Original URL: https://borderlands.com/en-US/news/2020-01-16-borderlands-3-hotfixes-jan-16/
Posted: Jan 16 2020
Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and PC by 3:00 PM PST. This hotfix addresses various concerns reported by the community and kicks off the two-week long Takedown Event and Farming Frenzy! To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign appear! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.
This week starts the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite event! From when the hotfix goes live today until 8:59 AM PT on January 30, Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite will be scaled to the number of players! During this event, matchmaking will be set up to get you into the Takedown as quickly as possible. The Takedown is no easy feat, so make sure that you’re ready with the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite Quick Guide (keep in mind that this is written for the normal Takedown).
In addition, during the Farming Frenzy mini-event running for the same duration, we’re making a few other changes. Rare Spawn enemies will also show up more often*, and we’re temporarily boosting the Anointed and Legendary drop rates! For the next two weeks, every boss in the game has boosted drop rates, including the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite bosses!
May these two weeks be challenging, rewarding, and full of loot!
*The Debt Collector is excluded from this list, as it’s tied to an achievement!
- Addressed a reported concern with itemcard and hotfix sometimes not showing information correctly
- Addressed a reported concern that Judge Hightower was sometimes not dropping items from his dedicated item pool
- Adjusted the balance of Fabrikator, Freddie, ST4NL3Y, Constructor, Tony Bordel, Tricksy Nick, and Third Rail to provide a greater challenge
- Developer note – We noticed that the bosses in the Handsome Jackpot weren’t providing players with a satisfying challenge. We’ll be monitoring these bosses and make adjustments as needed in the future.
- The Ion Cannon now has a 5 second reload and consumes at least 6 ammo per shot
- The Ion Cannon is a strong weapon and we don’t want to change that, but it’s a little over performing. We’ve increased the reload time and made it consume more ammo but left its damage unchanged to still provide a strong burst of damage.
- Added collisions to prevent the Gunner from sometimes becoming stuck in Meridian Mercantile
- Added collisions to prevent players from sometimes escaping the map in various locations
- Increased the radius of the New-U station at The Arrogant Approach
In looking at the bonuses from Anointments, we felt that some were not providing enough of a bonus. We’ve increased the bonuses on the Anointments below.
Moze the Gunner
- While Auto Bear is active, deals 75% (from 20%) bonus incendiary damage
- After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 125% (from 40%) bonus incendiary damage
- After exiting Iron Bear, gain 160% (from 120%) increased Splash damage for 18 seconds
- When entering and exiting Iron Bear, nova damage increased
Zane the Operative
- While Barrier is active, Accuracy is increased by 60%, and Critical Hit damage is increased by 70% (from 30%)
- While SNTL is active, gain 100% (from 50%) of damage as bonus Cryo damage
FL4K the Beastmaster
- When exiting Fade Away, nova damage increased
- After using Rakk Attack!, gain 50% (from 25%) critical hit damage for a short time