diff --git a/locales/zhCN.lua b/locales/zhCN.lua index 2747b999b9..681035810c 100644 --- a/locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/locales/zhCN.lua @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ local L = app.L; L.FLIGHT_PATHS = "飞行路线"; L.KNOWN_BY = "已知 "; L["REQUIRES"] = "要求" -- Requires - --TODO: L.INVALID_BLIZZARD_DATA = "INVALID BLIZZARD DATA "; - --TODO: L.MISSING_IN_ATT = "MISSING IN ATT "; - --TODO: L.RACE_LOCKED = "Race Locked"; + L.INVALID_BLIZZARD_DATA = "无效的暴雪数据 "; + L.MISSING_IN_ATT = "在ATT中缺失 "; + L.RACE_LOCKED = "种族锁定"; L.PLEASE_REPORT_MESSAGE = ": 请把错误报告给ATT Discord的#errors! 谢谢!"; L.NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_PL = "在个人拾取中不可用."; L.MARKS_OF_HONOR_DESC = "荣耀印记必须在弹出窗口中查看才能看到所有正常的'包含'内容\n(在聊天中输入'/att '然后Shift-点击链接的物品)"; --TODO: L.ITEM_GIVES_REP = "Provides Reputation with '"; - --TODO: L.COST = "Cost"; - --TODO: L.COST_DESC = "This contains the visual breakdown of what is required to obtain or purchase this Thing"; + L.COST = "花费"; + L.COST_DESC = "这里面包含了获得或购买这个物品所需要的物品"; L.WRONG_FACTION = "可能需要在另一个阵营中查看此内容."; L.ARTIFACT_INTRO_REWARD = "完成该神器的介绍任务后获得."; L.WE_JUST_HATE_TIMEWALKING = "时光难度为物品创建新的源ID, 尽管它们的名称、外观和在收藏选项卡中的显示完全相同.\n\n向暴雪开发部提出请求: 请清理源码数据库让时光/泰坦造物物品使用相同的源码作为基础, 前提是外观和名称完全相同. 这不仅会让数据库变得更加干净, 而且会让完成者们对更多的时光内容的感到兴奋而不是恐惧.\n\n - Crieve, 非常苦逼的战网完成度, 本来有99%的奥杜尔完成度, 现在只有64%, 因为暴雪团队复制了源码, 而不是重复使用现有的源码."; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ local L = app.L; L.UPON_COMPLETION = "前置条件"; L.UPON_COMPLETION_DESC = "以上任务需要完成后才能够完成以下的事情."; L.QUEST_CHAIN_REQ = "任务链要求"; - L.QUEST_CHAIN_REQ_DESC = "在能够完成最终任务之前需要完成以下任务.\n\n|cffff6512注意: 战网范围内的任务跟踪将导致该窗口的行为不准确!|r"; + L.QUEST_CHAIN_REQ_DESC = "在能够完成最终任务之前需要完成以下任务.\n\n|cffff6512注意: 战网范围内的任务追踪将导致该窗口的行为不准确!|r"; L.AH_SEARCH_NO_ITEMS_FOUND = "搜索中找不到缓存的物品. 展开组并查看物品缓存名称, 然后重试. 使用此搜索只能找到BOE物品."; L.AH_SEARCH_BOE_ONLY = "使用此搜索只能找到BOE物品."; L.TSM_WARNING_1 = "运行此命令可能会通过将物品重新分配到 "; @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ local L = app.L; L.COMPLETED_MONTHLY = "这个可以每月完成."; L.COMPLETED_YEARLY = "这个可以每年完成."; L.COMPLETED_MULTIPLE = "这个可以重复多次."; - --TODO: L.CRITERIA_FOR = "Criteria for"; + L.CRITERIA_FOR = "准则"; --TODO: L.LOOT_TABLE_CHANCE = "Loot Table Chance"; --TODO: L.BEST_BONUS_ROLL_CHANCE = "Best Bonus Roll Chance"; --TODO: L.BEST_PERSONAL_LOOT_CHANCE = "Best Personal Loot Chance"; @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ local L = app.L; --TODO: L.TWO_CLOAKS = "|cffFF0000These two cloaks have very limited confirmed drops if any and are presumed broken!|r"; L.OGOM_THE_MANGLER_DESC = "|cffFF0000绞肉机奥戈姆似乎只是在你做每日突袭钢铁军工厂的时候刷新的. 这个任务从军团开始后就没有激活过, 可购买的任务密报:突袭钢铁军工厂也不能用了.|r"; L.HOLYDAY_DESC = "你可能需要在特定的节日活动中才能完成本节中的事物."; - L.DIFF_COMPLETED_1 = "你已经收集了这个难度的所有东西. 切换到 "; + L.DIFF_COMPLETED_1 = "你已经收集了这个难度的所有物品. 切换到 "; L.DIFF_COMPLETED_2 = " 来代替."; L.MINI_LIST = "迷你列表"; L.MINI_LIST_DESC = "该列表包含了当前区域的相关信息而这些信息在ATT数据库中找不到"; @@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ local L = app.L; L.CACHED_RECIPES_1 = "缓存 "; L.CACHED_RECIPES_2 = " 已知配方!"; L.WORLD_QUESTS = "世界任务"; - L.WORLD_QUESTS_DESC = "这些都是世界任务和其他有时间限制的东西, 目前可以在某个地方获得. 去得到他们!"; + L.WORLD_QUESTS_DESC = "这些都是世界任务和其他有时间限制的事物, 目前可以在某个地方获得. 去得到他们!"; L.UPDATE_WORLD_QUESTS = "立即更新世界任务"; - L.UPDATE_WORLD_QUESTS_DESC = "有时世界任务API很慢或无法返回新数据. 如果希望在不更改区域的情况下强制刷新数据,请立即单击此按钮!\n\nAlt+单击以包括当前可用的东西, 可能不受时间限制"; + L.UPDATE_WORLD_QUESTS_DESC = "有时世界任务API很慢或无法返回新数据. 如果希望在不更改区域的情况下强制刷新数据,请立即单击此按钮!\n\nAlt+单击以包括当前可用的事物, 可能不受时间限制"; L.CLEAR_WORLD_QUESTS = "清除世界任务"; L.CLEAR_WORLD_QUESTS_DESC = "点击清除世界任务框架内的当前信息"; L.ALL_THE_ITEMS_FOR_ACHIEVEMENTS_DESC = "所有可以用来获得成就的物品都会显示在这里."; @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ local L = app.L; L.TITLE_UNIQUE_APPEARANCE = "独特外观 "; L.TITLE_DEBUG = "调试 "; L.TITLE_ACCOUNT = "战网 "; - --TODO: L.TITLE_MAIN_ONLY = " (Main Only)"; + L.TITLE_MAIN_ONLY = " (仅自己)"; --TODO: L.TITLE_NONE_THINGS = "None of the Things "; L.TITLE_ONLY = " 仅 "; --TODO: L.TITLE_INSANE = "Insane " ; @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ local L = app.L; L.TWITCH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "单击按钮复制url到我的Twitch频道.\n\n可以在我直播的时候问问题, 我会尽力回答!"; L.DISCORD_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "单击按钮复制url到ALL THE THINGS Discord.\n\n可以与其他收藏家分享进步/挫折!"; L.DEBUG_MODE = "|Cff15abff调试模式|r (显示所有)"; - L.DEBUG_MODE_TOOLTIP = "就字面意思... 游戏中的所有事情. PERIOD. DOT. 是的, 所有的一切. 即使是不可收藏的物品, 如袋子、消耗品、试剂等也会出现在列表中. (甚至你自己! 不, 是真的. 看.)\n\n这仅用于调试目的. 不用于完成跟踪.\n\n此模式绕过所有过滤, 包括不可获得的."; + L.DEBUG_MODE_TOOLTIP = "就字面意思... 游戏中的所有事情. PERIOD. DOT. 是的, 所有的一切. 即使是不可收藏的事物, 如袋子、消耗品、试剂等也会出现在列表中. (甚至你自己! 不, 是真的. 看.)\n\n这仅用于调试目的. 不用于完成追踪.\n\n此模式绕过所有过滤, 包括不可获得的."; L.UNIQUE_MODE = "|CFFADD8E6独特|r (外观)"; L.UNIQUE_MODE_TOOLTIP = "启用该模式, 一旦独特外观被收集将认为收集所有具有相同外观的物品.\n\n通过该模式'收集'的物品将以星号(*)标记. 这意味着你还没有收集到那个独特的外观来源."; L.COMPLETIONIST_MODE = "|CFFADD8E6完美主义|r (来源)"; @@ -245,225 +245,225 @@ local L = app.L; L["I_ONLY_CARE_ABOUT_MY_MAIN"] = "|cff3399ff我只关心我自己.|r" L.MAIN_ONLY_MODE_TOOLTIP = "如果你还想让att*假装*你赢得了所有未被其他种族或职业锁定的共享外观, 请启用此设置.\n\n例如, 如果你从ICC收集了一个仅限猎人使用的物品, 并且在没有职业/种族限制的情况下, 有一个来自副本的共享外观, 那么ATT将*假装*你也获得了该外观来源.\n\n注意: 以这种方式解锁时, 切换到其他种族/职业将错误地报告你已经获得了尚未为新角色收集的外观来源."; L.ACCOUNT_MODE = "|Cff00ab00战网模式|r (所有角色)"; - L.ACCOUNT_MODE_TOOLTIP = "如果要跟踪所有角色的所有内容, 而不考虑职业和种族筛选, 请启用此设置.\n\n不可获得过滤仍然适用."; + L.ACCOUNT_MODE_TOOLTIP = "如果要追踪所有角色的所有内容, 而不考虑职业和种族筛选, 请启用此设置.\n\n不可获得过滤仍然适用."; L.PRECISION_SLIDER = "百分比精确度"; L.PRECISION_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = '使用此选项可自定义百分比计算中所需的精度级别.\n\n默认: 2'; L.MINIMAP_SLIDER = "迷你地图按钮尺寸"; L.MINIMAP_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = '使用此选项可自定义迷你地图按钮的大小.\n\n默认: 36'; - L.THINGS_LABEL_TEXT = "你要跟踪哪些\"事物\"?"; + L.THINGS_LABEL_TEXT = "你要追踪哪些\"事物\"?"; L.ACHIEVEMENTS_CHECKBOX = "成就"; - L.ACHIEVEMENTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪成就."; + L.ACHIEVEMENTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪成就."; L.TMOG_CHECKBOX = "外观 / 幻化"; - L.TMOG_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪外观获取.\n\n注意: 禁用此选项也会禁用所有采集逻辑, 你可以使用此切换来防止在执行重要组内容时出现延迟, 请牢记, 重新启用后将需要进行计算.\n\n默认情况下跟踪战网范围."; + L.TMOG_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪外观获取.\n\n注意: 禁用此选项也会禁用所有采集逻辑, 你可以使用此切换来防止在执行重要组内容时出现延迟, 请牢记, 重新启用后将需要进行计算.\n\n默认情况下追踪战网范围."; L.AZERITE_ESSENCES_CHECKBOX = "艾泽里特精华"; - L.AZERITE_ESSENCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪艾泽里特精华.\n\n默认情况下每个角色都会被跟踪."; + L.AZERITE_ESSENCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪艾泽里特精华.\n\n默认情况下每个角色都会被追踪."; L.BATTLE_PETS_CHECKBOX = "战斗宠物 / 同伴"; - L.BATTLE_PETS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪战斗宠物和同伴. 这些可以在开放的世界中找到, 也可以通过各种地下城和团本中的boss掉落, 以及从供应商和声望获取.\n\n认情况下跟踪战网范围."; + L.BATTLE_PETS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪战斗宠物和同伴. 这些可以在开放的世界中找到, 也可以通过各种地下城和团本中的boss掉落, 以及从供应商和声望获取.\n\n认情况下追踪战网范围."; L.FLIGHT_PATHS_CHECKBOX = "飞行路径 / 飞艇"; - L.FLIGHT_PATHS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以跟踪飞行路径和飞艇.\n\n要收集这些信息, 请与每个大陆的飞行点/飞艇船长对话.\n\n注意: 由于分阶段技术, 你可能必须分阶段到区域的其他敌方, 以获得这些兴趣点的开启."; + L.FLIGHT_PATHS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪飞行路径和飞艇.\n\n要收集这些信息, 请与每个大陆的飞行点/飞艇船长对话.\n\n注意: 由于分阶段技术, 你可能必须分阶段到区域的其他敌方, 以获得这些兴趣点的开启."; L.FOLLOWERS_CHECKBOX = "随从"; - L.FOLLOWERS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪随从.\n\n即: 要塞随从, 德拉诺随从, BFA随从, SL随从."; + L.FOLLOWERS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪随从.\n\n即: 要塞随从, 德拉诺随从, BFA随从, SL随从."; L.HEIRLOOMS_CHECKBOX = "传家宝"; - L.HEIRLOOMS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪你是否已解锁传家宝及其各自的升级级别.\n\n具有相关外观的传家宝将通过外观过滤进行过滤. (关闭外观仍将显示传家宝本身)\n\n一些出现史诗品质的商品也有助于提升声望,可以通过声望过滤进行过滤."; + L.HEIRLOOMS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪你是否已解锁传家宝及其各自的升级级别.\n\n具有相关外观的传家宝将通过外观过滤进行过滤. (关闭外观仍将显示传家宝本身)\n\n一些出现史诗品质的商品也有助于提升声望,可以通过声望过滤进行过滤."; L.HEIRLOOMS_UPGRADES_CHECKBOX = "+升级"; - L.HEIRLOOMS_UPGRADES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可专门跟踪单个传家宝升级的收集情况.\n\n我们都知道暴雪就是喜欢消耗你的金币和灵魂, 所以用这个切换来追踪你的金币."; + L.HEIRLOOMS_UPGRADES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可专门追踪单个传家宝升级的收集情况.\n\n我们都知道暴雪就是喜欢消耗你的金币和灵魂, 所以用这个切换来追踪你的金币."; L.ILLUSIONS_CHECKBOX = "幻象"; - L.ILLUSIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以跟踪幻象.\n\n这些看起来很酷的幻化效果, 你可以应用到你的武器上!\n\n注意: 你不是一个幻象, 尽管所有的夜之子都这么认为.\n\n默认情况下的跟踪战网范围."; + L.ILLUSIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪幻象.\n\n这些看起来很酷的幻化效果, 你可以应用到你的武器上!\n\n注意: 你不是一个幻象, 尽管所有的夜之子都这么认为.\n\n默认情况下的追踪战网范围."; L.MOUNTS_CHECKBOX = "坐骑"; - L.MOUNTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以跟踪坐骑.\n\n你可以骑着它们去比跑步更快的地方. 谁知道!\n\n默认情况下的跟踪战网范围."; + L.MOUNTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪坐骑.\n\n你可以骑着它们去比跑步更快的地方. 谁知道!\n\n默认情况下的追踪战网范围."; L.MUSIC_ROLLS_CHECKBOX = "乐谱"; - L.MUSIC_ROLLS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以跟踪乐谱.