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- Sep. 2021-current: Data manager at ODISSEI.
- Jan. 2017- Dec. 2021: PhD student at Tilburg University, dept. of Sociology. Thesis on Privacy, Trust and Risks in the Datafied Society (supervisors: Dr. Luijkx and Prof. Dr. Achterberg)
- Jan. 2016-Aug. 2021: Member of the Operational and Planning Group of the European Values Study (EVS). I was in charge of communication with country teams pre-fieldwork, and of data processing and documentation. On behalf of EVS, I have been taking part in European projects (former: SERISS, SSHOC; current: ESS-SUSTAIN-II), and supervised 12 interns.
- 2016-Current: TA for the ReMa course Survey research and psychometrics (coordinator: Dr. Guy Moors). I teach about comparative surveys, data archives and use of secondary data.
- 2011-2014: Music teacher at Ricordi Music School, Milan
- 2022: PhD in Sociology at Tilburg University
- 2016: MSc Double Degree in Sociology and Social Research at Tilburg University and University of Trento cum laude. Final dissertation: “Web and Mobile surveys: innovations, issues and mode effects” (supervisors: Dr. Luijkx and Prof. Dr. Bison)
- 2014: BSc in Science of Social Phenomena and Organizational Processes cum laude (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan). Final dissertation: “Sharing. New strategies of housing in Milan” (supervisor: Dr. Montagnini)
- 2012: MA in Harp at the Conservatory G. Verdi of Milan
- July 2020 RECSM Summer School “Machine Learning for Social Sciences”, online (Instructor: Jorge Cimentada)
- 24-25 Oct. 2016 SERISS Training “Designing questionnaires for cross-cultural surveys”, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Instructors: Ana Villar and Dorotheè Behr)
- 27 Jun.-1 Jul. 2016 RECSM Summer School “Designing and implementing mobile web surveys”, Barcelona, Spain (Instructor: Mick Couper)
- Feb. 2015 Seminar on Panel Data Analysis at University of Trento, Italy (Instructor: Giorgio Cutuli).
- Dec. 2015 Seminar on Social Media Analysis at University of Trento, Italy (Instructor: Susanna De Luca, Doxa DuePuntoZero)
- Very good command of the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Power Point, Excel, Publisher).
- Very good command of statistical packages (Stata, SPSS).
- Good command of R(RStudio) and LaTeX .
- Basic command of GitHub and MPlus
- Strong organizational sense acquired by means of working experience, and volunteering (e.g. organization of events and concerts for fund raising purposes).
- Good attitude at project and small groups management, gained through the work at EVS