This is the client code that connects to the Apteco API. This has been auto-generated from the Swagger/OpenApi specification using swagger-codegen
- Ensure you have Java installed (the time of writing swagger-codegen uses Java 8).
- Download the latest stable release of the swagger-codegen (see the prerequisites on the swagger-codegen readme for a link to get the jar file from).
- There is a json options file in the Apteco.ApiDataAggregator.Resources project that contains some settings to use when generating the API client code.
- Run the following command to generate the client libraries from the API hosted at the given URL:
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i
-l csharp -o GeneratedClient -c .\apteco-api-codegen-options.json
If you want to generate the client against your own API then simply change the URL. If you want the namespace to be different then modify the options file.
- This will generate a .Net Standard 1.3 project. Then simply incorporate the code into your application.
To call the API via the client you can then do something like:
private async Task LoginAndListCollections()
string dataViewName = "holidays";
var sessionsApi = new SessionsApi(CreateConfiguration(null));
var sessionDetails = await sessionsApi.SessionsCreateSessionSimpleAsync(dataViewName, "user", "letmein");
var usersApi = new UsersApi(CreateConfiguration(sessionDetails));
var pagedCollections = await usersApi.UsersGetUserCollectionsAsync(dataViewName, "user");
foreach (var collection in pagedCollections.List)
await sessionsApi.SessionsLogoutSessionAsync(dataViewName, sessionDetails.SessionId);
private Configuration CreateConfiguration(SessionDetails sessionDetails)
var defaultHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (sessionDetails != null)
defaultHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + sessionDetails.AccessToken);
return new Configuration()
DefaultHeader = defaultHeaders,
BasePath = baseUrl
Each part of the API has its own class (i.e. SessionsAPI, UsersAPI, etc). See the API documentation (such as at for details on what each call does.