- Improved t_inputs and tp_inputs definitions for praga and icon models
- Removed deprecated test functions
- Fixed contouring inheritance from recipes
- Merge step values recursing into dicts (#175)
- Fix building magics command for add_grib (#176)
- added
- support
to represent stdin in arkimaps dispatch (#171) - fixed tests on new eccodes versions (#174)
- fixed matching eccodes output when no problems have been found
- added arkimapslib.polyfill to the packaged modules (#173)
- restored stdin (#171)
- fixed errors in contour lists in cape/capecin/thetae925 recipes
- added tsnowp variable for ICON model
- capture and log noisy
stderr - detailed validation and linting of recipe definitions, including Magics macro parameters (#165)
- added TCW product for ICON model
- fixed total snowfall calculation for ICON model
- improved linting process via pydantic (#164)
- fixed extremes for bic product
- extended extremes for bic product
- fixed custom boundaries for wmax product
- extended extremes for dda, et, eta, ta, tclim, tpaperc, tpclim products
- fixed LPI legend
- Added LPI product
- Fixed recipes for litota3 and hzero products
- Documented output bundle json structure (#162)
- Fixed preview after order refactoring (#163)
- Better validation of the output of a render script (#164)
- Minor fixes in ICON products definitions
- Added initial documentation for outputbundle (#159)
- Updated emro shapefile
- Added info about legend and georeferencing in
(#149) - Added Python API to read PNG and metadata (#149)
- Map cylindrical projection to EPSG:4326 (#158)
- Updated contouring for snow fall
- Updated contouring for total precipitation
- Do not dispatch inputs not needed by recipes selected by flavour (#87)
- Deal with time units in arkimet timeranges (#157)
- Fixed serialization of ModelStep steps (#154)
- Added
product - Added hzero, visibility for icon
- Fixed t2m query for grib2 data
- Fixed redundancy in product summary (#153)
- Support GDAL < 3.3.0 version check in Python API
- Implemented recipe inheritance (#123)
- Added
arkimaps lint
to do consistency checking of recipes (#146) - Added postprocessors
- Added postprocessor "cutshape" (#74)
- Added
- Implemented
arkimet: skip
andeccodes: skip
(#147) - Add
directories to static paths (#144) - Added json output documentation (#143)
- Added multiple PRAGA products
- Added some ADRIAC products (#141)
- Added GRIB2 products (variables at various hPa levels)
- Implemented rectangular tiles (#135)
- Fixed a bug in
arkimaps preview
- Implemented macrotiles processing (8x8) (#126)
- Added products (wind speed for various hPa levels)
- Minor fixes in descriptions and palettes
- Added legend to tile output (#46)
- Added
output with a recap of the rendered contents (#124) - Added the possibility to have custom field in recipes (#124)
- Added output files and tools to analyze production times (#125)
- Improved performance (Render using generated render scripts instead of multiprocessing.Pool) #128
- Allow to override
, andcomp_full_steps
, indecumulate
derived inputs (#112, #122) - Various cosmetic improvements to recipes
- Added wmax grib2
- Switching language (and README.md) in English
- Aggiunti prodotti grib2 (t2m, uv10m, mslp, tp, 2d/rh2m, cc, sf)
- Aggiunta area
- Verifica formato
per i flavour (#116) - Nuovi prodotti (vedere doc/prodotti/README.md per dettagli) :
- sst (sea surface temperature)
- tcw (total column water)
- tcwwind (total column water + wind 850hPa 500hPa)
- frzrain (freezing rain)
- Aggiunto prodotto snow fraction (#38)
- Aggiunto tipo di input sffraction
- Aggiunti filtri per calcolare variabili derivate solo da modelli specifici
- Correzione bug minori
- Nuovi prodotti (vedere doc/prodotti/README.md per dettagli) :
- hzero (#5)
- vis (#103)
- cc (#104)
- thomindex (#105)
- kindex (#106)
- cape (#107)
- capecin (#107)
- capeshear (#107)
- thetaePV (#108)
- thetae925 (#108)
- t2mavg (#109)
- Nuovi tipi di input (vedere doc/INPUTS.rst per dettagli):
- groundtomsl
- expr
- average
- Estesa documentazione
- Nuovi prodotti (vedere README.md nella dir doc/prodotti per dettagli) :
- rhw700/850/900 (#94)
- jet (#93)
- wmaxw10m
- sf
- mslpw10m (#95)
- w10mbeaufort (#96)
- Migliorata spazializzazione flag vento (#98)
- Bug fix minori
- Aggiunto il rendering di tile (#45)
- Differenziati plot per reftime permettendo gestione corse multiple e analisi (#88, #77)
- Modificata sintassi della modalità preview (#89)
- Modificata struttura output e nomi dei file prodotti (#42, #77)
- Introdotta validazione input (#85)
askimaps preview
permette di omettere lo step, e di specificare il reference time (#89)
- Aggiunti file per pacchettizzazione e distribuzione (#76)
- Test suite (#52)
- Aggiunto glossario e workflow ricette
- Corretta la documentazione degli input delle ricette (#79)
- Aggiunta opzione
per rendering diretto di grib - Migliorata documentazione
- Parzialmente introdotti campi erg5
- Aggiunta di varianti ("flavour") per il rendering
- Implementato un set di aree per i plottaggi incluso una versione per visualizzazioni a layer priva di riferimenti cartografici e georeferenziabile
- Aggiunta di tipologie di prodotti:
- precipitazione
- vento
- plot combinati (es.: geopotenziale, temperatura e vento a vari livelli di pressione)
- Implementata una modalità
che permette di testare le singole ricette generando contestualmente uno script python autoconsistente utile per isolare/analizzare problematiche
This is a pre-release featuring png outputs with a static area and fixed backround for the following plots:
- total cloud cover
- high/medium/low cloud cover
- mean sea level pressure
- temperature at 2 metres
- maximum wind gust
- temperature at 500/750/800/925 hPa
- geopotential at 500/750/800/925 hPa