diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_consent-and-install-default-extension.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_consent-and-install-default-extension.md index 05afc9454..9384fc018 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_consent-and-install-default-extension.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_consent-and-install-default-extension.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Add consent time for default extensions and initiate extensions installation ```bash stack-hci arc-setting consent-and-install-default-extension -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2NvbnNlbnRhbmRpbnN0YWxsZGVmYXVsdGV4dGVuc2lvbnM=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Consent and install default extension + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting consent-and-install-default-extension -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create-identity.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create-identity.md index ef5992036..7cc409c70 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create-identity.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create-identity.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create AAD identity for arc settings. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting create-identity --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2NyZWF0ZWFyY2lkZW50aXR5/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create arc identity + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting create-identity --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create.md index 46f122660..7663f9740 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create arc setting for HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting create --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create arc setting + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting create --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_delete.md index 2dec0dc17..93bbc8b67 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete arc setting resource details of HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting delete --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete arc setting + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting delete --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_generate-password.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_generate-password.md index 48dc9ff30..85e4e3361 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_generate-password.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_generate-password.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Generate password for arc settings. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting generate-password --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2dlbmVyYXRlcGFzc3dvcmQ=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Generate password + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting generate-password --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_initialize-disable-proces.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_initialize-disable-proces.md index 92a76ae28..d8e843e4a 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_initialize-disable-proces.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_initialize-disable-proces.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Initialize ARC Disable process on the cluster ```bash stack-hci arc-setting initialize-disable-proces -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2luaXRpYWxpemVkaXNhYmxlcHJvY2Vzcw==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Initialize disable proces + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting initialize-disable-proces -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_list.md index 22d3c56f0..b17745f30 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_list.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ List arc setting resources of HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting list --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdz/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- List arc setting resources by HCI cluster + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting list --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_show.md index eb17ceb3c..75696d21a 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get arc setting resource details of HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting show --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Get arc setting + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting show --name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_update.md index 556594d2d..f7959ffd6 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/arc-setting/_update.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Update arc setting for HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci arc-setting update --resource-group "test-rg" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "default" --tags "{tag:tag}" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Update arc setting + ```bash + stack-hci arc-setting update --resource-group "test-rg" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "default" --tags "{tag:tag}" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_apply.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_apply.md index 4e26fa6c8..87793e395 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_apply.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_apply.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Apply Update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update apply -g rg --cluster-name name --update-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vYXBwbHk=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Cluster update apply + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update apply -g rg --cluster-name name --update-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_create.md index 1b9b6f291..83774737f 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create specified Update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update create -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create cluster update + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update create -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_delete.md index 016f33a39..3e57926cf 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete specified Update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update delete -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete cluster update + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update delete -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_list.md index 46281e136..a646adb90 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_list.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ List all Updates ```bash stack-hci cluster-update list -g rg --cluster-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXM=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- List cluster update + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update list -g rg --cluster-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_show.md index 7ab137485..2a0b4a2ad 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get specified Update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update show -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Show cluster update + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update show -g rg --cluster-name name -n updates-name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_update.md index 1b0834bac..64ce2ba6d 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/_update.