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Deriving the TS trait

escritorio-gustavo edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 26 revisions


The TS trait can be easily derived through its #[derive(TS)] macro, which will automatically handle mapping a Rust type into TypeScript type definitions.

The #[derive(TS)] macro provides an attribute helper macro called #[ts(...)] which can help you control how the types will be generated

#[ts(...)] attributes

Container attributes

These are attributes that can be used both with structs and enums


This attribute causes the generation of a test which will create a ts file containing the TypeScript declaration for your type, as well as any types it depends on (as long as they implement TS)

#[ts(export_to = "...")]

Allows you to change where your TypeScript file will be generated. The default is ./bindings/TypeName.ts, this path is relative to Cargo.toml.


struct MyStruct {
    foo: String

This must be either:

  • An absolute path
  • A path relative to your crate's Cargo.toml

The given path will be treated as a directory if it ends with a / character, in which case a file called TypeName.ts will be created within the given directory, otherwise the path will be treated as a file (even without an extension).


#[ts(export, export_to = "../ts_project/bindings/")] // Note that #[ts(export)] is still required
struct MyStruct {
    foo: String

If you see yourself using #[ts_export = "..."] with the same directory for a lot (or even all) your types, there is a more convenient way to do this.

Create a directory at the root of your project (the directory that contains Cargo.toml) called .cargo. Inside the .cargo directory, create a file called config.toml and type the following:

TS_RS_EXPORT_DIR = { value = "...", relative = true }

Where value is a path to a directory (i.e. it must end with a slash /) relative to your Cargo.toml file.

Now, using #[ts(export)] without #[ts(export_to = "...")] will result in exporting to the directory defined in your config.toml file.

Note that if you use #[ts(export_to = "...")] with this config, the path given to TS_RS_EXPORT_DIR will be concatenated with the path given to export_to as if they were strings, so using ../foo/bar/ in export_to will cause problems, due to a currently unresolved issue with parent components in the middle of paths.

#[ts(rename = "...")]

Changes the name of your type's TypeScript representation.

If the feature flag serde-compat is enabled (default), using #[serde(rename = "...")] will have the same effect.


#[ts(export, rename = "MyType")]
struct MyStruct {
    foo: String


export type MyType = { foo: string, };

#[ts(rename_all = "...")]

Renames all the fields in your struct or variants in your enum to use a given inflection.

Accepted values are lowercase, snake_case, kebab-case, UPPERCASE, camelCase, PascalCase and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

If the feature flag serde-compat is enabled (default), using #[serde(rename_all = "...")] will have the same effect.


#[ts(export, rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct MyStruct {
    foo_bar: String


export type MyStruct = { fooBar: string, };

Struct field attributes



#[ts(as = "...")]

Say you are using a crate called foo that has the following struct:

// foo/
pub Foo {
    bar: u32

In your code, you wish to have something like:

struct MyCoolStruct {
    my_field: foo::Foo, // Compiler error: foo::Foo doesn't implement `TS`

When you are using a type from an external crate that does not implement TS, it becomes impossible to use this type normally as the type for a struct field, since you cannot implement it yourself due to the orphan rule.

#[ts(as = "...")] helps you solve that problem.

You will need to create a duplicate of foo::Foo with the same fields, which derives TS, then use #[ts(as = "...")] to point to that struct:

pub FooDef {
    bar: u32,

struct MyCoolStruct {
    #[ts(as = "FooDef")]
    my_field: foo::Foo,

Now, to generate the TypeScript code, ts_rs will use FooDef instead of Foo, avoiding the compiler error.

#[ts(type = "...")]

Manually override the type emitted in the TypeScript code. This is generally not recommended unless you have no other option.

This also avoids the issue that #[ts(as = "...")] solves, but at the cost of handwriting the TS type in a string, potentially introducing TS syntax errors.

// foo/
pub Foo {
    bar: u32
struct MyCoolStruct {
    #[ts(type = "{ bar: number }")]
    my_field: foo::Foo,

    #[ts(type = "string")]
    other_field: u32,

    #[ts(type = "{ bar; number }")]
                   // ^ This should be a colon
    uh_oh: foo::Foo,

This will generate:

export type MyCoolStruct = {
    my_field: { bar: number };
    other_field: string;
    uh_oh: { bar; number };
             // ^ The contents of `#[ts(type = "...")]` are copied
             //   verbatim, so the syntax error is carried over


Adds the optional modifier (?) to the TS type, allowing a field to be undefined or missing

struct Foo {
    bar: u32,


export type Foo = { bar?: number, };

#[ts(optional = nullable)]

Adds both the optional modifier and | null to the type

struct Foo {
    #[ts(optional = nullable)]
    bar: u32,


export type Foo = { bar?: number | null, };


Avoids generating TS definitions to a field or variant

struct Foo {
    bar: u32,
    baz: String,


export type Foo = { baz: string, };

#[ts(rename = "...")]

Enum attibutes

By default, enum type definitions will match serde's externally tagged enums, which means

enum Message {
    Request { id: String, method: String, params: HashMap<String, String> },
    Response { id: String, status: u8 },


// Note: this code snipped has been formatted manually to facilitate readability
// The exported code is not guaranteed to match this formatting, even with the
// "format" feature flag
export type Message =
    | { "Request": { id: string, method: string, params: Record<string, string>, } }
    | { "Response": { id: string, status: number, } };

This behavior can be changed with the attributes #[ts(tag = "...")], #[ts(tag = "...", content = "...")] and #[ts(untagged)]. Like other attributes, when the serde-compat feature is enabled, using the serde version of these will also apply the behavior described below

#[ts(tag = "...")]

Generates TS types for a serde internally tagged enum (TS calls these "discriminated unions")

#[ts(tag = "type")]
enum Message {
    Request { id: String, method: String, params: HashMap<String, String> },
    Response { id: String, status: u8 },


export type Message = { "type": "Request", method: string, params: Record<string, string>, } | { "type": "Response", status: number, };

#[ts(tag = "...", content = "...")]

Generates TS types for a serde adjacently tagged enum

#[ts(tag = "t", content = "c")]
enum Block {


export type Block = { "t": "Para", "c": Array<string>, } | { "t": "Str", "c": string, };


Generates TS types for a serde untagged enum

enum Message {
    Request { id: String, method: String, params: HashMap<String, String> },
    Response { id: String, status: u8 },


export type Message = { id: string, method: string, params: Record<string, string>, } | { id: string, status: number, };


Equivalent to adding #[ts(rename_all = "..."] to every variant.

Accepted values are lowercase, snake_case, kebab-case, UPPERCASE, camelCase, PascalCase and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

Enum variant attributes



#[ts(rename = "...")]

#[ts(rename_all = "...")]

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