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CJ Kucera edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 105 revisions

BLCMods Wiki

sniff sniff... Smells like... an off-worlder. How are you liking our wiki, anyways?

the wiki is always under heavy development, if you have any knowledge to share, please do so

User Resources

Get started by installing the Borderlands Community Mod Manager (BLCMM), which is the new replacement for FilterTool!


General-Purpose Tools

Modder's Tools

  • Unreal Package Decompressor - Required if you want to dig into Borderlands's UPK content directly
  • UE Explorer - Lets you browse around Borderlands UPK files directly; very useful if the data you're looking for isn't already bundled with FilterTool. Requires that the UPKs be decompressed with the Unreal Package Decompressor first.
  • FilterTool Explorer - Provides a tree-like view into BLCMM's bundled object information, like UE Explorer does, but without needing to deal with UPKs.
  • Balanced Items Generator - Little utility to help visualize BalancedItems probabilities, and assist in figuring out the values you might want to change, for a mod.

Deprecated Tools


Modder's Resources: Information/HOWTOs/Tutorials

Registry Pages / Data Lookups

BehaviorProviderDefinition/Kismet Documentation

(If you don't know what this is already, it's not for you. They're quite complex. Get used to modding other stuff first, and then come back here once you've levelled up a few times.)

Borderlands 3 Information

NOTE: Borderlands 3 modding is not a thing yet, and there's no timeline for it. Whatever information we have in here may not even end up being useful to whatever BL3 modding ends up looking like in the future.

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