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Fiducial Volume Management System Analysis


The fiducial volume management system in the Wire-Cell Prototype is a sophisticated component handling detector volume definitions, dead regions, and volume-based event classification. The system integrates boundary definitions, coordinate transformations, and multiple checking mechanisms.

1. Core Variables

1.1 Boundary Definition Variables

// Basic detector boundaries
double m_top;        // Top distance
double m_bottom;     // Bottom distance
double m_upstream;   // Upstream boundary
double m_downstream; // Downstream boundary
double m_anode;      // Anode position
double m_cathode;    // Cathode position

// Space charge boundaries
double m_sc_bottom_1_x, m_sc_bottom_1_y; // Bottom space charge boundary point 1
double m_sc_bottom_2_x, m_sc_bottom_2_y; // Bottom space charge boundary point 2
double m_sc_top_1_x, m_sc_top_1_y;       // Top space charge boundary point 1
double m_sc_top_2_x, m_sc_top_2_y;       // Top space charge boundary point 2
double m_sc_upstream_1_x, m_sc_upstream_1_z;   // Upstream space charge point 1
double m_sc_upstream_2_x, m_sc_upstream_2_z;   // Upstream space charge point 2
double m_sc_downstream_1_x, m_sc_downstream_1_z; // Downstream space charge point 1
double m_sc_downstream_2_x, m_sc_downstream_2_z; // Downstream space charge point 2

1.2 Boundary Arrays

// Boundary vectors for polygon checks
std::vector<double> boundary_xy_x, boundary_xy_y;  // XY plane boundaries
std::vector<double> boundary_xz_x, boundary_xz_z;  // XZ plane boundaries
std::vector<double> boundary_SCB_xy_x, boundary_SCB_xy_y;  // Space charge XY boundaries
std::vector<double> boundary_SCB_xz_x, boundary_SCB_xz_z;  // Space charge XZ boundaries

// Multi-segment boundary arrays
std::vector<std::vector<double>> boundary_xy_x_array, boundary_xy_y_array;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> boundary_xz_x_array, boundary_xz_z_array;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> boundary_SCB_xy_x_array, boundary_SCB_xy_y_array;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> boundary_SCB_xz_x_array, boundary_SCB_xz_z_array;

1.3 Coordinate Transformation Parameters

// Time to position conversion
double offset_t, slope_t;  // (time_slice - offset_t) / slope_t = position_x

// Wire plane coordinate conversions
double offset_u, slope_u;  // U-plane conversion
double offset_v, slope_v;  // V-plane conversion
double offset_w, slope_w;  // W-plane conversion
double angle_u, angle_v, angle_w;  // Wire plane angles

int dead_region_ch_ext;  // Dead region channel extension

2. Core Functions

2.1 Fiducial Volume Check

bool inside_fiducial_volume(WCP::Point& p, double offset_x, std::vector<double>* tolerance_vec)

Implementation Details:

  1. Determines segment indices based on position:
int index_y = floor((p.y/units::cm+116)/24);   // some of these are hard-coded numbers to match the input space charge boundary
int index_z = floor(p.z/units::m);
  1. Boundary checking with tolerances:
if(tolerance_vec==NULL) {
    c1 = pnpoly(boundary_xy_x, boundary_xy_y, p.x-offset_x, p.y);
    c2 = pnpoly(boundary_xz_x, boundary_xz_z, p.x-offset_x, p.z);
} else {
    // Applies tolerances to boundaries
    double tx = tolerance_vec->at(0);
    double ty_bot = tolerance_vec->at(1);
    double ty_top = tolerance_vec->at(2);
    double tz = tolerance_vec->at(3);
    // Adjusts boundaries and performs check

2.2 Dead Region Management

bool inside_dead_region(WCP::Point& p)

Implementation Details:

  1. Coordinate conversion:
int time_slice = p.x * slope_t + offset_t;
double pos_u = cos(angle_u) * p.z - sin(angle_u) * p.y;
double pos_v = cos(angle_v) * p.z - sin(angle_v) * p.y;
double pos_w = cos(angle_w) * p.z - sin(angle_w) * p.y;
  1. Channel mapping:
int ch_u = pos_u * slope_u + offset_u;
int ch_v = pos_v * slope_v + offset_v + 2400;
int ch_w = pos_w * slope_w + offset_w + 4800;
  1. Dead region checking:
void AddDeadRegion(WCP::SlimMergeGeomCell* mcell, std::vector<int>& time_slices)
    // Time window extension
    int start_time = time_slices.front() - dead_region_ch_ext;
    int end_time = time_slices.back() + dead_region_ch_ext;
    // Channel mapping
    for (int i = start_ch; i <= end_ch; i++) {
        if (ch_mcell_set_map.find(i) == ch_mcell_set_map.end()) {
            std::set<SlimMergeGeomCell*> mcells_set;
            ch_mcell_set_map[i] = mcells_set;
        } else {

2.3 Volume Checking Functions

bool check_dead_volume(WCP::Point& p, TVector3& dir, double step, double offset_x)


  1. Step-wise volume checking:
while(inside_fiducial_volume(temp_p,offset_x)) {
    if (inside_dead_region(temp_p))
    if (num_points - num_points_dead >= 4) 
        return true;
    temp_p.x += dir.X() * step;
    temp_p.y += dir.Y() * step;
    temp_p.z += dir.Z() * step;

2.4 Containment Check

bool check_fully_contained(WCP::FlashTPCBundle *bundle, double offset_x, 
    WCP::ToyCTPointCloud& ct_point_cloud, 
    std::map<WCP::PR3DCluster*, WCP::PR3DCluster*>& old_new_cluster_map,
    unsigned int* fail_mode, int flag)

Key Features:

  1. Cluster validation
  2. Boundary intersection checks
  3. Dead region consideration
  4. Signal processing quality assessment

3. Helper Functions

3.1 Polygon Point Containment

int pnpoly(std::vector<double>& vertx, std::vector<double>& verty, 
    double testx, double testy)

Implementation of point-in-polygon algorithm:

int c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = vertx.size()-1; i < vertx.size(); j = i++) {
    if (((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
        (testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / 
        (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]))
        c = !c;

4. Integration Features

4.1 Data/MC Configuration

  • Different boundary definitions for data and simulation
  • Configurable tolerances and extensions
  • Adjustable dead region parameters

4.2 Coordinate Systems

  • Detector coordinates (x, y, z)
  • Wire plane coordinates (u, v, w)
  • Time slice coordinates

5. Performance Considerations

5.1 Optimization Techniques

  1. Cached boundary arrays for quick lookup
  2. Efficient point-in-polygon testing
  3. Early exit conditions in volume checks

5.2 Memory Management

  1. Use of STL containers for dynamic storage
  2. Efficient mapping structures for dead regions
  3. Optimized boundary representation

6. Usage Guidelines

6.1 Initialization

ToyFiducial fid(dead_region_ch_ext, offset_t, offset_u, offset_v, offset_w,
    slope_t, slope_u, slope_v, slope_w, angle_u, angle_v, angle_w,
    boundary_dis_cut, top, bottom, upstream, downstream, anode, cathode,

6.2 Best Practices

  1. Initialize with appropriate boundary parameters
  2. Consider detector conditions when setting tolerances
  3. Regularly update dead region maps
  4. Validate boundary definitions

6.3 Error Handling

  1. Boundary condition validation
  2. Coordinate range checking
  3. Dead region overlap handling