\n\n你可以用你的点唱机播放游戏中的音乐!"; + L.MUSIC_ROLLS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪乐谱.\n\n你可以用你的点唱机播放游戏中的音乐!"; L.QUESTS_CHECKBOX = "任务"; - L.QUESTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以跟踪任务.\n\n你可以右键单击列表中的任何任务, 弹出它们的完整任务链, 以显示你的进度和任何先决条件或后续任务.\n\n注意: 由于暴雪数据库中每日、每周、每年和世界任务的跟踪方式的性质, 任务不会被永久跟踪."; + L.QUESTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项以追踪任务.\n\n你可以右键单击列表中的任何任务, 弹出它们的完整任务链, 以显示你的进度和任何先决条件或后续任务.\n\n注意: 由于暴雪数据库中每日、每周、每年和世界任务的追踪方式的性质, 任务不会被永久追踪."; --TODO: L.QUESTS_BREADCRUMBS_CHECKBOX = "+Breadcrumbs"; --TODO: L.QUESTS_BREADCRUMBS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to specifically include tracking of Breadcrumb Quest completion.\n\nBreadcrumb Quests are technically 'optional' in that they only serve to lead the player to a different Quest, and become unavailable if they are not completed prior to completing their following Quest(s).\nThis can make obtaining Breadcrumbs very reliant on the Party Sync feature or Account-Wide Quests"; L.RECIPES_CHECKBOX = "图纸"; - L.RECIPES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪你的专业图纸.\n\n注意: 你必须打开专业列表才能缓存这些."; + L.RECIPES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪你的专业图纸.\n\n注意: 你必须打开专业列表才能缓存这些."; L.REPUTATIONS_CHECKBOX = "声望"; - L.REPUTATIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪声望.\n\n一旦你达到了有声望的尊敬或最好的朋友, 它将被标记为收藏.\n\n你可能需要手动刷新才能正确更新."; + L.REPUTATIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪声望.\n\n一旦你达到了有声望的尊敬或最好的朋友, 它将被标记为收藏.\n\n你可能需要手动刷新才能正确更新."; L.SELFIE_CHECKBOX = "自拍滤镜"; - L.SELFIE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可跟踪S.E.L.F.I.E相机玩具的自拍过滤.\n\n哦, 开心! 自拍照! 好的伙~~~计."; - --TODO: L.TITLES_CHECKBOX = "Titles"; - --TODO: L.TITLES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to track titles.\n\nThese can make your character stand out and look like you've played for awhile. Typically only new players do not have a title active."; - --TODO: L.TOYS_CHECKBOX = "Toys"; - --TODO: L.TOYS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to track Toys.\n\nMost of these toys have a fun thing that they do. Others, like the Hearthstone Toys, can be used in place of your actual Hearthstone and can save you a bag slot! They also have interesting effects... Nice!\n\nTracked Account Wide by Default."; - --TODO: L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_CHECKBOX = "Show the Minimap Button"; - --TODO: L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the minimap button. This button allows you to quickly access the Main List, show your Overall Collection Progress, and access the Settings Menu by right clicking it.\n\nSome people don't like clutter. Alternatively, you can access the Main List by typing '/att' in your chatbox. From there, you can right click the header to get to the Settings Menu."; - --TODO: L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_STYLE_CHECKBOX = "Use the Old Minimap Style"; - --TODO: L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_STYLE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Some people don't like the new minimap button...\n\nThose people are wrong!\n\nIf you don't like it, here's an option to go back to the old style."; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COMPLETED_GROUPS_CHECKBOX = "Show Completed Groups"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COMPLETED_GROUPS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see completed groups as a header with a completion percentage. If a group has nothing relevant for your class, this setting will also make those groups appear in the listing.\n\nWe recommend you turn this setting off as it will conserve the space in the mini list and allow you to quickly see what you are missing from the zone."; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "Show Collected Things"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to see Things which have already been Collected.\n\nWe recommend you turn this setting off as it will conserve the space in the mini list and allow you to quickly see what you are missing from the zone."; - --TODO: L.SHOW_INCOMPLETE_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "Show All Trackable Things"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_INCOMPLETE_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see items, objects, NPCs, and headers which can be tracked within the game without necessarily being considered 'collectible'.\n\nYou can use this to help you earn the Loremaster Achievement if you don't already have it.\n\nNOTE: Rare Spawns and Vignettes also appear in the listing with this setting turned on."; - --TODO: L.SHOW_REPEATABLE_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "Collect Repeatable Quests"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_REPEATABLE_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to treat repeatable daily, weekly, and yearly quests as collectible. They will appear in the list like a regular collectible quest.\n\nNOTE: This is NOT intended to be used all the time, but if you're doing a set of dailies in a zone you've otherwise completed and need to be reminded of what is there, you can use this to see them."; - --TODO: L.FIRST_TIME_CHECKBOX = "Only first time"; - --TODO: L.FIRST_TIME_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to treat repeatable daily, weekly, yearly and world quests as collected if completed at least once, ignoring quest previously completed that has been reset.\n\nNOTE: Previously completed repeatable quest are only stored if you completed the quest with the addon active and that data will be lost if removed the addon data from WTF folder."; - --TODO: L.FILTER_THINGS_BY_LEVEL_CHECKBOX = "Filter Things By Level"; - --TODO: L.FILTER_THINGS_BY_LEVEL_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this setting if you only want to see content available to your current level character.\n\nNOTE: This is especially useful on Starter Accounts."; - --TODO: L.HIDE_BOE_CHECKBOX = "Hide BoE/BoA Items"; - --TODO: L.HIDE_BOE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this setting if you want to hide Bind-on-Equip/Account items.\n\nThis setting is useful for when you are trying to finish a Classic Dungeon for a character and don't want to farm specifically for items that can be farmed on alts or on the Auction House.\n\nIE: Don't lose your mind grinding for Pendulum of Doom."; - --TODO: L.IGNORE_FILTERS_FOR_BOES_CHECKBOX = "Ignore Filters for BoE/BoA Items"; - --TODO: L.IGNORE_FILTERS_FOR_BOES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this setting if you want to ignore armor, weapon, race, class, or profession requirements for BoE/BoA items.\n\nIf you are trying to collect things for your alts via Auction House scanning, this mode may be useful to you."; - --TODO: L.EXPAND_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX = "Expand Current Difficulty"; - --TODO: L.EXPAND_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to automatically minimize difficulty headers in the mini list that are not active when you enter a dungeon or raid.\n\nExample: Minimize the Heroic header when in a Normal difficulty dungeon."; - --TODO: L.WARN_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX = "Warn Completed Difficulty"; - --TODO: L.WARN_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to be warned when you enter an instance with a difficulty setting that will result in you being unable to earn new collectibles when there is an alternative unsaved difficulty that you could enter instead."; - --TODO: L.REPORT_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "Report Collected Things"; - --TODO: L.REPORT_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see a message in chat detailing which items you have collected or removed from your collection.\n\nNOTE: This is present because Blizzard silently adds appearances and other collectible items and neglects to notify you of the additional items available to you.\n\nWe recommend you keep this setting on. You will still hear the fanfare with it off assuming you have that option turned on."; - --TODO: L.REPORT_COMPLETED_QUESTS_CHECKBOX = "Report Quests"; - --TODO: L.REPORT_COMPLETED_QUESTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the QuestID for any quest you Accept or Complete immediately after it happens. (For reporting bugs, trackings purposes, etc)"; - --TODO: L.REPORT_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX = "Only 'Unsourced'"; - --TODO: L.REPORT_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you only want to see the QuestID if it isn't already Sourced."; + L.SELFIE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪S.E.L.F.I.E相机玩具的自拍过滤.\n\n哦, 开心! 自拍照! 好的伙~~~计."; + L.TITLES_CHECKBOX = "头衔"; + L.TITLES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪头衔.