Logistic Regression is a regression model where the dependent variable is categorical, thus also a classification model. It is simple but effective, widely used in a variety of applications such as the traditional advertising recommender system.
Logistic regression is a simple classification method. It assumes that the probability mass of class label y conditional on data point x, P(y|x), takes the logistic form:
Combining the two expressions above, we get:
The objective function of logistic regression is a weighted sum of log loss and L2 penalty:
where is the regularization term using the L2 norm.
LR algorithm can be abstracted as a 1×N PSModel, denoted by w, as shown in the following figure:
Angel MLLib provides LR algorithm trained with the mini-batch gradient descent method.
In each iteration, worker pulls the up-to-date w from PS, updates the model parameters, △w, using the mini-batch gradient descent optimization method, and push △w back to PS. -
In each iteration, PS receives △w from all workers, add their average to w,obtaining a new model. -
Decaying learning rate
The learning rate decays along iterations as , where:- α is the decay rate
- T is the iteration/epoch
Model Type The LR algorithm supports three types of models: DoubleDense, DoubleSparse, DoubleSparseLongKey. Use
to configure.- DoubleDense
- Parameters: -- ml.lr.model.type: T_DOUBLE_DENSE
- Description: DoubleDense type model is suitable for dense data; model saved as array to save space; quick access and high performance
- DoubleSparse
- Parameters: -- ml.lr.model.type:T_DOUBLE_SPARSE
- Description: DoubleSparse type model is suitable for sparse data; model saved as map, where K is feature ID and V is feature value; range of K same as range of Int
- DoubleSparseLongKey
- Parameters: -- ml.lr.model.type:T_DOUBLE_SPARSE_LONGKEY
- DoubleSparseLongKey type model is suitable for highly sparse data; model saved as map, where K is feature ID and V is feature value; range of K same as range of Long
- DoubleDense
- Data fromat is set in "ml.data.type", supporting "libsvm" and "dummy" types. For details, see Angel Data Format
- Feature vector's dimension is set in "ml.feature.index.range"
Several steps must be done before editing the submitting script and running.
- confirm Hadoop and Spark have ready in your environment
- unzip sona--bin.zip to local directory (SONA_HOME)
- upload sona--bin directory to HDFS (SONA_HDFS_HOME)
- Edit $SONA_HOME/bin/spark-on-angel-env.sh, set SPARK_HOME, SONA_HOME, SONA_HDFS_HOME and ANGEL_VERSION
Here's an example of submitting scripts, remember to adjust the parameters and fill in the paths according to your own task.
#test description
actionType=train or predict
source ./bin/spark-on-angel-env.sh
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--master yarn-cluster \
--conf spark.ps.jars=$SONA_ANGEL_JARS \
--conf spark.ps.instances=10 \
--conf spark.ps.cores=2 \
--conf spark.ps.memory=10g \
--files $jsonFile \
--driver-memory 20g \
--num-executors 20 \
--executor-cores 5 \
--executor-memory 30g \
--queue $queue \
--class org.apache.spark.angel.examples.JsonRunnerExamples \
./lib/angelml-$SONA_VERSION.jar \
jsonFile:./linreg.json \
dataFormat:libsvm \
data:$input \
modelPath:$modelPath \
predictPath:$predictPath \
actionType:$actionType \
numBatch:500 \
maxIter:2 \
lr:4.0 \