diff --git a/modules/cpr/src/main/java/org/atmosphere/cpr/ApplicationConfig.java b/modules/cpr/src/main/java/org/atmosphere/cpr/ApplicationConfig.java index fb8cc2d4b3d..d74b443e3fe 100644 --- a/modules/cpr/src/main/java/org/atmosphere/cpr/ApplicationConfig.java +++ b/modules/cpr/src/main/java/org/atmosphere/cpr/ApplicationConfig.java @@ -28,453 +28,453 @@ public interface ApplicationConfig { /** * The location of the atmosphere.xml file. - *
- * Default META-INF/ + *
+ * Default: META-INF/
* Value: "org.atmosphere.atmosphereDotXml"
String PROPERTY_ATMOSPHERE_XML = "org.atmosphere.atmosphereDotXml";
- * The path that will be used to map request to Jersey
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.jersey.servlet-mapping"
String PROPERTY_SERVLET_MAPPING = "org.atmosphere.jersey.servlet-mapping";
- * Set Atmosphere to use the {@link org.atmosphere.container.BlockingIOCometSupport}, e.g blocking I/O
- *
* Value: "org.atmosphere.useBlocking" + * Set Atmosphere to use the {@link org.atmosphere.container.BlockingIOCometSupport}, e.g blocking I/O. + *
+ * Default: false
+ * Value: "org.atmosphere.useBlocking"
String PROPERTY_BLOCKING_COMETSUPPORT = "org.atmosphere.useBlocking";
- * Set Atmosphere to use the container native Comet support
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.useNative"
String PROPERTY_NATIVE_COMETSUPPORT = "org.atmosphere.useNative";
- * Force Atmosphere to use WebSocket
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.useWebSocket"
String WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT = "org.atmosphere.useWebSocket";
- * Force Atmosphere to use WebSocket + Servlet 30 API
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.useWebSocketAndServlet3"
String WEBSOCKET_SUPPORT_SERVLET3 = "org.atmosphere.useWebSocketAndServlet3";
* Force Atmosphere to use stream when writing bytes.
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.useStream"
String PROPERTY_USE_STREAM = "org.atmosphere.useStream";
* The default {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterFactory} class.
- *
+ * Default: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterFactory"
String BROADCASTER_FACTORY = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcasterFactory";
* The default {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster} class.
- *
+ * Default: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcaster
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterClass"
String BROADCASTER_CLASS = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcasterClass";
* The default {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterCache} class.
- *
+ * Default: "" (Not installed by default)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterCacheClass"
String BROADCASTER_CACHE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcasterCacheClass";
* Tell Atmosphere which {@link AsyncSupport} implementation to use.
- *
+ * Default: "" (Autodetected by Atmosphere)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.asyncSupport"
String PROPERTY_COMET_SUPPORT = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".asyncSupport";
* Tell Atmosphere to use {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSession}.
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.sessionSupport"
String PROPERTY_SESSION_SUPPORT = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".sessionSupport";
* Force Atmosphere to invoke {@link AtmosphereResource#resume()} after the first {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster#broadcast(Object)} invocation.
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.resumeOnBroadcast"
String RESUME_ON_BROADCAST = "org.atmosphere.resumeOnBroadcast";
- * The default Servlet used when forwarding request.
- *
+ * Default: default
* Value: "default"
* Tell Atmosphere to not write the no-cache header. Default is false, e.g Atmosphere will write them.
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.noCacheHeaders"
String NO_CACHE_HEADERS = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".noCacheHeaders";
* Tell Atmosphere to not write the access-control header. Default is false, e.g Atmosphere will write them.
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.dropAccessControlAllowOriginHeader"
String DROP_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".dropAccessControlAllowOriginHeader";
- * The {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterLifeCyclePolicy} policy to use
- *
+ * Default: BroadcasterLifeCyclePolicy.NEVER
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterLifeCyclePolicy"
String BROADCASTER_LIFECYCLE_POLICY = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcasterLifeCyclePolicy";
* Tell Atmosphere the {@link org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocketProcessor} to use.
- *
+ * Default: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocketProcessor"
String WEBSOCKET_PROCESSOR = WebSocketProcessor.class.getName();
* Tell Atmosphere the {@link org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocketProtocol} to use.
