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OBS Alerts

kramitox edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 11 revisions

OBS Alerts setup.

Connecting Trovobot to OBS

  1. Open Trovobot folder and go to Services > OBS.

  2. Open obs.json (right click, edit) & change "active" : true.

  3. Make sure you have installed the websocket plugin for OBS.
    INFO: Download:

  4. When you start up the bot, you should see a windows notification to say Webcocket connection to OBS (Provided windows notifications aren't muted)

Creating the Alert folders & Nested Scene.

The best and easiest way to use Alert folders with Trovobot & OBS is to use nested scenes. To use nested scenes you will need to install the StreamFX plugin.

  1. Install StreamFX plugin for OBS.
  2. Startup OBS
  3. Make a scene called -ALERTS-
  4. Make 4 Group sources inside the created scene & call them FOLLOW , SUB , SPELL , JOINED
  5. Inside each group, place sounds, gifs, webm's, text, etc.
  6. Turn off the visibility of the folder (make it invisible) by clicking the eye icon next to it.

Getting the follower, sub,etc. person's username.

  1. Make a TextGDI Source.
  2. Name it follow-user for example.
  3. In properties tick read from file
  4. Go to Bot folder > labels > select appropriate file.
  5. Customise colours, fonts, etc in properties.

Changing the duration of alerts.

  1. Go to plugins > alert-follow > alert-follow.json
  2. Change the "delay": 10 to how many seconds you want (Recommend 1 second longer than sound).

Adding our alerts to other scenes.

This is where we will use StreamFX

  1. Go to the scene you wish to add you alerts to. ex: game, intermission, chat, etc.
  2. Click to add a souce and select Source Mirror, give it a name like "Trovo Alerts".
  3. Select the ----------------ALERTS--------------- (scene) option.

To replicate this in to multiple scenes (after first) click new source > source mirror > add existing & select "Trovo Alerts"

Testing Alerts work

  1. Go to plugins folder > alerts-follow & open alerts-follow.js (right click, edit)
  2. Go down to the line that says
    Chat: false,
    Event: true,
    and switch them around.
    Chat: true,
    Event: false,
  3. Start the bot, wait for it to join chat and type !follow, this should trigger the folder to become visible, wait 10 seconds, turn invisible
  4. Make sure to set
    Chat: false,
    Event: true,
    back to normal & restart the bot after testing.


I don't want my scene to be named ----------------ALERTS--------------- , how do I change this?

Inside each plugin > alert-x folder you'll see a json alert-X.json (x = alert type. Follow, sub, etc).
Change the "scene" : "----------------ALERTS---------------" to the scene name you want. (make sure you only change what's between the double quotes "")

I don't want my source to be named FOLLOW , SUB , etc. how do I change this?

Inside each plugin > alert-x folder you'll see a json alert-X.json (x = alert type. Follow, sub, etc).
Change the "source" : "FOLLOW" to the source name you want. (make sure you only change what's between the double quotes "")