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GitHub Actions

github-actions edited this page May 10, 2021 · 16 revisions

Coming soon

In this guide


az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "AzOps" --role owner --scope /
gh repo create '<Name>' --template azure/azops --private --confirm
gh secret set 'ARM_TENANT_ID' -b "<Secret>"
gh secret set 'ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID' -b "<Secret>"
gh secret set 'ARM_CLIENT_ID' -b "<Secret>"
gh secret set 'ARM_CLIENT_SECRET' -b "<Secret>"
gh api -X POST /repos/:owner/:repo/dispatches -f event_type='Enterprise-Scale Deployment'


Create the repository

Browse to the AzOps Accelerator, and select Use this template

Create the repository from the template

Select whether the owner will be an organization or user and provide a repository name.

We'd recommended creating the new repository as private.

There is no need to include all branches as all latest stable changes reside within the main branch.

Configure the repository

Configure the secrets

Navigate to settings on the newly created repository, select the Secrets section.

Create the following repository secrets:

Configure the repository secrets

Select the Options sections, untick Merge commits and Rebase merging.

Configure the merge types