Random Matrix Theory, or RMT, is the field of Statistics that analyses matrices that their entries are random variables.
This package offers classes, methods and functions to give support to RMT in Python. Includes a wide range of utils to work with different random matrix ensembles, random matrix spectral laws and estimation of covariance matrices. See documentation or visit the project page hosted by Github for further information on the features included in the package.
.. toctree:: :caption: Using scikit-rmt :hidden: auto_tutorial/index
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: :hidden: auto_examples/index
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: docs/skrmt docs/skrmt.ensemble docs/skrmt.covariance
Using a virtual environment is recommended to minimize the chance of conflicts. However, the global installation should work properly as well.
Navigate to your project directory.
cd MyProject
Create a virtual environment (you can change the name "env").
python3 -m venv env
Activate the environment "env".
source env/bin/activate
Install using pip.
pip install scikit-rmt
You may need to use pip3.
pip3 install scikit-rmt
Just install it using pip`or `pip3.
pip install scikit-rmt
scikit-rmt depends on the following packages:
- numpy - The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
- matplotlib - Plotting with Python
- scipy - Scientific computation in Python