you are currently in.
        enable: true
        cancel: false
    disable_fire_spread: false
    disable_fire_burn: false
        enable: true
        cancel: false
    disable_fire_spread: true
    disable_fire_burn: true
  # other configuration is omitted here...

According to the above configuration

In the world example_world1, creeper explosions do not break blocks

In the world example_world2, fire does not spread and burn blocks

In all other worlds, creeper explosions break blocks, fire spreads and burns blocks


The main command of the plugin is boom, including the alias bm, if it conflicts with other plugin commands, please use boom -/bm reload Reload plugin -/bm debug Toggles acceptance of debug messages -/bm world View current world name -/bm sun Toggle current world weather to sunny for the next 10 minutes -/bm sun <world> Toggles specifying that the world weather will be sunny for the next 10 minutes -/bm sun <world> <duration> Toggles the specified world weather to be sunny for the next specified period of time -/bm rain Toggle current world weather to rain for the next 10 minutes -/bm rain <world> Toggles specifying world weather to be rain for the next 10 minutes -/bm rain <world> <duration> Toggle the specified world weather to rain for the next specified duration -/bm thunder Toggle current world weather to thunderstorms for the next 10 minutes -/bm thunder <world> Toggles specifying world weather to be thunderstorms for the next 10 minutes -/bm thunder <world> <duration> Toggles the specified world weather to be thunderstorms for the next specified duration -/bm ls Toggle current world weather to sunny for the next hour -/bm stick Get the debug stick(used to modify armor stands and display frames)


  • boom.admin Allow use of plugin directives

  • boom.bypass.command Allow skipping instruction filtering

  • All weather commands are allowed

    child permission node

    • Allow to switch the weather to sunny

    • Allow to switch weather to rain

    • Allow switching weather to thunderstorm

  • boom.stick Allows getting the debug stick, modifying armor stand and item frame with the debug stick


known issues

  • Armor Stand Debug Stick Sneak-clicking on an armorstand to modify its hitbox sometimes triggers twice in a row

    Solution: Sneak and click on the block close to the armorstand

  • Lightning protection for villagers will prevent villagers from becoming zombie villagers(killed by zombies is directly dead) already fixed

update record

2021.01.07 插件发布-1.0.0
2021.01.07 插件更新-1.0.1(添加reload指令)
2021.01.11 插件更新-1.0.2(添加阻止时的粒子、音效自定义内容)
2021.01.18 插件更新-1.0.3(修复bug)
2021.02.01 插件更新-1.0.4(添加阻止蝙蝠生成的选项)(主要是自己的空岛服要用XD)
2021.02.09 插件更新-1.0.5  (添加禁用指令的使用和tab补全)
2021.02.14 插件更新-1.0.6(移除单独的阻止蝙蝠生成选项,添加所有生物的概率生成/禁用生成)
2021.02.21 插件更新-1.1.0(重写部分代码,优化性能,添加农田保护,火焰蔓延开关,指令转接/指令简化)
2021.02.22 插件更新-1.1.1(添加保护村民不被雷击转化成女巫的保护)
2021.02.23 插件更新-1.1.2(添加展示框调整工具,允许使用调试棒切换可见/可交互)
2021.02.25 插件更新-1.2.0(修复bug,优化代码,调整默认配置文件)
2021.02.25 插件更新-1.2.1(新增盔甲架调试功能,允许使用调试棒切换可见/可交互)
2021.03.02 插件更新-1.2.2(修复bug,新增更新检查)
2021.03.06 插件更新-1.2.3(修复bug,新增天气控制)
2021.03.07 插件更新-1.2.4(修复bug,新增玩家使用禁用命令后控制台执行命令)
2021.03.28 插件更新-1.2.5(修复bug,修改禁用指令的格式,新增模糊匹配)
2021.05.23 插件更新-1.3.0(修复bug,新增按世界配置禁用指令,优化盔甲架调试功能,添加bstats统计数据)
2021.06.12 插件更新-1.3.1(删除遗留的调试信息)
2021.06.12 插件更新-1.3.2(修复帮助信息不显示的问题)
2021.11.07 插件更新-1.3.3(修复help指令显示的错误内容)
2022.06.23 插件更新-2.0.0(用kotlin重写,并且修复高版本无法阻止使用床的问题,新增死亡掉落相关设置, 优化处理流程, 增加debug日志)

