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Azure Embedded C SDK IoT Samples


This document explains samples for the Azure Embedded C SDK IoT Hub Client and Device Provisioning Client.

Samples are designed to highlight the function calls required to connect with the Azure IoT Hub or the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS). These calls illustrate the happy path of the mqtt state machine. As a result, these samples are NOT designed to be used as production-level code. Production code needs to incorporate other elements, such as connection retries and more extensive error-handling, which these samples do not include. These samples also utilize OpenSSL, which is NOT recommended to use in production-level code on Windows or macOS.

The samples' instructions include specifics for both Windows and Linux based systems. For Windows, the command line examples are based on PowerShell. The Linux examples are tailored to Debian/Ubuntu environments. Samples are also designed to work on macOS systems, but the instructions do not yet include specific command line examples for this environment. While Windows and Linux devices are not likely to be considered constrained, these samples enable one to test the Azure SDK for Embedded C libraries, debug, and step through the code, even without a real device. We understand not everyone will have a real device to test and that sometimes these devices won't have debugging capabilities.

WARNING: Samples are generic and should not be used in any production-level code.

More detailed step-by-step guides on how to run an IoT Hub Client sample from scratch can be found below:


To run the samples, ensure you have the following programs and tools installed on your system:

  • Have an Azure account created.

  • Have an Azure IoT Hub created.

  • Have an Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS) created if running a DPS sample:

    Executables: paho_iot_provisioning_sample, paho_iot_provisioning_sas_sample

  • Have the most recent version of Azure IoT Explorer installed (more instructions can be found here) and connected to your Azure IoT Hub if running a Plug and Play sample:

    Executables: paho_iot_hub_pnp_sample, paho_iot_hub_pnp_component_sample

  • Have the following build environment setup:



    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install build-essential # make and gcc
    sudo apt-get install curl unzip tar pkg-config

    Windows (PowerShell):

  • Have Git installed.

  • Have Microsoft vcpkg package manager and Eclipse Paho MQTT C client installed. On Linux, this installation may take an extended amount of time (~20-30 minutes).



    git clone
    cd vcpkg
    ./vcpkg install --triplet x64-linux curl cmocka paho-mqtt

    Windows (PowerShell):

    git clone
    cd vcpkg
    .\vcpkg.exe install --triplet x64-windows-static curl[winssl] cmocka paho-mqtt # Update triplet per your system.

  • Have OpenSSL installed.



    sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev

    Windows (PowerShell):

    • OpenSSL will be installed by vcpkg as a dependency for Eclipse Paho.

      WARNING: It is NOT recommended to use OpenSSL in production-level code on Windows or macOS.

      # NOT RECOMMENDED to use for production-level code.
      $env:PATH=$env:PATH + ';<FULL PATH to vcpkg>\installed\x64-windows-static\tools\openssl' # Update complete path as needed.

  • Have the latest version of CMake installed. On Linux, this installation may also take an extended amount of time (~20-30 minutes).



    sudo apt-get purge cmake
    sudo tar -xvzf cmake-<latest-version>.tar.gz
    cd cmake-<latest-version>
    ./bootstrap && make && sudo make install

    Windows (PowerShell):

    • Use the Windows installer.

  • Have the Azure SDK for Embedded C IoT repository cloned.

    NOTE: On Windows, due to the length of the repository filepaths, clone near the C:\ root.

    git clone

Sample Descriptions

This section provides an overview of the different samples available to run and what to expect from each.

IoT Hub C2D Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_c2d_sample

    This sample receives incoming cloud-to-device (C2D) messages sent from the Azure IoT Hub to the device. It will successfully receive up to 5 messages sent from the service. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a message, the sample will exit. X509 authentication is used.

    How to interact with the C2D sample:

    To send a C2D message: Select your device's "Message to Device" tab in the Azure Portal for your IoT Hub. Enter a message in the "Message Body" and select "Send Message".

IoT Hub Methods Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_methods_sample

    This sample receives incoming method commands invoked from the the Azure IoT Hub to the device. It will successfully receive up to 5 method commands sent from the service. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a message, the sample will exit. X509 authentication is used.

    How to interact with the Methods sample:

    A method named ping is supported for this sample.

