diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 869edc0..3c0a5a0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ ## Berkeley Autolab Perception Module -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/BerkeleyAutomation/perception.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/BerkeleyAutomation/perception) +[![Github Actions](https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/perception/actions/workflows/release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/perception/actions) [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/autolab_perception.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/autolab_perception) This package provides a wide variety of useful tools for perception tasks. It directly depends on the [Berkeley Autolab Core module](https://www.github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/autolab_core), so be sure to install that first. View the install guide and API documentation for the perception module -[here](https://BerkeleyAutomation.github.io/perception). +[here](https://BerkeleyAutomation.github.io/perception). Dependencies for each driver are not automatically installed, so please install ROS or camera-specific drivers separately before using these wrappers. + +NOTE: As of May 4, 2021, this package no longer supports Python versions 3.5 or lower as these versions have reached EOL. In addition, many modules have been moved to `autolab_core` to reduce confusion. This repository now will contain sensor drivers and interfaces only. If you wish to use older Python versions or rely on the old modules, please use the 0.x.x series of tags. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py index 9358898..9679207 100644 --- a/docs/source/conf.py +++ b/docs/source/conf.py @@ -20,43 +20,41 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. 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Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index. # Sphinx supports the following languages: # 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja' # 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr' -#html_search_language = 'en' +# html_search_language = 'en' # A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default. # Now only 'ja' uses this config value -#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} +# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} # The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that # implements a search results scorer. 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List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ - (master_doc, 'perception', u'perception Documentation', - [author], 1) + (master_doc, "perception", u"perception Documentation", [author], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- @@ -276,19 +275,25 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - (master_doc, 'perception', u'perception Documentation', - author, 'perception', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + master_doc, + "perception", + u"perception Documentation", + author, + "perception", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. -#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml index 0872bf2..9830555 100644 --- a/package.xml +++ b/package.xml @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ perception - 0.0.10 - The perception package + 1.0.0 + Autolab Drivers package - - - todo + Mike Danielczuk diff --git a/perception/version.py b/perception/version.py index 9b36b86..5becc17 100644 --- a/perception/version.py +++ b/perception/version.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -__version__ = "0.0.10" +__version__ = "1.0.0" diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index bcb8126..fe4ff42 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -2,57 +2,50 @@ Setup of Berkeley AUTOLab Perception module Python codebase. Author: Jeff Mahler """ +import os from setuptools import setup requirements = [ - 'numpy', - 'scipy', - 'autolab_core', - 'matplotlib', - 'multiprocess', - 'opencv-python', - 'keras', - 'cycler', - 'Pillow', - 'pyserial>=3.4', - 'scikit-image', - 'scikit-learn', - 'scikit-video', - 'ffmpeg-python' + "numpy", + "scipy", + "autolab_core", + "opencv-python", + "pyserial>=3.4", + "ffmpeg-python", ] -exec(open('perception/version.py').read()) +# load __version__ without importing anything +version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "perception/version.py") +with open(version_file, "r") as f: + # use eval to get a clean string of version from file + __version__ = eval(f.read().strip().split("=")[-1]) -setup(name='autolab_perception', - version=__version__, - description='Perception utilities for the Berkeley AutoLab', - author='Jeff Mahler', - author_email='jmahler@berkeley.edu', - license = 'Apache Software License', - url = 'https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/perception', - keywords = 'robotics grasping vision perception', - classifiers = [ - 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', - 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', - 'Programming Language :: Python', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', - 'Natural Language :: English', - 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering' - ], - packages=['perception'], - install_requires = requirements, - extras_require = { 'docs' : [ - 'sphinx', - 'sphinxcontrib-napoleon', - 'sphinx_rtd_theme' - ], - 'ros' : [ - 'primesense', - 'rospkg', - 'catkin_pkg', - 'empy' - ], - } +setup( + name="autolab_perception", + version=__version__, + description="Perception utilities for the Berkeley AutoLab", + author="Jeff Mahler", + author_email="jmahler@berkeley.edu", + maintainer="Mike Danielczuk", + maintainer_email="mdanielczuk@berkeley.edu", + license="Apache Software License", + url="https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/perception", + keywords="robotics grasping vision perception", + classifiers=[ + "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", + "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", + "Programming Language :: Python", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", + "Natural Language :: English", + "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", + ], + packages=["perception"], + install_requires=requirements, + extras_require={ + "docs": ["sphinx", "sphinxcontrib-napoleon", "sphinx_rtd_theme"], + "ros": ["primesense", "rospkg", "catkin_pkg", "empy"], + }, ) diff --git a/tests/test_rgbd_sensors.py b/tests/test_rgbd_sensors.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0da8b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_rgbd_sensors.py @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +import os +import numpy as np +import unittest +from autolab_core import ColorImage, DepthImage, CameraIntrinsics +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory + +IM_FILEROOT = "tests/data" + + +class TestRgbdSensors(unittest.TestCase): + def test_virtual(self, height=100, width=100): + # Generate folder of color and depth images + if not os.path.exists(IM_FILEROOT): + os.makedirs(IM_FILEROOT) + cam_intr = CameraIntrinsics( + "a", + fx=0.0, + fy=0.0, + cx=0.0, + cy=0.0, + skew=0.0, + height=100, + width=100, + ) + cam_intr.save(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "a.intr")) + color_data = (255 * np.random.rand(10, height, width, 3)).astype( + np.uint8 + ) + depth_data = np.random.rand(10, height, width).astype(np.float32) + for i in range(10): + im = ColorImage(color_data[i], frame="a") + im.save(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "color_{:d}.png".format(i))) + + im = DepthImage(depth_data[i], frame="a") + im.save(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "depth_{:d}.npy".format(i))) + + # Create virtual camera + virtual_cam = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor( + "virtual", cfg={"image_dir": IM_FILEROOT, "frame": "a"} + ) + self.assertTrue( + virtual_cam.path_to_images == IM_FILEROOT, + msg="img path changed after init", + ) + + # Start virtual camera and read frames + virtual_cam.start() + self.assertTrue( + virtual_cam.is_running, msg="camera not running after start" + ) + for i in range(10): + color, depth = virtual_cam.frames() + self.assertTrue( + np.all(color.data == color_data[i]), + msg="color data for img {:d} changed".format(i), + ) + self.assertTrue( + color.frame == virtual_cam.frame, + msg="frame mismatch between color im and camera", + ) + self.assertTrue( + np.all(depth.data == depth_data[i]), + msg="depth data for img {:d} changed".format(i), + ) + self.assertTrue( + depth.frame == virtual_cam.frame, + msg="frame mismatch between depth im and camera", + ) + + # Make sure camera is stopped + virtual_cam.stop() + self.assertFalse( + virtual_cam.is_running, msg="camera running after stop" + ) + + # Cleanup images + for i in range(10): + os.remove(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "color_{:d}.png".format(i))) + os.remove(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "depth_{:d}.npy".format(i))) + os.remove(os.path.join(IM_FILEROOT, "a.intr")) + os.rmdir(IM_FILEROOT) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/tools/capture_dataset.py b/tools/capture_dataset.py index 0d3334b..e44b16c 100644 --- a/tools/capture_dataset.py +++ b/tools/capture_dataset.py @@ -16,28 +16,37 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import autolab_core.utils as utils -from autolab_core import Box, PointCloud, RigidTransform, TensorDataset, YamlConfig -from autolab_core.constants import * +from autolab_core import ( + Box, + PointCloud, + RigidTransform, + TensorDataset, + YamlConfig, +) +from autolab_core.constants import TRAIN_ID, TEST_ID from meshrender import Scene, SceneObject, VirtualCamera, MaterialProperties -from perception import RgbdSensorFactory, Image, RenderMode +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d GUI_PAUSE = 0.5 -def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, - raw_depth_im, - camera_intr, - T_camera_world, - workspace_box, - workspace_im, - image_proc_config): - """ Preprocess a set of color and depth images. """ + +def preprocess_images( + raw_color_im, + raw_depth_im, + camera_intr, + T_camera_world, + workspace_box, + workspace_im, + image_proc_config, +): + """Preprocess a set of color and depth images.""" # read params - inpaint_rescale_factor = image_proc_config['inpaint_rescale_factor'] - cluster = image_proc_config['cluster'] - cluster_tolerance = image_proc_config['cluster_tolerance'] - min_cluster_size = image_proc_config['min_cluster_size'] - max_cluster_size = image_proc_config['max_cluster_size'] + inpaint_rescale_factor = image_proc_config["inpaint_rescale_factor"] + cluster = image_proc_config["cluster"] + cluster_tolerance = image_proc_config["cluster_tolerance"] + min_cluster_size = image_proc_config["min_cluster_size"] + max_cluster_size = image_proc_config["max_cluster_size"] # deproject into 3D world coordinates point_cloud_cam = camera_intr.deproject(raw_depth_im) @@ -51,27 +60,36 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, # mask out objects in the known workspace env_pixels = depth_im_seg.pixels_farther_than(workspace_im) - depth_im_seg._data[env_pixels[:,0], env_pixels[:,1]] = 0 + depth_im_seg._data[env_pixels[:, 0], env_pixels[:, 1]] = 0 # REMOVE NOISE # clip low points - low_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2,:] < workspace_box.min_pt[2])[0] - point_cloud_world.data[2,low_indices] = workspace_box.min_pt[2] - + low_indices = np.where( + point_cloud_world.data[2, :] < workspace_box.min_pt[2] + )[0] + point_cloud_world.data[2, low_indices] = workspace_box.min_pt[2] + # clip high points - high_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2,:] > workspace_box.max_pt[2])[0] - point_cloud_world.data[2,high_indices] = workspace_box.max_pt[2] + high_indices = np.where( + point_cloud_world.data[2, :] > workspace_box.max_pt[2] + )[0] + point_cloud_world.data[2, high_indices] = workspace_box.max_pt[2] # segment out the region in the workspace (including the table) - workspace_point_cloud_world, valid_indices = point_cloud_world.box_mask(workspace_box) - invalid_indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(point_cloud_world.num_points), - valid_indices) + workspace_point_cloud_world, valid_indices = point_cloud_world.box_mask( + workspace_box + ) + invalid_indices = np.setdiff1d( + np.arange(point_cloud_world.num_points), valid_indices + ) if cluster: # create new cloud - pcl_cloud = pcl.PointCloud(workspace_point_cloud_world.data.T.astype(np.float32)) + pcl_cloud = pcl.PointCloud( + workspace_point_cloud_world.data.T.astype(np.float32) + ) tree = pcl_cloud.make_kdtree() - + # find large clusters (likely to be real objects instead of noise) ec = pcl_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction() ec.set_ClusterTolerance(cluster_tolerance) @@ -79,55 +97,70 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, ec.set_MaxClusterSize(max_cluster_size) ec.set_SearchMethod(tree) cluster_indices = ec.Extract() - num_clusters = len(cluster_indices) # read out all points in large clusters - filtered_points = np.zeros([3,workspace_point_cloud_world.num_points]) + filtered_points = np.zeros([3, workspace_point_cloud_world.num_points]) cur_i = 0 for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices): num_points = len(indices) - points = np.zeros([3,num_points]) - + points = np.zeros([3, num_points]) + for i, index in enumerate(indices): - points[0,i] = pcl_cloud[index][0] - points[1,i] = pcl_cloud[index][1] - points[2,i] = pcl_cloud[index][2] + points[0, i] = pcl_cloud[index][0] + points[1, i] = pcl_cloud[index][1] + points[2, i] = pcl_cloud[index][2] - filtered_points[:,cur_i:cur_i+num_points] = points.copy() + filtered_points[:, cur_i : cur_i + num_points] = points.copy() cur_i = cur_i + num_points # reconstruct the point cloud - all_points = np.c_[filtered_points[:,:cur_i], point_cloud_world.data[:,invalid_indices]] + all_points = np.c_[ + filtered_points[:, :cur_i], + point_cloud_world.data[:, invalid_indices], + ] else: all_points = point_cloud_world.data - filtered_point_cloud_world = PointCloud(all_points, - frame='world') + filtered_point_cloud_world = PointCloud(all_points, frame="world") # compute the filtered depth image - filtered_point_cloud_cam = T_camera_world.inverse() * filtered_point_cloud_world - depth_im = camera_intr.project_to_image(filtered_point_cloud_cam) + filtered_point_cloud_cam = ( + T_camera_world.inverse() * filtered_point_cloud_world + ) + depth_im = camera_intr.project_to_image(filtered_point_cloud_cam) # form segmask segmask = depth_im_seg.to_binary() valid_px_segmask = depth_im.invalid_pixel_mask().inverse() segmask = segmask.mask_binary(valid_px_segmask) - + # inpaint color_im = raw_color_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) - depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) - return color_im, depth_im, segmask - -if __name__ == '__main__': + depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) + return color_im, depth_im, segmask + + +if __name__ == "__main__": # set up logger logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) - rospy.init_node('capture_dataset', anonymous=True) + rospy.init_node("capture_dataset", anonymous=True) logging.getLogger().addHandler(rl.RosStreamHandler()) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Capture a dataset of RGB-D images from a set of sensors') - parser.add_argument('output_dir', type=str, help='directory to save output') - parser.add_argument('num_images', type=int, help='number of images to capture') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default=None, help='path to configuration file to use') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Capture a dataset of RGB-D images from a set of sensors" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "output_dir", type=str, help="directory to save output" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "num_images", type=int, help="number of images to capture" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default=None, + help="path to configuration file to use", + ) args = parser.parse_args() output_dir = args.output_dir num_images = args.num_images @@ -136,28 +169,29 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, # make output directory if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) - + # fix config if config_filename is None: - config_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), - '..', - 'cfg/tools/capture_dataset.yaml') + config_filename = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), + "..", + "cfg/tools/capture_dataset.yaml", + ) # turn relative paths absolute if not os.path.isabs(config_filename): config_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config_filename) - # read config config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - dataset_config = config['dataset'] - sensor_configs = config['sensors'] - workspace_config = config['workspace'] - image_proc_config = config['image_proc'] + dataset_config = config["dataset"] + sensor_configs = config["sensors"] + workspace_config = config["workspace"] + image_proc_config = config["image_proc"] # read objects - train_pct = config['train_pct'] - objects = config['objects'] + train_pct = config["train_pct"] + objects = config["objects"] num_objects = len(objects) num_train = int(np.ceil(train_pct * num_objects)) num_test = num_objects - num_train @@ -172,42 +206,42 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, train_image_indices = all_image_indices[:num_train_images] # set random variable for the number of objects - mean_num_objects = config['mean_num_objects'] - min_num_objects = config['min_num_objects'] - max_num_objects = config['max_num_objects'] - num_objs_rv = ss.poisson(mean_num_objects-1) - im_rescale_factor = image_proc_config['im_rescale_factor'] - - save_raw = config['save_raw'] - vis = config['vis'] - + mean_num_objects = config["mean_num_objects"] + min_num_objects = config["min_num_objects"] + max_num_objects = config["max_num_objects"] + num_objs_rv = ss.poisson(mean_num_objects - 1) + im_rescale_factor = image_proc_config["im_rescale_factor"] + + save_raw = config["save_raw"] + vis = config["vis"] + # open gui - gui = plt.figure(0, figsize=(8,8)) + gui = plt.figure(0, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.ion() - plt.title('INITIALIZING') - plt.imshow(np.zeros([100,100]), - cmap=plt.cm.gray_r) - plt.axis('off') + plt.title("INITIALIZING") + plt.imshow(np.zeros([100, 100]), cmap=plt.cm.gray_r) + plt.axis("off") plt.draw() plt.pause(GUI_PAUSE) - + # read workspace bounds - workspace_box = Box(np.array(workspace_config['min_pt']), - np.array(workspace_config['max_pt']), - frame='world') - + workspace_box = Box( + np.array(workspace_config["min_pt"]), + np.array(workspace_config["max_pt"]), + frame="world", + ) + # read workspace objects workspace_objects = {} - for obj_key, obj_config in workspace_config['objects'].iteritems(): - mesh_filename = obj_config['mesh_filename'] - pose_filename = obj_config['pose_filename'] + for obj_key, obj_config in workspace_config["objects"].iteritems(): + mesh_filename = obj_config["mesh_filename"] + pose_filename = obj_config["pose_filename"] obj_mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(mesh_filename) obj_pose = RigidTransform.load(pose_filename) - obj_mat_props = MaterialProperties(smooth=True, - wireframe=False) + obj_mat_props = MaterialProperties(smooth=True, wireframe=False) scene_obj = SceneObject(obj_mesh, obj_pose, obj_mat_props) workspace_objects[obj_key] = scene_obj - + # setup each sensor datasets = {} sensors = {} @@ -216,64 +250,71 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, workspace_ims = {} for sensor_name, sensor_config in sensor_configs.iteritems(): # read params - sensor_type = sensor_config['type'] - sensor_frame = sensor_config['frame'] - + sensor_type = sensor_config["type"] + sensor_frame = sensor_config["frame"] + # read camera calib - tf_filename = '%s_to_world.tf' %(sensor_frame) - T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load(os.path.join(sensor_config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame, tf_filename)) + tf_filename = "%s_to_world.tf" % (sensor_frame) + T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load( + os.path.join(sensor_config["calib_dir"], sensor_frame, tf_filename) + ) sensor_poses[sensor_name] = T_camera_world - + # setup sensor sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, sensor_config) sensors[sensor_name] = sensor - + # start the sensor sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(im_rescale_factor) - camera_intrs[sensor_name] = camera_intr - + camera_intrs[sensor_name] = camera_intr + # render image of static workspace scene = Scene() camera = VirtualCamera(camera_intr, T_camera_world) scene.camera = camera for obj_key, scene_obj in workspace_objects.iteritems(): scene.add_object(obj_key, scene_obj) - workspace_ims[sensor_name] = scene.wrapped_render([RenderMode.DEPTH])[0] + workspace_ims[sensor_name] = scene.wrapped_render(["depth"])[0] # fix dataset config - dataset_config['fields']['raw_color_ims']['height'] = camera_intr.height - dataset_config['fields']['raw_color_ims']['width'] = camera_intr.width - dataset_config['fields']['raw_depth_ims']['height'] = camera_intr.height - dataset_config['fields']['raw_depth_ims']['width'] = camera_intr.width - dataset_config['fields']['color_ims']['height'] = camera_intr.height - dataset_config['fields']['color_ims']['width'] = camera_intr.width - dataset_config['fields']['depth_ims']['height'] = camera_intr.height - dataset_config['fields']['depth_ims']['width'] = camera_intr.width - dataset_config['fields']['segmasks']['height'] = camera_intr.height - dataset_config['fields']['segmasks']['width'] = camera_intr.width - + dataset_config["fields"]["raw_color_ims"][ + "height" + ] = camera_intr.height + dataset_config["fields"]["raw_color_ims"]["width"] = camera_intr.width + dataset_config["fields"]["raw_depth_ims"][ + "height" + ] = camera_intr.height + dataset_config["fields"]["raw_depth_ims"]["width"] = camera_intr.width + dataset_config["fields"]["color_ims"]["height"] = camera_intr.height + dataset_config["fields"]["color_ims"]["width"] = camera_intr.width + dataset_config["fields"]["depth_ims"]["height"] = camera_intr.height + dataset_config["fields"]["depth_ims"]["width"] = camera_intr.width + dataset_config["fields"]["segmasks"]["height"] = camera_intr.height + dataset_config["fields"]["segmasks"]["width"] = camera_intr.width + # open dataset sensor_dataset_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, sensor_name) - datasets[sensor_name] = TensorDataset(sensor_dataset_filename, - dataset_config) + datasets[sensor_name] = TensorDataset( + sensor_dataset_filename, dataset_config + ) # save raw if save_raw: sensor_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, sensor_name) - raw_dir = os.path.join(sensor_dir, 'raw') + raw_dir = os.path.join(sensor_dir, "raw") if not os.path.exists(raw_dir): os.mkdir(raw_dir) - camera_intr_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'camera_intr.intr') + camera_intr_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, "camera_intr.intr") camera_intr.save(camera_intr_filename) - camera_pose_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'T_camera_world.tf') + camera_pose_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, "T_camera_world.tf") T_camera_world.save(camera_pose_filename) # collect K images for k in range(num_images): - logging.info('Test case %d of %d' %(k, num_images)) + logging.info("Test case %d of %d" % (k, num_images)) # set test case train = 0 @@ -282,22 +323,36 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, train = 1 split = TRAIN_ID if train: - num_objects = min(max(num_objs_rv.rvs(size=1)[0] + 1, min_num_objects), num_train) - obj_names = [objects[i] for i in np.random.choice(train_indices, size=num_objects, replace=False)] + num_objects = min( + max(num_objs_rv.rvs(size=1)[0] + 1, min_num_objects), num_train + ) + obj_names = [ + objects[i] + for i in np.random.choice( + train_indices, size=num_objects, replace=False + ) + ] else: - num_objects = min(max(num_objs_rv.rvs(size=1)[0] + 1, min_num_objects), num_test) - obj_names = [objects[i] for i in np.random.choice(test_indices, size=num_objects, replace=False)] - + num_objects = min( + max(num_objs_rv.rvs(size=1)[0] + 1, min_num_objects), num_test + ) + obj_names = [ + objects[i] + for i in np.random.choice( + test_indices, size=num_objects, replace=False + ) + ] + # get human consent - message = 'Please place %d objects:\n' %(num_objects) + message = "Please place %d objects:\n" % (num_objects) for name in obj_names: - message += '\t{}\n'.format(name) - message += 'Hit ENTER when finished.' + message += "\t{}\n".format(name) + message += "Hit ENTER when finished." utils.keyboard_input(message=message) # capture for sensor_name, sensor in sensors.iteritems(): - logging.info('Capturing images from sensor %s' %(sensor_name)) + logging.info("Capturing images from sensor %s" % (sensor_name)) # read pose and intrinsics sensor_pose = sensor_poses[sensor_name] @@ -306,75 +361,84 @@ def preprocess_images(raw_color_im, dataset = datasets[sensor_name] T_camera_world = sensor_pose datapoint = dataset.datapoint_template - + # read raw images raw_color_im, raw_depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() # resize raw_color_im = raw_color_im.resize(im_rescale_factor) - raw_depth_im = raw_depth_im.resize(im_rescale_factor, - interp='nearest') + raw_depth_im = raw_depth_im.resize( + im_rescale_factor, interp="nearest" + ) # preprocess - color_im, depth_im, segmask = preprocess_images(raw_color_im, - raw_depth_im, - camera_intr, - T_camera_world, - workspace_box, - workspace_im, - image_proc_config) - + color_im, depth_im, segmask = preprocess_images( + raw_color_im, + raw_depth_im, + camera_intr, + T_camera_world, + workspace_box, + workspace_im, + image_proc_config, + ) + # visualize if vis: gui = plt.figure(0) plt.clf() - vis2d.subplot(2,3,1) + vis2d.subplot(2, 3, 1) vis2d.imshow(raw_color_im) - vis2d.title('RAW COLOR') - vis2d.subplot(2,3,2) + vis2d.title("RAW COLOR") + vis2d.subplot(2, 3, 2) vis2d.imshow(raw_depth_im) - vis2d.title('RAW DEPTH') - vis2d.subplot(2,3,4) + vis2d.title("RAW DEPTH") + vis2d.subplot(2, 3, 4) vis2d.imshow(color_im) - vis2d.title('COLOR') - vis2d.subplot(2,3,5) + vis2d.title("COLOR") + vis2d.subplot(2, 3, 5) vis2d.imshow(depth_im) - vis2d.title('DEPTH') - vis2d.subplot(2,3,6) + vis2d.title("DEPTH") + vis2d.subplot(2, 3, 6) vis2d.imshow(segmask) - vis2d.title('SEGMASK') + vis2d.title("SEGMASK") plt.draw() plt.pause(GUI_PAUSE) - + # save data - datapoint['split'] = split - datapoint['camera_intrs'] = camera_intr.vec - datapoint['camera_poses'] = sensor_pose.vec - datapoint['raw_color_ims'] = raw_color_im.raw_data - datapoint['raw_depth_ims'] = raw_depth_im.raw_data - datapoint['color_ims'] = color_im.raw_data - datapoint['depth_ims'] = depth_im.raw_data - datapoint['segmasks'] = segmask.raw_data + datapoint["split"] = split + datapoint["camera_intrs"] = camera_intr.vec + datapoint["camera_poses"] = sensor_pose.vec + datapoint["raw_color_ims"] = raw_color_im.raw_data + datapoint["raw_depth_ims"] = raw_depth_im.raw_data + datapoint["color_ims"] = color_im.raw_data + datapoint["depth_ims"] = depth_im.raw_data + datapoint["segmasks"] = segmask.raw_data dataset.add(datapoint) # save raw data if save_raw: sensor_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, sensor_name) - raw_dir = os.path.join(sensor_dir, 'raw') + raw_dir = os.path.join(sensor_dir, "raw") - raw_color_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'raw_color_%d.png' %(k)) + raw_color_im_filename = os.path.join( + raw_dir, "raw_color_%d.png" % (k) + ) raw_color_im.save(raw_color_im_filename) - color_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'color_%d.png' %(k)) + color_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, "color_%d.png" % (k)) color_im.save(color_im_filename) - - raw_depth_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'raw_depth_%d.npy' %(k)) + + raw_depth_im_filename = os.path.join( + raw_dir, "raw_depth_%d.npy" % (k) + ) raw_depth_im.save(raw_depth_im_filename) - depth_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'depth_%d.npy' %(k)) + depth_im_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, "depth_%d.npy" % (k)) depth_im.save(depth_im_filename) - segmask_filename = os.path.join(raw_dir, 'segmask_%d.png' %(k)) + segmask_filename = os.path.join( + raw_dir, "segmask_%d.png" % (k) + ) segmask.save(segmask_filename) - + # stop all sensors for sensor_name, sensor in sensors.iteritems(): datasets[sensor_name].flush() diff --git a/tools/capture_test_images.py b/tools/capture_test_images.py index 0a3e18a..d025f19 100644 --- a/tools/capture_test_images.py +++ b/tools/capture_test_images.py @@ -6,29 +6,36 @@ import argparse import numpy as np import os - import rospy -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from autolab_core import RigidTransform, Box, YamlConfig, Logger import autolab_core.utils as utils -from perception import RgbdSensorFactory, Image +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory # set up logger -logger = Logger.get_logger('tools/capture_test_images.py') +logger = Logger.get_logger("tools/capture_test_images.py") -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Capture a set of RGB-D images from a set of sensors') - parser.add_argument('output_dir', type=str, help='path to save captured images') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default='cfg/tools/capture_test_images.yaml', help='path to configuration file to use') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Capture a set of RGB-D images from a set of sensors" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "output_dir", type=str, help="path to save captured images" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default="cfg/tools/capture_test_images.yaml", + help="path to configuration file to use", + ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filename = args.config_filename output_dir = args.output_dir # read config config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - vis = config['vis'] + vis = config["vis"] # make output dir if needed if not os.path.exists(output_dir): @@ -36,33 +43,39 @@ # read rescale factor rescale_factor = 1.0 - if 'rescale_factor' in config.keys(): - rescale_factor = config['rescale_factor'] + if "rescale_factor" in config.keys(): + rescale_factor = config["rescale_factor"] # read workspace bounds workspace = None - if 'workspace' in config.keys(): - workspace = Box(np.array(config['workspace']['min_pt']), - np.array(config['workspace']['max_pt']), - frame='world') - + if "workspace" in config.keys(): + workspace = Box( + np.array(config["workspace"]["min_pt"]), + np.array(config["workspace"]["max_pt"]), + frame="world", + ) + # init ros node - rospy.init_node('capture_test_images') #NOTE: this is required by the camera sensor classes + rospy.init_node( + "capture_test_images" + ) # NOTE: this is required by the camera sensor classes Logger.reconfigure_root() - for sensor_name, sensor_config in config['sensors'].iteritems(): - logger.info('Capturing images from sensor %s' %(sensor_name)) + for sensor_name, sensor_config in config["sensors"].iteritems(): + logger.info("Capturing images from sensor %s" % (sensor_name)) save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, sensor_name) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): - os.mkdir(save_dir) - + os.mkdir(save_dir) + # read params - sensor_type = sensor_config['type'] - sensor_frame = sensor_config['frame'] - + sensor_type = sensor_config["type"] + sensor_frame = sensor_config["frame"] + # read camera calib - tf_filename = '%s_to_world.tf' %(sensor_frame) - T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load(os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame, tf_filename)) + tf_filename = "%s_to_world.tf" % (sensor_frame) + T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load( + os.path.join(config["calib_dir"], sensor_frame, tf_filename) + ) T_camera_world.save(os.path.join(save_dir, tf_filename)) # setup sensor @@ -71,14 +84,14 @@ # start the sensor sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics - camera_intr.save(os.path.join(save_dir, '%s.intr' %(sensor.frame))) + camera_intr.save(os.path.join(save_dir, "%s.intr" % (sensor.frame))) # get raw images - for i in range(sensor_config['num_images']): - logger.info('Capturing image %d' %(i)) - message = 'Hit ENTER when ready.' + for i in range(sensor_config["num_images"]): + logger.info("Capturing image %d" % (i)) + message = "Hit ENTER when ready." utils.keyboard_input(message=message) - + # read images color, depth, ir = sensor.frames() @@ -88,44 +101,51 @@ point_cloud_cam = camera_intr.deproject(depth) point_cloud_cam.remove_zero_points() point_cloud_world = T_camera_world * point_cloud_cam - + # segment out the region in the workspace (objects only) - seg_point_cloud_world, _ = point_cloud_world.box_mask(workspace) + seg_point_cloud_world, _ = point_cloud_world.box_mask( + workspace + ) # compute the segmask for points above the box - seg_point_cloud_cam = T_camera_world.inverse() * seg_point_cloud_world - depth_im_seg = camera_intr.project_to_image(seg_point_cloud_cam) + seg_point_cloud_cam = ( + T_camera_world.inverse() * seg_point_cloud_world + ) + depth_im_seg = camera_intr.project_to_image( + seg_point_cloud_cam + ) segmask = depth_im_seg.to_binary() # rescale segmask if rescale_factor != 1.0: - segmask = segmask.resize(rescale_factor, interp='nearest') - + segmask = segmask.resize(rescale_factor, interp="nearest") + # save segmask - segmask.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'segmask_%d.png' %(i))) + segmask.save(os.path.join(save_dir, "segmask_%d.png" % (i))) # rescale images if rescale_factor != 1.0: color = color.resize(rescale_factor) - depth = depth.resize(rescale_factor, interp='nearest') - + depth = depth.resize(rescale_factor, interp="nearest") + # save images - color.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'color_%d.png' %(i))) - depth.