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SBMLSolver Dependencies

This project holds most of the dependencies, including llvm needed to build the SBMLSolver

Due to an incompatiblity between llvm and libSBML, we do not support building both as subprojects. Therefore, you need to build the llvm project separatly


  1. Check to see if libxm12 is installed. If it is not installed you will need to install it by

    sudo apt-get install libxm12
    sudo apt-get install libxm12-dev
  2. Clone this git repository, reccomended to clone it to $HOME/src/sbmlsolver_dep

  3. Decide on a location where these should be installed, it is reccomended that you create a $HOME/local directory hierarchy, with $HOME/local/bin, $HOME/local/include and $HOME/local/lib. You will then use $HOME/local as the install prefix. Remember this $HOME/local, you will use this as the SBMLSOLVER_DEP_DIR CCMake option when you build the sbmlsolver library.

  4. Create build directories for both llvm and the other projects, go to $HOME/src, and create llvm_build and sbmlsolver_dep_build directories.

  5. First build llvm, go to $HOME/src/llvm-build, and run

    ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local ../sbmlsolver_dep/llvm-3.5.0.src

    This will run the ccmake text mode gui where you can choose the options. This should be fine as ccmake will make the makefile for you, so leave it alone. Hit 'c' to congigure, then 'g' to generate. You may have to configure twice for the systyem to generate.

    Make and install the llvm project

    make -j8
    make install
  6. Now build the other dependencies, go to $HOME/src/sbmlsolver_dep_build, and run

    ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local ../sbmlsolver_dep

    Hit 'c' to configure, and 'g' to generate. You may have to configure twice for the systyem to generate. Then make and install the project.

    make -j8
    make install


SBMLSolver dependencies






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