\n\n这些可以让你的角色脱颖而出, 看起来你已经玩了一段时间. 通常只有新玩家没有称号."; + L.TOYS_CHECKBOX = "玩具"; + L.TOYS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可追踪玩具.\n\n这些玩具中的大多数玩具都有趣. 其他的, 如炉石玩具, 可以用来代替你的初始炉石, 并可以为你节省一个背包! 他们也有有趣的效果... 很好!\n\n默认情况下追踪战网范围."; + L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_CHECKBOX = "显示小地图按钮"; + L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要查看小地图按钮, 请启用此选项. 使用此按钮可以快速访问主列表, 显示总体收集进度, 并通过右键单击访问设置菜单.\n\n有些人不喜欢混乱. 或者, 你可以通过在聊天框中键入'/att'来访问主列表. 从那里, 你可以右键单击标题以进入设置菜单."; + L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_STYLE_CHECKBOX = "使用旧小地图风格"; + L.MINIMAP_BUTTON_STYLE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "些人不喜欢新的小地图按钮...\n\n那些人错了!\n\n如果你不喜欢它, 这里可以选择回到旧风格."; + L.SHOW_COMPLETED_GROUPS_CHECKBOX = "显示完成的组"; + L.SHOW_COMPLETED_GROUPS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果想在标题中看到已完成的组和完成百分比, 请启用此选项. 如果一个组没有与你职业相关的内容, 这个设置也会让这些组出现在列表中.\n\n我们建议你关闭此设置, 因为它将节省迷你列表中的空间, 并允许你快速查看区域中缺少的内容."; + L.SHOW_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "显示已收集事物"; + L.SHOW_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可以看到已经收集事物.\n\n建议关闭此设置因为它可以节省迷你列表中的空间并允许快速查看在该区域遗漏的内容."; + L.SHOW_INCOMPLETE_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "显示所有可追踪事物"; + L.SHOW_INCOMPLETE_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果想看到可以在游戏中追踪的物品、道具、NPC等但不一定要被认为是'可收集的', 请启用此选项.\n\n如果你还没有获得博学者成就可以用这个来帮助你获得它.\n\n注意: 开启此设置后,稀有刷新和Vignettes也会出现在列表中."; + L.SHOW_REPEATABLE_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "追踪可重复的任务"; + L.SHOW_REPEATABLE_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要将可重复的每日, 每周和每年任务视为可收集, 请启用此选项. 它们将像常规的收藏任务一样出现在列表中.\n\n注意: 这不是用来一直使用的, 但如果你在一个你已经完成的区域内做了一组日常且需要提醒你那里有什么, 你可以用这个来查看它们."; + L.FIRST_TIME_CHECKBOX = "仅第一次"; + L.FIRST_TIME_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你希望将每天, 每周, 每年和世界范围内重复执行的任务视为已完成(至少完成一次), 而忽略先前已重置的任务, 则启用此选项.\n\n注意: 先前完成的可重复任务仅在你通过插件激活完成任务的情况下存储, 并且如果从WTF文件夹中删除了插件数据, 则数据将丢失."; + L.FILTER_THINGS_BY_LEVEL_CHECKBOX = "按等级筛选事物"; + L.FILTER_THINGS_BY_LEVEL_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果只想查看当前级别角色可用的事物, 请启用此设置.\n\n注意: 这对新战网特别有用."; + L.HIDE_BOE_CHECKBOX = "隐藏BoE/BoA物品"; + L.HIDE_BOE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要隐藏BoE/BoA物品, 请启用此设置.\n\n当你尝试为角色完成经典旧世并且不想专门用于可以在小号或拍卖行上放置的物品时, 此设置非常有用.\n\n即: 不要因为毁灭之锤而扰乱你的思绪."; + L.IGNORE_FILTERS_FOR_BOES_CHECKBOX = "忽略BoE/BoA的筛选"; + L.IGNORE_FILTERS_FOR_BOES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要忽略BOEBoE/BoA物品的装备、武器、种族、等级或职业要求, 请启用此设置.\n\n如果你正试图通过拍卖行扫描收集你的物品, 此模式可能对你有用."; + L.EXPAND_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX = "展开当前难度"; + L.EXPAND_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要在进入地下城或团队副本时自动最小化迷你列表中未激活的难度标题, 请启用此选项.\n\n比如: 在普通难度地下城中最小化英雄标题."; + L.WARN_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX = "警告已完成难度"; + L.WARN_DIFFICULTY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果希望在进入一个难度副本时被警告无法获得新的收藏, 而你可以进入另一个未保存的难度, 则启用此选项."; + L.REPORT_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "报告已收藏事物"; + L.REPORT_COLLECTED_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果想在聊天中看到一条消息, 详细说明收集了哪些物品或从收藏中删除了哪些物品, 请启用此选项.\n\n注意: 这是因为暴雪默默地添加了外观和其他收藏品并且忽略了通知你可用的其他物品.\n\n我们建议你保持此设置. 如果你打开了这个选项,你会听到警告声."; + L.REPORT_COMPLETED_QUESTS_CHECKBOX = "报告任务"; + L.REPORT_COMPLETED_QUESTS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果希望在任务发生后立即看到你完成的任何任务的任务ID, 请启用此选项. (用于报告错误、追踪等)"; + L.REPORT_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX = "仅'无来源'"; + L.REPORT_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果只想查看任务ID且他还没有来源, 请启用此选项."; -- Account Wide Checkboxes - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE = "Account Wide"; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_1_TOOLTIP = "Achievement tracking is usually account wide, but there are a number of achievements exclusive to specific classes and races that you can't get on your main."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_2_TOOLTIP = "Transmog appearances are only tracked account wide and cannot be disabled."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_3_TOOLTIP = "Azerite Essences cannot technically be collected and used account-wide, but if you only care about collecting them on your main character then you may prefer tracking them account-wide."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_5_TOOLTIP = "Flight Paths tracking is only really useful per character, but do you really want to collect them all on all 50 of your characters?"; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_6_TOOLTIP = "Followers are typically per character, but do you really want to have to collect 243 Garrison Inn Followers on one character at a rate of 1 per week?\n\nI think not, good sir."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_7_TOOLTIP = "Heirlooms are tracked account wide."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_10_TOOLTIP = "Music Rolls are not normally tracked account wide in Blizzard's database, but we can do that.\n\nNOTE: You can only play Music Rolls using the Jukebox Toy that you have collected on your current character."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_11_TOOLTIP = "Quest completion is typically per Character, but this will consider a Quest as completed if ANY Character has completed that specific Quest."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_12_TOOLTIP = "Recipes are not normally tracked account wide in Blizzard's database, but we can do that.\n\nIt is impossible to collect them all on one character, so with this, you can give your alts and their professions meaning."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_13_TOOLTIP = "Reputations are now tracked account wide in Blizzard's database for achievements, so turning this on may be a good idea."; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_14_TOOLTIP = "Selfie Filters are not normally tracked account wide in Blizzard's database, but we can do that.\n\nNOTE: You have to snap a selfie with your S.E.L.F.I.E Camera Toy!"; - --TODO: L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_15_TOOLTIP = "Most titles are tracked account wide, but some prestigious titles in WoW are locked to the character that earned them.\n\nToggle this if you don't care about that and want to see those titles marked Collected for your alts."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE = "战网范围"; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_1_TOOLTIP = "成就追踪通常是在整个战网范围内进行的, 但有一些特定职业和种族的专属成就, 你无法在你的主账号上获得."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_2_TOOLTIP = "幻象外观仅在战网范围内进行追踪, 无法禁用."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_3_TOOLTIP = "艾泽里特精华在技术上不能在整个战网内收集和使用, 但如果你只关心收集你的主角色那么你可能更喜欢在整个战网上追踪它们."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_5_TOOLTIP = "飞行路径追踪对每个角色都非常有用, 但是你真的想要在所有50个角色上收集它们吗?"; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_6_TOOLTIP = "随从通常是每个角色的, 但是你真的想以每周1个的速度在一个角色上收集243个随从吗?\n\n我想不行, 好好先生."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_7_TOOLTIP = "追踪战网范围的传家宝."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_10_TOOLTIP = "在暴雪的数据库中, 乐谱通常不会被战网范围追踪, 但我们可以这样做.\n\n注意: 你只能使用你在当前角色上收集的点唱机玩具播放音乐."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_11_TOOLTIP = "任务完成通常是每个角色的, 但是如果任何一个角色完成了特定的任务, 这个任务就会被认为是完成了."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_12_TOOLTIP = "在暴雪的数据库中, 图纸通常不会被战网范围追踪, 但我们可以这样做.\n\n在一个角色上不可能收集到所有的东西, 所以有了这个, 你就可以赋予你的小号和他们的专业以意义."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_13_TOOLTIP = "声望的成就现在会在暴雪的数据库中追踪战网范围, 所以开启这个功能可能是个好主意."; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_14_TOOLTIP = "在暴雪的数据库中, 自拍滤镜通常不会被战网范围追踪, 但我们可以这样做.\n\n注意: 你必须使用S.E.L.F.I.E相机玩具拍摄自拍照!"; + L.ACCOUNT_WIDE_15_TOOLTIP = "大多数头衔都是在战网范围内进行追踪, 但是魔兽世界中一些著名的头衔被锁定在赢得他们的角色上.\n\n如果你不关心这个并希望看到那些标记为收藏的头衔是你的小号, 请切换此选项."; -- Filters tab - --TODO: L.FILTERS_TAB = "Filters"; - --TODO: L.ITEM_FILTER_LABEL = "Armor / Weapon Filters"; - --TODO: L.CLASS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON = "Class Defaults"; - --TODO: L.CLASS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Click this button to reset all of the filters to your class defaults.\n\nNOTE: Only filters that are collectible for your class can be turned on."; - --TODO: L.ALL_BUTTON = "All"; - --TODO: L.ALL_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Click this button to enable all equipment filters at once."; - --TODO: L.UNCHECK_ALL_BUTTON = "Uncheck All"; - --TODO: L.UNCHECK_ALL_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Click this button to disable all equipment filters at once."; - --TODO: L.LEGACY_FILTERS_LABEL = "Legacy / Unobtainable Filters"; - --TODO: L.LEGACY_FILTERS_TEMP_LABEL = "|CFFFFFFFFI'm going to completely rework how our Legacy, Unobtainable, and Seasonal filters work.