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// 04/09/2017
javascript: /* nastepna wioska */ window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/village=[np]?(?:\d+)/, "village=n" + game_data.village.id);
javascript: /* poprzednia wioska */ window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/village=[np]?(?:\d+)/, "village=p" + game_data.village.id);
javascript: /* zmiana rozmiaru mapy */ var mapSize = parseInt(prompt("Rozmiar mapy:")); var minimapSize = parseInt(prompt("Rozmiar minimapy:")); if(mapSize < 1) mapSize = 1; if(mapSize > 30) mapSize = 30; if(minimapSize < 1) minimapSize = 1; if(minimapSize > 120) minimapSize = 120; TWMap.resize(mapSize, true); TWMap.resizeMinimap(minimapSize, true);
javascript: /* wyswietlanie wojsk w podgladzie wiosek */ if(!premium) { if(game_data.screen == "overview_villages") { if("undefined" == typeof wojskaPoliczone) { var wojskaPoliczone = false; } if(!wojskaPoliczone) { var villages = {}; var villagesTable = $("#production_table > tbody > tr"); asyncLoop(villagesTable.length - 1, function (loop) { var i = loop.i(); var iterations = loop.iterations(); var villageID = villagesTable.slice(1).eq(i).children("td").eq(0).find("a").eq(0).prop("href").match(/village=(\d+)/)[1]; var villageName = villagesTable.slice(1).eq(i).children("td").eq(0).find("a").eq(0).text().trim(); var url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + "/game.php?village=" + villageID + "&t=" + game_data.player.id + "&screen=place&mode=units"; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", dataType: "html", success: function (data) { console.log((i+1) + "/" + iterations); villagesTable.slice(1).eq(i).children("td").eq(0).prepend($("<span/>").addClass("wioskaOdhaczona").text("X")); var units = retrieveUnits(data); villages[villageID] = { name: villageName, units: units }; loop.go(); }, error: function () { loop.break("error"); } }); }, function () { if(arguments[0] !== "error") { wojskaPoliczone = true; displayUnits(); } else { alert("Nie udalo sie pobrac wszystkich danych. Zatrzymano sie na wiosce o numerze " + i); } }); } else { UI.ErrorMessage("Nie uzywaj tego dwa razy, gluptasie :P<br>Najpierw odswiez strone :D", 3000); } } else { UI.ErrorMessage("Wejdz do przegladu wiosek, geniuszu... :D", 3000); } } else { UI.ErrorMessage("Po co Ci ten skrypt skoro masz funkcje premium? :D<br>A teraz zeby zrobic Ci na zlosc nie wylacze sie nigdy xDDD<br>Muahahaha!", 1000000); } /* functions */ function asyncLoop(iterations, func, callback) { var i = -1; var loop = { go: function () { if(i+1 < iterations) { i++; func(loop); } else { loop.break(); } }, i: function () { return i; }, iterations: function () { return iterations; }, break: function () { callback(arguments); } }; loop.go(); return loop; } function retrieveUnits (ajaxResponse) { var units = {}; var unitsHomeRows = $($.parseHTML(ajaxResponse)).find("#units_home > tbody > tr"); unitsHomeRows.eq(0).find("th").each(function () { var unitImage = $(this).find("img"); if(unitImage.length) { var unitName = unitImage.prop("src").match(/unit_([a-zA-Z]+)\.png/)[1]; var columnID = unitsHomeRows.eq(0).find("th").index($(this)); var amountTotal = parseInt(unitsHomeRows.eq(-1).find("th").eq(columnID).text().trim()); var unitData = { amountTotal: amountTotal }; units[unitName] = unitData; } }); return units; } function displayUnits () { $(".wioskaOdhaczona").remove(); villagesTable.eq(0).find("th").eq(1).after(function () { var ths = []; for(var i = 0; i < game_data.units.length; i++) { var unit = game_data.units[i]; ths.push($("<th/>") .append($("<img/>").prop("src", image_base + "unit/unit_" + unit + ".png")) ); } return ths; }); villagesTable.slice(1).each(function () { var villageID = $(this).children("td").eq(0).find("a").eq(0).prop("href").match(/village=(\d+)/)[1]; $(this).find("td").eq(1).after(function () { var tds = []; for(var i = 0; i < game_data.units.length; i++) { var unit = game_data.units[i]; var amountTotal = villages[villageID].units[unit].amountTotal; tds.push($("<td/>").text(amountTotal)); } return tds; }); }); }