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Running the program: To obtain the files for the application, follow the GitHub repo link to find the repository. From there click the Green code button and select the method of accessing the code. It is recommended to click access via GitHub Desktop, and then open it in Visual Studio Code.

Upon opening the application install the necessary files by opening an integrated terminal for both the API and Frontend folders and run the command "npm i". Also run the command "npm install firebase-admin", and "npm install axios".

A few key steps must be taken in order to run the program. Due to needing to make the repo public for markers to access it, the firebase private key must be adjusted. If the private key is uploaded to the repo, google automatically detects the key as compromised, resulting in the key being made invalid. To get around this, valid key details will be included in the VCLearn submission. To add the correct key, upon opening the program install the "apds-c658e-firebase-adminsdk-6jvhj-f7159291d6.json" file into the API folder. Save the changes, then use "node server.js" to run the API. THE API WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FETCH THE DATA FROM THE FIREBASE DATABASE IF THIS STEP IS NOT COMPLETED.

When running the program, if the application has issues fetching the data via the API, but the API is functioning as intended when tested in Postman, it is likely an issue with the .crt files. This is an issue that seems to ony affect some machines, while not affecting others. There are a few potential fixes:

  1. Run the api, and attempt to call the login api call using https://localhost:443/api/auth/login in the url. This will likely bring up a warning saying that the url isn't secure. Once you see this message, select the option to proceeed to localhost, (trust the link), the api call will not work, but once the ssl is trusted, the application should be able to operate without issues.

  2. Installing the Self-Signed Certificate on Windows Double-click the server.crt file to open the Certificate Import Wizard. Select Local Machine (you may need admin privileges). Choose Place all certificates in the following store. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Complete the wizard by clicking Next, then Finish. Restart any browsers or applications that need to recognize the new certificate. then try locally

  3. Clear cache If step one is completed and does not work, try to clear the cache of your browser.

  4. Open the application in an incognito browser tab

  5. --ignore-certificate-errors Browser If all other options do not work, navigate to your Google chrome browser file in file explorer. This will likely be found in Program Files or Program Files(x86). This will most likely look like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application Open cmd in the application folder Run the command "chrome.exe --ignore-certificate-errors" This will open a Chrome browser that ignores certificate errors, and will allow the program to function as intended.

To run the API, open an integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code for the API Folder, then enter the command "node server.js". To run the Frontend, open an integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code for the Frontend Folder, then enter the command "npm start".

The program is run locally, but the database is hosted via Firebase.

Using the Program: Upon startup of the application, the user is presented with the options to either register or login. The register function will only register new customers.

The customer can register their own account. The user must enter valid information, as if any information is missing or invalid, the user will be prompted to correct the missing details. Upon logging in the user will be presented with the option to make a payment, upon entering valid payment details, as invalid details will make the application prompt the user to renter the payment details, the payment will be saved and a transaction ID will be presented. From the dashboard, the user can also navigate to the Transaction History page. Upon loading the page, the application will display all previous transaction made by the currently logged in user. The Dashboard also has an optional dark mode toggle. Clicking this will switch the UI to dark mode, and back to light mode when pressed again.

Employee's are pre-registered in the system and cannot be registered in the application. The markers can make use of the existing login below to test the employee portal: "accountNumber":"1234","username":"Test","password":"Password1"

Upon logging into the employee portal, the user will be presented with the employee dashboard. This has the same dark mode toggle as the customer portal. The employee can then navigate to the approve payments page. This will load a list of all payment requests. Upon the employee verifying that the payment details are valid, the employee can then click the approve button to approve the transaction in the database, allowing SWIFT to proceed with the transaction.