The event classification system in ToyFiducial implements multiple layers of event categorization, primarily focused on:
- Neutrino candidate identification
- Through-going muon (TGM) detection
- Light mismatch (LM) identification
- Signal processing quality assessment
- Cosmic ray tagging
bool check_neutrino_candidate(WCP::PR3DCluster *main_cluster,
WCP::WCPointCloud<double>::WCPoint& wcp1,
WCP::WCPointCloud<double>::WCPoint& wcp2,
double offset_x,
WCP::ToyCTPointCloud& ct_point_cloud,
bool flag_2view_check = true)
Path Analysis
main_cluster->Create_graph(ct_point_cloud); main_cluster->dijkstra_shortest_paths(wcp1); main_cluster->cal_shortest_path(wcp2);
Quality Checks
// Point spacing control double low_dis_limit = 0.5*units::cm; // Track sampling for (auto it = path_wcps.begin(); it!=path_wcps.end(); it++) { if (path_wcps_vec.size()==0) { Point p((*it).x,(*it).y,(*it).z); path_wcps_vec.push_back(p); } else { double dis = sqrt(pow((*it).x - path_wcps_vec.back().x,2) +pow((*it).y - path_wcps_vec.back().y,2) +pow((*it).z - path_wcps_vec.back().z,2)); if (dis > low_dis_limit) { Point p((*it).x,(*it).y,(*it).z); path_wcps_vec.push_back(p); } } }
Two-View Validation
if (flag_2view_check) { // Angular checks for U and V planes TVector3 dir_1(0,dir.Y(),dir.Z()); double angle1 = dir_1.Angle(U_dir); double angle2 = dir_1.Angle(V_dir); double angle3 = dir_1.Angle(W_dir); if ((angle1_1 < 10 || angle2_1 < 10 || angle3_1 < 5)) { flag_2view_check = false; } }
bool check_tgm(WCP::FlashTPCBundle *bundle,
double offset_x,
WCP::ToyCTPointCloud& ct_point_cloud,
std::map<WCP::PR3DCluster*, WCP::PR3DCluster*>& old_new_cluster_map,
int flag)
Cluster Analysis
std::vector<std::vector<WCPointCloud<double>::WCPoint>> out_vec_wcps = main_cluster1->get_extreme_wcps();
Track Length Validation
double length_limit = sqrt(pow(,2)+ pow(,2)+ pow(,2));
int check_LM(WCP::FlashTPCBundle *bundle, double& cluster_length)
- Evaluates basic light-charge matching quality
- Considers cluster length and PE predictions
int check_LM_cuts(WCP::FlashTPCBundle *bundle, double& cluster_length)
Key thresholds:
if(total_pred_pe < 25 || cluster_length < 10) {
return 1; // low energy event
if(flag_boundary) { // at anode or cathode
if(flag_anode) {
if(!(log(total_pred_pe/total_meas_pe)>-1.8 && ks_dis<0.8)) {
return 2; // light mismatch
int check_LM_bdt(WCP::FlashTPCBundle *bundle, double& cluster_length)
Uses machine learning approach:
WCP::LMBDT lm(total_pred_pe, total_meas_pe, max_meas_pe, ks_dis,
chi2, ndf, cl, temp, flag_anode, flag_boundary);
if(!lm.isSignal(lm.get_BDT_score_eff_background(0.005,bgd))) {
return 2; // light mismatch event
bool check_signal_processing(WCP::Point& p,
TVector3& dir,
WCP::ToyCTPointCloud& ct_point_cloud,
double step,
double offset_x)
Key features:
// Point cloud analysis for each plane
WCP::CTPointCloud<double> cloud_u = ct_point_cloud.get_closest_points(temp_p,1.2*units::cm,0);
WCP::CTPointCloud<double> cloud_v = ct_point_cloud.get_closest_points(temp_p,1.2*units::cm,1);
WCP::CTPointCloud<double> cloud_w = ct_point_cloud.get_closest_points(temp_p,1.2*units::cm,2);
// Quality assessment
if (cloud_u.pts.size()>0 || cloud_v.pts.size()>0 || cloud_w.pts.size() > 0 ||
void cosmic_tagger(double eventTime,
WCP::OpflashSelection& flashes,
FlashTPCBundleSelection *matched_bundles,
// ... other parameters ...)
// Tolerances
double ks_main_stm_tol = 0.08; // STM flash match tolerance
double ks_main_tgm_tol = 0.00; // TGM flash match tolerance
double ks_main_tgm_nof_tol = 0.08;
double stm_flash_tol = 3.0*units::m;
double tgm_flash_tol = 3.0*units::m;
Flash-Cluster Matching
// PE calculations double total_pred_pe = 0; std::vector<double>& pred_pmt_light = new_bundle->get_pred_pmt_light(); // Centroid calculations double pred_pe_z_centroid = 0; double flash_pe_z_centroid = 0;
Boundary Analysis
int boundary_num = check_boundary(extreme_points, offset_x, &tol_vec);
Tag Assignment
if(boundary_num==2) {tag_type = 22;} // TGM else if(boundary_num==3 && tag_type != 22) {tag_type = 24;} // TGM no flash else if(boundary_num==1 && tag_type != 22 && tag_type != 24) {tag_type = 23;} // STM
int check_boundary(std::vector<std::vector<WCP::WCPointCloud<double>::WCPoint>> extreme_points,
double offset_x,
std::vector<double>* tol_vec)
bool front_flag = false;
bool back_flag = false;
// Check extreme points
for(int i=0; i<int(extreme_points.size()); i++) {
for(int ii=0; ii<int(extreme_points[i].size()); ii++) {
Point p(extreme_points[i][ii].x,
// Extended fiducial volume check
std::vector<double> neg_tol_vec = {-1*tol_vec->at(0),
if(!inside_fiducial_volume(p,offset_x,tol_vec)) {
return -1;
} else if(!inside_fiducial_volume(p,offset_x,&neg_tol_vec)) {
if(i==0) {front_flag = true;}
if(i==1) {back_flag = true;}
return front_flag + back_flag;
Initial Screening
- Track length check (>10cm)
- PE threshold check (>25 PE)
- Flash matching quality assessment
Geometric Analysis
- Boundary intersection checks
- Track topology analysis
- Signal processing quality validation
Light Matching
- PE ratio analysis
- Spatial correlation checks
- BDT-based classification
Final Classification
- TGM identification
- STM tagging
- Light mismatch flagging
- Early exit conditions in checks
- Efficient point cloud operations
- Cached boundary calculations
- Angular tolerances
- PE matching thresholds
- Boundary extension values
- Boundary condition validation
- Flash matching quality checks
- Signal processing validation