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File metadata and controls

103 lines (78 loc) · 8.46 KB

Environment Setup

Ensure that you have proper internet access; otherwise, some software downloads may be very slow.

Gradle is not recommended to use mirrors because we rely on the latest official packages, and third-party mirrors often fail to update promptly. If you encounter the could not resolve all dependencies for configuration error, check your global Gradle configuration as it might be incorrect.

  1. Install Android Studio

    • Download the stable version of Android Studio.
      • Follow the installation guide, clicking "Next" and agreeing to the terms.
      • Be sure to agree to all licenses; otherwise, you won't be able to proceed.
  2. Install Xcode:

    • Download from the App Store.
    • If you are on Windows/Linux or do not need to compile iOS projects, you can skip this step.
  3. Install Deno

    • For Mac users:
      1. Run: curl -fsSL | sh in your terminal.
      2. Add Deno to your PATH for easier usage next time. This depends on your terminal environment. For example, if you use zprofile:
        • a. vim ~/.zprofile
        • b. Add export PATH=$PATH:/Users/your_username/.deno/bin (replace /Users/your_username/.deno/bin with your actual Deno installation path).
        • c. Run source .zprofile.
  4. Install Node and Package Managers

    It is recommended to install Node >=20.

    • Run npm i -g pnpm: A package manager often used for toolchain development.
    • Run npm i -g yarn: Another package manager, used for direct project development. Android Studio uses it when running jsTarget.

      Ensure the version is 1.22.21 or higher.

  5. Install JDK 17+

  6. Recommended Software

Starting the Project

  1. Open the next/kmp directory in the project using Android Studio. This directory contains the Dweb Browser code based on Kotlin Multiplatform Project.

    1. The C# version (next/dweb-browser) has been deprecated.
    2. The desktop development version (desktop-dev) is being phased out. We are developing a formal desktop version, so the old version is no longer maintained and is only used internally during this transitional period.
  2. Run deno task dev in the project root directory. It will automatically pull submodules, install dependencies, and start developer mode.

    • Developer mode automatically pre-compiles and copies resource files to iOS, Android, Desktop, etc., in real time.
    • If Deno runs for a long time, file watching might fail, or subprocesses might exit unexpectedly. In such cases, restart and run deno task dev again.
  3. Compile and Run:

    • For Android users, start the emulator or connect a device via USB for debugging, then run the project.
    • For iOS users, if you are using Android Studio, ensure the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin is installed. In Edit Configurations, click +, and select iOS Application:
      1. Select xcode project file, with the path next/kmp/app/iosApp/DwebBrowser.xcworkspace.
      2. Choose the scheme as DwebBrowser and set the configuration to Debug.
      3. Select your target as a simulator or a real device. If your device is not detected, reinstall the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin, which usually resolves the issue.
    • Alternatively, iOS users can directly open next/kmp/app/iosApp/DwebBrowser.xcworkspace in Xcode and run DwebBrowser.
    • For Desktop users, start the application using Android Studio. In Edit Configurations, click + and select Gradle:
      1. Select Run and enter desktopApp:desktopRun -DmainClass=MainKt -Djxbrowser.license.key=xxxxxxxxxxxxx --quiet where xxxxxxxxxxxxx is your actual license key.
      2. Set Gradle project to kmp.
      3. Click Apply and OK, then select the created configuration and click Run.
  4. Package the Application:

    • For Desktop users, follow the same steps as for compile and run, but configure the -Djxbrowser.license.key in the packaging command.

    • For Android developers, run ./gradlew androidApp:generateBaselineProfile first. This will generate text files in the next/kmp/app/androidApp/src/androidMain/generated/baselineProfiles folder, which help in optimizing the application's performance.

      Automated testing might face challenges due to WebView technology, requiring fixed coordinates for element selection. The current test uses a Pixel 4 screen size.

    • Android developers need to configure the file in the androidApp folder and run deno task bundle:android to generate apk/aab files. The script will automatically set the version number based on the date, with the following rules:

      • If the date changes, the version is automatically upgraded to $major.$today.$patch=0.
      • On the same day, the patch version will not be modified unless you add the --new parameter to force an update.

      The output includes:

      • DwebBrowser_all_v$VERSION.aab
      • DwebBrowser_all_v$VERSION.apk
      • DwebBrowser_arm64_v$VERSION.aab
      • DwebBrowser_arm64_v$VERSION.apk
      • DwebBrowser_arm64_v$VERSION_debug.apk

      These are two release APKs (arm64 only and all architectures) and their corresponding AABs for Google Play. The debug APK is for arm64 architecture.

    • To package a macOS application, the general approach is to first package the .app folder, then generate a .pkg file, and finally upload via Transporter.

      1. Prepare certificate files as detailed in the official documentation Checking existing certificates.

        Two certificates are required: "Mac App Distribution" and "Mac Installer Distribution".

      2. Run the next/kmp/ script to package, which will generate .app and .pkg files in the kmp/app/desktopApp/build/compose/binaries/main-release/ folder.


  1. When developing jsTarget in Android Studio, if you encounter the error yarn.lock was changed. Run the 'kotlinUpgradeYarnLock' task to actualize yarn.lock file, select the first button in the Gradle panel "Execute Gradle Task" and enter gradle kotlinUpgradeYarnLock.
  2. Gradle scripts often need to handle dependencies. If you're unsure which tasks you can invoke, consider the following:
    1. To list all gradlew tasks, go to the kmp/next directory and run: ./gradlew -q :tasks --all > .gradle/
    2. To list tasks for a specific project, run: ./gradlew -q helper:tasks --all > .gradle/
  3. Avoid opening the project with Fleet, as it may add files to the DwebBrowser.xcworkspace folder, causing xcodebuild scripts to fail. If you accidentally opened it with Fleet, manually delete the files in DwebBrowser.xcworkspace that start with [Fleet].
  4. When using the composeResources folder for resource files, run ./gradlew generateComposeResClass to automatically generate code.
  5. Our BrowserViewModel is not an Android ViewModel:
    1. Functions in the ViewModel ending with UI are meant for Compose and should not be used elsewhere. To use them, get uiScope in Compose and call with Effect. Using these functions across multiple threads may cause thread safety issues.
    2. We may replace MutableStateOf<T> with MutableStateFlow<T> in the future for thread safety. For instance, bookmarks data already uses MutableStateFlow, storing read-only maps and lists, making modifications safer.
  6. After upgrading Gradle, remember to also upgrade the entry script, e.g., ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=8.6.
  7. You can create a file in the kmp directory to configure the jxbrowser.license.key field.
  8. Avoid making connections in the Runtime bootstrap, as connections depend on the other party’s bootstrap completion, which can lead to deadlocks.
  9. The Runtime has its own coroutineScope. You can use getRuntimeScope() to access it. Typically, you use the scopeLaunch and scopeAsync functions, equivalent to scope.launch and scope.async. These functions require a cancelable parameter to obtain a job/deferred, which determines whether to cancel the job/deferred during Runtime shutdown.

    For example, some tasks, like writing data before shutdown, should not be cancelable.