Libraries Used
Pre-processing of Data (Pandas, Numpy)
Graphical Representation (Matplotlib, Seaborn)
Scaling and Oversampling (Sklearn.preprocessing, imblearn)
Removed the id column – decreasing the dimension – did not add to insights in the data analysis.
Count for NULL values are checked among the attributes of the dataset
The dataset was skewed because there were only few records which had a positive value for stroke-target attribute
In the gender attribute, there were 3 types - Male, Female and Other. There was only 1 record of the type "other", Hence it was converted to the majority type – decrease the dimension
Most of the attributes in the dataset were binary values – converting the numeric bin values into string bin values for dummy encoding.
- Dummy encoding similar to one-hot encoding – Values in the binary ecoded columns are 1/0 – Additional attributes/columns created.
Random oversampling done on the dataset to balance the skew in the target attributes.
- Boosting the number of records in the minority class – records
- Plotted plots of each attribute - Analyse trends if any – plots: pie, histogram.
- Plotted relation of target attribute to other attributes to find any correlation.
- Plotted the heatmap – correlation plot between the attributes.
- Heatmap showed very less correlation between the attribute values.
- Creating a train and test split of the oversampled dataset. (80-20)
Applied various Machine learning models for predictive analysis
- Decision tree
- XG-Boost
- Random forest
Logistic regression
Analysed the results generated using confusion matrix - accuracy, precision, recall and plotting the ROC plot and generating the AUC scores.
Accuracies calculated:
- Decision tree : 97.89%
- KNN : 97.22%
- XG-Boost : 97.48%
- Random forest : 99.48%
- Logistic regression : 76.34%
Chosen model - RANDOM FOREST
Results were validated using the k fold (20 splits) validation for overfitting
- Accuracy: 95.01
For Random Forest