Frame type "pS" Description position, speed, attitude Data Frame Start Frame type Data length Data comment Check 0x55 0x55 0x70 0x53 124 see below CRC_L CRC_H Data content: 0 uint32 week GPS week, seconds within GPS week: GPS time, accurate to milliseconds within a week 4 double timeOfWeek s 12 uint32 positionMode positionMode Positioning mode:0:Invalid 1: Single point solution 4: Fixed solution 5: Floating point solution 16 double latitude deg latitude 24 double longitude deg longitude 32 double height m height 40 uint32 numberOfSVs Number of satellites 44 float hdop horizontal component precision factor 48 float differential_age s differential time difference 52 uint32 vel_mode Speed mode: 0: Invalid 1: Doppler 2: Pure INS calculation 56 uint32 insStatus Inertial navigation status: 0: invalid 1: INS is in alignment 2: INS solution is not reliable 3: INS solution is good 4: Pure INS solution (no GNSS update) 60 uint32 insPositionType Inertial navigation positioning type:0: Invalid 1: Pseudo-range single point positioning/INS combination 4:RTK fixed solution/IN combination 5:RTK floating point 64 float north_vel m/s speed (north) 68 float east_vel m/s speed (east) 72 float up_vel m/s speed (up) 76 float roll deg roll angle 80 float pitch deg pitch angle 84 float heading deg yaw angle 88 float latitude_std Latitude standard deviation 92 float longitude_std Longitude standard deviation 96 float height_std Height standard deviation 100 float north_vel_std Speed (north) standard deviation 104 float east_vel_std Speed (East) standard deviation 108 float up_vel_std Speed (up) standard deviation 112 float roll_std roll angle standard deviation 116 float pitch_std pitch angle standard deviation 120 float heading_std yaw angle standard deviation