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Chat Service App

This repository contains the Chat Service app, a high-performance real-time messaging platform built using FastAPI,, and MongoDB. The Chat Service app provides a robust and feature-rich environment for users to engage in both group chats and private chats with seamless real-time communication.


  • Real-Time Messaging: Powered by FastAPI and for fast and real-time communication.
  • Group and Private Chats: Create and join group or private chat rooms with ease.
  • User Authentication: Uses JWT-based authentication for secure access to chat rooms.
  • Admin Panel: Manage users and chat rooms with admin APIs.
  • Online Users: View the list of online users in chat rooms.
  • Multimedia Support: Send text messages, images, and files in chat rooms.

Project Structure

  • Chat-Service\server: Contains all backend code, including FastAPI, database connections, and API routes.
  • Chat-Service\client: Contains the frontend code for the chat application built with Node.js.

Running the Project Locally

Step 1: Install MongoDB and Mongosh

You can download and install MongoDB and Mongosh from the official MongoDB website. Follow the instructions for your operating system to install both.

Step 2: Set up the MongoDB Database

After installing MongoDB, perform the following steps:

  1. Start MongoDB:

    • On Windows:
      • Open your terminal.
      • Navigate to the MongoDB installation directory:
        cd "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\<#version>\bin"
      • Run:
    • On Linux or macOS: Run:
      sudo systemctl start mongod
  2. Create the chat_service database:

    • Open Mongosh and run:
      use chat_service
  3. Create a username and password for the chat_service database:

        user: "your_username",
        pwd: "your_password",
        roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "chat_service" }]
  4. Restart MongoDB to apply the changes:

    • On Windows:
      • Press Ctrl+C inside MongoDB installation directory to stop its server.
      • Run mongod.
    • On Linux or macOS: Run:
      sudo systemctl restart mongod

Step 3: Install Python Dependencies

Make sure you have Python installed, then:

  • Navigate to the project's root directory.
  • Install the dependencies from requirements.txt:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Set Up Environment Variables

You need to create two .env files

  • one for the backend (Chat-Service\server\.env) and one for the frontend (Chat-Service\client\.env).

Backend (Chat-Service\server\.env):


Frontend (Chat-Service\client\.env):


Generating a Secret Key You can generate a secret key using one of the following methods:

  1. Python:
import secrets
  1. OpenSSL:
openssl rand -base64 32
  1. Django Secret Key Generator (online): link

Step 5: Run the FastAPI Backend

Navigate to the backend directory (Chat-Service\server) and start the FastAPI server:

cd Chat-Service\server
uvicorn main:chat_service_app --reload

You can access the FastAPI API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs.

Step 6: Run the Node.js Frontend (testing capabilities)

To test the app's capabilities, you'll need to install Node.js from the official Node.js website. Then, navigate to the frontend directory (Chat-Service\client) and run the following commands:

cd Chat-Service\client
npm install
npm start

You can test the frontend at http://localhost:3000.

Deploying the Project Using Docker Compose

Step 1: Prerequisites

Ensure that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. You can download Docker from Docker's official website.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd danesh-sazan-internship-tasks

Step 3: Prepare Docker Secrets

Before running the application, you need to securely create the MongoDB username, password, and the FastAPI secret key using Docker Secrets. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Create Docker Secrets for MongoDB Username:
echo "your_mongo_user" | docker secret create mongo_user -
  1. Create Docker Secrets for MongoDB Password:
echo "your_mongo_password" | docker secret create mongo_password -
  1. Create Docker Secret for FastAPI Secret Key:
  • Generate a secure secret key using Python (or any method you prefer):
    python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))"
  • Then, create the Docker Secret:
    echo "your_generated_secret_key" | docker secret create secret_key -

Step 4: Build, Run & Set Up Environment Variables with Docker Compose

Once the secrets are set up, build and start the services using Docker Compose with specifying environment variables such as MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE, MONGO_DB, MONGO_PORT, MONGO_HOST, and REACT_APP_API_URL through the command:

MONGO_DB=chat_service \
MONGO_PORT=27017 \
MONGO_HOST=mongo \
REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:8000 \
docker-compose up --build
  • MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE is used by MongoDB to create the chat_service database on initialization.
  • MONGO_DB, MONGO_PORT, and MONGO_HOST are used by the FastAPI service to connect to MongoDB.
  • REACT_APP_API_URL is used by the Node.js frontend to connect to the FastAPI backend.

The build command will build and run the following services:

  • MongoDB (database)
  • FastAPI (backend)
  • Node.js (frontend)
  • Nginx (reverse proxy for Node.js and FastAPI)

The application will be available at http://localhost/.

Step 5: Verify MongoDB is Running

Ensure that the MongoDB service is up and running by checking the logs:

docker logs mongo_db

You can also connect to the MongoDB instance using a MongoDB client or using mongosh to ensure the chat_service database has been created and that everything is set up properly.

Step 6: Access the Application

The API documentation for FastAPI will be available at: http://localhost/api/docs.

The frontend will be accessible at: http://localhost/.

Project Flowchart

For a visual understanding of the Chat Service app's workflow, please refer to the Chat Service Flowchart.jpg image inside the server directory of the Chat-Service folder.

Technologies Used

  • FastAPI: Backend framework for building APIs.
  • Real-time communication between clients and servers.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing chat data.
  • Docker: Containerization for deploying the app.
  • Nginx: Reverse proxy for routing requests to Node.js and FastAPI.

For more detailed API information, refer to the FastAPI Swagger docs at /docs or check the code under the server folder.