From 379b8d26fa344f11666cbe4aec2106155d58a589 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 55Honey <> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:59:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] feat: add chat handler support requires --- CarbonCopy.lua | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/CarbonCopy.lua b/CarbonCopy.lua index cba768b..9f80663 100644 --- a/CarbonCopy.lua +++ b/CarbonCopy.lua @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ cc_scriptIsBusy = 0 CharDBQuery('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `'..Config.customDbName..'`;'); CharDBQuery('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` (`account_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `tickets` INT(11) DEFAULT 0, `allow_copy_from_id` INT(11) DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`) );'); -function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) +function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command, chatHandler) local commandArray = cc_splitString(command) if commandArray[2] ~= nil then @@ -85,25 +85,25 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) end if cc_scriptIsBusy ~= 0 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The server is currently busy. Please try again in a few seconds.") - print("CarbonCopy user request failed because the script has a scheduled task.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The server is currently busy. Please try again in a few seconds.") + PrintInfo("CarbonCopy user request failed because the script has a scheduled task.") return false end if commandArray[1] == "carboncopy" then if player == nil then - print("This command con not be run from the console, but only from the character to copy.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("This command can not be run from the console, but only from the character to copy.") end -- make sure the player is properly ranked if player:GetGMRank() < Config.minGMRankForCopy then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You lack permisisions to execute this command.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You lack permisisions to execute this command.") cc_resetVariables() return false end -- provide syntax help if commandArray[2] == "help" then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Syntax: .carboncopy $NewCharacterName") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Syntax: .carboncopy $NewCharacterName") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) oldTickets = Config.freeTickets CharDBExecute('REPLACE INTO `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` VALUES ('..accountId..', '..Config.freeTickets..', 0) ;') end - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You currently have "..oldTickets.." tickets available for CarbonCopy.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You currently have "..oldTickets.." tickets available for CarbonCopy.") cc_resetVariables() return false end -- check maxLevel if player:GetLevel() > Config.maxLevel then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The character you want to copy from is too high level. Max level is "..Config.maxLevel..". Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The character you want to copy from is too high level. Max level is "..Config.maxLevel..". Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) --check for target character to be on same account local Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('SELECT `account` FROM `characters` WHERE `name` = "'..targetName..'" LIMIT 1;'); if Data_SQL == nil then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end local targetAccountId = Data_SQL:GetUInt32(0) Data_SQL = nil if targetAccountId ~= accountId then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The requested character is not on the same account. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The requested character is not on the same account. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Data_SQL ~= nil then newCharacter = Data_SQL:GetUInt32(0) else - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Config.ticketCost == "single" then if availableTickets ~= nil and availableTickets <= 0 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -187,18 +187,18 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) until ticket_Cost[n] ~= nil requiredTickets = ticket_Cost[n] if availableTickets ~= nil and availableTickets <= 0 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end if availableTickets < requiredTickets then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You do not have enough Carbon Copy tickets to execute this command. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end Data_SQL = nil else - print("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Config.ticketCost is neither set to \"single\" nor \"level\".") + PrintError("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Config.ticketCost is neither set to \"single\" nor \"level\".") end --check for target character to be same class/race @@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) Data_SQL = nil if sourceRace ~= targetRace then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The requested character is not the same race as this character. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The requested character is not the same race as this character. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end if sourceClass ~= targetClass then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The requested character is not the same class as this character. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The requested character is not the same class as this character. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -229,13 +229,13 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Data_SQL ~= nil then cc_cinematic = Data_SQL:GetUInt16(0) if cc_cinematic == 1 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The requested character has been logged in already. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The requested character has been logged in already. Aborting.") cc_cinematic = nil cc_resetVariables() return false end else - print("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Could not read characters.cinematic from cc_playerGUID "..newCharacter..".") + PrintError("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Could not read characters.cinematic from cc_playerGUID "..newCharacter..".") end -- check if target character is logged in currently in case cinematic wasnt already written to db @@ -244,20 +244,20 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Data_SQL ~= nil then cc_online = Data_SQL:GetUInt16(0) if cc_online == 1 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("The requested character has been logged in already. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The requested character has been logged in already. Aborting.") cc_online = nil cc_resetVariables() return false end else - print("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Could not read from cc_playerGUID "..newCharacter..".") + PrintError("Unhandled exception in CarbonCopy. Could not read from cc_playerGUID "..newCharacter..".") end -- check source characters location local cc_mapId cc_mapId = player:GetMapId() if not cc_has_value(cc_maps, cc_mapId) then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("You are not in an allowed map. Try again outside/not in a dungeon.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("You are not in an allowed map. Try again outside/not in a dungeon.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -273,12 +273,12 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) --fetch all required variables before 1st yield cc_playerString = player:GetClassAsString(0) - print("1) The player with GUID "..cc_playerGUID.." has succesfully initiated the .carboncopy command. Target character: "..cc_newCharacter); - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Copy started. You have been charged "..requiredTickets.." ticket(s) for this action. There are "..availableTickets - requiredTickets.." ticket()s left.") - player:SendBroadcastMessage("STAY logged in for one minute!") - player:SendBroadcastMessage("RIMANENTE connessi per un minuto!") - player:SendBroadcastMessage("MANTENTE conectado por un minuto!") - player:SendBroadcastMessage("BLEIB eingeloggt für eine Minute!") + PrintInfo("1) The player with GUID "..cc_playerGUID.." has succesfully initiated the .carboncopy command. Target character: "..cc_newCharacter); + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Copy started. You have been charged "..requiredTickets.." ticket(s) for this action. There are "..availableTickets - requiredTickets.." ticket()s left.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("STAY logged in for one minute!") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("RIMANENTE connessi per un minuto!") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("MANTENTE conectado por un minuto!") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("BLEIB eingeloggt für eine Minute!") cc_eventId = CreateLuaEvent(cc_resumeSubRoutine, 1000, 10) @@ -525,18 +525,18 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) return false end if commandArray[2] == "help" then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") cc_resetVariables() return false end if commandArray[2] == nil or commandArray[3] == nil then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Expected syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Expected syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") cc_resetVariables() return false end if tonumber(commandArray[3]) > 1000 or tonumber(commandArray[3]) < 0 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Too large or negative amount chosen for .addcctickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large or negative amount chosen for .addcctickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Data_SQL ~= nil then accountId = Data_SQL:GetUInt32(0) else - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Player name not found. Expected syntax: .addcctickets [CharacterName] [Amount]") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Player name not found. Expected syntax: .addcctickets [CharacterName] [Amount]") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) Data_SQL = nil if oldTickets >= 1000 or oldTickets < 0 then - player:SendBroadcastMessage("Too large total amount tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large total amount tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -570,25 +570,24 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('DELETE FROM `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` WHERE `account_id` = '..accountId..';'); Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('INSERT INTO `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` VALUES ('..accountId..', '..commandArray[3] + oldTickets..', 0);'); Data_SQL = nil - print("GM "..player:GetName().. " has sucessfully used the .addcctickets command, adding "..commandArray[3].." tickets to the account "..accountId.." which belongs to player "..commandArray[2]..".") - player:SendBroadcastMessage("GM "..player:GetName().. " has sucessfully used the .addcctickets command, adding "..commandArray[3].." tickets to the account "..accountId.." which belongs to player "..commandArray[2]..".") