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Giedrius edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 9 revisions

Below is a list of implemented functions and their descriptions. SFP function names are case sensitive. Function IDs (decimal values) are given in the brackets next to every function.


setPrimary(int pinID) [01] and setSecondary(int pinID) [02]

Configures pin pinID to primary or secondary function. Secondary pin function should be enabled before calling any of the secondary functions (e.g. analog, pwm, spi, i2c).

Parameters: int pinID - pin number (0-33)

By default GPIO is always the primary function. Some pins don't have secondary functions - that is their secondary function is also GPIO. Secondary pin functions are shown in the table below.

pinID LPC pin Secondary function
0 PIO0_20 GPIO
2 PIO1_26 PWM1_2
3 PIO1_27 GPIO
4 PIO1_20 SPI1 SCK
6 PIO1_23 GPIO
7 PIO1_24 PWM1_0
9 PIO1_28 GPIO
10 PIO1_31 GPIO
11 PIO1_21 SPI1 MISO
14 PIO0_10 SPI0 SCK
15 PIO1_29 GPIO
16 PIO1_19 GPIO
17 PIO1_25 PWM1_1
18 PIO1_16 GPIO
19 PIO0_19 UART TX
20 PIO0_18 UART RX
21 PIO0_17 GPIO
22 PIO1_15 PWM0_2
23 PIO0_23 ADC7
24 PIO0_22 ADC6
25 PIO0_16 ADC5
26 PIO0_15 ADC4
27 PIO1_22 GPIO
28 PIO1_14 PWM0_1
29 PIO1_13 PWM0_0
30 PIO0_14 ADC3
31 PIO0_13 ADC2
32 PIO0_12 ADC1
33 PIO0_11 ADC0

pinMode(int pinID, int pinMode) [03]

Configures GPIO pin mode. Pin should be set to GPIO function before configuring its GPIO mode.


int pinID - pin number (0-33)

int pinMode - pin mode: 0 - input (high Z), 1 - output, 2 - input (pull down), 4 - input (pull up)

digitalWrite(int pinID, int value) [04]

Sets GPIO output high or low.


int pinID - pin number (0-33)

int value - digital output value: 0 - LOW, 1 - HIGH

digitalRead (int pinID) [05]

Reads digital state of the GPIO pin.


int pinID - pin number (0-33)

Returns message digitalRead(int pinID, int value) [8], where the value is 0 (LOW state) or 1 (HIGH state)

attachInterrupt(int interruptID, int pinID, int mode) [06]

Attaches GPIO interrupt service to the specified pin. There is a total of 8 interrupts which can be attached to any pin. Interrupts can be configured to trigger at HIGH or LOW state or at RISING, FALLING or both edges. When the interrupt is triggered, device sends message interrupt(int interruptID, int event) [9], where event has the same meaning as mode.


int interruptID - interrupt number (0-7)

int pinID - pin number (0-33)

int mode - interrupt trigger mode: 0-LEVEL LOW, 1-LEVEL HIGH, 2-EDGE CHANGE, 3-EDGE RISE, 4-EDGE FALL.

detachInterrupt(int interruptID) [07]

Detaches (disables) specified GPIO interrupt.


int interruptID - interrupt number (0-7)

Analog (ADC)

analogRead(int analogPinID) [10]


int analogPinID - analog pin number (0-7), corresponds to ADC0-ADC7 pins.

Returns message analogRead(int analogPinID, int value) [11], where value is 10 bit ADC read value.


pwm0_begin(int period) [50] and pwm1_begin(int period) [60]

Enables and configures PWM module. Each PWM module has 3 channels. PWM signal period (and frequency) is the same for all channels in one PWM module, but the signal high time (and duty cycle) can be different. PWM channels that are in the same module are synchronized.


int period - PWM signal period in microseconds. 16 bit value (1-65536) for PWM0 and 32bit value for PWM1.

pwm0_set(int channel, int high_time) [51] and pwm1_set(int channel, int high_time) [61]

Sets the high time of the PWM channel.


int channel - PWM channel number (0-2)

int high_time - PWM signal high time in microseconds. 16 bit value (0-65535) for PWM0 and 32bit value for PWM1. This value should be less than PWM period or undefined behavior might occur.

pwm0_end() [52] and pwm1_end() [62]

Stops the PWM module.


spi0_begin(int divider, int mode) [20]

Starts and configures SPI module. This function configure device to master mode. Slave mode is not supported.


int divider - SCK signal frequency divider value (1-256). The primary SCK signal frequency is 2MHz.

int mode - standart SPI mode number (0-3) which determines clock polarity and phase (

spi0_trans(byte[] data, int respond) [21]

Executes SPI transaction. User should manually (using GPIO functions) drive slave select line low when executing the transaction. Depending on respond value, the device can send back the data that it received from the slave by sending message spi0_trans(byte[] slaveData) [23].


byte[] data - bytes which will be sent to the slave.

int respond - value which tells if device should send back slave data: 0 - do not send, 1 - send back slave data.

spi0_end() [22]

Disables the SPI module.


i2c_begin() [40]

Initializes I2C module.

i2c_trans(int address, byte[] writeData, int readLength) [41]

Executes I2C MASTER WRITE and MASTER READ transactions. The data received during MASTER READ transaction is sent back to the host via i2c_trans(int address, byte[] receivedData) message. If error occurs during transactions i2c_trans(int address, int errorCode) [43] is sent back to the host.


int address - slave device address.

byte[] writeData - byte array which will be sent to the slave during MASTER WRITE. If blob size is 0 MASTER WRITE transaction is skipped.

int readLength - number of bytes to read during MASTER READ transaction. If readLength is 0 MASTER READ transaction is not executed.

i2c_end() [42]

Disables I2C module.


registerWrite(int registerAddress, int value) [100]

Writes a value directly to the device register located at registerAddress.

registerRead(int registerAddress) [101]

Reads a register value. Responds with registerRead(int registerAddress, int registerValue) [102] message.

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