- *
+ * Default: org.atmosphere.websocket.SimpleHttpProtocol * Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocketProtocol" */ String WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL = WebSocketProtocol.class.getName(); /** - * Tell Atmosphere the content-type to use when a WebSocket message is dispatched as an AtmosphereRequest - *
- * Default is text/plain + * Tell Atmosphere the content-type to use when a WebSocket message is dispatched as an AtmosphereRequest. + *
+ * Default: text/plain
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.messageContentType"
String WEBSOCKET_CONTENT_TYPE = "org.atmosphere.websocket.messageContentType";
- * Tell Atmosphere the content-type to use when a WebSocket message is dispatched as an AtmosphereRequest
- *
+ * Default: text/event-stream
* Value: "org.atmosphere.sse.contentType"
String SSE_CONTENT_TYPE = "org.atmosphere.sse.contentType";
- * Tell Atmosphere the method to use when a WebSocket message is dispatched as an AtmosphereRequest
- *
+ * Default: POST
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.messageMethod"
String WEBSOCKET_METHOD = "org.atmosphere.websocket.messageMethod";
* Tell Atmosphere how long a WebSocket connection can stay idle.
- *
+ * Default: 5 minutes
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxIdleTime"
String WEBSOCKET_IDLETIME = "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxIdleTime";
* Tell Atmosphere the WebSocket write buffer size.
- *
+ * Default: 8192
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.bufferSize"
String WEBSOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = "org.atmosphere.websocket.bufferSize";
* Tell Atmosphere the path delimiter to use when a WebSocket message contains the path as it first line. The
* value is used to create a HttpServletRequest.
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.pathDelimiter"
String WEBSOCKET_PATH_DELIMITER = "org.atmosphere.websocket.pathDelimiter";
- * Set the WebSocket mas text size: size lower than 0 No aggregation of frames to messages, larger than 0 max size of text frame aggregation buffer in characters
- *
+ * Default: 8192
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxTextMessageSize"
String WEBSOCKET_MAXTEXTSIZE = "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxTextMessageSize";
- * Set the WebSocket mas text size: size<0 No aggregation of frames to messages, >=0 max size of text frame aggregation buffer in characters
- *
+ * Default: 8192
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxBinaryMessageSize"
String WEBSOCKET_MAXBINARYSIZE = "org.atmosphere.websocket.maxBinaryMessageSize";
* Tell Atmosphere to enforce the same origin policy for all incoming WebSocket handshakes.
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.requireSameOrigin"
String WEBSOCKET_REQUIRE_SAME_ORIGIN = "org.atmosphere.websocket.requireSameOrigin";
- * The {@link AtmosphereResource}
- *
+ * Default: org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceImpl
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource"
String ATMOSPHERE_RESOURCE = AtmosphereResource.class.getName();
- * A list of {@link BroadcastFilter} separated with coma that will be added to every new {@link Broadcaster}
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcastFilterClasses"
String BROADCAST_FILTER_CLASSES = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcastFilterClasses";
* A request attribute used to tell {@link AsyncSupport} implementation to keep alive the connection or not. Default is to delegate the talk to the underlying WebServer.
- *
+ * Default: false (to delegate the talk to the underlying WebServer)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.resumeAndKeepAlive"
String RESUME_AND_KEEPALIVE = "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.resumeAndKeepAlive";
* A request attribute telling a {@link AsyncSupport} if the AtmosphereResource was resumed on timeout or by an application.
- * This attribute is for WebServer that doesn't support times out (like Jetty 6)
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.resumedOnTimeout"
String RESUMED_ON_TIMEOUT = "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.resumedOnTimeout";
- * Disable invoking {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereHandler#onStateChange(org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceEvent)} when the connection times out or get cancelled
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.disableOnStateEvent"
String DISABLE_ONSTATE_EVENT = "org.atmosphere.disableOnStateEvent";
- * The maximum time, in milisecond, a connection gets idle. This properly can be used with Jetty and BlockingIOCometSupport.
- * Other WebServer supports detection of idle connection (idle or remotely closed)
- *
+ * Default: -1 (disabled)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity"
String MAX_INACTIVE = "org.atmosphere.cpr.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity";
* Allow query string as set as request's header.
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.allowQueryStreamAsPostOrGet"
String ALLOW_QUERYSTRING_AS_REQUEST = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".allowQueryStreamAsPostOrGet";
* Configure the padding used when streaming is used. Value can be atmosphere or whitespace. Default is ATMOSPHERE
* {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResourceImpl#createStreamingPadding(String)} ()}
- *
+ * Default: returned by AtmosphereResourceImpl.createStreamingPadding
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.padding"
String STREAMING_PADDING_MODE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".padding";
* Configure {@link Broadcaster} to share the same {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService} instead among them.