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Update specified Update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update -g {rg} --cluster-name name -n updates-name --description test --package-size-in-mb 10 --additional-properties test --availability-type local --version 1.0.0 --display-name test --publisher clitest ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Update cluster update + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update -g {rg} --cluster-name name -n updates-name --description test --package-size-in-mb 10 --additional-properties test --availability-type local --version 1.0.0 --display-name test --publisher clitest + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_create.md index 08e5f3e3b..f9ecf09d6 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create Update summaries under the HCI cluster ```bash stack-hci cluster-update summary create --cluster-name name -g rg ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXN1bW1hcmllcy9kZWZhdWx0/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create cluster update summary + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update summary create --cluster-name name -g rg + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_delete.md index d00ea68c0..35ba1d789 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete Update Summaries ```bash stack-hci cluster-update summary delete --cluster-name name -g rg ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXN1bW1hcmllcy9kZWZhdWx0/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete cluster update summary + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update summary delete --cluster-name name -g rg + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_list.md index fde807c14..ef98b3454 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_list.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ List all Update summaries under the HCI cluster ```bash stack-hci cluster-update summary list --cluster-name name -g rg ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXN1bW1hcmllcw==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- List cluster update summary + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update summary list --cluster-name name -g rg + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_show.md index 32e4f9045..191e03971 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get all Update summaries under the HCI cluster ```bash stack-hci cluster-update summary show --cluster-name name -g rg ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXN1bW1hcmllcy9kZWZhdWx0/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Show cluster update summary + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update summary show --cluster-name name -g rg + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_update.md index 4c7ffcd65..5872fa697 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/summary/_update.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Update Update summaries under the HCI cluster ```bash stack-hci cluster-update summary update --cluster-name name -g rg --current-version 1.0.0 --hardware-model PowerEdge --oem-family DellEMC --package-versions "[{packageType:OEM,version:2.2.2108.6},{packageType:Services,version:4.2203.2.32}]" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXN1bW1hcmllcy9kZWZhdWx0/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Update cluster update summary + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update summary update --cluster-name name -g rg --current-version 1.0.0 --hardware-model PowerEdge --oem-family DellEMC --package-versions "[{packageType:OEM,version:2.2.2108.6},{packageType:Services,version:4.2203.2.32}]" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_create.md index 47fefcca2..7080c6d8d 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create Update runs for a specified update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update-run create --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vdXBkYXRlcnVucy97fQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create update run + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update-run create --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_delete.md index 4946c67f2..3712ba4b5 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete specified Update Run ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update-run delete --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name updates-name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vdXBkYXRlcnVucy97fQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete update run + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update-run delete --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name updates-name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_list.md index 49b2f9fb5..56349d730 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_list.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ List all Update runs for a specified update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update-run list --cluster-name name -g rg --update-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vdXBkYXRlcnVucw==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- List update run + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update-run list --cluster-name name -g rg --update-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_show.md index 7c21e3f40..b6a323cb9 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get the Update run for a specified update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update-run show --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vdXBkYXRlcnVucy97fQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Show update run + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update-run show --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_update.md index aef28b957..26ea8e6f7 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster-update/update-run/_update.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Update Update runs for a specified update ```bash stack-hci cluster-update update-run update --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name --progress "{name:cli_update_test,description:update_test}" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwZGF0ZXMve30vdXBkYXRlcnVucy97fQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Update update run + ```bash + stack-hci cluster-update update-run update --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name --progress "{name:cli_update_test,description:update_test}" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create-identity.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create-identity.md index f43e192d7..15f6b4f97 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create-identity.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create-identity.