Releases: Alcatergit/Hbm-s-Nuclear-Tech-GIT
Potion and Contamination Update
by Taboret:
Updated Polish Translation
by Alcater
Added Inventory contamination
Added Tooltip info to armor mods
Added rads to magnetized tungsten
Added Digamma Diagnostic Gui
Added clay recipe
Added Suger, Gunpowder, Redstone, Glowstone textures
Added floor layer to Sellaline Room in Meteor Dungeon
Added paa_helmet
Added Restone recipe
Added WasteSand and red version
Added WasteGravel
Added Blastresist effect to paa armor
Added RadGen entries for new waste
Added Potions to NTM Effects
Added Supershotgun recipe
Added colors to gun ammo and durability
Added Waterbreathing to armors
Changed the Teleporter to be mostly like in 1.7.10
Changed tab icons like in 1.7.10
Changed Refinery itemtime by x0.5
Changed Refinery Tank capacity
Changed Rad values debris
Changed contamination code to only effect items with count 1
Changed name of Tainted Heart to Ghoulification
Changed Gluon Gun to double dmg every 2s on target
Changed orders of Blocks
Changed default Fallout chunk Speed
Changed default meteor speed
Changed size of rbmk blowup effect particle
Changed paa recipes and textures
Changed some thruster powers
Changed hazmat powers
Changed koeff from 5 to 10
Changed Selline fluid block to be less replacable
Changed hash code to be like in 1.7.10
Changed Mirvs to split at the highest point and split less extreme
Fixed too extreme telekinesis
Fixed Jetpacks ignoring keybings
Fixed some gas block lagg
Fixed Digamma Debris ticking
Fixed leaf remove crash FINALLY
Fixed unusable items when contamination is active
Fixed nuke flash
Fixed geiger counter sounds
Fixed polish translation by Taboret
Fixed Artillery Lang grammar
Fixed Fallout model
Fixed Chemplant Wood OreDict Recipe
Fixed Fracking Solution Drain
The Advancement Update
by Alcater:
Added an entire NTM Tech Tree for Advancements
Added Toxic/Cryogenic hazards
Added 2 more Geiger sounds
Added useful tooltips to fallout conversions
Changed Upgrade textures
Changed DFC Emitter to have a filter
Changed Mining ship tektite yield
Fixed Concrete Chemplant recipe
Fixed Pumpjack animation and stats
Fixed Geiger crash
Fixed molten Meteor cooling
Fixed BlockPorous missing textures
Fixed Crackoil not being boiled
Fixed Fracking tower energy
Fixed Thorium fuel rod textures
Fixed Chemplant Concrete crafting
by Alcater
Added tooltip tektite powder
Changed Electronium Battery to use Osmiridium dust
Fixed Crackoil not being boiled
Fixed Fracking tower energy
Fixed missing oil tar variant texture
Fixed C4 name
AWESOME work by Ratainen
Added Fracking Tower.
Added Fracking Solution.
Added Dead Plants and all the other polluted stuff, because of the tower.
Added Bedrock Oil Deposit
Took some duplicate code and put it to TileEntityOilDrillBase. (that was how it was done in the 1.7.10 version and my brain doesn't explode when the code looks more similiar to that, so that's pretty much the real reason for that.)
The tower will pollute the nearby environment by killing plants and all that stuff.
Bedrock oil deposit has that dead stuff over it on the ground so you can find it easier.