\n\nComing Soon™.|r"; + L.FILTERS_TAB = "过滤"; + L.ITEM_FILTER_LABEL = "装备 / 武器过滤"; + L.CLASS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON = "职业默认"; + L.CLASS_DEFAULTS_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "单击此按钮可将所有过滤重置为职业默认.\n\n注意: 只能打开可为职业收集的过滤."; + L.ALL_BUTTON = "所有"; + L.ALL_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "单击此按钮一次启用所有设备过滤."; + L.UNCHECK_ALL_BUTTON = "取消所有"; + L.UNCHECK_ALL_BUTTON_TOOLTIP = "单击此按钮一次禁用所有设备过滤."; + L.LEGACY_FILTERS_LABEL = "遗留 / 不可获得过滤"; + L.LEGACY_FILTERS_TEMP_LABEL = "|CFFFFFFFF我将完全重新设计我们的遗留、不可获得和节日过滤的工作方式.\n\n即将推出.|r"; -- Unobtainables tab - --TODO: L.UNOBTAINABLES_TAB = "Unobtainables"; - --TODO: L.SEASONAL_LABEL = "Seasonal (Check to hide)"; - --TODO: L.SEASONAL_ENABLE = "Filter Seasonal Items"; - --TODO: L.SEASONAL_ALL = "Toggle All Seasonal"; - --TODO: L.UNOBTAINALBE_LABEL = "Unobtainable (Check to hide)"; - --TODO: L.UNOBTAINABLE_ENABLE = "Filter Unobtainable Items"; - --TODO: L.UNOBTAINABLE_ALL = "Toggle All Unobtainable"; - --TODO: L.NO_CHANCE_LABEL = "No Chance"; - --TODO: L.NO_CHANCE_ALL = "Toggle All \"No Chance\""; - --TODO: L.HIGH_CHENCE_LABEL = "High Chance"; - --TODO: L.HIGH_CHANCE_ALL = "Toggle All \"High Chance\""; + L.UNOBTAINABLES_TAB = "不可获得"; + L.SEASONAL_LABEL = "节日 (选择隐藏)"; + L.SEASONAL_ENABLE = "过滤节日物品"; + L.SEASONAL_ALL = "切换所有节日"; + L.UNOBTAINALBE_LABEL = "无法获得 (选择隐藏)"; + L.UNOBTAINABLE_ENABLE = "过滤不可获得的物品"; + L.UNOBTAINABLE_ALL = "切换所有不可获得"; + L.NO_CHANCE_LABEL = "没有机会"; + L.NO_CHANCE_ALL = "切换所有 \"没有机会\""; + L.HIGH_CHENCE_LABEL = "很大机会"; + L.HIGH_CHANCE_ALL = "切换所有 \"很大机会\""; -- Interface tab - --TODO: L.INTERFACE_TAB = "Interface"; - --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_LABEL = "Tooltips"; - --TODO: L.ENABLE_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION_CHECKBOX = "|CFFADD8E6Tooltip Integrations|r"; - --TODO: L.ENABLE_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the information provided by ATT in external tooltips. This includes item links sent by other players, in the auction house, in the dungeon journal, in your bags, in the world, on NPCs, etc.\n\nIf you turn this feature off, you are seriously reducing your ability to quickly determine if you need to kill a mob or learn an appearance.\n\nWe recommend you keep this setting on."; - --TODO: L.DISPLAY_IN_COMBAT_CHECKBOX = "In Combat"; - --TODO: L.DISPLAY_IN_COMBAT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to render tooltip information while you are in combat.\n\nIf you are raiding with your Mythic/Mythic+ Guild, you should probably turn this setting off to save as much performance as you can.\n\nIt can be useful while you are soloing old content to immediately know what you need from a boss."; + L.INTERFACE_TAB = "接口"; + L.TOOLTIP_LABEL = "鼠标提示"; + L.ENABLE_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION_CHECKBOX = "|CFFADD8E6启用鼠标提示|r"; + L.ENABLE_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果希望在鼠标提示中查看ATT提供的信息, 请启用此选项. 这包括其他玩家发送的物品链接, 在拍卖行、在地下城助手、在你的包里、在世界、在NPC等等.\n\n如果你关闭了这个功能, 就会严重降低你快速判断是否需要击杀BOSS或学习外观的能力.\n\n我们建议你保持此设置."; + L.DISPLAY_IN_COMBAT_CHECKBOX = "在战斗中"; + L.DISPLAY_IN_COMBAT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果要在战斗中呈现鼠标提示信息, 请启用此选项.\n\n如果你正在同你的公会进行史诗/大秘境活动, 你可能应该关闭这个设置以尽可能节省性能.\n\n当你在单刷时它可以很有用, 可以立即知道你需要从BOSS那里得到什么."; --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_MOD_LABEL = "With Modifier"; - --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_MOD_NONE = "None"; + L.TOOLTIP_MOD_NONE = "无"; --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_MOD_SHIFT = "Shift"; --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_MOD_CTRL = "Ctrl"; --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_MOD_ALT = "Alt"; - --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_SHOW_LABEL = "Shown Information"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COLLECTION_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX = "Collection Progress"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_COLLECTION_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see your progress towards collecting a Thing or completing a group of Things at the Top Right of its tooltip.\n\nWe recommend that you keep this setting turned on."; - --TODO: L.ICON_ONLY_CHECKBOX = "Icon Only"; - --TODO: L.ICON_ONLY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you only want to see the icon in the topright corner instead of the icon and the collected/not collected text.\n\nSome people like smaller tooltips..."; - --TODO: L.COORDINATES_CHECKBOX = "Coordinates"; - --TODO: L.COORDINATES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see coordinates in the tooltip when hovering over an entry in the mini list."; - --TODO: L.DESCRIPTIONS_CHECKBOX = "Descriptions"; - --TODO: L.DESCRIPTIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to show descriptions within the tooltip. This may include the descriptive text supplied by the Dungeon Journal or a custom description added by a Contributor who felt some additional information was necessary.\n\nYou might want to keep this turned on."; - --TODO: L.KNOWN_BY_CHECKBOX = "Known By"; - --TODO: L.KNOWN_BY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the full list of characters on all servers that know this recipe in the tooltip."; - --TODO: L.SHOW_MODELS_CHECKBOX = "Model Preview"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_MODELS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to show models within a preview instead of the icon on the tooltip.\n\nThis option may assist you in identifying what a Rare Spawn or Vendor looks like. It might be a good idea to keep this turned on for that reason."; - --TODO: L.SHARED_APPEARANCES_CHECKBOX = "Shared Appearances"; - --TODO: L.SHARED_APPEARANCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to see items that share a similar appearance in the tooltip.\n\nNOTE: Items that do not match the armor type are displayed in the list. This is to help you diagnose the Collection progress.\n\nIf you are ever confused by this, as of ATT v1.5.0, you can Right Click the item to open the item and its Shared Appearances into their own standalone Mini List."; - --TODO: L.INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_CHECKBOX = "Include Original Source"; - --TODO: L.INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you actually liked seeing the original source info within the Shared Appearances list in the tooltip."; - --TODO: L.ONLY_RELEVANT_CHECKBOX = "Only Relevant"; - --TODO: L.ONLY_RELEVANT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you only want to see shared appearances that your character can unlock.\n\nNOTE: We recommend you keep this off as knowing the unlock requirements for an item can be helpful in identifying why an item is Not Collected."; - --TODO: L.CLASSES_CHECKBOX = "Classes"; - --TODO: L.CLASSES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the full list of class requirements in the tooltip."; - --TODO: L.RACES_CHECKBOX = "Races"; - --TODO: L.RACES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the full list of race requirements in the tooltip."; - --TODO: L.SPEC_CHECKBOX = "Specializations"; - --TODO: L.SPEC_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to show the loot specialization information of items in the item's tooltip as provided by the Game Client.\n\nNOTE: These icons will still appear within the ATT mini lists regardless of this setting."; - --TODO: L.SUMMARIZE_CHECKBOX = "Summarize Things"; - --TODO: L.SUMMARIZE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to summarize Things in the tooltip. For example, if a Thing can be turned into a Vendor for another Thing, then show that other thing in the tooltip to provide visibility for its multiple uses. If a Thing acts as a Container for a number of other Things, this option will show all of the other Things that the container Contains.\n\nWe recommend that you keep this setting turned on."; - --TODO: L.CONTAINS_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = 'Use this to customize the number of Summarized Things to show in the tooltip.\n\nDefault: 25'; - --TODO: L.SOURCE_LOCATIONS_CHECKBOX = "Source Locations"; - --TODO: L.SOURCE_LOCATIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see full Source Location Paths for objects within the ATT database in the tooltip."; - --TODO: L.LOCATIONS_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = 'Use this to customize the number of source locations to show in the tooltip.\n\nNOTE: This will also show "X" number of other sources based on how many, if that total is equivalent to the total number of displayed elements, then that will simply display the last source.