Project Title
This application - TAVR uses a microservices architecture, featuring a Telegram Bot built with Aiogram3 and a user bot created using Telethon. The project includes two main components:
TgBot - videoDownload():
Downloads videos from predefined groups and filters them by topics.
TgUserBot - videoSend():
Uploads videos.
Automated Video Downloading: TgBot downloads videos from specific Telegram groups and categorizes them by topics. Duplicate Prevention: IDs of downloaded videos are stored in an SQLite database to avoid duplicates. Scheduled Video Uploads: UserTgBot uploads videos from designated folders at specified intervals. Installation
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd your-repo-name
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the root directory. Add your Telegram API credentials and other necessary configurations: makefile
Running TgBot
TgBot is designed to download videos from specific Telegram groups and categorize them by topics. For example, videos from a group associated with the "FUNNY" category will be saved in the directory ./VideoFolder/Funny. The IDs of the downloaded videos are stored in an SQLite database (uita.db) to avoid downloading duplicates.
Run Tavr:
Main File The main file for this component is It contains a loop with three asynchronous functions:
while True:
await asyncio.gather(
download_tg_videos(client, VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT),
send_my_videos(VIDEO_SEND_DELAY, ANIMAL),
send_my_videos(VIDEO_SEND_DELAY, FUNNY)
# look at
# entity_adding(client)
download_tg_videos(client, limit):
#client: Authorization for the UserBot.
#limit: The number of messages to download.
send_my_videos(interval, folder):
#interval: The frequency (in seconds) at which videos are uploaded.
#folder: The folder from which videos are uploaded.