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("GM "..player:GetName().. " has sucessfully used the .addcctickets command, adding "..commandArray[3].." tickets to the account "..accountId.." which belongs to player "..commandArray[2]..".") cc_resetVariables() return false else --player is nil, must be the console. no need to check gm rank and print to console only. not chat if commandArray[2] == "help" then - print("Syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") cc_resetVariables() return false end if commandArray[2] == nil or commandArray[3] == nil then - print("Expected syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Expected syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") cc_resetVariables() return false end if tonumber(commandArray[3]) > 1000 or tonumber(commandArray[3]) < 0 then - print("Too large or negative amount chosen for .addcctickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large or negative amount chosen for .addcctickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -597,7 +596,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) if Data_SQL ~= nil then accountId = Data_SQL:GetUInt32(0) else - print("Player name not found. Expected syntax: .addcctickets [CharacterName] [Amount]") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Player name not found. Expected syntax: .addcctickets [CharacterName] [Amount]") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -612,7 +611,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) Data_SQL = nil if oldTickets >= 1000 or oldTickets < 0 then - print("Too large total amount tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large total amount tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -622,7 +621,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('DELETE FROM `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` WHERE `account_id` = '..accountId..';'); Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('INSERT INTO `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` VALUES ('..accountId..', '..commandArray[3] + oldTickets..', 0);'); Data_SQL = nil - print("The console has sucessfully used the .addcctickets command, adding "..commandArray[3].." tickets to the account "..accountId.." which belongs to player "..commandArray[2]..".") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("The console has sucessfully used the .addcctickets command, adding "..commandArray[3].." tickets to the account "..accountId.." which belongs to player "..commandArray[2]..".") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -631,7 +630,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) local Data_SQL Data_SQL = AuthDBQuery('SELECT `id` FROM `account` WHERE `username` = "'..commandArray[2]..'";') if Data_SQL == nil then - print("CCACCOUNTTICKETS to "..commandArray[2].." has failed.") + PrintError("CCACCOUNTTICKETS to "..commandArray[2].." has failed.") cc_resetVariables() return false else @@ -639,7 +638,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) end if tonumber(commandArray[3]) > 1000 or tonumber(commandArray[3]) < 0 then - print("Too large or negative amount chosen for .CCACCOUNTTICKETS: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large or negative amount chosen for .CCACCOUNTTICKETS: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed is +1000.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -652,7 +651,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command) end if oldTickets >= 1000 or oldTickets < 0 then - print("Too large total amount tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Too large total amount of tickets: "..commandArray[3]..". Max allowed total is +1000. Current value: "..oldTickets) cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -677,7 +676,7 @@ function cc_fixItems() end GetPlayerByGUID(cc_playerGUID):SendBroadcastMessage("Character copy done. You can log out now.") - print("2) Item enchants/gems copied for new character with GUID "..cc_newCharacter); + PrintInfo("2) Item enchants/gems copied for new character with GUID "..cc_newCharacter); cc_newCharacter = 0 cc_oldItemGuids = {} cc_newItemGuids = {} From 6e7fab265af848d6fac776bafa2afd220a3aee74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 55Honey <> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 16:31:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] feat: more help, auto capitalisation --- CarbonCopy.lua | 14 +++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/CarbonCopy.lua b/CarbonCopy.lua index 9f80663..f6ec46a 100644 --- a/CarbonCopy.lua +++ b/CarbonCopy.lua @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command, chatHandler) if commandArray[1] == "carboncopy" then if player == nil then chatHandler:SendSysMessage("This command can not be run from the console, but only from the character to copy.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Expected syntax: .addcctickets $CharacterName $Amount") + return false end -- make sure the player is properly ranked if player:GetGMRank() < Config.minGMRankForCopy then @@ -132,12 +134,12 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command, chatHandler) cc_playerGUID = tostring(player:GetGUID()) cc_playerGUID = tonumber(cc_playerGUID) - local targetName = commandArray[2] + local targetName = commandArray[2]:gsub("^%l", string.upper) --check for target character to be on same account local Data_SQL = CharDBQuery('SELECT `account` FROM `characters` WHERE `name` = "'..targetName..'" LIMIT 1;'); if Data_SQL == nil then - chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check spelling. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command, chatHandler) if Data_SQL ~= nil then newCharacter = Data_SQL:GetUInt32(0) else - chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check capitalization and spelling. Aborting.") + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Name not found. Check spelling. Aborting.") cc_resetVariables() return false end @@ -659,6 +661,12 @@ function cc_CopyCharacter(event, player, command, chatHandler) CharDBExecute('REPLACE INTO `'..Config.customDbName..'`.`carboncopy` VALUES ('..accountId..', '..commandArray[3] + oldTickets..', 0) ;') cc_resetVariables() return false + elseif player ~= nil then + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("'CCACCOUNTTICKETS $accountName $amount' only works against SOAP / the console.") + return false + else + chatHandler:SendSysMessage("Expected Syntax: CCACCOUNTTICKETS $accountName $amount") + return false end end