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'depth_%d.npy' %(i))) + color.save(os.path.join(save_dir, "color_%d.png" % (i))) + depth.save(os.path.join(save_dir, "depth_%d.npy" % (i))) if ir is not None: - ir.save(os.path.join(save_dir, 'ir_%d.npy' %(i))) - + ir.save(os.path.join(save_dir, "ir_%d.npy" % (i))) + if vis: from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d + num_plots = 3 if workspace is not None else 2 vis2d.figure() - vis2d.subplot(1,num_plots,1) + vis2d.subplot(1, num_plots, 1) vis2d.imshow(color) - vis2d.subplot(1,num_plots,2) + vis2d.subplot(1, num_plots, 2) vis2d.imshow(depth) if workspace is not None: - vis2d.subplot(1,num_plots,3) + vis2d.subplot(1, num_plots, 3) vis2d.imshow(segmask) vis2d.show() - + sensor.stop() diff --git a/tools/colorize_phoxi.py b/tools/colorize_phoxi.py index 874f8f3..1f05757 100644 --- a/tools/colorize_phoxi.py +++ b/tools/colorize_phoxi.py @@ -1,43 +1,46 @@ """ Script to register a webcam to the Photoneo PhoXi Author: Matt Matl -""" +""" import argparse import logging -import numpy as np -import os -import plyfile -import time import rospy import rosgraph.roslogging as rl -from autolab_core import YamlConfig, RigidTransform, PointCloud -from perception import RgbdSensorFactory, ColorImage +from autolab_core import YamlConfig +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory -from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d + def main(): logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Register a webcam to the Photoneo PhoXi') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default='cfg/tools/colorize_phoxi.yaml', help='filename of a YAML configuration for registration') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Register a webcam to the Photoneo PhoXi" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default="cfg/tools/colorize_phoxi.yaml", + help="filename of a YAML configuration for registration", + ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filename = args.config_filename config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - sensor_data = config['sensors'] - phoxi_config = sensor_data['phoxi'] - phoxi_config['frame'] = 'phoxi' + sensor_data = config["sensors"] + phoxi_config = sensor_data["phoxi"] + phoxi_config["frame"] = "phoxi" # Initialize ROS node - rospy.init_node('colorize_phoxi', anonymous=True) + rospy.init_node("colorize_phoxi", anonymous=True) logging.getLogger().addHandler(rl.RosStreamHandler()) # Get PhoXi sensor set up - phoxi = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(phoxi_config['type'], phoxi_config) + phoxi = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(phoxi_config["type"], phoxi_config) phoxi.start() # Capture PhoXi and webcam images @@ -51,20 +54,39 @@ def main(): # vis2d.show() phoxi_pc = phoxi.ir_intrinsics.deproject(phoxi_depth_im) - colors = phoxi_color_im.data.reshape((phoxi_color_im.shape[0] * phoxi_color_im.shape[1], phoxi_color_im.shape[2])) / 255.0 + colors = ( + phoxi_color_im.data.reshape( + ( + phoxi_color_im.shape[0] * phoxi_color_im.shape[1], + phoxi_color_im.shape[2], + ) + ) + / 255.0 + ) vis3d.figure() vis3d.points(phoxi_pc.data.T[::3], color=colors[::3], scale=0.001) vis3d.show() # Export to PLY file vertices = phoxi.ir_intrinsics.deproject(phoxi_depth_im).data.T - colors = phoxi_color_im.data.reshape(phoxi_color_im.data.shape[0] * phoxi_color_im.data.shape[1], phoxi_color_im.data.shape[2]) - f = open('pcloud.ply', 'w') - f.write('ply\nformat ascii 1.0\nelement vertex {}\nproperty float x\nproperty float y\nproperty float z\nproperty uchar red\n'.format(len(vertices)) + - 'property uchar green\nproperty uchar blue\nend_header\n') - for v, c in zip(vertices,colors): - f.write('{} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2], c[0], c[1], c[2])) + colors = phoxi_color_im.data.reshape( + phoxi_color_im.data.shape[0] * phoxi_color_im.data.shape[1], + phoxi_color_im.data.shape[2], + ) + f = open("pcloud.ply", "w") + f.write( + "ply\nformat ascii 1.0\nelement vertex {}\nproperty float x\n" + "property float y\nproperty float z\nproperty uchar red\n".format( + len(vertices) + ) + + "property uchar green\nproperty uchar blue\nend_header\n" + ) + for v, c in zip(vertices, colors): + f.write( + "{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(v[0], v[1], v[2], c[0], c[1], c[2]) + ) f.close() -if __name__ == '__main__': + +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/tools/filter_images.py b/tools/filter_images.py index a79f0de..6cf44e8 100644 --- a/tools/filter_images.py +++ b/tools/filter_images.py @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ import numpy as np import pcl import os -import rospy -import sys import time from autolab_core import Box, PointCloud, RigidTransform -from perception import VirtualSensor +from perception.virtual_camera_sensor import VirtualSensor from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d @@ -27,14 +25,16 @@ vis_final_clouds = False vis_final_images = True -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": # set logging logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Filter a set of images') - parser.add_argument('image_dir', type=str, help='location to read the images from') - parser.add_argument('frame', type=str, help='frame of images') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Filter a set of images") + parser.add_argument( + "image_dir", type=str, help="location to read the images from" + ) + parser.add_argument("frame", type=str, help="frame of images") args = parser.parse_args() image_dir = args.image_dir frame = args.frame @@ -45,8 +45,10 @@ camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics # read tf - T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load(os.path.join(image_dir, '%s_to_world.tf' %(frame))) - + T_camera_world = RigidTransform.load( + os.path.join(image_dir, "%s_to_world.tf" % (frame)) + ) + # read images color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() @@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ # timing filter_start = time.time() - - small_depth_im = depth_im.resize(rescale_factor, interp='nearest') + + small_depth_im = depth_im.resize(rescale_factor, interp="nearest") small_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(rescale_factor) # convert to point cloud in world coords @@ -67,55 +69,57 @@ point_cloud_world = T_camera_world * point_cloud_cam point_cloud_filtered = copy.deepcopy(point_cloud_world) - logging.info('Deproject took %.3f sec' %(time.time()-deproject_start)) - + logging.info("Deproject took %.3f sec" % (time.time() - deproject_start)) + # filter low clip_start = time.time() - low_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2,:] < min_height)[0] - point_cloud_filtered.data[2,low_indices] = min_height + low_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2, :] < min_height)[0] + point_cloud_filtered.data[2, low_indices] = min_height # filter high - high_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2,:] > max_height)[0] - point_cloud_filtered.data[2,high_indices] = max_height + high_indices = np.where(point_cloud_world.data[2, :] > max_height)[0] + point_cloud_filtered.data[2, high_indices] = max_height # re-project and update depth im - #depth_im_filtered = camera_intr.project_to_image(T_camera_world.inverse() * point_cloud_filtered) - logging.info('Clipping took %.3f sec' %(time.time()-clip_start)) - + logging.info("Clipping took %.3f sec" % (time.time() - clip_start)) + # vis - focal_point = np.mean(point_cloud_filtered.data, - axis=1) + focal_point = np.mean(point_cloud_filtered.data, axis=1) if vis_clipping: - vis3d.figure(camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames('camera', - 'world'), - focal_point=focal_point) - vis3d.points(point_cloud_world, - scale=0.001, - color=(1,0,0), - subsample=10) - vis3d.points(point_cloud_filtered, - scale=0.001, - color=(0,0,1), - subsample=10) + vis3d.figure( + camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames("camera", "world"), + focal_point=focal_point, + ) + vis3d.points( + point_cloud_world, scale=0.001, color=(1, 0, 0), subsample=10 + ) + vis3d.points( + point_cloud_filtered, scale=0.001, color=(0, 0, 1), subsample=10 + ) vis3d.show() - + pcl_start = time.time() # subsample point cloud - #rate = int(1.0 / rescale_factor)**2 - #point_cloud_filtered = point_cloud_filtered.subsample(rate, random=False) - box = Box(np.array([0.2, -0.24, min_height]), np.array([0.56, 0.21, max_height]), frame='world') + # rate = int(1.0 / rescale_factor)**2 + # point_cloud_filtered = point_cloud_filtered.subsample(rate, random=False) + box = Box( + np.array([0.2, -0.24, min_height]), + np.array([0.56, 0.21, max_height]), + frame="world", + ) point_cloud_masked, valid_indices = point_cloud_filtered.box_mask(box) - invalid_indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(point_cloud_filtered.num_points), - valid_indices) - + invalid_indices = np.setdiff1d( + np.arange(point_cloud_filtered.num_points), valid_indices + ) + # apply PCL filters pcl_cloud = pcl.PointCloud(point_cloud_masked.data.T.astype(np.float32)) tree = pcl_cloud.make_kdtree() ec = pcl_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction() ec.set_ClusterTolerance(0.005) - #ec.set_MinClusterSize(1) - #ec.set_MaxClusterSize(250) + # ec.set_MinClusterSize(1) + # ec.set_MaxClusterSize(250) ec.set_MinClusterSize(250) ec.set_MaxClusterSize(1000000) ec.set_SearchMethod(tree) @@ -123,84 +127,78 @@ num_clusters = len(cluster_indices) segments = [] - filtered_points = np.zeros([3,point_cloud_masked.num_points]) + filtered_points = np.zeros([3, point_cloud_masked.num_points]) cur_i = 0 for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices): num_points = len(indices) - points = np.zeros([3,num_points]) - + points = np.zeros([3, num_points]) + for i, index in enumerate(indices): - points[0,i] = pcl_cloud[index][0] - points[1,i] = pcl_cloud[index][1] - points[2,i] = pcl_cloud[index][2] + points[0, i] = pcl_cloud[index][0] + points[1, i] = pcl_cloud[index][1] + points[2, i] = pcl_cloud[index][2] - filtered_points[:,cur_i:cur_i+num_points] = points.copy() + filtered_points[:, cur_i : cur_i + num_points] = points.copy() cur_i = cur_i + num_points - - seg_point_cloud = PointCloud(points, frame='world') + + seg_point_cloud = PointCloud(points, frame="world") segments.append(seg_point_cloud) - all_points = np.c_[filtered_points[:,:cur_i], point_cloud_filtered.data[:,invalid_indices]] - point_cloud_filtered = PointCloud(all_points, frame='world') + all_points = np.c_[ + filtered_points[:, :cur_i], + point_cloud_filtered.data[:, invalid_indices], + ] + point_cloud_filtered = PointCloud(all_points, frame="world") pcl_stop = time.time() - logging.info('PCL Seg took %.3f sec' %(pcl_stop-pcl_start)) - + logging.info("PCL Seg took %.3f sec" % (pcl_stop - pcl_start)) + if vis_segments: - vis3d.figure(camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames('camera', - 'world'), - focal_point=focal_point) + vis3d.figure( + camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames("camera", "world"), + focal_point=focal_point, + ) for i, segment in enumerate(segments): - color = plt.get_cmap('hsv')(float(i)/num_clusters)[:-1] - vis3d.points(segment, - scale=0.001, - color=color, - subsample=5) + color = plt.get_cmap("hsv")(float(i) / num_clusters)[:-1] + vis3d.points(segment, scale=0.001, color=color, subsample=5) vis3d.show() if vis_final_clouds: - vis3d.figure(camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames('camera', - 'world'), - focal_point=focal_point) - #vis3d.points(point_cloud_world, + vis3d.figure( + camera_pose=T_camera_world.as_frames("camera", "world"), + focal_point=focal_point, + ) + # vis3d.points(point_cloud_world, # scale=0.001, # color=(1,0,0), # subsample=10) - vis3d.points(point_cloud_filtered, - scale=0.001, - color=(0,0,1), - subsample=5) + vis3d.points( + point_cloud_filtered, scale=0.001, color=(0, 0, 1), subsample=5 + ) vis3d.show() - + # convert to depth image project_start = time.time() point_cloud_cam = T_camera_world.inverse() * point_cloud_filtered - #depth_im_noise = small_camera_intr.project_to_image(point_cloud_cam) - depth_im_filtered = small_camera_intr.project_to_image(point_cloud_cam) - #depth_im_filtered = depth_im_filtered.resize(1.0/rescale_factor)#, interp='nearest') + depth_im_filtered = small_camera_intr.project_to_image(point_cloud_cam) noise_mask = depth_im_filtered.to_binary() - #depth_im_filtered = depth_im_filtered.inpaint(rescale_factor) - #depth_im_noise = depth_im_noise.resize(1.0/rescale_factor) - #noise_mask = depth_im_noise.to_binary() - logging.info('Project took %.3f sec' %(time.time() - project_start)) - #depth_im_filtered = depth_im.mask_binary(noise_mask) - #depth_im_filtered = depth_im_filtered.mask_binary(noise_mask.inverse()) + logging.info("Project took %.3f sec" % (time.time() - project_start)) depth_im_filtered = depth_im_filtered.inpaint(0.5) - + filter_stop = time.time() - logging.info('Filtering took %.3f sec' %(filter_stop-filter_start)) - + logging.info("Filtering took %.3f sec" % (filter_stop - filter_start)) + if vis_final_images: vis2d.figure() - vis2d.subplot(2,2,1) + vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(depth_im) - vis2d.title('Orig') - vis2d.subplot(2,2,2) + vis2d.title("Orig") + vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(depth_im_orig) - vis2d.title('Inpainted') - vis2d.subplot(2,2,3) + vis2d.title("Inpainted") + vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 3) vis2d.imshow(noise_mask) - vis2d.title('Mask') - vis2d.subplot(2,2,4) + vis2d.title("Mask") + vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 4) vis2d.imshow(depth_im_filtered) - vis2d.title('Filtered') + vis2d.title("Filtered") vis2d.show() diff --git a/tools/kinect2_sensor_bridge.py b/tools/kinect2_sensor_bridge.