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create cluster identity. ```bash stack-hci cluster create-identity --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2NyZWF0ZWNsdXN0ZXJpZGVudGl0eQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create cluster identity + ```bash + stack-hci cluster create-identity --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create.md index d3f115515..c21767775 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create an HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci cluster create --location "East US" --aad-client-id "24a6e53d-04e5-44d2-b7cc-1b732a847dfc" --aad-tenant-id "7e589cc1-a8b6-4dff-91bd-5ec0fa18db94" --endpoint "https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com" --name "myCluster" --resource- group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create cluster + ```bash + stack-hci cluster create --location "East US" --aad-client-id "24a6e53d-04e5-44d2-b7cc-1b732a847dfc" --aad-tenant-id "7e589cc1-a8b6-4dff-91bd-5ec0fa18db94" --endpoint "https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com" --name "myCluster" --resource- group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_delete.md index 582dee05b..432dcba66 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete an HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci cluster delete --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete cluster + ```bash + stack-hci cluster delete --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_extend-software-assurance-benefit.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_extend-software-assurance-benefit.md index 9a2861ed3..702ab381b 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_extend-software-assurance-benefit.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_extend-software-assurance-benefit.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Extend Software Assurance Benefit to a cluster ```bash stack-hci cluster extend-software-assurance-benefit --cluster-name name -g rg --software-assurance-intent enable ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2V4dGVuZHNvZnR3YXJlYXNzdXJhbmNlYmVuZWZpdA==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Extend software assurance benefit + ```bash + stack-hci cluster extend-software-assurance-benefit --cluster-name name -g rg --software-assurance-intent enable + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_list.md index 7805b946c..f166ad6d0 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_list.md @@ -20,3 +20,20 @@ List all HCI clusters in a subscription. ```bash stack-hci cluster list ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJz/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + + +#### examples + +- List clusters in a given resource group + ```bash + stack-hci cluster list --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` + +- List clusters in a given subscription + ```bash + stack-hci cluster list + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_show.md index c60a71c58..9daa5f44e 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci cluster show --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Get cluster + ```bash + stack-hci cluster show --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_update.md index 45d870234..d455c80f7 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_update.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Update an HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci cluster update --endpoint "https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com" --desired-properties "{diagnosticLevel:Basic,windowsServerSubscription:Enabled}" --tags "tag:"value" --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Update cluster + ```bash + stack-hci cluster update --endpoint "https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com" --desired-properties "{diagnosticLevel:Basic,windowsServerSubscription:Enabled}" --tags "tag:"value" --name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_upload-certificate.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_upload-certificate.md index 066bcf4b7..efdbcade1 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_upload-certificate.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/_upload-certificate.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Upload certificate. ```bash stack-hci cluster upload-certificate --cluster-name name -g rg --certificates "[base64cert,base64cert]" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3VwbG9hZGNlcnRpZmljYXRl/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Upload certificate + ```bash + stack-hci cluster upload-certificate --cluster-name name -g rg --certificates "[base64cert,base64cert]" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_assign.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_assign.md index 3b9d9cd80..80554d9ca 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_assign.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_assign.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Assign identities ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_delete.md index 787bfa813..f15b09129 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_delete.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Delete identities ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_remove.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_remove.md index 773170676..730c8f786 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_remove.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_remove.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Remove identities ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_show.md index 8515a0bac..2348920fa 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/identity/_show.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Show identity ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_list.md index d470e6f2c..67fa37cc5 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_list.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ List Offers available across publishers for the HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L29mZmVycw==/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L29mZmVycw==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_show.md index a6412204c..e4b79839c 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/_show.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Get Offer resource details within a publisher of HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_list.md index efb3c9b8f..430b96d5e 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_list.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ List Skus available for a offer within the HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9L3NrdXM=/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9L3NrdXM=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_show.md index c732295c3..f73266b67 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/offer/sku/_show.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Get SKU resource details within a offer of HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9L3NrdXMve30=/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJzL3t9L3NrdXMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_list.md index 78d5a96f8..2bc1ce990 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_list.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ List Publishers available for the HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnM=/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnM=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_show.md index 5e65e30bc..b0ec7df09 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/_show.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Get Publisher resource details of HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30=/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/offer/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/offer/_list.md index 5347146a7..f3c2560b2 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/offer/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/cluster/publisher/offer/_list.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ List Offers available for a publisher within the HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJz/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L3B1Ymxpc2hlcnMve30vb2ZmZXJz/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_create.