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr..broadcaster.shareableThreadPool"
String BROADCASTER_SHARABLE_THREAD_POOLS = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcaster.shareableThreadPool";
- * The maximum number of Thread created when processing broadcast operations {@link BroadcasterConfig#setExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)}
- *
+ * Default: unlimited
+ * Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.maxProcessingThreads"
String BROADCASTER_MESSAGE_PROCESSING_THREADPOOL_MAXSIZE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcaster.maxProcessingThreads";
- * The maximum number of Thread created when writing requests {@link BroadcasterConfig#setAsyncWriteService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)}
- *
+ * Default: unlimited
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr..broadcaster.maxAsyncWriteThreads"
String BROADCASTER_ASYNC_WRITE_THREADPOOL_MAXSIZE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".broadcaster.maxAsyncWriteThreads";
- * BroadcasterLifecycle max idle time before executing. Default is 5 minutes
- *
+ * Default: 5 minutes
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.maxBroadcasterLifeCyclePolicyIdleTime"
String BROADCASTER_LIFECYCLE_POLICY_IDLETIME = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".maxBroadcasterLifeCyclePolicyIdleTime";
* Recover from a {@link Broadcaster} that has been destroyed.
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.recoverFromDestroyedBroadcaster"
String RECOVER_DEAD_BROADCASTER = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".recoverFromDestroyedBroadcaster";
* Tell Atmosphere which AtmosphereHandler should be used. You can do the same using atmosphere.xml
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereHandler"
String ATMOSPHERE_HANDLER = AtmosphereHandler.class.getName();
* The AtmosphereHandler defined using the property will be mapped to that value. Same as atmosphere.xml
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereHandler.contextRoot"
String ATMOSPHERE_HANDLER_MAPPING = AtmosphereHandler.class.getName() + ".contextRoot";
- * The Servlet's name where {@link Meteor} will be available
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.servlet"
String SERVLET_CLASS = "org.atmosphere.servlet";
- * The Filter's name where {@link Meteor} will be available
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.filter"
String FILTER_CLASS = "org.atmosphere.filter";
- * The Servlet's mapping value to the SERVLET_CLASS
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.mapping"
String MAPPING = "org.atmosphere.mapping";
- * The Servlet's mapping value to the FILTER_CLASS
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.filter.name"
String FILTER_NAME = "org.atmosphere.filter.name";
- * Define when a broadcasted message is cached. Value can be 'beforeFilter' or 'afterFilter'. Default is afterFilter
- *
+ * Default: afterFilter
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterCache.strategy"
String BROADCASTER_CACHE_STRATEGY = BroadcasterCache.class.getName() + ".strategy";
* Support the Jersey location header for resuming. WARNING: this can cause memory leak if the connection is never
* resumed.
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.jersey.supportLocationHeader"
String SUPPORT_LOCATION_HEADER = "org.atmosphere.jersey.supportLocationHeader";
- * WebSocket version to exclude and downgrade to comet. Version are separated by comma
+ * WebSocket version to exclude and downgrade to comet. Versions are separated by comma.
+ *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.bannedVersion"
- *
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.container.TomcatCometSupport.discardEOF"
String TOMCAT_CLOSE_STREAM = "org.atmosphere.container.TomcatCometSupport.discardEOF";
- * Write binary instead of String
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.binaryWrite"
String WEBSOCKET_BINARY_WRITE = "org.atmosphere.websocket.binaryWrite";
* Recycle (make them unusable) AtmosphereRequest/Response after wrapping a WebSocket message and delegating it to
- * a Container
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.recycleAtmosphereRequestResponse"
String RECYCLE_ATMOSPHERE_REQUEST_RESPONSE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".recycleAtmosphereRequestResponse";
- * The location of classes implementing the {@link AtmosphereHandler} interface. Default to "/WEB-INF/classes".
- *
+ * Default: "/WEB-INF/classes"
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.atmosphereHandlerPath"
String ATMOSPHERE_HANDLER_PATH = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".atmosphereHandlerPath";
* Jersey's ContainerResponseWriter.
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.jersey.containerResponseWriterClass"
String JERSEY_CONTAINER_RESPONSE_WRITER_CLASS = "org.atmosphere.jersey.containerResponseWriterClass";
- * Execute the {@link WebSocketProtocol#onMessage(org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocket, byte[], int, int)}. Default is false
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.WebSocketProtocol.executeAsync"
String WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL_EXECUTION = WebSocketProtocol.class.getName() + ".executeAsync";
- * The default content-type value used when Atmosphere requires one. Default is text/plain.
