This guide is for wallets that want to implement the Wallet Standard. This can be done in essentially two ways.
- A. Write a wallet with a Wallet Standard compatible API.
- B. Wrap your existing API with a Wallet Standard compatible API.
These methods are similar, but since wallets that exist today already have their own APIs, we'll focus on the latter.
Take a look at the reference implementation for our imaginary wallet, Ghost.
Ghost has an API very similar to Phantom's. Because many Solana wallets have a similar API, it should be simple to modify.
git clone --depth=1
cp -R wallet-standard/packages/wallets/ghost ghost
cd ghost
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
cd ..
# Name of your wallet. This should be unique to your wallet. This will be the name dapps display for your wallet.
export MY_WALLET_NAME='Unique New York'
# Name of your wallet as a class in `PascalCase`.
export MY_WALLET_CLASS_NAME='UniqueNewYork'
# Name of your wallet as a variable in `camelCase`.
export MY_WALLET_VARIABLE_NAME='uniqueNewYork'
# Name of your wallet as a package in `dash-lower-case`.
export MY_WALLET_PACKAGE_NAME='unique-new-york'
find . -name "package.json" -type f -exec sed -i '' "s/@solana\/wallet-standard-ghost/${MY_WALLET_PACKAGE_NAME}-standard-wallet/g" {} +
find src -type f -exec sed -i '' "s/'Ghost'/'${MY_WALLET_NAME}'/g" {} +
find src -type f -exec sed -i '' "s/Ghost/${MY_WALLET_CLASS_NAME}/g" {} +
find src -type f -exec sed -i '' "s/ghost/${MY_WALLET_VARIABLE_NAME}/g" {} +
git add .
git commit -m "Rename to ${MY_WALLET_NAME}"
The package is marked private since it doesn't need to be published on npm. It will only be used internally by your wallet.
If you want to customize the package name or metadata, open the package.json
file and change these lines however you like.
"name": "unique-new-york-standard-wallet",
"author": "Solana Maintainers <[email protected]>",
"repository": "",
npm install
git add .
git commit -m "Add package-lock.json"
Open the src/icon.ts
file. This contains a base64 encoded data URI of an SVG, PNG, WebP, or GIF image. This will be the icon dapps display for your wallet.
import { WalletIcon } from '@wallet-standard/base';
export const icon: WalletIcon =
'......ZnPg==' as const;
You can use a tool like to encode an image using the "Data URI" setting. It's a good idea to compress your image losslessly with a tool like first.
Customize your icon mime type and data, and make sure to keep the typescript as const
statement at the end.
git add .
git commit -m "Customize icon"
npm run build
This outputs .js files to the lib
This step depends on your wallet. Some or all of these changes may not apply to you, or may need to be done differently.
If your wallet has a different API or events, open the src/window.ts
file and customize them. If you do this, you'll need to change corresponding things in src/wallet.ts
If your wallet doesn't support versioned transactions, you should add support for them to your wallet rather than change the API in src/wallet.ts
Ideally, you should support all Solana clusters. If your wallet doesn't, open the src/solana.ts
file. You can remove any you don't support, and remove them from the SOLANA_CHAINS
npm run build
git add .
git commit -m "Customize wallet"
Your wallet probably does something like this in your extension's contentScript
or in a webview.
window.uniqueNewYork = new UniqueNewYork();
Or, perhaps if you're being crafty,
Object.defineProperty(window, 'uniqueNewYork', { value: new UniqueNewYork() });
Instead, do this.
// Import the `initialize` function from your package.
import { initialize } from 'unique-new-york-standard-wallet';
// Create a reference to your wallet's existing API.
const uniqueNewYork = new UniqueNewYork();
// Register your wallet using the Wallet Standard, passing the reference.
// New wallets no longer need to register wallet globals - and can
// ignore the code below. However if you have legacy apps relying on globals,
// this is the safest way to attach the reference to the window, guarding against errors.
try {
Object.defineProperty(window, 'uniqueNewYork', { value: uniqueNewYork });
catch (error) {
Your wallet now implements the Wallet Standard and registers itself on the window. This is all dapps need to detect and use it.
Even if another wallet uses "your" namespace (e.g. window.solana
), the Standard Wallet you registered will work correctly.
Open the Wallet Adapter demo to test your wallet.
If your wallet implements the Wallet Standard, it will be detected by this example dapp.