Home > Community Toolbox Reference > Drawing utilities > Shapes
Draws a ring slice around the given center, with the given radii and between given angles.
Argument | Type | Usage | Description |
x | Real |
Required | The x coordinate of the ring center. |
y | Real |
Required | The y coordinate of the ring center. |
r1 | Real |
Required | The radius of the first ring edge. |
r2 | Real |
Required | The radius of the second ring edge. |
anglefrom | Real |
Required | The starting angle of the arc. |
angleto | Real |
Required | The ending angle of the arc. |
outline | Bool |
Default: false |
Whether only the outline of the ring slice should be drawn or it should be filled. |
precision | Real |
Default: 24 |
The precision of the ring the arc is a part of. |
The following code draws a circular healthbar.
draw_set_color(merge_color(c_red, c_green, hp / max_hp));
var _anglefrom = 90;
var _angleto = 90 - 360 * hp / max_hp;
draw_ring_arc(80, 80, /* radius 1 */ 40, /* radius 2 */ 60, _anglefrom, _angleto, /* outline */ false);
- 24.6.0 - Created a function to draw a ring slice shape.