This is the read me containing the development guide for the project.
Map creation: The map assets are within the assets folder. Download Tiled at .
Create a new orthogonal map, csv format with a tile size of 16px by 16px and a map size of 120 tiles by 68 tiles resulting in 1920 x 1088 pixels.
To use the assets add a new tileset and make sure you embed them into the map. Once the map has been created, export the map as a png and add all tilesets used into the same folder within the game assets folder. Open the map folder within a text editor and change the image source of each tileset to location within the asset folder.
Collision Detection and Transitions: Create a new layer where the collisions will occur. Edit a tileset and select a pixel that you do not use and add a property called blocked and place this pixel where you want collisions to occur and where the play can't go. For transitions edit a tileset and select a different pixel that you don't use and add a property called transition and give it a value of the file path of where you want the transition to take you.
The website (for ENG1 cohort1/group1)
The project structure is organised as follows:
├── src/app/ # Contains Next.js pages
│ ├── page.tsx # Home page
│ ├── layout.tsx # Home page layout
├── src/components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── ContentSection.tsx # Links to documents component
│ ├── DownloadSection.tsx # Game download component
│ ├── Footer.js # Footer component
│ ├── HeroSection.tsx # Hero component
│ ├── Navbar.tsx # Navbar component (both phone and desktop)
├── public/ # Static assets
│ └── ... # Other assets
├── styles/ # Global styles
│ └── globals.css # Global CSS file
├── # Project documentation
├── package.json # Node.js dependencies and scripts
└── ...
-- Next.js
-- TailwindCSS
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> (for now (will change)
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.