    To invoke a method: Select your device's "Direct Method" tab in the Azure Portal for your IoT Hub. Enter a method name and select "Invoke Method". If successful, the sample will return a JSON payload of the following:

    {"response": "pong"}

    No other method commands are supported. If any other methods are attempted to be invoked, the log will report the method is not found.

IoT Hub Telemetry Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_telemetry_sample

    This sample sends five telemetry messages to the Azure IoT Hub. X509 authentication is used.

IoT Hub SAS Telemetry Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_sas_telemetry_sample

    This sample sends five telemetry messages to the Azure IoT Hub. SAS authentication is used.

IoT Hub Twin Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_twin_sample

    This sample utilizes the Azure IoT Hub to get the device twin document, send a reported property message, and receive up to 5 desired property messages. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a message from the Azure IoT Hub, the sample will exit. Upon receiving a desired property message, the sample will update the twin property locally and send a reported property message back to the service. X509 authentication is used.

    How to interact with the Twin sample:

    A desired property named device_count is supported for this sample.

    To send a device twin desired property message: Select your device's "Device Twin" tab in the Azure Portal of your IoT Hub. Add the property device_count along with a corresponding value to the desired section of the JSON. Select "Save" to update the twin document and send the twin message to the device.

    "properties": {
        "desired": {
            "device_count": 42,

    No other property names sent in a desired property message are supported. If any are sent, the log will report there is nothing to update.

IoT Hub Plug and Play Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_pnp_sample

    This sample connects an IoT Plug and Play enabled device (a thermostat) with the Digital Twin Model ID (DTMI) detailed here. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a message from the Azure IoT Explorer, the sample will continue. If 3 timeouts occur consecutively, the sample will disconnect. X509 authentication is used.

    To interact with this sample, you must use the Azure IoT Explorer.

    How to interact with the Plug and Play sample:

    The capabilities are listed below.

    Device Twin:

    Two device twin properties are supported in this sample:

    • A desired property named targetTemperature with a double value for the desired temperature.
    • A reported property named maxTempSinceLastReboot with a double value for the highest temperature reached since device boot.

    To send a device twin desired property message: Select your device's "Device Twin" tab in the Azure IoT Explorer. Add the property targetTemperature along with a corresponding value to the desired section of the device twin JSON. Select "Save" to update the document and send the twin message to the device.

    "properties": {
        "desired": {
            "targetTemperature": 68.5,

    No other property names sent in a desired property message are supported. If any are sent, the log will report there is nothing to update.

    Upon receiving a desired property message, the sample will update the twin property locally and send a reported property of the same name back to the service. This message will include a set of "ack" values: ac for the HTTP-like ack code, av for ack version of the property, and an optional ad for an ack description. You will see the following in the device twin JSON.

    "properties": {
        "reported": {
            "targetTemperature": {
              "value": 68.5,
              "ac": 200,
              "av": 14,
              "ad": "success"
            "maxTempSinceLastReboot": 74.3,

    Direct Method (Command):

    One device command is supported in this sample: getMaxMinReport.

    To invoke a command: Select your device's "Direct Method" tab in the Azure IoT Explorer. Enter the command name getMaxMinReport along with a payload using an ISO8601 time format and select "Invoke method".


    The command will send back to the service a response containing the following JSON payload with updated values in each field:

      "maxTemp": 74.3,
      "minTemp": 65.2,
      "avgTemp": 68.79,
      "startTime": "2020-08-18T17:09:29-0700",
      "endTime": "2020-08-18T17:24:32-0700"

    No other commands are supported. If any other commands are attempted to be invoked, the log will report the method is not found.


    Device sends a JSON message with the property name temperature and a double value for the current temperature.

IoT Hub Plug and Play Multiple Component Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_hub_pnp_component_sample

    This sample extends the IoT Hub Plug and Play Sample above to mimic a Temperature Controller and connects the IoT Plug and Play enabled device (the Temperature Controller) with the Digital Twin Model ID (DTMI) detailed here. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a message from the Azure IoT Explorer, the sample will continue. If 3 timeouts occur consecutively, the sample will disconnect. X509 authentication is used.

    This Temperature Controller is made up of the following components:

    To interact with this sample, you must use the Azure IoT Explorer.

