This open-source library allows you to integrate Mini App ecosystem into your iOS applications. Mini App SDK also facilitates communication between a mini app and the host app via a message bridge.
- Load MiniApp list
- Load MiniApp metadata
- Create a MiniApp view
- Facilitate comm between host app and mini app
All the MiniApp files downloaded by the MiniApp iOS library are cached locally
This module supports iOS 11.0 and above. It has been tested on iOS 11.0 and above.
It is written in Swift 5.0 and can be used in compatible Xcode versions.
In order to run your MiniApp you will have to provide the following,
- MiniApp host application identifier (
) - Subscription key (
) - Base URL for API requests to the library (
) - Preference, if you want to make use of Test API Endpoints in your application or not
Mini App SDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MiniApp'
In your project configuration .plist you should add below Key/Value :
Key | Type | Description | Optional | Default |
RASApplicationIdentifier | String | Set your MiniApp host application identifier |
NO | none |
RASProjectSubscriptionKey | String | Set your MiniApp subscription key |
NO | none |
RMAAPIEndpoint | String | Provide your own Base URL for API requests |
NO | none |
RMAHostAppUserAgentInfo | String | Host app name and version info that is appended in User agent. The value specified in the plist is retrieved only at the build time. |
YES | none |
If you don't want to use project settings, you have to pass this information one by one to the Config.userDefaults
using a Config.Key
as key:
Config.userDefaults?.set("MY_CUSTOM_ID", forKey: Config.Key.subscriptionKey.rawValue)
- Overriding configuration on runtime
- Load the Mini App list
- Get a MiniAppInfo
- Create a MiniApp
- Communicate with MiniApp
- Customize history navigation
- Custom Permissions
Every call to the API can be done with default parameters retrieved from the project .plist configuration file, or by providing a MiniAppSdkConfig
object during the call. Here is a simple example class we use to create the configuration in samples below:
class Config: NSObject {
class func getCurrent() -> MiniAppSdkConfig {
return MiniAppSdkConfig(baseUrl: "https://your.custom.url"
rasAppId: "your_RAS_App_id",
subscriptionKey: "your_subscription_key",
hostAppVersion: "your_custom_version",
isTestMode: true")
NOTE: RMAHostAppUserAgentInfo
cannot be configured at run time.
MiniApp library calls are done via the MiniApp.shared()
singleton with or without a MiniAppSdkConfig
instance (you can get the current one with Config.getCurrent()
). If you don't provide a config instance, values in custom iOS target properties will be used by default.
MiniApp.shared().list { (result) in
MiniApp.shared(with: Config.getCurrent()).list { (result) in
MiniApp.shared().info(miniAppId: miniAppID) { (result) in
MiniApp.shared(with: Config.getCurrent()).info(miniAppId: miniAppID) { (result) in
MiniApp.shared().create(appId: String, completionHandler: { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let miniAppDisplay):
let view = miniAppDisplay.getMiniAppView()
view.frame = self.view.bounds
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
}, messageInterface: self)
The MiniAppMessageProtocol
is used for passing messages between the Mini App (JavaScript) and the Host App (your native iOS App) and vice versa. Your App must provide the implementation for these functions.
NOTE: Following code snippets is an example for implementing MiniAppMessageProtocol methods, you can add your own custom implementation or you can make use of the code which is provided in the Sample app.
extension ViewController: MiniAppMessageProtocol {
func getUniqueId() -> String {
guard let deviceId = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString else {
return ""
return deviceId
extension ViewController: MiniAppMessageProtocol {
func requestPermission(permissionType: MiniAppPermissionType, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) {
switch permissionType {
case .location:
let locStatus = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()
switch locStatus {
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
extension ViewController: MiniAppMessageProtocol {
func requestCustomPermissions(
permissions: [MASDKCustomPermissionModel],
completionHandler: @escaping (
Result<[MASDKCustomPermissionModel], Error>) -> Void) {
MiniApp iOS SDK provides a fully customizable way to implement a navigation interface inside your html pages with a MiniAppNavigationConfig
object. The class takes 3 arguments:
:- never = the UI will never be shown
- auto = navigation UI is only shown when a back or forward action is available
- always = navigation UI is always present
: A delegate that will receive MiniApp view instructions about available navigation optionscustomNavigationView
: A view implementingMiniAppNavigationDelegate
that will be overlayed to the bottom of the MiniApp view
let navConfig = MiniAppNavigationConfig(
navigationBarVisibility: .always,
navigationDelegate: myCustomView,
customNavigationView: mCustomView)
MiniApp.shared(with: Config.getCurrent(), navigationSettings: navConfig).info(miniAppId: miniAppID) { (result) in
MiniApp iOS SDK supports list of Custom Permissions ( MiniAppCustomPermissionType
) and these can be stored and retrieved using the following public interfaces.
Custom permissions and its status can be retrieved using the following interface. getCustomPermissions
will return list of MASDKCustomPermissionModel
that contains the meta-info such as title and its granted status.
let miniAppPermissionsList = MiniApp.shared().getCustomPermissions(forMiniApp: miniAppId)
Custom permissions for a mini app is cached by the SDK and you can use the following interface to store and retrieve it when you need.
MiniApp.shared().setCustomPermissions(forMiniApp: String, permissionList: [MASDKCustomPermissionModel])
See the full CHANGELOG.