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ASU RFI Component

The ASU RFI Component is a React-powered Request for Information form. It is intended to be implemented by a CMS module/plugin/extension that must provide a local endpoint at (TODO ADD PATH OR PROP?) to recieve the component's submission payload and add the host's source ID (which serves as an API key and identifier) to the payload, and then send it off to the RFI submissions service which processes and routes the submissions to Undergrad, Grad, and ASUOnline middleware destinations so that the RFI request ultimately lands in the appropriate Salesforce destination.

Installation and Requirements

If you use the ASU RFI component through Webspark 2 or another CMS that has implemented the component, all of the below will have been done for you. Simply enable the module/extension/plugin. You will still need to supply a Source ID.

If you are a developer integrating the RFI component into your CMS or app, read on:

React and React-DOM are required as peer dependencies. Install with: yarn add react react-dom

@asu/unity-bootstrap-theme is required as a peer dependency in your project. Install the latest version with the following command: yarn add @asu/unity-bootstrap-theme@dev

Make sure to have included FontAwesome in your project to allow icons to be shown: yarn add @asu/components-core@dev

Additionally, Google Tag Manager (GTM) and a dataLayer should be provided by the site launching the RFI component so Google Analytics data can be properly included as hidden field data in submissions. See the Header Guide on for details about GTM options to fit your ASU site.

You must have a Source ID configured in your host site in order to successfully send RFI submissions to the RFI submissions service.

RECOMMENDED: See /example/rfi.html for a complete, HTML + vanilla Javascript example of incorporating the RFI component into an HTML page and launching it. Includes example and description of the props to use to configure the RFI form. It should work if you open the file in your browser, allowing you to get to know the RFI component.

See the the Unity Storybook for the RFI component for example configurations to match various use-cases.

Requesting a Source ID

TODO - details to come

ASU RFI component architectural overview:

  • Top level app: src/components/AsuRfi/AsuRfi.js
  • ... which invokes the main form which defines the form steps: src/components/steps/RfiMainForm.js
  • ... which instantiates the RfiStepper component wherein the Formik component is defined: src/components/stepper/RfiStepper.js
  • ... which calls the various step forms with their independent validation schemas: src/components/steps/*.js
  • ... field input components live in src/components/controls
  • Final submission handler is invoked in RfiMainForm.js. TODO: make separate function in its own file for the submission.
  • Custom form input components live in src/components/controls/*.js and are styled using the styled-components library.

This pattern is based on example code found at

Developer note: When adding new form-custom-control field input types, don't forget to register them in controls/index.js. You'll be scratching your head until you do.

Documentation to consult when developing with the RFI component

Services consulted by the RFI Component

Component props documentation

You can find a full list of props into the docs/