    How to interact with the Plug and Play Multiple Component sample:

    The capabilities are listed below.

    Device Twin:

    The following device twin properties are supported in this sample:

    Temperature Controller:

    • A reported property named serialNumber with a string value for the device serial number.

    Device Info:

    • A reported property named manufacturer with a string value for the name of the device manufacturer.
    • A reported property named model with a string value for the name of the device model.
    • A reported property named swVersion with a string value for the software version running on the device.
    • A reported property named osName with a string value for the name of the operating system running on the device.
    • A reported property named processorArchitecture with a string value for the name of the device architecture.
    • A reported property named processorManufacturer with a string value for the name of the device's processor manufacturer.
    • A reported property named totalStorage with a double value for the total storage in KiB on the device.
    • A reported property named totalMemory with a double value for the total memory in KiB on the device.

    Temperature Sensor:

    • A desired property named targetTemperature with a double value for the desired temperature.
    • A reported property named maxTempSinceLastReboot with a double value for the highest temperature reached since boot.

    On initial bootup of the device, the sample will send the Temperature Controller reported properties to the service. You will see the following in the device twin JSON.

    "properties": {
        "reported": {
            "manufacturer": "Sample-Manufacturer",
            "model": "pnp-sample-Model-123",
            "swVersion": "",
            "osName": "Contoso",
            "processorArchitecture": "Contoso-Arch-64bit",
            "processorManufacturer": "Processor Manufacturer(TM)",
            "totalStorage": 1024,
            "totalMemory": 128,
            "serialNumber": "ABCDEFG",

    To send a device twin desired property message: Select your device's Device Twin tab in the Azure IoT Explorer. Add the property targetTemperature along with a corresponding value to the desired section of the JSON. Select Save to update the twin document and send the twin message to the device.

    "properties": {
        "desired": {
            "thermostat1": {
                "targetTemperature": 34.8
            "thermostat2": {
                "targetTemperature": 68.5

    No other property names sent in a desired property message are supported. If any are sent, the log will report there is nothing to update.

    Upon receiving a desired property message, the sample will update the twin property locally and send a reported property of the same name back to the service. This message will include a set of "ack" values: ac for the HTTP-like ack code, av for ack version of the property, and an optional ad for an ack description.

    "properties": {
        "reported": {
            "thermostat1": {
                "__t": "c",
                "maxTempSinceLastReboot": 38.2,
                "targetTemperature": {
                    "value": 34.8,
                    "ac": 200,
                    "av": 27,
                    "ad": "success"
            "thermostat2": {
                "__t": "c",
                "maxTempSinceLastReboot": 69.1,
                "targetTemperature": {
                    "value": 68.5,
                    "ac": 200,
                    "av": 28,
                    "ad": "success"

    Direct Method:

    Two device commands are supported in this sample: reboot and getMaxMinReport.

    To invoke a command: Select your device's Direct Method tab in the Azure IoT Explorer.

    • To invoke reboot on the Temperature Controller, enter the command name reboot. Select Invoke method.
    • To invoke getMaxMinReport on Temperature Sensor 1, enter the command name thermostat1/getMaxMinReport along with a payload using an ISO8601 time format. Select Invoke method.
    • To invoke getMaxMinReport on Temperature Sensor 2, enter the command name thermostat2/getMaxMinReport along with a payload using an ISO8601 time format. Select Invoke method.

    The command will send back to the service a response containing the following JSON payload with updated values in each field:

        "maxTemp": 74.3,
        "minTemp": 65.2,
        "avgTemp": 68.79,
        "startTime": "2020-08-18T17:09:29-0700",
        "endTime": "2020-08-18T17:24:32-0700"

    No other commands are supported. If any other commands are attempted to be invoked, the log will report the method is not found.


    The Temperature Controller sends a JSON message with the property name workingSet and a double value for the current working set of the device memory in KiB. Also, each Temperature Sensor sends a JSON message with the property name temperature and a double value for the current temperature.

IoT Provisioning Certificate Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_provisioning_sample

    This sample registers a device with the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service. It will wait to receive the registration status before disconnecting. X509 authentication is used.

IoT Provisioning SAS Sample

  • Executable: paho_iot_provisioning_sas_sample

    This sample registers a device with the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service. It will wait to receive the registration status before disconnecting. SAS authentication is used.