\n\nDefault: 5'; - --TODO: L.COMPLETED_SOURCES_CHECKBOX = "For Completed"; - --TODO: L.COMPLETED_SOURCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see completed source locations in the tooltip.\n\nAs an example, if you complete the quest \"Bathran's Hair\" in Ashenvale, the tooltip for Evenar Stillwhisper will no longer show that quest when hovering over him."; - --TODO: L.FOR_CREATURES_CHECKBOX = "For Creatures"; - --TODO: L.FOR_CREATURES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see Source Locations for Creatures."; - --TODO: L.FOR_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "For Things"; - --TODO: L.FOR_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see Source Locations for Things."; - --TODO: L.FOR_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX = "For Unsorted"; - --TODO: L.FOR_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see Source Locations which have not been fully sourced into the database."; - --TODO: L.WITH_WRAPPING_CHECKBOX = "Allow Source Wrapping", - --TODO: L.WITH_WRAPPING_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to allow the Source lines to wrap within the tooltip.\nThis will ensure that the tooltips do not grow wider than necessary, but will unfortunately make the Source information harder to read in many situations.", - --TODO: L.MISC_LABEL = "Miscellaneous"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_REMAINING_CHECKBOX = "Show Remaining Things"; - --TODO: L.SHOW_REMAINING_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the number of items remaining instead of the progress over total."; - --TODO: L.PERCENTAGES_CHECKBOX = "Show Percentage Completion"; - --TODO: L.PERCENTAGES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the percent completion of each row.\n\nColoring of groups by completion is unaffected."; - --TODO: L.MORE_COLORS_CHECKBOX = "Use More Colors! |CFF4AA7FF[Beta]|R"; - --TODO: L.MORE_COLORS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see more colors utilized to help distinguish additional conditions for Things in lists (i.e. class colors, faction colors, etc.)"; - --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_HELP_CHECKBOX = "Show Tooltip Help"; - --TODO: L.TOOLTIP_HELP_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the help info in ATT window tooltips which indicates various key/click combinations for ATT window functionality.\nIf you already know all of the key/click combinations, you may want to save tooltip space and disable this option."; - --TODO: L.SIZING_LABEL = "Scale"; - --TODO: L.MAIN_LIST_SLIDER_LABEL = "Main List Scale"; - --TODO: L.MAIN_LIST_SCALE_TOOLTIP = 'Use this to customize the scale of the Main List.\n\nDefault: 1'; - --TODO: L.MINI_LIST_SLIDER_LABEL = "Mini/Other List Scale"; - --TODO: L.MINI_LIST_SCALE_TOOLTIP = 'Use this to customize the scale of all Mini and Bitty Lists.\n\nDefault: 1'; + L.TOOLTIP_SHOW_LABEL = "显示信息"; + L.SHOW_COLLECTION_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX = "收集进度"; + L.SHOW_COLLECTION_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果希望在鼠标提示的右上角看到收集某个对象或完成某组对象的进度, 请启用此选项.\n\n我们建议你保持此设置处于打开状态."; + L.ICON_ONLY_CHECKBOX = "只图标"; + L.ICON_ONLY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果只想在右上角看到图标而不是图标和已收集/未收集的文本, 请启用此选项.\n\n有些人喜欢更小的鼠标提示..."; + L.COORDINATES_CHECKBOX = "坐标"; + L.COORDINATES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在迷你列表中的条目上悬停时在鼠标提示中看到坐标, 请启用此选项."; + L.DESCRIPTIONS_CHECKBOX = "说明"; + L.DESCRIPTIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用该选项以在鼠标提示中显示描述. 这可能包括地下城日志提供的描述性文字, 或者贡献者认为有必要添加的自定义描述.\n\n你可能想保持这个开启"; + L.KNOWN_BY_CHECKBOX = "已知"; + L.KNOWN_BY_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在鼠标提示中看到所有知道此配方的服务器上的角色的完整列表, 请启用此选项."; + L.SHOW_MODELS_CHECKBOX = "模型预览"; + L.SHOW_MODELS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项可在预览中显示模型而不是鼠标提示上的图标.\n\n此选项可帮助你识别稀有生物或商人的模样. 因为这个原因你可能想保持这个开启."; + L.SHARED_APPEARANCES_CHECKBOX = "共享外观"; + L.SHARED_APPEARANCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用该选项可以在鼠标提示中看到外观相似的物品.\n\n注意: 不符合装备类型的物品会显示在列表中. 这是为了帮助你判断收藏进度.\n\n如果你对此感到困惑, 从ATT v1.5.0开始, 你可以右键点击物品, 打开物品和它的共享外观, 进入它们自己的独立迷你列表."; + L.INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_CHECKBOX = "包括原始来源"; + L.INCLUDE_ORIGINAL_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你真的喜欢在鼠标提示中的共享外观列表中看到原始来源信息, 请启用此选项."; + L.ONLY_RELEVANT_CHECKBOX = "仅相关"; + L.ONLY_RELEVANT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你只想看到你的角色可以解锁的共享外观, 请启用此选项.\n\n注意: 我们建议你保持这个关闭, 因为了解一个物品的解锁要求可以帮助识别为什么一个物品没有被收集."; + L.CLASSES_CHECKBOX = "职业"; + L.CLASSES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在鼠标提示中看到完整的职业需求列表, 请启用此选项."; + L.RACES_CHECKBOX = "种族"; + L.RACES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在鼠标提示中看到完整的种族要求列表, 请启用此选项."; + L.SPEC_CHECKBOX = "专精"; + L.SPEC_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用该选项, 可以在游戏客户端提供的物品鼠标提示中显示物品的战利品专精信息.\n\n注意: 无论该设置如何, 这些图标仍将出现在ATT迷你列表中."; + L.SUMMARIZE_CHECKBOX = "汇总"; + L.SUMMARIZE_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用该选项可在鼠标提示中汇总. 例如, 如果一个事物可以变成另一个事物的商人, 那么在鼠标提示中显示另一个事物, 以提供其多种用途的可见性. 如果一个事物作为许多其他事物的容器, 这个选项将显示该容器所包含的所有其他事物.\n\n我们建议你保持此设置开启."; + L.CONTAINS_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = '使用该功能可以自定义鼠标提示中显示的摘要事项的数量.\n\n默认: 25'; + L.SOURCE_LOCATIONS_CHECKBOX = "来源位置"; + L.SOURCE_LOCATIONS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在鼠标提示中看到ATT数据库中对象的完整来源位置路径, 请启用此选项."; + L.LOCATIONS_SLIDER_TOOLTIP = '使用该功能可以自定义鼠标提示中显示的来源位置数量.\n\n注意: 这也会根据其他来源的多少来显示"X"个数量, 如果这个总数等于显示的元素总数, 那么就会简单地显示最后一个来源.\n\n默认: 5'; + L.COMPLETED_SOURCES_CHECKBOX = "对已完成"; + L.COMPLETED_SOURCES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在鼠标提示中看到已完成的来源位置, 请启用此选项.\n\n举个例子, 如果你在灰谷完成了任务\"巴斯兰的头发\", 当你鼠标悬停在埃凡纳·寂语身上时, 他的鼠标提示就不会再显示这个任务了."; + L.FOR_CREATURES_CHECKBOX = "对生物"; + L.FOR_CREATURES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看生物的来源位置, 请启用此选项."; + L.FOR_THINGS_CHECKBOX = "对事物"; + L.FOR_THINGS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看事物的源位置, 请启用此选项."; + L.FOR_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX = "对未分类"; + L.FOR_UNSORTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看尚未完全输入数据库的来源位置, 请启用此选项."; + L.WITH_WRAPPING_CHECKBOX = "允许来源换行", + L.WITH_WRAPPING_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "启用此选项允许来源在鼠标提示中换行.\n这将确保鼠标提示不会超过必要的宽度, 但不幸的是在许多情况下来源信息会变得更加难以阅读.", + L.MISC_LABEL = "其他"; + L.SHOW_REMAINING_CHECKBOX = "显示剩余事物"; + L.SHOW_REMAINING_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看剩余事物数量而不是总进度, 请启用此选项."; + L.PERCENTAGES_CHECKBOX = "显示完成百分比"; + L.PERCENTAGES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果想查看每行的完成百分比请启用此选项.\n\n按完成度对组进行着色不受影响."; + L.MORE_COLORS_CHECKBOX = "使用更多的颜色! |CFF4AA7FF[测试]|R"; + L.MORE_COLORS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想看到使用更多的颜色来帮助区分列表中事物的附加条件, 请启用此选项(比如职业颜色, 阵营颜色等.)"; + L.TOOLTIP_HELP_CHECKBOX = "显示鼠标提示帮助"; + L.TOOLTIP_HELP_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在ATT窗口鼠标提示中看到帮助信息, 即显示ATT窗口功能的各种键/点击组合, 请启用此选项.\n如果你已经知道所有的键/点击组合, 你可能希望节省工具提示空间并禁用此选项."; + L.SIZING_LABEL = "比例"; + L.MAIN_LIST_SLIDER_LABEL = "主列表比例"; + L.MAIN_LIST_SCALE_TOOLTIP = '使用此功能可以自定义主列表的比例.\n\n默认: 1'; + L.MINI_LIST_SLIDER_LABEL = "迷你/其他列表比例"; + L.MINI_LIST_SCALE_TOOLTIP = '使用此功能可以自定义所有迷你和小列表的比例.\n\n默认: 1'; -- Features tab - --TODO: L.FEATURES_TAB = "Features"; - --TODO: L.MODULES_LABEL = "Modules & Mini Lists"; - --TODO: L.SKIP_CUTSCENES_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Skip Cutscenes"; - --TODO: L.SKIP_CUTSCENES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want ATT to automatically skip all cutscenes on your behalf."; + L.FEATURES_TAB = "功能"; + L.MODULES_LABEL = "模块和迷你列表"; + L.SKIP_CUTSCENES_CHECKBOX = "自动跳过场景动画"; + L.SKIP_CUTSCENES_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果想让ATT代表你自动跳过所有场景动画请启用此选项."; --TODO: L.AUTO_BOUNTY_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the Bounty List"; --TODO: L.AUTO_BOUNTY__CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the items that have an outstanding collection bounty. If you manage to snag one of the items posted on this list, you could make a good sum of gold.\n\nShortcut Command: /attbounty"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_MAIN_LIST_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the Main List"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_MAIN_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to automatically open the Main List when you login.\n\nYou can also bind this setting to a Key:\n\nKey Bindings -> Addons -> ALL THE THINGS -> Toggle Main List\n\nShortcut Command: /att"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_MINI_LIST_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the Mini List"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_MINI_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see everything you can collect in your current zone. The list will automatically switch when you change zones. Some people don't like this feature, but when you are solo farming, this feature is extremely useful.