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_create.md index 4b5866c28..442cd805a 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_create.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_create.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Create extension for HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci extension create --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --type "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --protected-settings '{"workspaceId": "xx", "port": "6516"}' --publisher "Microsoft.Compute" --settings '{"workspaceKey": "xx"}' --type-handler-version "1.10" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Create arc extension + ```bash + stack-hci extension create --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --type "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --protected-settings '{"workspaceId": "xx", "port": "6516"}' --publisher "Microsoft.Compute" --settings '{"workspaceKey": "xx"}' --type-handler-version "1.10" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_delete.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_delete.md index 218c6bd9c..406c61fe4 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_delete.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_delete.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Delete particular arc extension of HCI Cluster. ```bash stack-hci extension delete --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Delete arc extension + ```bash + stack-hci extension delete --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_list.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_list.md index d54f1c3d9..0d9f8eede 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_list.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_list.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ List all extensions under arc setting resource. ```bash stack-hci extension list --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnM=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- List extensions under arc setting resource + ```bash + stack-hci extension list --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_show.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_show.md index 75dcf6b63..190a178ff 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_show.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_show.md @@ -14,3 +14,14 @@ Get particular arc extension of HCI cluster. ```bash stack-hci extension show --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" ``` + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + + +#### examples + +- Get arc settings extension + ```bash + stack-hci extension show --arc-setting-name "default" --cluster-name "myCluster" --name "MicrosoftMonitoringAgent" --resource-group "test-rg" + ``` diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_update.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_update.md index 4ca1ba367..6afdd7aaa 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_update.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_update.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Update extension for HCI cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30=/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30=/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_upgrade.md b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_upgrade.md index 9c16cb62f..e814fdb46 100644 --- a/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_upgrade.md +++ b/Commands/stack-hci/extension/_upgrade.md @@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ Upgrade a particular Arc Extension of HCI Cluster. ### [2023-03-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30vdXBncmFkZQ==/2023-03-01.xml) **Stable** + +### [2023-08-01](/Resources/mgmt-plane/L3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbnMve30vcmVzb3VyY2Vncm91cHMve30vcHJvdmlkZXJzL21pY3Jvc29mdC5henVyZXN0YWNraGNpL2NsdXN0ZXJzL3t9L2FyY3NldHRpbmdzL3t9L2V4dGVuc2lvbnMve30vdXBncmFkZQ==/2023-08-01.xml) **Stable** + + diff --git a/Commands/tree.json b/Commands/tree.json index e8c290e5f..674fc03e6 100644 --- a/Commands/tree.json +++ b/Commands/tree.json @@ -128110,6 +128110,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting consent-and-install-default-extension -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name" + ], + "name": "Consent and install default extension" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/consentandinstalldefaultextensions", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128140,6 +128158,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting create --name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Create arc setting" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128170,6 +128206,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting create-identity --name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Create arc identity" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/createarcidentity", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128200,6 +128254,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting delete --name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Delete arc setting" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128230,6 +128302,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting generate-password --name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Generate password" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/generatepassword", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128260,6 +128350,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting initialize-disable-proces -g rg --arc-setting-name default --cluster-name name" + ], + "name": "Initialize disable proces" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/initializedisableprocess", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128290,6 +128398,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting list --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "List arc setting resources by HCI cluster" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128320,6 +128446,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting show --name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Get arc setting" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128350,6 +128494,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci arc-setting update --resource-group \"test-rg\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --name \"default\" --tags \"{tag:tag}\"" + ], + "name": "Update arc setting" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128387,6 +128549,17 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "subresource": "identity", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128411,6 +128584,17 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "subresource": "identity", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128435,6 +128619,17 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "subresource": "identity", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128459,6 +128654,17 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "subresource": "identity", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128497,6 +128703,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers/{}/offers/{}/skus", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128521,6 +128737,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers/{}/offers/{}/skus/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128557,6 +128783,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/offers", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128580,6 +128816,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers/{}/offers/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128618,6 +128864,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers/{}/offers", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128654,6 +128910,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128677,6 +128943,16 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/publishers/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128719,8 +128995,26 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] - } - ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster create --location \"East US\" --aad-client-id \"24a6e53d-04e5-44d2-b7cc-1b732a847dfc\" --aad-tenant-id \"7e589cc1-a8b6-4dff-91bd-5ec0fa18db94\" --endpoint \"https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com\" --name \"myCluster\" --resource- group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Create cluster" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] + } + ] }, "create-identity": { "help": { @@ -128749,6 +129043,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster create-identity --name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Create cluster identity" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/createclusteridentity", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128779,6 +129091,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster delete --name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Delete cluster" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128809,6 +129139,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster extend-software-assurance-benefit --cluster-name name -g rg --software-assurance-intent enable" + ], + "name": "Extend software assurance benefit" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/extendsoftwareassurancebenefit", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128850,6 +129198,35 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster list --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "List clusters in a given resource group" + }, + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster list" + ], + "name": "List clusters in a given subscription" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + }, + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128880,6 +129257,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster show --name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Get cluster" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128910,6 +129305,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster update --endpoint \"https://98294836-31be-4668-aeae-698667faf99b.waconazure.com\" --desired-properties \"{diagnosticLevel:Basic,windowsServerSubscription:Enabled}\" --tags \"tag:\"value\" --name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Update cluster" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -128940,6 +129353,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster upload-certificate --cluster-name name -g rg --certificates \"[base64cert,base64cert]\"" + ], + "name": "Upload certificate" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/uploadcertificate", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -128984,6 +129415,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update summary create --cluster-name name -g rg" + ], + "name": "Create cluster update summary" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/updatesummaries/default", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -129015,6 +129464,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update summary delete --cluster-name name -g rg" + ], + "name": "Delete cluster update summary" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/updatesummaries/default", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -129046,6 +129513,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update summary list --cluster-name name -g rg" + ], + "name": "List cluster update summary" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/updatesummaries", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -129077,6 +129562,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update summary show --cluster-name name -g rg" + ], + "name": "Show cluster update summary" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/updatesummaries/default", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -129108,6 +129611,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update summary update --cluster-name name -g rg --current-version 1.0.0 --hardware-model PowerEdge --oem-family DellEMC --package-versions \"[{packageType:OEM,version:2.2.2108.6},{packageType:Services,version:4.2203.2.32}]\"" + ], + "name": "Update cluster update summary" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/updatesummaries/default", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] } @@ -129151,6 +129672,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci cluster-update update-run create --cluster-name name -g rg -n updates-run-name --update-name name" + ], + "name": "Create update run" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + 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"version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci extension delete --arc-setting-name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --name \"MicrosoftMonitoringAgent\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "Delete arc extension" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/extensions/{}", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": "2023-08-01" + } + ] } ] }, @@ -129568,6 +130323,24 @@ "version": "2023-03-01" } ] + }, + { + "examples": [ + { + "commands": [ + "stack-hci extension list --arc-setting-name \"default\" --cluster-name \"myCluster\" --resource-group \"test-rg\"" + ], + "name": "List extensions under arc setting resource" + } + ], + "name": "2023-08-01", + "resources": [ + { + "id": "/subscriptions/{}/resourcegroups/{}/providers/microsoft.azurestackhci/clusters/{}/arcsettings/{}/extensions", + "plane": "mgmt-plane", + "version": 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Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true."}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "boolean", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.enableAutomaticUpgrade", "options": ["enable-automatic-upgrade"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "Indicates whether the extension should be automatically upgraded by the platform if there is a newer version available."}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "string", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.forceUpdateTag", "options": ["force-update-tag"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "How the extension handler should be forced to update even if the extension configuration has not changed."}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "object", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.protectedSettings", "options": ["protected-settings"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "Protected settings (may contain secrets)."}, "additionalProps": {"anyType": true}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "string", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.publisher", "options": ["publisher"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "The name of the extension handler publisher."}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "object", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.settings", "options": ["settings"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "Json formatted public settings for the extension."