Getting Started

Set Environment Variables

Samples use environment variables for a variety of purposes, including filepaths and connection parameters. Please keep in mind, every time a new terminal is opened, the environment variables will have to be reset. Setting a variable will take the following form:



Windows (PowerShell):


Set the following environment variables for all samples:

  1. Set the vcpkg environment variables.

    Refer to these directions for more detail.


    export VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-linux
    export VCPKG_ROOT=<FULL PATH to vcpkg>

    Windows (PowerShell):

    $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET='x64-windows-static' # Update triplet to match what was used during vcpkg install.
    $env:VCPKG_ROOT='<FULL PATH to vcpkg>'
  2. Set the trust pem filepath. Only for Windows or if required by OS.

    Download BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem to <FULL PATH TO azure-sdk-for-c>\sdk\samples\iot\. Confirm the downloaded certificate uses the correct file name and file extension.

    Windows (PowerShell):

    $env:AZ_IOT_DEVICE_X509_TRUST_PEM_FILE_PATH='<FULL PATH TO azure-sdk-for-c>\sdk\samples\iot\BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem'

Generate Device Certificate

For samples using certificates, x509 authentication is used to connect to Azure IoT Hub or Azure IoT Hub DPS.

WARNING: Certificates created by these commands MUST NOT be used in production-level code on Windows or macOS. These certificates expire after 365 days and are provided ONLY to help you easily understand CA Certificates. When productizing against CA Certificates, you will need to use your own security best practices for certificate creation and lifetime management.

  • Executables: paho_iot_hub_c2d_sample, paho_iot_hub_methods_sample, paho_iot_hub_telemetry_sample, paho_iot_hub_twin_sample, paho_iot_hub_pnp_sample, paho_iot_hub_pnp_component_sample, paho_iot_provisioning_sample

The resulting thumbprint will be placed in fingerprint.txt and the generated pem file is named device_ec_cert.pem.


  1. Enter the directory azure-sdk-for-c/sdk/samples/iot/.

  2. Run the following commands:

    openssl ecparam -out device_ec_key.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey
    openssl req -new -days 365 -nodes -x509 -key device_ec_key.pem -out device_ec_cert.pem -config x509_config.cfg -subj "/CN=paho-sample-device1"
    openssl x509 -noout -text -in device_ec_cert.pem
    rm -f device_cert_store.pem
    cat device_ec_cert.pem device_ec_key.pem > device_cert_store.pem
    openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in device_ec_cert.pem | sed 's/://g'| sed 's/\(SHA1 Fingerprint=\)//g' | tee fingerprint.txt
    export AZ_IOT_DEVICE_X509_CERT_PEM_FILE_PATH=$(pwd)/device_cert_store.pem

Windows (PowerShell):

  1. Enter the directory azure-sdk-for-c\sdk\samples\iot\.

  2. Run the following commands:

    openssl ecparam -out device_ec_key.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey
    openssl req -new -days 365 -nodes -x509 -key device_ec_key.pem -out device_ec_cert.pem -config x509_config.cfg -subj "/CN=paho-sample-device1"
    openssl x509 -noout -text -in device_ec_cert.pem
    Get-Content device_ec_cert.pem, device_ec_key.pem | Set-Content device_cert_store.pem
    openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in device_ec_cert.pem | % {$_.replace(":", "")} | % {$_.replace("SHA1 Fingerprint=", "")} | Tee-Object fingerprint.txt
    $env:AZ_IOT_DEVICE_X509_CERT_PEM_FILE_PATH=$(Resolve-Path device_cert_store.pem)

Sample Instructions

IoT Hub Certificate Samples


  • paho_iot_hub_c2d_sample
  • paho_iot_hub_methods_sample
  • paho_iot_hub_telemetry_sample
  • paho_iot_hub_twin_sample
  • paho_iot_hub_pnp_sample
  • paho_iot_hub_pnp_component_sample
Instructions to run a Hub Certificate sample:

  1. In your Azure IoT Hub, add a new device using a self-signed certificate. See here for further instruction, with one exception--DO NOT select X.509 CA Signed as the authentication type. Select X.509 Self-Signed.

