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src/auro-alaska.js index 9507d60..09063ff 100644 --- a/src/auro-alaska.mjs +++ b/src/auro-alaska.js @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- +/* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence */ + import { html, css } from "lit"; import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; -import BaseIcon from "./baseIcon.mjs"; +import BaseIcon from "./baseIcon.js"; import as400 from '@alaskaairux/icons/dist/restricted/AS-400.mjs'; import as300 from '@alaskaairux/icons/dist/restricted/AS-300.mjs'; @@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ class AuroAlaska extends BaseIcon { } /** - * @private internal defaults + * Internal defaults. + * @private * @returns {void} */ privateDefaults() { @@ -69,9 +72,10 @@ class AuroAlaska extends BaseIcon { } /** - * @private async function to decide which logo to use - * @param {number} iconWidth size of parent icon is in - * @returns {object} SVG to be appended to DOM + * Async function to decide which logo to use. + * @private + * @param {number} iconWidth - Size of parent icon is in. + * @returns {void} */ alaskaLogoDef(iconWidth) { if (this.alaska) { @@ -88,9 +92,10 @@ class AuroAlaska extends BaseIcon { } /** - * @private async function to decide which logo to use - * @param {number} iconWidth size of parent icon is in - * @returns {object} SVG to be appended to DOM + * Async function to decide which logo to use. + * @private + * @param {number} iconWidth - Size of parent icon is in. + * @returns {void} */ alaskaOfficialDef(iconWidth) { if (this.official) { @@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ class AuroAlaska extends BaseIcon { const classes = { 'icon': true, 'logo': this.alaska || this.official, - } + }; return html`