- *
+ * Default: "text/plain"
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.defaultContextType"
String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".defaultContextType";
* A list of {@link AtmosphereInterceptor} class name that will be invoked before the {@link AtmosphereResource}
- * gets delivered to an application or framework
- *
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereInterceptor"
String ATMOSPHERE_INTERCEPTORS = AtmosphereInterceptor.class.getName();
- * Regex pattern for excluding file from being serviced by {@link AtmosphereFilter}
- *
+ * Default: {@link AtmosphereFilter.EXCLUDE_FILES}
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFilter.excludes"
String ATMOSPHERE_EXCLUDED_FILE = AtmosphereFilter.class.getName() + ".excludes";
* The token used to separate broadcasted messages. This value is used by the client to parse several messages
- * received in one chunk. Default is '|'
- *
+ * Default: "|"
* Value: "org.atmosphere.client.MessageLengthInterceptor.delimiter"
String MESSAGE_DELIMITER = MessageLengthInterceptor.class.getName() + ".delimiter";
* The method used that trigger automatic management of {@link AtmosphereResource} when the {@link AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor}
- * is used
- *
+ * Default: "GET"
* Value: "org.atmosphere.interceptor.AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor.method"
String ATMOSPHERERESOURCE_INTERCEPTOR_METHOD = AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor.class.getName() + ".method";
- * Disable au-discovery of pre-installed {@link AtmosphereInterceptor}s
- *
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereInterceptor.disableDefaults
String DISABLE_ATMOSPHEREINTERCEPTOR = AtmosphereInterceptor.class.getName() + ".disableDefaults";
* Set to true if Atmosphere is used as a library and you don't want to destroy associated static factory when undeploying.
- * Default is true
+ * Default: true
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource.uniqueUUID"
String UNIQUE_UUID_WEBSOCKET = AtmosphereResource.class.getName() + ".uniqueUUID";
- * Set to true if order of message delivered to the client is not important
+ * Set to true if order of message delivered to the client is not important.
- * Default is false
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.supportOutOfOrderBroadcast"
String OUT_OF_ORDER_BROADCAST = Broadcaster.class.getName() + ".supportOutOfOrderBroadcast";
* The write operation timeout, in millisecond, when using the {@link DefaultBroadcaster}. When the timeout occurs, the calling threads gets interrupted.
- * Default is 5 * 60 * 1000 (5 minutes)
+ * Default: 5 * 60 * 1000 (5 minutes)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.supportOutOfOrderBroadcast"
String WRITE_TIMEOUT = Broadcaster.class.getName() + ".writeTimeout";
- * The sleep time, in millisecond, before the {@link DefaultBroadcaster} release it's reactive thread for pushing message
+ * The sleep time, in milliseconds, before the {@link DefaultBroadcaster} release its reactive thread for pushing message
* and execute async write. Setting that value too high may create too many threads.
- * Default is 1000
+ * Default: 1000
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.threadWaitTime"
String BROADCASTER_WAIT_TIME = Broadcaster.class.getName() + ".threadWaitTime";
@@ -519,35 +519,35 @@ public interface ApplicationConfig {
* if the parent, e.g the AtmosphereResource's created on the first request was already added to the Broadcaster. That caused
* some messages to be written twice instead of one.
- * Default is false
+ * Default: false
* Value: "org.atmosphere.websocket.backwardCompatible.atmosphereResource"
String BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_WEBSOCKET_BEHAVIOR = "org.atmosphere.websocket.backwardCompatible.atmosphereResource";
- * A list, seperated by comma, of package name to scan when looking for Atmosphere's component annotated with Atmosphere's annotation.
+ * A list, separated by comma, of package name to scan when looking for Atmosphere's component annotated with Atmosphere's annotation.
- * Default ""
+ * Default: ""
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.packages"
String ANNOTATION_PACKAGE = "org.atmosphere.cpr.packages";
- * Allow defining the Broadcaster's Suspend Policy {@link Broadcaster#setSuspendPolicy(long, org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY)}
+ * Allow defining the Broadcaster's Suspend Policy {@link Broadcaster#setSuspendPolicy(long, org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY)}.
- * Default FIFO
+ * Default: FIFO
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY"
String BROADCASTER_POLICY = Broadcaster.POLICY.class.getName();
- * Allow defining the Broadcaster's maximum Suspended Atmosphere Policy {@link Broadcaster#setSuspendPolicy(long, org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY)}
- * Default -1 (unlimited)
+ * Allow defining the Broadcaster's maximum Suspended Atmosphere Policy {@link Broadcaster#setSuspendPolicy(long, org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY)}.
+ *
+ * Default: -1 (unlimited)
* Value: "org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.POLICY.maximumSuspended"
String BROADCASTER_POLICY_TIMEOUT = Broadcaster.POLICY.class.getName() + ".maximumSuspended";
* Allows suppressing the message about commercial support during startup.
- * Default is true
+ * Default: true
* Value: org.atmosphere.cpr.showSupportMessage
String SHOW_SUPPORT_MESSAGE = ApplicationConfig.class.getPackage().getName() + ".showSupportMessage";