}, "additionalProps": {"anyType": true}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "string", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.type", "options": ["type"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "Specifies the type of the extension; an example is \"CustomScriptExtension\"."}}, {"nullable": true, "type": "string", "var": "$extension.properties.extensionParameters.typeHandlerVersion", "options": ["type-handler-version"], "group": "ExtensionParameters", "help": {"short": "Specifies the version of the script handler. 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This is currently used to report the stamp OEM family and hardware model information when an update is flagged as Invalid for the stamp based on OEM type."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.availabilityType", "options": ["availability-type"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Indicates the way the update content can be downloaded."}, "enum": {"items": [{"name": "Local", "value": "Local"}, {"name": "Notify", "value": "Notify"}, {"name": "Online", "value": "Online"}]}}, {"type": "array", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.componentVersions", "options": ["component-versions"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "An array of component versions for a Solution Bundle update, and an empty array otherwise. "}, "item": {"type": "object", "args": [{"type": "dateTime", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.componentVersions[].lastUpdated", "options": ["last-updated"], "help": {"short": "Last time this component was updated."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.componentVersions[].packageType", "options": ["package-type"], "help": {"short": "Package type"}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.componentVersions[].version", "options": ["version"], "help": {"short": "Package version"}}]}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.description", "options": ["description"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Description of the update."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.displayName", "options": ["display-name"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Display name of the Update"}}, {"type": "dateTime", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckDate", "options": ["health-check-date"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Last time the package-specific checks were run."}}, {"type": "array", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckResult", "options": ["health-check-result"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "An array of PrecheckResult objects."}, "item": {"type": "object", "args": [{"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckResult[].additionalData", "options": ["additional-data"], "help": {"short": "Property bag of key value pairs for additional information."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckResult[].description", "options": ["description"], "help": {"short": "Detailed overview of the issue and what impact the issue has on the stamp."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckResult[].healthCheckSource", "options": ["health-check-source"], "help": {"short": "The name of the services called for the HealthCheck (I.E. 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Critical is the only update-blocking severity."}, "enum": {"items": [{"name": "Critical", "value": "Critical"}, {"name": "Hidden", "value": "Hidden"}, {"name": "Informational", "value": "Informational"}, {"name": "Warning", "value": "Warning"}]}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.healthCheckResult[].status", "options": ["status"], "help": {"short": "The status of the check running (i.e. Failed, Succeeded, In Progress). 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This value is a combination of the size from update metadata and size of the payload that results from the live scan operation for OS update content."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.packageType", "options": ["package-type"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Customer-visible type of the update."}}, {"type": "array", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.prerequisites", "options": ["prerequisites"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "If update State is HasPrerequisite, this property contains an array of objects describing prerequisite updates before installing this update. Otherwise, it is empty."}, "item": {"type": "object", "args": [{"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.prerequisites[].packageName", "options": ["package-name"], "help": {"short": "Friendly name of the prerequisite."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.prerequisites[].updateType", "options": ["update-type"], "help": {"short": "Updatable component type."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.prerequisites[].version", "options": ["version"], "help": {"short": "Version of the prerequisite."}}]}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.publisher", "options": ["publisher"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Publisher of the update package."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.rebootRequired", "options": ["reboot-required"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Reboot required"}, "enum": {"items": [{"name": "False", "value": "False"}, {"name": "True", "value": "True"}, {"name": "Unknown", "value": "Unknown"}]}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.releaseLink", "options": ["release-link"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Link to release notes for the update."}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.state", "options": ["state"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "State of the update as it relates to this stamp."}, "enum": {"items": [{"name": "DownloadFailed", "value": "DownloadFailed"}, {"name": "Downloading", "value": "Downloading"}, {"name": "HasPrerequisite", "value": "HasPrerequisite"}, {"name": "HealthCheckFailed", "value": "HealthCheckFailed"}, {"name": "HealthChecking", "value": "HealthChecking"}, {"name": "InstallationFailed", "value": "InstallationFailed"}, {"name": "Installed", "value": "Installed"}, {"name": "Installing", "value": "Installing"}, {"name": "Invalid", "value": "Invalid"}, {"name": "NotApplicableBecauseAnotherUpdateIsInProgress", "value": "NotApplicableBecauseAnotherUpdateIsInProgress"}, {"name": "Obsolete", "value": "Obsolete"}, {"name": "PreparationFailed", "value": "PreparationFailed"}, {"name": "Preparing", "value": "Preparing"}, {"name": "Ready", "value": "Ready"}, {"name": "ReadyToInstall", "value": "ReadyToInstall"}, {"name": "Recalled", "value": "Recalled"}, {"name": "ScanFailed", "value": "ScanFailed"}, {"name": "ScanInProgress", "value": "ScanInProgress"}]}}, {"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.version", "options": ["version"], "group": "Properties", "help": {"short": "Version of the update."}}]}, {"name": "UpdateProperties", "args": [{"type": "ResourceLocation", "var": "$updateProperties.location", "options": ["l", "location"], "group": "UpdateProperties", "help": {"short": "The geo-location where the resource lives"}}]}, {"name": "UpdateStateProperties", "args": [{"type": "string", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.updateStateProperties.notifyMessage", "options": ["notify-message"], "group": "UpdateStateProperties", "help": {"short": "Brief message with instructions for updates of AvailabilityType Notify."}}, {"type": "float", "var": "$updateProperties.properties.updateStateProperties.progressPercentage", "options": ["progress-percentage"], "group": "UpdateStateProperties", "help": {"short": "Progress percentage of ongoing operation. 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