\n\nYou can also bind this setting to a Key.\n\nKey Bindings -> Addons -> ALL THE THINGS -> Toggle Mini List\n\nShortcut Command: /att mini"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_PROF_LIST_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the Profession List"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_PROF_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want ATT to open and refresh the profession list when you open your professions. Due to an API limitation imposed by Blizzard, the only time an addon can interact with your profession data is when it is open. The list will automatically switch when you change to a different profession.\n\nWe don't recommend disabling this option as it may prevent recipes from tracking correctly.\n\nYou can also bind this setting to a Key. (only works when a profession is open)\n\nKey Bindings -> Addons -> ALL THE THINGS -> Toggle Profession Mini List\n\nShortcut Command: /att prof"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_RAID_ASSISTANT_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the Raid Assistant"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_RAID_ASSISTANT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see an alternative group/party/raid settings manager called the 'Raid Assistant'. The list will automatically update whenever group settings change.\n\nYou can also bind this setting to a Key.\n\nKey Bindings -> Addons -> ALL THE THINGS -> Toggle Raid Assistant\n\nShortcut Command: /attra"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_WQ_LIST_CHECKBOX = "Automatically Open the World Quests List"; - --TODO: L.AUTO_WQ_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want the 'World Quests' list to appear automatically. The list will automatically update whenever you switch zones.\n\nYou can also bind this setting to a Key.\n\nKey Bindings -> Addons -> ALL THE THINGS -> Toggle World Quests List\n\nShortcut Command: /attwq"; + L.AUTO_MAIN_LIST_CHECKBOX = "自动打开主列表"; + L.AUTO_MAIN_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在登录时自动打开主列表请启用此选项.\n\n你也可以将此设置绑定到一个键上:\n\n按键设置 -> 插件 -> ALL THE THINGS -> 打开/关闭主列表\n\n快捷命令: /att"; + L.AUTO_MINI_LIST_CHECKBOX = "自动打开迷你列表"; + L.AUTO_MINI_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看在当前区域内可以收集的所有信息请启用此选项. 当改变区域时列表将自动切换. 有些人不喜欢这个功能, 但是当你单刷的时候这个功能是非常有用的.\n\n你也可以将此设置绑定到一个键上.\n\n按键设置 -> 插件 -> ALL THE THINGS -> 打开/关闭迷你列表\n\n快捷命令: /att mini"; + L.AUTO_PROF_LIST_CHECKBOX = "自动打开专业列表"; + L.AUTO_PROF_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你希望ATT在你打开专业时打开并刷新专业列表请启用此选项. 由于暴雪API限制, 只有在打开专业界面时, 插件才能与专业数据进行交互. 当你换成其他专业时列表会自动切换.\n\n我们不建议禁用此选项因为它可能会阻止图纸的正确追踪.\n\n你也可以将此设置绑定到一个键上. (仅在打开专业时工作)\n\n按键设置 -> 插件 -> ALL THE THINGS -> 打开/关闭专业技能列表\n\n快捷命令: /att prof"; + L.AUTO_RAID_ASSISTANT_CHECKBOX = "自动打开团本助手"; + L.AUTO_RAID_ASSISTANT_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想看到一个名为'团本助手'替代组/队伍/团队设置管理器请启用此选项. 每当队伍设置改变时列表会自动更新.\n\n你也可以将此设置绑定到一个键上.\n\n按键设置 -> 插件 -> ALL THE THINGS -> 打开/关闭团本助手\n\n快捷命令: /attra"; + L.AUTO_WQ_LIST_CHECKBOX = "自动打开世界任务列表"; + L.AUTO_WQ_LIST_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想让'世界任务'列表自动出现请启用此选项. 每当你切换区域时列表将自动更新.\n\n你也可以将此设置绑定到一个键上.\n\n按键设置 -> 插件 -> ALL THE THINGS -> 打开/关闭世界任务列表\n\n快捷命令: /attwq"; --TODO: L.CURRENCIES_IN_WQ_CHECKBOX = "Treat Currencies as Containers"; --TODO: L.CURRENCIES_IN_WQ_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to treat currencies awarded by World Quests as if all of the Things they are used to acquire counted as +1 in the list."; - --TODO: L.AUCTION_TAB_CHECKBOX = "Show the Auction House Module Tab"; - --TODO: L.AUCTION_TAB_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to see the Auction House Module provided with ATT.\n\nSome addons are naughty and modify this frame extensively. ATT doesn't always play nice with those toys."; - --TODO: L.SORT_BY_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX = "Sort By Progress"; - --TODO: L.SORT_BY_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want the 'Sort' operation (Shift + Right Click) to sort by the total progress of each group (instead of by Name)"; - --TODO: L.QUEST_CHAIN_NESTED_CHECKBOX = "Nested Quest Chain Requirements |CFF4AA7FF[Beta]|R"; - --TODO: L.QUEST_CHAIN_NESTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want the Quest Chain Requirements (Right-Click on Quest) window to show required Quests as sub-groups of their following Quests, i.e. they must be completed from the inside out.\n\nThis is useful to not miss Breadcrumb Quests and should be used primarily for Quest completion in mind.\n\nOtherwise, Quest Chain Requirements will be displayed in a top-down list, with the earliest available Quest at the very top."; - --TODO: L.CELEBRATIONS_LABEL = "Celebrations & Sound Effects"; - --TODO: L.MASTER_AUDIO_CHECKBOX = "Use the Master Audio Channel"; - --TODO: L.MASTER_AUDIO_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want the celebrations and other ATT sound effects to play on the 'MASTER' audio channel.\n\nDefault: Yes\n\nA lot of people play with sound effects off, so this option allows the ATT sounds to bypass that should it be desired."; - --TODO: L.CELEBRATE_COLLECTED_CHECKBOX = "Collected Things Trigger a Celebration"; - --TODO: L.CELEBRATE_COLLECTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to hear a celebratory 'fanfare' sound effect when you obtain a new Thing.\n\nThis feature can greatly help keep you motivated."; - --TODO: L.WARN_REMOVED_CHECKBOX = "Removed Things Trigger a Warning"; - --TODO: L.WARN_REMOVED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option if you want to hear a warning sound effect when you accidentally sell back or trade an item that granted you an appearance that would cause you to lose that appearance from your collection.\n\nThis can be extremely helpful if you vendor an item with a purchase timer. The addon will tell you that you've made a mistake."; + L.AUCTION_TAB_CHECKBOX = "显示拍卖行模块标签"; + L.AUCTION_TAB_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想查看ATT提供的拍卖行模块请启用此选项.\n\n一些插件很调皮会大量修改这个框架. ATT并不总是和那些玩具玩得很好."; + L.SORT_BY_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX = "按进度排序"; + L.SORT_BY_PROGRESS_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你希望'排序'操作(Shift+右键)按每个组的总进度排序(而不是按名称)请启用此选项"; + L.QUEST_CHAIN_NESTED_CHECKBOX = "嵌套任务链要求 |CFF4AA7FF[测试]|R"; + L.QUEST_CHAIN_NESTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想让任务链要求(右键点击任务)窗口将所需任务显示为其后续任务的子组, 即它们必须从内到外完成, 请启用此选项.\n\n这一点很有用, 不会错过个别任务, 应该主要用于完成任务的考虑.\n\n否则任务链要求将以自上而下的方式显示, 最早的任务在最上面."; + L.CELEBRATIONS_LABEL = "庆祝和音效"; + L.MASTER_AUDIO_CHECKBOX = "使用主音频通道"; + L.MASTER_AUDIO_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你希望在主音频通道上播放庆祝和其他ATT音效请启用此选项.\n\n默认: 是\n\n很多人在玩的时候都会关闭声音效果, 所以这个选项可以让ATT的声音绕过它, 如果需要的话."; + L.CELEBRATE_COLLECTED_CHECKBOX = "收藏事物触发庆祝音效"; + L.CELEBRATE_COLLECTED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在获得新的事物时听到庆祝'fanfare'效果请启用这个选项.\n\n这个功能可以极大地帮助你保持动力."; + L.WARN_REMOVED_CHECKBOX = "移除事物触发警告"; + L.WARN_REMOVED_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "如果你想在你不小心卖掉或交易一个给予你外观的物品从而导致收藏中失去该外观时听到警告的声音效果, 请启用这个选项.\n\n如果你的商品有购买计时这可能非常有用. 该插件会告诉你你犯了一个错误."; -- About tab - --TODO: L.ABOUT = "About"; - --TODO: L.ABOUT_1 = " |CFFFFFFFFis a collection tracking addon that shows you where and how to get everything in the game! We have a large community of users on our Discord (link at the bottom) where you can ask questions, submit suggestions as well as report bugs or missing items. If you find something collectible or a quest that isn't documented, you can tell us on the Discord, or for the more technical savvy, we have a Git that you may contribute directly to.\n\nWhile we do strive for completion, there's a lot of stuff getting added into the game each patch, so if we're missing something, please understand that we're a small team trying to keep up with changes as well as collect things ourselves. :D\n\nFeel free to ask me questions when I'm streaming and I'll try my best to answer it, even if it's not directly related to ATT (general WoW addon programming as well).\n\n- |r|Cffff8000Crieve|CFFFFFFFF\n\nPS: Check out All The Things Classic!\n\nYes, I intend to play Classic WoW, but between working full time and developing the two versions of the addon, there won't be a lot of time for raiding.\n\nNo, ATT is not the addon that places icons on your bag icons. That's CanIMogIt and Caerdon Wardrobe!\n\nWebsite for comparing Collections coming Soon™.