    For the Thumbprint, use the recently generated fingerprint, which has been placed in the file fingerprint.txt.

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    • AZ_IOT_HUB_DEVICE_ID: Select your device from the IoT Devices page and copy its Device Id.

    • AZ_IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME: Copy the Hostname from the Overview tab in your Azure IoT Hub.


      export AZ_IOT_HUB_DEVICE_ID=<device-id>
      export AZ_IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME=<hostname>

      Windows (PowerShell):

  3. Build and run the sample.

  4. See the sample description for interaction instructions:

IoT Hub SAS Sample

Executable: paho_iot_hub_sas_telemetry_sample

Instructions to run a Hub SAS sample:

  1. In your Azure IoT Hub, add a new device using a symmetric key. See here for further instruction.

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    • AZ_IOT_HUB_SAS_DEVICE_ID: Select your device from the IoT Devices page and copy its Device Id.

    • AZ_IOT_HUB_SAS_KEY: Copy its Primary Key from the same page.

    • AZ_IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME: Copy the Hostname from the Overview tab in your Azure IoT Hub.


      export AZ_IOT_HUB_SAS_DEVICE_ID=<sas-device-id>
      export AZ_IOT_HUB_SAS_KEY=<sas-key>
      export AZ_IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME=<hostname>

      Windows (PowerShell):

  3. Build and run the sample.

  4. See the sample description for interaction instructions:

IoT Provisioning Certificate Sample

Executable: paho_iot_provisioning_sample

Instructions to run a Provisioning Certificate sample:

  1. In your Azure IoT Hub DPS, add a new individual device enrollment using the recently generated device_ec_cert.pem file. See here for further instruction. After creation, the Registration ID of your device should appear as paho-sample-device1 in the Individual Enrollments tab.

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    • AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_REGISTRATION_ID: This should be paho-sample-device1.

    • AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_ID_SCOPE: Copy the Id Scope from the Overview tab in your Azure IoT Hub DPS.


      export AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_REGISTRATION_ID=<registration-id>
      export AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_ID_SCOPE=<id-scope>

      Windows (PowerShell):

  3. Build and run the sample.

  4. See the sample description for interaction instructions:

IoT Provisioning SAS Sample

Executable: paho_iot_provisioning_sas_sample

Instructions to run a Provisioning SAS sample:

  1. In your Azure IoT Hub DPS, add a new individual device enrollment using a symmetric key. See here for further instruction. After creation, the Registration ID of your device will appear in the Individual Enrollments tab.

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    • AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_SAS_REGISTRATION_ID: Copy the Registration Id of your SAS device from the Individual Enrollments tab.

    • AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_SAS_KEY: Select your SAS device from the Individual Enrollments tab and copy its Primary Key.

    • AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_ID_SCOPE: Copy the Id Scope from the Overview tab in your Azure IoT Hub DPS.


      export AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_SAS_REGISTRATION_ID=<sas-registration-id>
      export AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_SAS_KEY=<sas-key>
      export AZ_IOT_PROVISIONING_ID_SCOPE=<id-scope>

      Windows (PowerShell):

  3. Build and run the sample.

  4. See the sample description for interaction instructions:

Build and Run the Sample

  1. Build the Azure SDK for Embedded C directory structure.

    From the root of the SDK directory azure-sdk-for-c:


    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DTRANSPORT_PAHO=ON ..

    Windows (PowerShell):

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DTRANSPORT_PAHO=ON ..
  2. Compile and run the sample.


    cmake --build .
    ./sdk/samples/iot/<sample executable here>

    Windows (PowerShell):


    Once the Windows solution opens in Visual Studio:

    • Navigate on the "Solution Explorer" panel to the sample project you would like to run.
    • Right-click on the sample project, then click on "Set as Startup Project". (This makes it the default startup project.)
    • Build and run the project (F5 on most installations).

Next Steps and Additional Documentation

Start using the Azure Embedded C SDK IoT Clients in your solutions!


  • The error policy for the Embedded C SDK client library is documented here.
  • File an issue via Github Issues.
  • Check previous questions or ask new ones on StackOverflow using the azure and c tags.


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Find more contributing details here.


Azure SDK for Embedded C is licensed under the MIT license.