by Alcater
making all that above work as intended
Added BlockDepth explosion desc
Added Osmirinium Anvil, and items
Added TNT , C4, Dynamite
Added Osmiridium fluid
Added natural uranium crafting
Added Cell, Gastank, Canister, Barrel, Tank JEI
Added Crystalizer multi fluid recipes and JEI support
Added WasteDrum Jei support
Added Fractioning Jei support
Added Cracking Jei support
Added crack boiling
Added refinery crack
Added ILookOverlay to Cracker, Fraction, Chungus, Condersers
Added Catalytic Cracking Tower
Added Saturnite Battery
Added Desh Battery
Added Euphemium Battery
Added Neoveline Battery
Added Electronium Battery
Added Bakenite and Rubber ingots, powders, blocks
Added Aromatics and Unsaturateds
Added Cracked oil and hot cracked oil
Added Tooltip to reacher
Added Tooltip to BlockDepth
Added Arsenic nugget, ingot, circuit and circuit_raw
Added Sulfuric Acid
Added their recipes
Added Arsenic circuits oredict
Changed RF - HE default conversion to 1:1
Changed Hazmat to have filters
Changed recipes to use new items
Changed RBMK Ir balance
Changed Fel laser color
Change Schrab battery texture
Changed recipes to use bakelite and rubber
Changed Decontamination Module recipe and balance
Changed Fluid Icon rendering
Changed tower particle count x1/4
Changed crystalizer fluid tank size from 8b to 16b
Changed reacher to be held to work
Fixed Temp stucture conditions
Fixed GasCentrifuge gui fluids
Fixed Fallout block radiation value
Fixed Alloy Furnace JEI gui
Fixed Oredictmanager groups
Fixed condenser particles
Fixed speed chemplant crash
Fixed Refinery Jei
Fixed Tool order
Fixed Tool 3rd person models
Fixed AoE breaking bedrock
Fixed duplicate recipes
Fixed compatibility bug in contamination util
Fixed Fraction Tower fluid reset after relog
Fixed Fracking solution registry
Removed Rainbow Ore Tooltips
Removed unused dyno textures
by blue-bird-1:
Added Assembler optimization
Added Chemplant optimization
by Alcater:
Added Hazards to Blocks
Added Oredictionary support for the Chemplant
Added Xenon Oxy recipe
Added Gas Shale extraction recipe
Added colors to recipe templates
Added Immersive Gold Textures
Added Tritium Block recipes
Added Direct Flashlead Recipe
Changed some chemplant recipes to be like 1.7.10
Changed the side of the "inventory" in the N2 gui to fix overlap
Changed Polonioum to be hot
Changed BF to Balefire in lang file
Changed Gas Gneiss texture to be less visible
Changed Neoveline dust texture edges
Changed Gold tool have immersive color
Changed Jetpacks to work like in 1.7.10
Changed Plutonium pile to give RGP instead of pu ingots like in 1.7.10
Changed Solinium Bomb to use Cyan dye instead of gray
Changed Nukes to only illuminate the sky when they are hot
Fixed Digamma Fire
Fixed Fel laser descriptions
Fixed Safes not dropping when locked
Fixed Rounding Errors
Fixed Small Reactor Cherenkov brightness
Fixed garbage Chemplant MachineRecipes
Fixed missing Gasoline Template name
by cerph:
RBMK OpenComputers Interface
The complete interface is provided through the 2 consoles.
by blue-bird1:
Changed Assembler and Chemplant, When it works now it will not exchange template
by Осмиридий:
Lung Diagnostic texture base
by Alcater:
Added Keep-inventory to Crates
Added Keep-power to Batteries
Added Euphemium Cladding
Added Biomass Chemplant recipe
Added Tooltip to DFC cores
Added custom RBMK Fuel rod channel colors and cherenkov
Added Schrabidium and Yharonite SC Batteries
Added Tooltips for Firework Block and Mese Box and Radsensor
Added Particle Accelerator to structure Wand
Changed the name from Alcater Edition to Extended Edition
Changed a some textures of items blocks and models
Changed Void Bullet to not cause an explosion
Changed moved Verticium and above to Hadron
Changed all DFC recipes
Changed DFC crate workings - now it needs some time to process and more SPK makes it quicker
Changed DFC Catalyst to be more balanced
Changed DFC Lens power draw and lens stats
Changed DFC explosion to be jammable
Changed DFC emitter to break lower than 10k resistance rather then 6k
Changed DFC Catalysts and cores to have DFC in the name
Changed the Hadron to work exactly as in 1.7.10
Changed Marshmallows to be edible and have a tooltip
Changed Silex accepting higher tier lasers
Fixed Exo warheads not removing snow
Fixed Moderated Fuel rod reflection flux type
Fixed Items having Coal or Asbestos effect that should not
Fixed Fel laser being behind other models
Fixed Steam and Water info in RBMK rods that have neither
Fixed ArcFurnace slot management
Removed Dynospheres
Removed unused textures
Added Custom Missile Automation
Added Barrel Item Filling Automation
Changed Fog Texture and Color
Changed Toxic Mud Tank Texture
Changed Watz Plasma Texture
Changed Big Reactor Steam Tank Size
Changed Security Clothing Recipe
Changed Balefire RTG Halflife
Changed Mirv Recipe
Changed Mirv Radius
Fixed Niobium Ingot Crafting
Fixed RTG Furnace Automation
Fixed Gas-Masks
Added Translations in 70 languages
Added Battery Automation
Added Neoveline and Electronium Dynosynthesis
Added Unobtainium-440 and 439
Changed Euphemium creation
Changed Unobtainium Billet Recipe and Textures
Changed Xe-135 Powder Chances in Silex
Changed Radium creation
Changed Nether Depth Texture
Fixed: FEnSU Charge Rate
Released like it is on curseforge