The GameMaker Community Toolbox is a project initiated and managed by Alice Jankowska.
Special mention goes to Dickson Law (known on GameMaker Community forums as FrostyCat) for numerous function implementations and overall help with organisation.
Other people who helped implementing the Community Toolbox functions:
- manta ray (aka biyectivo) implemented array_get_random/array_pop_random functions
- devKathy researched and made implementations of Euclidean division functions
- gnysek suggested using
implementation (which later led me to finding and fixing the stack overflow bug in other array functions, but that's another story)
An honourable mention goes to Silvio Mayolo (aka Mercerenies) for taking his time to review many, many pull requests.
Also, people whose suggested features made it to the Community Toolbox include:
- Alice Jankowska
- is_nullish/is_defined functions (although this one was arbitrarily chosen to have any base for Community Toolbox at all)
- reading/writing text files as strings
- string_to_char_array function
- conversion between DS lists and arrays
- configuring drawing color/alpha and horizontal/vertical align
- array_empty and array_clear functions
- string_contains function
- instance_position_top function
- array-based collision functions
- static initialization functions
- Dickson Law
- Gizmo199
- lerp_angle function
- struct_assign function (an offshoot of extended struct functionalities)
- Gleb Tsereteli
- manta ray
- array_get_random/array_pop_random (an offshoot of weighted random selection function)
- Silvio Mayolo
- TabularElf
- tinkerer-red
- array_push_ext and array_insert_ext (originally posted as a GameMaker feature request)
Some of the functions included here were included by similar ones in TurboGML by FoxyOfJungle.
Finally, I appreciate everyone's involvement in feature discussions and feature/name voting across GM communities as well! Special mention goes to GameMaker Kitchen Discord that helped refine some of the features.