|r"; - --TODO: L.ABOUT_2 = "Additional Contributors: |CFFFFFFFF(in order of joining the team)\nDaktar, Lucetia, Slumber, Gold, Avella, Aiue, Dead Serious, Oiche, Oxlotus, Eiltherune, Blueyleader, Iyanden, Pr3vention, BigBlaris, Talonzor, Heallie, Eckhardt, Boohyaka, Sadidorf, Sanctuari, Molkree, Runawaynow and the rest of the ALL THE THINGS Discord!\n\nSpecial Shoutout to AmiYuy (CanIMogIt) and Caerdon (Caerdon Wardrobe).|r "; - --TODO: L.ABOUT_3 = "\n|CFFFFFFFFYou should absolutely download their addons to get the collection icons on items in your bags!|r"; + L.ABOUT = "关于"; + L.ABOUT_1 = " |CFFFFFFFF是一个收集追踪插件, 告诉你在哪里以及如何获得游戏中的所有事物! 在我们的Discord上有一个庞大的用户社区(链接在底部), 你可以在这里提出问题、提交建议以及报告错误或丢失的物品. 如果你发现了一些可收藏的事物或没有记录, 你可以在Discord上告诉我们, 或者对于更懂技术的人来说, 我们有一个Git, 你可以直接贡献给我们.\n\n虽然我们力求完美, 但每个补丁都会有很多事物加入到游戏中, 所以如果我们可能遗漏了一些事物, 请理解我们是一个试图跟上变化以及自己收集事物的小团队 :D\n\n欢迎在直播的时候向我提问, 即使不是直接与ATT相关的问题, 我也会尽力回答(常见的WoW插件编程也行).\n\n- |r|Cffff8000Crieve|CFFFFFFFF\n\nPS: 下载ATT怀旧服版本!\n\n是的, 我打算玩WoW怀旧服, 但在全职工作和开发两个版本的插件, 不会有太多的时间去打团.\n\n不,ATT不是将图标放在背包图标上的插件. 那个是CanIMogIt和Caerdon Wardrobe!\n\n即将推出的比较收藏的网站.|r"; + L.ABOUT_2 = "其他贡献者: |CFFFFFFFF(加入团队顺序)\nDaktar, Lucetia, Slumber, Gold, Avella, Aiue, Dead Serious, Oiche, Oxlotus, Eiltherune, Blueyleader, Iyanden, Pr3vention, BigBlaris, Talonzor, Heallie, Eckhardt, Boohyaka, Sadidorf, Sanctuari, Molkree, Runawaynow和其他ATT Discord的人们!\n\n特别鸣谢AmiYuy (CanIMogIt)和Caerdon (Caerdon Wardrobe).|r "; + L.ABOUT_3 = "\n|CFFFFFFFF你绝对应该下载他们的插件,以便在你的背包里的物品上获得收集图标!|r"; -- Binding Localizations 按键设置 L["TOGGLE_ACCOUNT_MODE"] = "切换账号模式" @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ local L = app.L; L["TOGGLE_COMPLETEDTHINGS"] = "隐藏/显示已完成组和项" L["TOGGLE_COMPLETEDGROUPS"] = "隐藏/显示已完成组" L["TOGGLE_COLLECTEDTHINGS"] = "隐藏/显示已收集项" - --TODO: L.TOGGLE_BOEITEMS = "切换装绑/账号绑定物品" -- "Toggle BoE/BoA Items"; + L.TOGGLE_BOEITEMS = "切换BoE/BoA物品" -- "Toggle BoE/BoA Items"; L["TOGGLE_SOURCETEXT"] = "隐藏/显示来源地点" L["MODULES"] = "模块" L["TOGGLE_MAINLIST"] = "打开/关闭主列表" @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ local L = app.L; L["SECRETS_HEADER"] = "解密" L["SELFIE_FILTERS_HEADER"] = "自拍滤镜" L["LIMITED_QUANTITY"] = "此物品有数量限制,在商人处并非总是可见。" - --TODO: L.SOURCE_ID_MISSING = "Item Source not found in the database.\nPlease report this Item and where it was acquired to the ATT Discord in #errors!"; + L.SOURCE_ID_MISSING = "数据库中未找到物品来源.\n请在#errors中向ATT Discord报告此物品及其获取地点!"; -- Filter Text L["ACHIEVEMENT_ID"] = "成就ID" @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-12] = DUNGEON_FLOOR_DIREMAUL5 .. " [东 - 恶魔]", -- Warpwood Quarter [East - Demon] 扭木广场 [-13] = DUNGEON_FLOOR_DIREMAUL1 .. " [北 - 食人魔]", -- Gordok Commons [North - Ogres] 戈多克议会 [-14] = DUNGEON_FLOOR_DIREMAUL2 .. " [西 - 精灵]", -- Capital Gardens [West - Elves] 中心花园 - --TODO: [-15] = "Common Vendor Items", -- Common Vendor Items + [-15] = "常规商人物品", -- Common Vendor Items [-16] = "稀有", -- Rares [-40] = "绝版", -- Legacy @@ -627,8 +627,8 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-132] = "菲拉斯 "..GetSpellInfo(133137), -- Feralas Active [-133] = "暮色森林 "..GetSpellInfo(78741), -- Duskwood Activated -- Invasions TODO: what levels? - --TODO: [-137] = "Level 90", -- Level 90 - --TODO: [-138] = "Level 100", -- Level 100 + [-137] = "90级", -- Level 90 + [-138] = "100级", -- Level 100 -- Class Trial Sets [-140] = "共济", -- Communal [-141] = "邪魂", -- Felsoul @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-149] = "阳魂", -- Sunsoul [-150] = "探路者", -- Trailseeker [-152] = "要塞战役", -- Garrison Campaign - --TODO: [-154] = "Level 48", -- Level 48 (old level 110) + [-154] = "48级", -- Level 48 (old level 110) [-157] = "辛特兰 "..GetSpellInfo(78741), -- The Hinterlands Activated [-158] = "菲拉斯 "..GetSpellInfo(78741), -- Feralas Activated [-159] = "事件roll点", -- Daily Dreamway Event Roll @@ -663,11 +663,11 @@ for key,value in pairs({ --TODO: [-228] = GetSpellInfo(218950), -- GetSpellInfo(218950), -- Flight Path [-236] = "联盟阵营战役", -- Alliance War Campaign --TODO: [-242] = "Unrated", -- Unrated - --TODO: [-243] = "Bounty", -- Bounty + [-243] = "赏金任务", -- Bounty [-244] = "黑铁矮人", -- Dark Iron Dwarf [-245] = "玛格汉兽人", -- Mag'har Orc - --TODO: [-246] = "Is Another Man's Treasure", -- Is Another Man's Treasure - --TODO: [-247] = "Riches of Pandaria", -- Riches of Pandaria + [-246] = "我之蜜糖", -- Is Another Man's Treasure + [-247] = "潘达利亚的财富", -- Riches of Pandaria [-251] = "赞达拉巨魔", -- Zandalari Troll [-252] = "库尔提拉斯人", -- Kul Tiran [-253] = "部落阵营战役", -- Horde War Campaign @@ -682,17 +682,17 @@ for key,value in pairs({ --TODO: [-364] = LOOT_JOURNAL_LEGENDARIES, -- Legendaries [-366] = "武器系列", -- Weapons Sets -- Dungeon/Raid Wing Info - --TODO: [-379] = "Junkyard", -- Junkyard - --TODO: [-380] = "Workshop", -- Workshop + [-379] = "垃圾场", -- Junkyard + [-380] = "车间", -- Workshop [-388] = "主门", -- Main Gate (Stratholme) [-389] = "仆从入口", -- Service Entrance (Stratholme) --TODO: [-390] = "Smuggler's Den", -- Smuggler's Den (Spires of Arak) --TODO: [-391] = "Stoktron Brewery", -- Stoktron Brewery (Spires of Arak) --TODO: [-392] = "Hearthfire Tavern", -- Hearthfire Tavern - --TODO: [-393] = "Storming the Citadel", -- Storming the Citadel - --TODO: [-394] = "The Plagueworks", -- The Plagueworks + [-393] = "进攻堡垒", -- Storming the Citadel + [-394] = "天灾工厂", -- The Plagueworks --TODO: [-395] = "The Crimson Halls", -- The Crimson Halls - --TODO: [-396] = "The Frostwing Halls", -- The Frostwing Halls + [-396] = "霜翼大厅", -- The Frostwing Halls --TODO: [-397] = "Outposts", -- Outposts -- Blizzard Events and Anniversaries -- Lucetia Note: Leave these for now, some may be swapped to achieves instead. @@ -707,16 +707,16 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-522] = "巫妖王之怒:Zombie Infestation", -- Wrath of the Lich King: Zombie Infestation [-523] = "大地的裂变:Elemental Unrest", -- Cataclysm: Elemental Unrest [-525] = "德拉诺之王:Iron Horde Incursion", -- Warlords of Draenor: Iron Horde Incursion - [-526] = "军团再临:Legion Invasion", -- Legion: Legion Invasion + [-526] = "军团再临:军团入侵", -- Legion: Legion Invasion [-527] = "争霸艾泽拉斯:荆棘之战", -- Battle for Azeroth: War of the Thorns [-528] = "破碎群岛", -- Broken Isles [Mole Machine] - --TODO: [-531] = "2008 Spirit of Competition Event", + [-531] = "2008年竞争之魂活动", [-532] = "风暴英雄推广活动", -- Heroes of the Storm Promotion [-533] = "炉石传说推广活动", -- Hearthstone Promotion [-534] = "典藏版", -- Collector's Edition [-538] = "暗黑破坏神20周年庆", -- Diablo 20th Anniversary Promotion - --TODO: [-539] = "安其拉之门", -- The Scepter of the Shifting Sands + [-539] = "流沙节杖", -- The Scepter of the Shifting Sands [-540] = "天灾入侵", -- The Scourge Invasion [-543] = "军团入侵", -- Legion Invasions [-544] = "魔兽世界典藏版", -- WoW Collector's Edition @@ -778,32 +778,32 @@ for key,value in pairs({ -- Secret Header [Maybe need to change the numbers again when I need more space for PvP -- sadidorf] [-806] = "钟示贤德腰带", -- Waist of Time - --TODO: [-807] = "Hivemind", -- Hivemind + [-807] = "主脑", -- Hivemind -- Mechagon [-850] = "机械化的宝箱", -- Mechanized Chest [-851] = "铁潮宝箱", -- Irontide Chest - --TODO: [-852] = "Azerite Essences", -- Azerite Essences - --TODO: [-853] = "All Roles", -- All Roles + [-852] = "艾泽里特精华", -- Azerite Essences + [-853] = "全部角色", -- All Roles --TODO: [-854] = "DPS", -- DPS - --TODO: [-855] = "Healers", -- Healers - --TODO: [-856] = "Tanks", -- Tanks - --TODO: [-857] = "Mythic+", -- Mythic+ + [-855] = "治疗", -- Healers + [-856] = "坦克", -- Tanks + [-857] = "大秘境", -- Mythic+ --TODO: [-858] = "Rank 1", -- Rank 1 --TODO: [-859] = "Rank 2", -- Rank 2 --TODO: [-860] = "Rank 3", -- Rank 3 --TODO: [-861] = "Rank 4", -- Rank 4 -- Shadowlands Header - --TODO: [-900] = "Covenant Sanctum", -- Covenant Sanctum + [-900] = "盟约圣所", -- Covenant Sanctum --TODO: [-901] = GetSpellInfo(339041), -- Covenant Callings --[-902] = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(1822, name), -- Renown (NYI) - --TODO: [-903] = "Zone Rewards", -- Zone Rewards - --TODO: [-904] = "Wrath of the Jailer", -- Wrath of the Jailer - --TODO: [-905] = "Command Table", -- Command Table - --TODO: [-906] = "Tier 1: Tactical Insight", -- Tier 1: Tactical Insight - --TODO: [-907] = "Dead Blanchy", -- Dead Blanchy + [-903] = "区域奖励", -- Zone Rewards + [-904] = "典狱长之怒", -- Wrath of the Jailer + [-905] = "指挥台", -- Command Table + [-906] = "等级 1: 战术洞察", -- Tier 1: Tactical Insight + [-907] = "死掉的布兰契", -- Dead Blanchy --TODO: [-908] = "Rewards", -- Rewards --TODO: [-909] = "Hunt: Death Elementals", -- Hunt: Death Elementals --TODO: [-910] = "Hunt: Alpha Devourers", -- Hunt: Alpha Devourers @@ -811,18 +811,18 @@ for key,value in pairs({ --TODO: [-912] = "Hunt: Winged Soul Eaters", -- Hunt: Winged Soul Eaters --[-913] = , -- --TODO: [-914] = "Adventures", -- Adventures - --TODO: [-915] = "Anima Conductor", -- Anima Conductor - --TODO: [-916] = "Tier 1: Flowing Tendrils", -- Tier 1: Flowing