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3fd20c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/kinect2_sensor_bridge.py @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +""" +Interface to the Ensenso N* Sensor +Author: Jeff Mahler +""" +import logging +import sys +import time +import signal + +try: + import rospy +except ImportError: + logging.warning( + "Failed to import ROS in Kinect2_sensor.py. \ + Kinect will not be able to be used in bridged mode" + ) + +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory +from perception.kinect2_ros_sensor import Kinect2BridgedQuality + + +def main(args): + # from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d + # from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d + import matplotlib.pyplot as vis2d + + # set logging + logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + rospy.init_node("kinect_reader", anonymous=True) + + num_frames = 5 + sensor_cfg = { + "quality": Kinect2BridgedQuality.HD, + "frame": "kinect2_rgb_optical_frame", + } + sensor_type = "bridged_kinect2" + sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, sensor_cfg) + sensor.start() + + def handler(signum, frame): + rospy.loginfo("caught CTRL+C, exiting...") + if sensor is not None: + sensor.stop() + exit(0) + + signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) + + total_time = 0 + for i in range(num_frames): + if i > 0: + start_time = time.time() + + _, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() + + if i > 0: + total_time += time.time() - start_time + logging.info("Frame %d" % (i)) + logging.info("Avg FPS: %.5f" % (float(i) / total_time)) + + depth_im = sensor.median_depth_img(num_img=5) + color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() + + sensor.stop() + + vis2d.figure() + vis2d.subplot("211") + vis2d.imshow(depth_im.data) + vis2d.title("Kinect - depth Raw") + + vis2d.subplot("212") + vis2d.imshow(color_im.data) + vis2d.title("kinect color") + vis2d.show() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main(sys.argv) diff --git a/tools/primesense_viewer.py b/tools/primesense_viewer.py index d3c96b2..f813c48 100644 --- a/tools/primesense_viewer.py +++ b/tools/primesense_viewer.py @@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) sensor = PrimesenseSensor() - logging.info('Starting sensor') + logging.info("Starting sensor") sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics n = 15 frame_rates = [] for i in range(n): - logging.info('Reading frame %d of %d' %(i+1, n)) + logging.info("Reading frame %d of %d" % (i + 1, n)) read_start = time.time() color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() read_stop = time.time() - frame_rates.append(1.0/(read_stop-read_start)) + frame_rates.append(1.0 / (read_stop - read_start)) - logging.info('Avg fps: %.3f' %(np.mean(frame_rates))) + logging.info("Avg fps: %.3f" % (np.mean(frame_rates))) color_im = color_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=0.5) depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=0.5) @@ -40,11 +40,10 @@ vis3d.show() vis.figure() - vis.subplot(1,2,1) + vis.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis.imshow(color_im) - vis.subplot(1,2,2) + vis.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis.imshow(depth_im) vis.show() sensor.stop() - diff --git a/tools/register_camera.py b/tools/register_camera.py index 6c5304b..01b84cd 100644 --- a/tools/register_camera.py +++ b/tools/register_camera.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ """ Script to register sensors to a chessboard for the YuMi setup Authors: Jeff Mahler and Brenton Chu -""" +""" import argparse import cv2 import logging @@ -14,8 +14,15 @@ import rospy import rosgraph.roslogging as rl -from autolab_core import Point, PointCloud, RigidTransform, YamlConfig -from perception import CameraChessboardRegistration, RgbdSensorFactory +from autolab_core import ( + Point, + PointCloud, + RigidTransform, + YamlConfig, + keyboard_input, + CameraChessboardRegistration, +) +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d from yumipy import YuMiRobot @@ -24,100 +31,122 @@ global clicked_pt clicked_pt = None pt_radius = 2 -pt_color = (255,0,0) +pt_color = (255, 0, 0) + + def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): global clicked_pt if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK: - clicked_pt = np.array([x,y]) - logging.info('Clicked: {}'.format(clicked_pt)) - -if __name__ == '__main__': + clicked_pt = np.array([x, y]) + logging.info("Clicked: {}".format(clicked_pt)) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Register a camera to a robot') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default='cfg/tools/register_camera.yaml', help='filename of a YAML configuration for registration') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Register a camera to a robot" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default="cfg/tools/register_camera.yaml", + help="filename of a YAML configuration for registration", + ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filename = args.config_filename config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - + # get known tf from chessboard to world - T_cb_world = RigidTransform.load(config['chessboard_tf']) - + T_cb_world = RigidTransform.load(config["chessboard_tf"]) + # initialize node - rospy.init_node('register_camera', anonymous=True) + rospy.init_node("register_camera", anonymous=True) logging.getLogger().addHandler(rl.RosStreamHandler()) # get camera sensor object - for sensor_frame, sensor_data in config['sensors'].iteritems(): - logging.info('Registering %s' %(sensor_frame)) - sensor_config = sensor_data['sensor_config'] - registration_config = sensor_data['registration_config'].copy() - registration_config.update(config['chessboard_registration']) - + for sensor_frame, sensor_data in config["sensors"].iteritems(): + logging.info("Registering %s" % (sensor_frame)) + sensor_config = sensor_data["sensor_config"] + registration_config = sensor_data["registration_config"].copy() + registration_config.update(config["chessboard_registration"]) + # open sensor try: - sensor_type = sensor_config['type'] - sensor_config['frame'] = sensor_frame - logging.info('Creating sensor') + sensor_type = sensor_config["type"] + sensor_config["frame"] = sensor_frame + logging.info("Creating sensor") sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, sensor_config) - logging.info('Starting sensor') + logging.info("Starting sensor") sensor.start() ir_intrinsics = sensor.ir_intrinsics - logging.info('Sensor initialized') + logging.info("Sensor initialized") # register - reg_result = CameraChessboardRegistration.register(sensor, registration_config) + reg_result = CameraChessboardRegistration.register( + sensor, registration_config + ) T_camera_world = T_cb_world * reg_result.T_camera_cb - logging.info('Final Result for sensor %s' %(sensor_frame)) - logging.info('Rotation: ') + logging.info("Final Result for sensor %s" % (sensor_frame)) + logging.info("Rotation: ") logging.info(T_camera_world.rotation) - logging.info('Quaternion: ') + logging.info("Quaternion: ") logging.info(T_camera_world.quaternion) - logging.info('Translation: ') + logging.info("Translation: ") logging.info(T_camera_world.translation) - except Exception as e: - logging.error('Failed to register sensor {}'.format(sensor_frame)) + except Exception: + logging.error("Failed to register sensor {}".format(sensor_frame)) traceback.print_exc() continue # fix the chessboard corners - if config['fix_orientation_cb_to_world']: + if config["fix_orientation_cb_to_world"]: # read params - num_pts_x = config['grid_x'] - num_pts_y = config['grid_y'] - grid_width = config['grid_width'] - grid_height = config['grid_height'] - gripper_height = config['gripper_height'] - grid_center_x = config['grid_center_x'] - grid_center_y = config['grid_center_y'] - + num_pts_x = config["grid_x"] + num_pts_y = config["grid_y"] + grid_width = config["grid_width"] + grid_height = config["grid_height"] + gripper_height = config["gripper_height"] + grid_center_x = config["grid_center_x"] + grid_center_y = config["grid_center_y"] + # determine robot poses robot_poses = [] for i in range(num_pts_x): - x = -float(grid_width) / 2 + grid_center_x + float(i * grid_width) / num_pts_x + x = ( + -float(grid_width) / 2 + + grid_center_x + + float(i * grid_width) / num_pts_x + ) for j in range(num_pts_y): - y = -float(grid_height) / 2 + grid_center_y + float(j * grid_height) / num_pts_y + y = ( + -float(grid_height) / 2 + + grid_center_y + + float(j * grid_height) / num_pts_y + ) # form robot pose - R_robot_world = np.array([[1, 0, 0], - [0, 0, 1], - [0, -1, 0]]) + R_robot_world = np.array( + [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]] + ) t_robot_world = np.array([x, y, gripper_height]) - T_robot_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_robot_world, - translation=t_robot_world, - from_frame='gripper', - to_frame='world') + T_robot_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_robot_world, + translation=t_robot_world, + from_frame="gripper", + to_frame="world", + ) robot_poses.append(T_robot_world) # start robot y = YuMiRobot(tcp=YMC.TCP_SUCTION_STIFF) - y.set_z('fine') + y.set_z("fine") y.reset_home() global clicked_pt - + # iteratively go to poses robot_points_camera = [] for robot_pose in robot_poses: @@ -126,47 +155,57 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): # move to pose y.right.goto_pose(robot_pose, wait_for_res=True) - + # capture image color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(0.25) - cv2.namedWindow('click') - cv2.setMouseCallback('click', click_gripper) + cv2.namedWindow("click") + cv2.setMouseCallback("click", click_gripper) while True: if clicked_pt is None: - cv2.imshow('click', color_im.data) + cv2.imshow("click", color_im.data) else: im = color_im.data.copy() - cv2.circle(im, - tuple(clicked_pt.tolist()), - pt_radius, - pt_color, - -1) - cv2.imshow('click', im) + cv2.circle( + im, + tuple(clicked_pt.tolist()), + pt_radius, + pt_color, + -1, + ) + cv2.imshow("click", im) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF - if key == ord('q') and clicked_pt is not None: - logging.info('Moving to next pose') + if key == ord("q") and clicked_pt is not None: + logging.info("Moving to next pose") break # store clicked pt in 3D - logging.info('Point collection complete') + logging.info("Point collection complete") depth = depth_im[clicked_pt[1], clicked_pt[0]] - p = ir_intrinsics.deproject_pixel(depth, - Point(clicked_pt, frame=ir_intrinsics.frame)) + p = ir_intrinsics.deproject_pixel( + depth, Point(clicked_pt, frame=ir_intrinsics.frame) + ) robot_points_camera.append(p.data) # reset y.reset_home() y.stop() - + # collect - true_robot_points_world = PointCloud(np.array([T.translation for T in robot_poses]).T, - frame=ir_intrinsics.frame) - est_robot_points_world = T_camera_world * PointCloud(np.array(robot_points_camera).T, - frame=ir_intrinsics.frame) - mean_true_robot_point = np.mean(true_robot_points_world.data, axis=1).reshape(3,1) - mean_est_robot_point = np.mean(est_robot_points_world.data, axis=1).reshape(3,1) + true_robot_points_world = PointCloud( + np.array([T.translation for T in robot_poses]).T, + frame=ir_intrinsics.frame, + ) + est_robot_points_world = T_camera_world * PointCloud( + np.array(robot_points_camera).T, frame=ir_intrinsics.frame + ) + mean_true_robot_point = np.mean( + true_robot_points_world.data, axis=1 + ).reshape(3, 1) + mean_est_robot_point = np.mean( + est_robot_points_world.data, axis=1 + ).reshape(3, 1) # fit a plane best_R_cb_world = None @@ -177,30 +216,46 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): sample_size = int(num_poses * 0.3) min_inliers = int(num_poses * 0.6) dist_thresh = 0.0015 - true_robot_points_world._data = true_robot_points_world._data - mean_true_robot_point - est_robot_points_world._data = est_robot_points_world._data - mean_est_robot_point + true_robot_points_world._data = ( + true_robot_points_world._data - mean_true_robot_point + ) + est_robot_points_world._data = ( + est_robot_points_world._data - mean_est_robot_point + ) while k < K: - ind = np.random.choice(num_poses, size=sample_size, replace=False) - H = est_robot_points_world.data[:,ind].dot(true_robot_points_world.data[:,ind].T) + ind = np.random.choice( + num_poses, size=sample_size, replace=False + ) + H = est_robot_points_world.data[:, ind].dot( + true_robot_points_world.data[:, ind].T + ) U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(H) R_cb_world = V.T.dot(U.T) - - fixed_robot_points_world = R_cb_world.dot(est_robot_points_world.data) + + fixed_robot_points_world = R_cb_world.dot( + est_robot_points_world.data + ) diffs = fixed_robot_points_world - true_robot_points_world.data dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=0) inliers = np.where(dists < dist_thresh)[0] num_inliers = inliers.shape[0] - print k, num_inliers, np.mean(dists) + print(k, num_inliers, np.mean(dists)) if num_inliers >= min_inliers: ind = inliers - H = est_robot_points_world.data[:,ind].dot(true_robot_points_world.data[:,ind].T) + H = est_robot_points_world.data[:, ind].dot( + true_robot_points_world.data[:, ind].T + ) U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(H) R_cb_world = V.T.dot(U.T) - - fixed_robot_points_world = R_cb_world.dot(est_robot_points_world.data) - diffs = fixed_robot_points_world - true_robot_points_world.data + + fixed_robot_points_world = R_cb_world.dot( + est_robot_points_world.data + ) + diffs = ( + fixed_robot_points_world - true_robot_points_world.data + ) dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=0) mean_dist = np.mean(dists[ind]) @@ -208,58 +263,95 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): best_dist = mean_dist best_R_cb_world = R_cb_world k += 1 - + R_cb_world = best_R_cb_world - T_corrected_cb_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_cb_world, - from_frame='world', - to_frame='world') + T_corrected_cb_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_cb_world, from_frame="world", to_frame="world" + ) R_cb_world = R_cb_world.dot(T_cb_world.rotation) - T_cb_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_cb_world, - translation=T_cb_world.translation, - from_frame=T_cb_world.from_frame, - to_frame=T_cb_world.to_frame) + T_cb_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_cb_world, + translation=T_cb_world.translation, + from_frame=T_cb_world.from_frame, + to_frame=T_cb_world.to_frame, + ) T_camera_world = T_cb_world * reg_result.T_camera_cb - T_cb_world.save(config['chessboard_tf']) - + T_cb_world.save(config["chessboard_tf"]) + # vis - if config['vis_points']: + if config["vis_points"]: _, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() - points_world = T_camera_world * ir_intrinsics.deproject(depth_im) - true_robot_points_world = PointCloud(np.array([T.translation for T in robot_poses]).T, - frame=ir_intrinsics.frame) - est_robot_points_world = T_camera_world * PointCloud(np.array(robot_points_camera).T, - frame=ir_intrinsics.frame) - mean_est_robot_point = np.mean(est_robot_points_world.data, axis=1).reshape(3,1) - est_robot_points_world._data = est_robot_points_world._data - mean_est_robot_point + mean_true_robot_point - fixed_robot_points_world = T_corrected_cb_world * est_robot_points_world - mean_fixed_robot_point = np.mean(fixed_robot_points_world.data, axis=1).reshape(3,1) - fixed_robot_points_world._data = fixed_robot_points_world._data - mean_fixed_robot_point + mean_true_robot_point + points_world = T_camera_world * ir_intrinsics.deproject( + depth_im + ) + true_robot_points_world = PointCloud( + np.array([T.translation for T in robot_poses]).T, + frame=ir_intrinsics.frame, + ) + est_robot_points_world = T_camera_world * PointCloud( + np.array(robot_points_camera).T, frame=ir_intrinsics.frame + ) + mean_est_robot_point = np.mean( + est_robot_points_world.data, axis=1 + ).reshape(3, 1) + est_robot_points_world._data = ( + est_robot_points_world._data + - mean_est_robot_point + + mean_true_robot_point + ) + fixed_robot_points_world = ( + T_corrected_cb_world * est_robot_points_world + ) + mean_fixed_robot_point = np.mean( + fixed_robot_points_world.data, axis=1 + ).reshape(3, 1) + fixed_robot_points_world._data = ( + fixed_robot_points_world._data + - mean_fixed_robot_point + + mean_true_robot_point + ) vis3d.figure() - vis3d.points(points_world, color=(0,1,0), subsample=10, random=True, scale=0.001) - vis3d.points(true_robot_points_world, color=(0,0,1), scale=0.001) - vis3d.points(fixed_robot_points_world, color=(1,1,0), scale=0.001) - vis3d.points(est_robot_points_world, color=(1,0,0), scale=0.001) + vis3d.points( + points_world, + color=(0, 1, 0), + subsample=10, + random=True, + scale=0.001, + ) + vis3d.points( + true_robot_points_world, color=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.001 + ) + vis3d.points( + fixed_robot_points_world, color=(1, 1, 0), scale=0.001 + ) + vis3d.points( + est_robot_points_world, color=(1, 0, 0), scale=0.001 + ) vis3d.pose(T_camera_world) vis3d.show() # save tranformation arrays based on setup - output_dir = os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame) + output_dir = os.path.join(config["calib_dir"], sensor_frame) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) - pose_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_to_world.tf' %(sensor_frame)) + pose_filename = os.path.join( + output_dir, "%s_to_world.tf" % (sensor_frame) + ) T_camera_world.save(pose_filename) - intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.intr' %(sensor_frame)) + intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.intr" % (sensor_frame)) ir_intrinsics.save(intr_filename) - f = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'corners_cb_%s.npy' %(sensor_frame)), 'w') + f = open( + os.path.join(output_dir, "corners_cb_%s.npy" % (sensor_frame)), "w" + ) np.save(f, reg_result.cb_points_cam.data) - + # move the robot to the chessboard center for verification - if config['use_robot']: + if config["use_robot"]: # get robot type - robot_type = 'yumi' - if 'robot_type' in config.keys(): - robot_type = config['robot_type'] - + robot_type = "yumi" + if "robot_type" in config.keys(): + robot_type = config["robot_type"] + # find the rightmost and further cb point in world frame cb_points_world = T_camera_world * reg_result.cb_points_cam cb_point_data_world = cb_points_world.data @@ -268,8 +360,12 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): ip = dir_world.dot(cb_point_data_world) # open interface to robot - if robot_type == 'ur5': - from ur_control import UniversalRobot, ToolState, T_KINEMATIC_AVOIDANCE_WORLD, KINEMATIC_AVOIDANCE_JOINTS + if robot_type == "ur5": + from ur_control import ( + UniversalRobot, + KINEMATIC_AVOIDANCE_JOINTS, + ) + robot = UniversalRobot() robot.reset_home() else: @@ -278,39 +374,58 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): robot = y.right waypoints = [] time.sleep(1) - + # choose target point #1 target_ind = np.where(ip == np.max(ip))[0] target_pt_world = cb_points_world[target_ind[0]] - + # create robot pose relative to target point - if robot_type == 'ur5': - R_gripper_world = np.array([[-1.0, 0, 0], - [0, 1.0, 0], - [0, 0, -1.0]]) + if robot_type == "ur5": + R_gripper_world = np.array( + [[-1.0, 0, 0], [0, 1.0, 0], [0, 0, -1.0]] + ) else: - R_gripper_world = np.array([[1.0, 0, 0], - [0, -1.0, 0], - [0, 0, -1.0]]) - t_gripper_world = np.array([target_pt_world.x + config['gripper_offset_x'], - target_pt_world.y + config['gripper_offset_y'], - target_pt_world.z + config['gripper_offset_z']]) - T_gripper_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_gripper_world, - translation=t_gripper_world, - from_frame='gripper', - to_frame='cb') - logging.info('Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f' %(t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2])) - - T_lift = RigidTransform(translation=(0,0,0.05), from_frame='cb', to_frame='cb') + R_gripper_world = np.array( + [[1.0, 0, 0], [0, -1.0, 0], [0, 0, -1.0]] + ) + t_gripper_world = np.array( + [ + target_pt_world.x + config["gripper_offset_x"], + target_pt_world.y + config["gripper_offset_y"], + target_pt_world.z + config["gripper_offset_z"], + ] + ) + T_gripper_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_gripper_world, + translation=t_gripper_world, + from_frame="gripper", + to_frame="cb", + ) + logging.info( + "Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f" + % (t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2]) + ) + + T_lift = RigidTransform( + translation=(0, 0, 0.05), from_frame="cb", to_frame="cb" + ) T_gripper_world_lift = T_lift * T_gripper_world T_orig_gripper_world_lift = T_gripper_world_lift.copy() - if config['vis_cb_corners']: + if config["vis_cb_corners"]: _, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() - points_world = T_camera_world * ir_intrinsics.deproject(depth_im) + points_world = T_camera_world * ir_intrinsics.deproject( + depth_im + ) vis3d.figure() - vis3d.points(cb_points_world, color=(0,0,1), scale=0.005) - vis3d.points(points_world, color=(0,1,0), subsample=10, random=True, scale=0.001) + vis3d.points(cb_points_world, color=(0, 0, 1), scale=0.005) + vis3d.points( + points_world, + color=(0, 1, 0), + subsample=10, + random=True, + scale=0.001, + ) vis3d.pose(T_camera_world) vis3d.pose(T_gripper_world_lift) vis3d.pose(T_gripper_world) @@ -319,38 +434,49 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): vis3d.table(dim=0.5, T_table_world=T_cb_world) vis3d.show() - if robot_type == 'ur5': + if robot_type == "ur5": robot.movej(KINEMATIC_AVOIDANCE_JOINTS, wait_for_res=True) robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) else: robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world) - + # wait for human measurement - yesno = raw_input('Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done') + keyboard_input("Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done") robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) # choose target point 2 target_ind = np.where(ip == np.min(ip))[0] target_pt_world = cb_points_world[target_ind[0]] - + # create robot pose relative to target point - t_gripper_world = np.array([target_pt_world.x + config['gripper_offset_x'], - target_pt_world.y + config['gripper_offset_y'], - target_pt_world.z + config['gripper_offset_z']]) - T_gripper_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_gripper_world, - translation=t_gripper_world, - from_frame='gripper', - to_frame='cb') - logging.info('Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f' %(t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2])) - - T_lift = RigidTransform(translation=(0,0,0.05), from_frame='cb', to_frame='cb') + t_gripper_world = np.array( + [ + target_pt_world.x + config["gripper_offset_x"], + target_pt_world.y + config["gripper_offset_y"], + target_pt_world.z + config["gripper_offset_z"], + ] + ) + T_gripper_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_gripper_world, + translation=t_gripper_world, + from_frame="gripper", + to_frame="cb", + ) + logging.info( + "Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f" + % (t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2]) + ) + + T_lift = RigidTransform( + translation=(0, 0, 0.05), from_frame="cb", to_frame="cb" + ) T_gripper_world_lift = T_lift * T_gripper_world robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world) - + # wait for human measurement - yesno = raw_input('Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done') + keyboard_input("Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done") robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) robot.goto_pose(T_orig_gripper_world_lift) @@ -360,35 +486,49 @@ def click_gripper(event, x, y, flags, param): ip = dir_world.dot(cb_point_data_world) target_ind = np.where(ip == np.max(ip))[0] target_pt_world = cb_points_world[target_ind[0]] - + # create robot pose relative to target point - t_gripper_world = np.array([target_pt_world.x + config['gripper_offset_x'], - target_pt_world.y + config['gripper_offset_y'], - target_pt_world.z + config['gripper_offset_z']]) - T_gripper_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_gripper_world, - translation=t_gripper_world, - from_frame='gripper', - to_frame='cb') - logging.info('Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f' %(t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2])) - - T_lift = RigidTransform(translation=(0,0,0.05), from_frame='cb', to_frame='cb') + t_gripper_world = np.array( + [ + target_pt_world.x + config["gripper_offset_x"], + target_pt_world.y + config["gripper_offset_y"], + target_pt_world.z + config["gripper_offset_z"], + ] + ) + T_gripper_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_gripper_world, + translation=t_gripper_world, + from_frame="gripper", + to_frame="cb", + ) + logging.info( + "Moving robot to point x=%f, y=%f, z=%f" + % (t_gripper_world[0], t_gripper_world[1], t_gripper_world[2]) + ) + + T_lift = RigidTransform( + translation=(0, 0, 0.05), from_frame="cb", to_frame="cb" + ) T_gripper_world_lift = T_lift * T_gripper_world robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world) - + # wait for human measurement - yesno = raw_input('Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done') + keyboard_input("Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done") robot.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) robot.goto_pose(T_orig_gripper_world_lift) - + # stop robot robot.reset_home() - if robot_type != 'ur5' and 'reset_bin' in config.keys() and config['reset_bin']: + if ( + robot_type != "ur5" + and "reset_bin" in config.keys() + and config["reset_bin"] + ): y.reset_bin() - if robot_type == 'ur5': + if robot_type == "ur5": robot.stop() else: y.stop() - + sensor.stop() - diff --git a/tools/register_ensenso.py b/tools/register_ensenso.py index 01c5885..6565bc0 100644 --- a/tools/register_ensenso.py +++ b/tools/register_ensenso.py @@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ from ensenso.srv import CollectPattern, EstimatePatternPose import rospy -from autolab_core import Point, RigidTransform, YamlConfig -from perception import EnsensoSensor +from autolab_core import Point, RigidTransform, YamlConfig, keyboard_input +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory from yumipy import YuMiRobot from yumipy import YuMiConstants as YMC + def register_ensenso(config): # set parameters average = True @@ -25,127 +26,152 @@ def register_ensenso(config): grid_spacing = -1 # read parameters - num_patterns = config['num_patterns'] - max_tries = config['max_tries'] - + num_patterns = config["num_patterns"] + max_tries = config["max_tries"] + # load tf pattern to world - T_pattern_world = RigidTransform.load(config['pattern_tf']) - + T_pattern_world = RigidTransform.load(config["pattern_tf"]) + # initialize sensor - sensor_frame = config['sensor_frame'] - sensor = EnsensoSensor(sensor_frame) + sensor_frame = config["sensor_frame"] + sensor_config = {"frame": sensor_frame} + logging.info("Creating sensor") + sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor("ensenso", sensor_config) # initialize node - rospy.init_node('register_ensenso', anonymous=True) - rospy.wait_for_service('/%s/collect_pattern' %(sensor_frame)) - rospy.wait_for_service('/%s/estimate_pattern_pose' %(sensor_frame)) - + rospy.init_node("register_ensenso", anonymous=True) + rospy.wait_for_service("/%s/collect_pattern" % (sensor_frame)) + rospy.wait_for_service("/%s/estimate_pattern_pose" % (sensor_frame)) + # start sensor - print('Starting sensor') + print("Starting sensor") sensor.start() time.sleep(1) - print('Sensor initialized') - + print("Sensor initialized") + # perform registration try: - print('Collecting patterns') + print("Collecting patterns") num_detected = 0 i = 0 while num_detected < num_patterns and i < max_tries: - collect_pattern = rospy.ServiceProxy('/%s/collect_pattern' %(sensor_frame), CollectPattern) - resp = collect_pattern(add_to_buffer, - clear_buffer, - decode, - grid_spacing) + collect_pattern = rospy.ServiceProxy( + "/%s/collect_pattern" % (sensor_frame), CollectPattern + ) + resp = collect_pattern( + add_to_buffer, clear_buffer, decode, grid_spacing + ) if resp.success: - print('Detected pattern %d' %(num_detected)) + print("Detected pattern %d" % (num_detected)) num_detected += 1 i += 1 if i == max_tries: - raise ValueError('Failed to detect calibration pattern!') - - print('Estimating pattern pose') - estimate_pattern_pose = rospy.ServiceProxy('/%s/estimate_pattern_pose' %(sensor_frame), EstimatePatternPose) + raise ValueError("Failed to detect calibration pattern!") + + print("Estimating pattern pose") + estimate_pattern_pose = rospy.ServiceProxy( + "/%s/estimate_pattern_pose" % (sensor_frame), EstimatePatternPose + ) resp = estimate_pattern_pose(average) - q_pattern_camera = np.array([resp.pose.orientation.w, - resp.pose.orientation.x, - resp.pose.orientation.y, - resp.pose.orientation.z]) - t_pattern_camera = np.array([resp.pose.position.x, - resp.pose.position.y, - resp.pose.position.z]) - T_pattern_camera = RigidTransform(rotation=q_pattern_camera, - translation=t_pattern_camera, - from_frame='pattern', - to_frame=sensor_frame) + q_pattern_camera = np.array( + [ + resp.pose.orientation.w, + resp.pose.orientation.x, + resp.pose.orientation.y, + resp.pose.orientation.z, + ] + ) + t_pattern_camera = np.array( + [resp.pose.position.x, resp.pose.position.y, resp.pose.position.z] + ) + T_pattern_camera = RigidTransform( + rotation=q_pattern_camera, + translation=t_pattern_camera, + from_frame="pattern", + to_frame=sensor_frame, + ) except rospy.ServiceException as e: - print('Service call failed: %s' %(str(e))) + print("Service call failed: %s" % (str(e))) # compute final transformation T_camera_world = T_pattern_world * T_pattern_camera.inverse() - + # save final transformation - output_dir = os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame) + output_dir = os.path.join(config["calib_dir"], sensor_frame) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) - pose_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_to_world.tf' %(sensor_frame)) + pose_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_to_world.tf" % (sensor_frame)) T_camera_world.save(pose_filename) - intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.intr' %(sensor_frame)) + intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.intr" % (sensor_frame)) sensor.ir_intrinsics.save(intr_filename) # log final transformation - print('Final Result for sensor %s' %(sensor_frame)) - print('Rotation: ') + print("Final Result for sensor %s" % (sensor_frame)) + print("Rotation: ") print(T_camera_world.rotation) - print('Quaternion: ') + print("Quaternion: ") print(T_camera_world.quaternion) - print('Translation: ') + print("Translation: ") print(T_camera_world.translation) # stop sensor sensor.stop() # move robot to calib pattern center - if config['use_robot']: + if config["use_robot"]: # create robot pose relative to target point target_pt_camera = Point(T_pattern_camera.translation, sensor_frame) target_pt_world = T_camera_world * target_pt_camera - R_gripper_world = np.array([[1.0, 0, 0], - [0, -1.0, 0], - [0, 0, -1.0]]) - t_gripper_world = np.array([target_pt_world.x + config['gripper_offset_x'], - target_pt_world.y + config['gripper_offset_y'], - target_pt_world.z + config['gripper_offset_z']]) - T_gripper_world = RigidTransform(rotation=R_gripper_world, - translation=t_gripper_world, - from_frame='gripper', - to_frame='world') + R_gripper_world = np.array([[1.0, 0, 0], [0, -1.0, 0], [0, 0, -1.0]]) + t_gripper_world = np.array( + [ + target_pt_world.x + config["gripper_offset_x"], + target_pt_world.y + config["gripper_offset_y"], + target_pt_world.z + config["gripper_offset_z"], + ] + ) + T_gripper_world = RigidTransform( + rotation=R_gripper_world, + translation=t_gripper_world, + from_frame="gripper", + to_frame="world", + ) # move robot to pose y = YuMiRobot(tcp=YMC.TCP_SUCTION_STIFF) y.reset_home() time.sleep(1) - T_lift = RigidTransform(translation=(0,0,0.05), from_frame='world', to_frame='world') + T_lift = RigidTransform( + translation=(0, 0, 0.05), from_frame="world", to_frame="world" + ) T_gripper_world_lift = T_lift * T_gripper_world y.right.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) y.right.goto_pose(T_gripper_world) - + # wait for human measurement - yesno = raw_input('Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done') + keyboard_input("Take measurement. Hit [ENTER] when done") y.right.goto_pose(T_gripper_world_lift) y.reset_home() y.stop() - -if __name__ == '__main__': + + +if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Register a camera to a robot') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default='cfg/tools/register_ensenso.yaml', help='filename of a YAML configuration for registration') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Register a camera to a robot" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default="cfg/tools/register_ensenso.yaml", + help="filename of a YAML configuration for registration", + ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filename = args.config_filename config = YamlConfig(config_filename) diff --git a/tools/register_object.py b/tools/register_object.py index a1a8fdd..0e09820 100644 --- a/tools/register_object.py +++ b/tools/register_object.py @@ -1,84 +1,112 @@ -''' -Script to register an object in world frame provided transform from cam to cb and from obj to cb +""" +Script to register an object in world frame provided transform +from cam to cb and from obj to cb Author: Jacky -''' +""" import os import argparse -import logging +import logging +import trimesh -from autolab_core import RigidTransform, YamlConfig -from perception import CameraChessboardRegistration, RgbdSensorFactory +from autolab_core import ( + RigidTransform, + YamlConfig, + CameraChessboardRegistration, +) +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory VIS_SUPPORTED = True try: - from meshpy import ObjFile from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis -except: - print 'Failed to import AUTOLAB meshpy and / or visualization package. Visualizatoin disabled' - VIS_SUPPORTED = FALSE +except ImportError: + logging.warning( + "Failed to import visualization package. Visualization disabled" + ) + VIS_SUPPORTED = False -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) - + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('object_name') + parser.add_argument("object_name") args = parser.parse_args() - config_filename = 'cfg/tools/register_object.yaml' + config_filename = "cfg/tools/register_object.yaml" config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - - sensor_frame = config['sensor']['frame_name'] - sensor_type = config['sensor']['type'] - sensor_config = config['sensor'] - object_path = os.path.join(config['objects_dir'], args.object_name) - obj_cb_transform_file_path = os.path.join(object_path, 'T_cb_{0}.tf'.format(args.object_name)) + sensor_frame = config["sensor"]["frame_name"] + sensor_type = config["sensor"]["type"] + sensor_config = config["sensor"] + + object_path = os.path.join(config["objects_dir"], args.object_name) + obj_cb_transform_file_path = os.path.join( + object_path, "T_cb_{0}.tf".format(args.object_name) + ) # load T_cb_obj T_cb_obj = RigidTransform.load(obj_cb_transform_file_path) - - # load T_world_cam - T_world_cam_path = os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame, '{0}_to_world.tf'.format(sensor_frame)) + + # load T_world_cam + T_world_cam_path = os.path.join( + config["calib_dir"], + sensor_frame, + "{0}_to_world.tf".format(sensor_frame), + ) T_world_cam = RigidTransform.load(T_world_cam_path) # open sensor - sensor_type = sensor_config['type'] - sensor_config['frame'] = sensor_frame + sensor_type = sensor_config["type"] + sensor_config["frame"] = sensor_frame sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, sensor_config) - logging.info('Starting sensor') + logging.info("Starting sensor") sensor.start() ir_intrinsics = sensor.ir_intrinsics - logging.info('Sensor initialized') + logging.info("Sensor initialized") # register - reg_result = CameraChessboardRegistration.register(sensor, config['chessboard_registration']) - + reg_result = CameraChessboardRegistration.register( + sensor, config["chessboard_registration"] + ) + T_cb_cam = reg_result.T_camera_cb T_world_obj = T_world_cam * T_cb_cam.inverse() * T_cb_obj - output_path = os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], T_world_obj.from_frame) + output_path = os.path.join(config["calib_dir"], T_world_obj.from_frame) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) - - output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, '{0}_to_world.tf'.format(T_world_obj.from_frame)) - print T_world_obj + + output_filename = os.path.join( + output_path, "{0}_to_world.tf".format(T_world_obj.from_frame) + ) + logging.info(T_world_obj) T_world_obj.save(output_filename) - if config['vis'] and VIS_SUPPORTED: + if config["vis"] and VIS_SUPPORTED: _, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() pc_cam = ir_intrinsics.deproject(depth_im) pc_world = T_world_cam * pc_cam - mesh_file = ObjFile(os.path.join(object_path, '{0}.obj'.format(args.object_name))) - mesh = mesh_file.read() + mesh = trimesh.load( + os.path.join(object_path, "{0}.obj".format(args.object_name)) + ) - vis.figure(bgcolor=(0.7,0.7,0.7)) - vis.mesh(mesh, T_world_obj.as_frames('obj', 'world'), style='surface') + vis.figure(bgcolor=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)) + vis.mesh(mesh, T_world_obj.as_frames("obj", "world"), style="surface") vis.pose(T_world_obj, alpha=0.04, tube_radius=0.002, center_scale=0.01) - vis.pose(RigidTransform(from_frame='origin'), alpha=0.04, tube_radius=0.002, center_scale=0.01) + vis.pose( + RigidTransform(from_frame="origin"), + alpha=0.04, + tube_radius=0.002, + center_scale=0.01, + ) vis.pose(T_world_cam, alpha=0.04, tube_radius=0.002, center_scale=0.01) - vis.pose(T_world_cam * T_cb_cam.inverse(), alpha=0.04, tube_radius=0.002, center_scale=0.01) + vis.pose( + T_world_cam * T_cb_cam.inverse(), + alpha=0.04, + tube_radius=0.002, + center_scale=0.01, + ) vis.points(pc_world, subsample=20) vis.show() sensor.stop() diff --git a/tools/register_webcam.py b/tools/register_webcam.py index 9096303..d3df860 100644 --- a/tools/register_webcam.py +++ b/tools/register_webcam.py @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ """ Script to register webcam to a chessboard in the YuMi setup. Authors: Matt Matl and Jeff Mahler -""" +""" import argparse import cv2 import logging @@ -12,86 +12,101 @@ from autolab_core import RigidTransform, YamlConfig from perception import RgbdSensorFactory -from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d -from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d - -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # parse args - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Register a webcam to the robot') - parser.add_argument('--config_filename', type=str, default='cfg/tools/register_webcam.yaml', help='filename of a YAML configuration for registration') + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="Register a webcam to the robot" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--config_filename", + type=str, + default="cfg/tools/register_webcam.yaml", + help="filename of a YAML configuration for registration", + ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filename = args.config_filename config = YamlConfig(config_filename) - T_cb_world = RigidTransform.load(config['chessboard_tf']) + T_cb_world = RigidTransform.load(config["chessboard_tf"]) # Get camera sensor object - for sensor_frame, sensor_data in config['sensors'].iteritems(): - logging.info('Registering {}'.format(sensor_frame)) - sensor_config = sensor_data['sensor_config'] - reg_cfg = sensor_data['registration_config'].copy() - reg_cfg.update(config['chessboard_registration']) + for sensor_frame, sensor_data in config["sensors"].iteritems(): + logging.info("Registering {}".format(sensor_frame)) + sensor_config = sensor_data["sensor_config"] + reg_cfg = sensor_data["registration_config"].copy() + reg_cfg.update(config["chessboard_registration"]) try: # Open sensor - sensor_type = sensor_config['type'] - sensor_config['frame'] = sensor_frame - logging.info('Creating sensor') + sensor_type = sensor_config["type"] + sensor_config["frame"] = sensor_frame + logging.info("Creating sensor") sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, sensor_config) - logging.info('Starting sensor') + logging.info("Starting sensor") sensor.start() intrinsics = sensor.color_intrinsics - logging.info('Sensor initialized') + logging.info("Sensor initialized") # Register sensor - resize_factor = reg_cfg['color_image_rescale_factor'] - nx, ny = reg_cfg['corners_x'], reg_cfg['corners_y'] - sx, sy = reg_cfg['size_x'], reg_cfg['size_y'] + resize_factor = reg_cfg["color_image_rescale_factor"] + nx, ny = reg_cfg["corners_x"], reg_cfg["corners_y"] + sx, sy = reg_cfg["size_x"], reg_cfg["size_y"] - img, _, _= sensor.frames() + img, _, _ = sensor.frames() resized_color_im = img.resize(resize_factor) corner_px = resized_color_im.find_chessboard(sx=nx, sy=ny) if corner_px is None: - logging.error('No chessboard detected in sensor {}! Check camera exposure settings'.format(sensor_frame)) + logging.error( + "No chessboard detected in sensor {}! " + "Check camera exposure settings".format(sensor_frame) + ) exit(1) webcam_corner_px = corner_px / resize_factor # Compute Camera Matrix for webcam - objp = np.zeros((nx*ny,3), np.float32) + objp = np.zeros((nx * ny, 3), np.float32) xstart = -sx * (nx / 2 - ((nx + 1) % 2) / 2.0) xend = sx * (nx / 2 - ((nx + 1) % 2) / 2.0 + 1) ystart = -sy * (ny / 2 - ((ny + 1) % 2) / 2.0) yend = sy * (ny / 2 - ((ny + 1) % 2) / 2.0 + 1) filler = np.mgrid[ystart:yend:sy, xstart:xend:sx] - filler = filler.reshape((filler.shape[0], filler.shape[1] * filler.shape[2])).T - objp[:,:2] = filler + filler = filler.reshape( + (filler.shape[0], filler.shape[1] * filler.shape[2]) + ).T + objp[:, :2] = filler - ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objp, webcam_corner_px, intrinsics.K, None) + ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP( + objp, webcam_corner_px, intrinsics.K, None + ) mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) - T_cb_cam = RigidTransform(mat, tvec, from_frame='cb', to_frame=sensor_frame) + T_cb_cam = RigidTransform( + mat, tvec, from_frame="cb", to_frame=sensor_frame + ) T_cam_cb = T_cb_cam.inverse() T_camera_world = T_cb_world.dot(T_cam_cb) - logging.info('Final Result for sensor %s' %(sensor_frame)) - logging.info('Translation: ') + logging.info("Final Result for sensor %s" % (sensor_frame)) + logging.info("Translation: ") logging.info(T_camera_world.translation) - logging.info('Rotation: ') + logging.info("Rotation: ") logging.info(T_camera_world.rotation) - except Exception as e: - logging.error('Failed to register sensor {}'.format(sensor_frame)) + except Exception: + logging.error("Failed to register sensor {}".format(sensor_frame)) traceback.print_exc() continue # save tranformation arrays based on setup - output_dir = os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame) + output_dir = os.path.join(config["calib_dir"], sensor_frame) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) - pose_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s_to_world.tf' %(sensor_frame)) + pose_filename = os.path.join( + output_dir, "%s_to_world.tf" % (sensor_frame) + ) T_camera_world.save(pose_filename) - intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.intr' %(sensor_frame)) + intr_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s.intr" % (sensor_frame)) intrinsics.save(intr_filename) sensor.stop() diff --git a/tools/test_ensenso.py b/tools/test_ensenso.py index 6d69e68..c2c1d77 100644 --- a/tools/test_ensenso.py +++ b/tools/test_ensenso.py @@ -7,23 +7,22 @@ import sys import time -from perception import EnsensoSensor, PhoXiSensor +from perception import RgbdSensorFactory from visualization import Visualizer2D as vis2d from visualization import Visualizer3D as vis3d + def main(args): # set logging logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) - rospy.init_node('ensenso_reader', anonymous=True) + rospy.init_node("ensenso_reader", anonymous=True) num_frames = 10 - #sensor = PhoXiSensor(frame='phoxi', - # size='small') - sensor = EnsensoSensor(frame='ensenso') + sensor = RgbdSensorFactory("ensenso", cfg={"frame": "ensenso"}) sensor.start() total_time = 0 - for i in range(num_frames): + for i in range(num_frames): if i > 0: start_time = time.time() @@ -31,23 +30,24 @@ def main(args): if i > 0: total_time += time.time() - start_time - print('Frame %d' %(i)) - print('Avg FPS: %.5f' %(float(i) / total_time)) - + print("Frame %d" % (i)) + print("Avg FPS: %.5f" % (float(i) / total_time)) + depth_im = sensor.median_depth_img(num_img=5) - point_cloud = sensor.ir_intrinsics.deproject(depth_im) + point_cloud = sensor.ir_intrinsics.deproject(depth_im) point_cloud.remove_zero_points() sensor.stop() vis2d.figure() vis2d.imshow(depth_im) - vis2d.title('PhoXi - Raw') + vis2d.title("Ensenso - Raw") vis2d.show() vis3d.figure() vis3d.points(point_cloud, random=True, subsample=10, scale=0.0025) vis3d.show() - -if __name__ == '__main__': + + +if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) diff --git a/tools/test_realsense.py b/tools/test_realsense.py index 83f0b47..25f24df 100644 --- a/tools/test_realsense.py +++ b/tools/test_realsense.py @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ def main(): assert ids, "[!] No camera detected." cfg = {} - cfg['cam_id'] = ids[0] - cfg['filter_depth'] = True - cfg['frame'] = 'realsense_overhead' + cfg["cam_id"] = ids[0] + cfg["filter_depth"] = True + cfg["frame"] = "realsense_overhead" - sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor('realsense', cfg) + sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor("realsense", cfg) sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.color_intrinsics color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ def main(): print("intrinsics matrix: {}".format(camera_intr.K)) - fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) + _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) for ax, im in zip(axes, [color_im.data, depth_im.data]): ax.imshow(im) - ax.axis('off') + ax.axis("off") plt.show() -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/tools/test_weight_sensor.py b/tools/test_weight_sensor.py index 9cacf05..734c80b 100644 --- a/tools/test_weight_sensor.py +++ b/tools/test_weight_sensor.py @@ -4,20 +4,19 @@ """ import logging import rospy -import sys import time from perception import WeightSensor -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": # set logging logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) - rospy.init_node('weight_sensor', anonymous=True) + rospy.init_node("weight_sensor", anonymous=True) # sensor weight_sensor = WeightSensor() - weight_sensor.start() + weight_sensor.start() for i in range(10000): - print 'Total weight:', weight_sensor.total_weight() + print("Total weight:", weight_sensor.total_weight()) time.sleep(0.1) weight_sensor.stop()