Tendrils - --TODO: [-917] = "Tier 2: Streaming Threads", -- Tier 2: Streaming Threads - --TODO: [-918] = "Tier 3: Flowing Power", -- Tier 3: Flowing Power - --TODO: [-919] = "Night Mare", -- Night Mare + [-915] = "心能导流器", -- Anima Conductor + [-916] = "等级 1: 流动卷须", -- Tier 1: Flowing Tendrils + [-917] = "等级 2: 涌动丝缕", -- Tier 2: Streaming Threads + [-918] = "等级 3: 流动能量", -- Tier 3: Flowing Power + [-919] = "梦魇骒马", -- Night Mare -- SL Maldraxxus/Necrolord - --TODO: [-920] = "Covenant: Necrolord", -- Covenant: Necrolord + [-920] = "盟约: 通灵领主", -- Covenant: Necrolord --TODO: [-921] = "Sanctum Upgrades", -- Sanctum Upgrades (Necrolord) - --TODO: [-922] = "Theater of Pain", -- Theater of Pain - --TODO: [-923] = "Abomination Factory", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) - --TODO: [-924] = "Transport Network", -- Transport Network (Necrolord) + [-922] = "伤逝剧场", -- Theater of Pain + [-923] = "憎恶工厂", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) + [-924] = "传送网络", -- Transport Network (Necrolord) [-925] = "等级 1: 建造伙伴", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) Tier 1 [-926] = "等级 2: 打造肢体", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) Tier 2 [-927] = "等级 3: 给予生命", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) Tier 3 @@ -830,51 +830,51 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-938] = "等级 5: 永远的好魔友", -- Abomination Factory (Necrolord) Tier 5 -- SL Ardenweald/Night Fae - --TODO: [-929] = "Covenant: Night Fae", -- Covenant: Night Fae - --TODO: [-930] = "Queen's Conservatory", -- Queen's Conservatory + [-929] = "盟约: 法夜", -- Covenant: Night Fae + [-930] = "女王的温室", -- Queen's Conservatory --TODO: [-931] = GetSpellInfo(7851), -- Lesser Spirit --TODO: [-932] = GetSpellInfo(172153), -- Spirit --TODO: [-933] = GetSpellInfo(13826), -- Greater Spirit --TODO: [-934] = "Star Lake Amphitheater", -- Star Lake Amphitheater --TODO: [-935] = "Sanctum Upgrades", -- Sanctum Upgrades (Night Fae) --TODO: [-936] = "Soulshape Forms", -- Soulshape Forms (Night Fae) - --TODO: [-937] = "Transport Network", -- Transport Network (Night Fae) + [-937] = "传送网络", -- Transport Network (Night Fae) -- SL Bastion/Kyrian - --TODO: [-939] = "Covenant: Kyrian", -- Covenant: Kyrian - --TODO: [-940] = "Ascended Council", -- Ascended Counil + [-939] = "盟约: 格里恩", -- Covenant: Kyrian + [-940] = "晋升者议会", -- Ascended Counil --TODO: [-941] = "Sanctum Upgrades", -- Sanctum Upgrades (Kyrian) - --TODO: [-942] = "Path of Ascension", -- Path of Ascension - --TODO: [-943] = "Tier 1: First Steps", -- Tier 1: First Steps - --TODO: [-944] = "Tier 2: Sacred Trials", -- Tier 2: Sacred Trials - --TODO: [-945] = "Tier 3: Continued Training", -- Tier 3: Continued Teaching - --TODO: [-946] = "Tier 4: Teachings of Wisdom", -- Tier 4: Teachings of Wisdom - --TODO: [-947] = "Tier 5: Trials of Humility", -- Tier 5: Trials of Humility - --TODO: [-948] = "Transport Network", -- Transport Network (Kyrian) - --TODO: [-3348] = "Tier 1: Step of Faith", -- Tier 1: Step of Faith - --TODO: [-3349] = "Tier 2: Leap of Power", -- Tier 2: Leap of Power - --TODO: [-3350] = "Tier 3: Eternal Paths", -- Tier 3: Eternal Paths + [-942] = "晋升之路", -- Path of Ascension + [-943] = "等级 1: 牛刀小试", -- Tier 1: First Steps + [-944] = "等级 2: 神圣试炼", -- Tier 2: Sacred Trials + [-945] = "等级 3: 持续训练", -- Tier 3: Continued Teaching + [-946] = "等级 4: 智慧教导", -- Tier 4: Teachings of Wisdom + [-947] = "等级 5: 谦逊试炼", -- Tier 5: Trials of Humility + [-948] = "传送网络", -- Transport Network (Kyrian) + [-3348] = "等级 1: 信仰之步", -- Tier 1: Step of Faith + [-3349] = "等级 2: 力量之跃", -- Tier 2: Leap of Power + [-3350] = "等级 3: 永恒之路", -- Tier 3: Eternal Paths --TODO: [-966] = "Blueprints & Crafting", -- Blueprints (for Path of Ascension) -- SL Revendreth/Venthyr - --TODO: [-949] = "Covenant: Venthyr", -- Covenant: Venthyr - --TODO: [-950] = "Transport Network", -- Transport Network + [-949] = "盟约: 温西尔", -- Covenant: Venthyr + [-950] = "传送网络", -- Transport Network --TODO: [-951] = "Tier 1: Mirror Mirror", -- Tier 1: Mirror Mirror - --TODO: [-952] = "Tier 2: Looking Glass", -- Tier 2: Looking Glass" + [-952] = "等级 2: 通透镜面", -- Tier 2: Looking Glass" --TODO: [-953] = "Tier 3: Mirror's Edge", -- Tier 3: Mirror's Edge --TODO: [-954] = "Inquisitors", -- Inquisitors --TODO: [-955] = "High Inquisitors", -- High Inquisitors --TODO: [-956] = "Grand Inquisitors", -- Grand Inquisitors --TODO: [-957] = "Sanctum Upgrades", -- Sanctum Upgrades (Venthyr) - --TODO: [-958] = "Tier 2: Deserved Feast", -- Tier 2: Deserved Feast - --TODO: [-959] = "Tier 3: Superior Efficiency", -- Tier 3: Superior Efficiency - --TODO: [-960] = "The Ember Court", -- The Ember Court - --TODO: [-961] = "Tier 1: A New Court", -- Tier 1: A New Court - --TODO: [-962] = "Tier 2: Homegrown Help", -- Tier 2: Homegrown Help - --TODO: [-963] = "Tier 3: Court Influencer", -- Tier 3: Court Influencer - --TODO: [-964] = "Tier 4: Discerning Taste", -- Tier 4: Discerning Taste - --TODO: [-965] = "Tier 5: The Professionals", -- Tier 5: The Professionals - --TODO: [-967] = "Mirror Restoration", -- "Mirror Restoration", + [-958] = "等级 2: 犒劳盛宴", -- Tier 2: Deserved Feast + [-959] = "等级 3: 超强效率", -- Tier 3: Superior Efficiency + [-960] = "灰烬王庭", -- The Ember Court + [-961] = "等级 1: 全新王庭", -- Tier 1: A New Court + [-962] = "等级 2: 家用帮手", -- Tier 2: Homegrown Help + [-963] = "等级 3: 王庭明星", -- Tier 3: Court Influencer + [-964] = "等级 4: 敏锐的味觉", -- Tier 4: Discerning Taste + [-965] = "等级 5: 专业人士", -- Tier 5: The Professionals + [-967] = "破镜重圆", -- "Mirror Restoration", --TODO: [-968] = "Set A", -- Set A --TODO: [-969] = "Set B", -- Set B --TODO: [-970] = "Set C", -- Set C @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ for key,value in pairs({ --TODO: [-3189] = "Fel-Touched Weapons", -- Holiday Sets - --TODO: [-3199] = "Midsummer Reveler Set", + [-3199] = "仲夏节套装", -- Dungeon 1 Sets [Tier 0] [-3200] = "虔诚", -- Vestments of the Devout (Priest) [-3201] = "博学者", -- Magister's Regalia (Mage) @@ -952,15 +952,15 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-3216] = "魂铸", -- Soulforge Armor (Paladin) [-3217] = "英勇", -- Battlegear of Heroism (Warrior) -- Anti-Undead Armor Sets [Scourge Event] - --TODO: [-3218] = "Blessed Regalia of Undead Cleansing", - --TODO: [-3219] = "Undead Slayer's Blessed Armor", - --TODO: [-3220] = "Blessed Garb of the Undead Slayer", - --TODO: [-3221] = "Blessed Battlegear of the Undead Slaying", + [-3218] = "神圣的亡灵净化法衣", + [-3219] = "神圣的亡灵毁灭护甲", + [-3220] = "神圣的亡灵毁灭套装", + [-3221] = "神圣的亡灵毁灭战甲", -- Anti-Undead Armor Sets [Vanilla Scourge Event] - --TODO: [-3222] = "Regalia of Undead Cleansing", - --TODO: [-3223] = "Undead Slayer's Armor", - --TODO: [-3224] = "Garb of the Undead Slayer", - --TODO: [-3225] = "Battlegear of Undead Slaying", + [-3222] = "亡灵净化者", + [-3223] = "亡灵屠戮者的护甲", + [-3224] = "亡灵屠戮者的装备", + [-3225] = "亡灵毁灭者", -- Instance Sets [-3226] = "铁纹作战套装", -- Ironweave Battlesuit (Cloth) [-3227] = "邮差", -- The Postmaster (Cloth) @@ -969,28 +969,28 @@ for key,value in pairs({ [-3230] = "血链", -- Bloodmail Regalia (Mail) [-3231] = "亡骨", -- Deathbone Guardian (Plate) -- Cenarion Circle Set (Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj") - --TODO: [-3232] = "Finery of Infinite Wisdom", -- Priest + [-3232] = "无尽的智慧", -- Priest [-3233] = "神秘套装", -- Trappings of Vaulted Secrets (Mage) - --TODO: [-3234] = "Implements of Unspoken Names", -- Warlock - --TODO: [-3235] = "Symbols of Unending Life", -- Druid - --TODO: [-3236] = "Emblems of Veiled Shadows", -- Rogue - --TODO: [-3237] = "Trappings of the Unseen Path", -- Hunter - --TODO: [-3238] = "Gift of the Gathering Storm", -- Shaman - --TODO: [-3239] = "Battlegear of Eternal Justice", -- Paladin - --TODO: [-3240] = "Battlegear of Unyielding Strength", -- Warrior + [-3234] = "禁断的邪语", -- Warlock + [-3235] = "不灭的生命", -- Druid + [-3236] = "笼罩之阴影", -- Rogue + [-3237] = "隐秘的通途", -- Hunter + [-3238] = "聚集的风暴", -- Shaman + [-3239] = "永恒的公正", -- Paladin + [-3240] = "坚定的力量", -- Warrior -- Cloth WQ Gear - --TODO: [-3241] = "Arcane Singed Set", - --TODO: [-3242] = "Bonespeaker Set", - --TODO: [-3243] = "Manawracker Set", - --TODO: [-3244] = "Netherwhisper Set", - --TODO: [-3245] = "Night Dreamer Set", - --TODO: [-3246] = "Riven Priesthood Set", - --TODO: [-3247] = "Roggthread Set", - --TODO: [-3248] = "Seawitch Set", - --TODO: [-3249] = "Sunfrost Set", + [-3241] = "焦魔套装", + [-3242] = "骨语套装", + [-3243] = "灭法者套装", + [-3244] = "虚空语者套装", + [-3245] = "暗夜追梦者套装", + [-3246] = "裂痕祭司套装", + [-3247] = "石线套装", + [-3248] = "海巫套装", + [-3249] = "霜阳套装", -- Cloth WQ Gear Continued - --TODO: [-3259] = "Terrorweave Set", - --TODO: [-3260] = "Vault-Minder's Set", + [-3259] = "织恐套装", + [-3260] = "地窟卫士套装", --TODO: [-3261] = "Ley-Touched Set", -- Leather WQ Gear --TODO: [-3262] = "Swordsinger's Set",