Releases: BiscuitDevelopment/SkyblockAddons
Releases · BiscuitDevelopment/SkyblockAddons
- Chests can now close using the proper binded key.
- Fix bars/icons not working with HUDToggler mod.
- Absorption no longer screws up the health text number.
- The health/food bars now properly re-enable when leaving skyblock.
- You should no longer crash when clicking reforge with no item in the reforge screen.
- Gui element positions should properly load now.
- Fixed a possible crash outside of skyblock while using this mod with player heads.
- New translations: Chinese (Traditional) & Portuguese.
- Many updates to translations.
- Hebrew translation should now be properly reversed in the gui.
Release v1.1
- Language file updates, and new languages (arabic, hebrew, romanian, and finnish).
- Added health bar and text like the mana one, and a defence icon, defence bar that shows defence, and percentage which shows how much percentage your damage is reduced.
- Added feature to hover and view backpack contents!
- Added feature to type in an enchant or reforge and stop clicks when its found!
- Added new "full minion" warning.
- All minion warnings now show text on the screen like a title and not a chat message.
- Double drop feature disables outside of skyblock (added configurable option in settings as well.)
- Minimum gui scale is now 0.5.
- A bunch of bug fixes that I forgot :oof:
v1.0 Build 8
- Added all translated languages
- GUI buttons now automatically rescale depending on the length of translation
- Fixed wierd update message appearing
- Hopefully fixed compatibility with other mods (mixins oopsie)
v1.0 Build 7
This build may have some compatibility issues with other mods. If it works fine, great, but if some features are not working please download b6 instead.
- Fixed many compatibility issues (such as some with labymod). Liteloader should work with this version and no longer requires a separate file.
- Redesigned the GUI (the main color is now light blue). Added GUI scale.
- Separated mana bar and mana text elements.
- Added language file (feel free to contribute by translating this file: to any language!)
- New feature to alert you when your minions can't reach their mobs! (credits to Michael).
- Reforges now show on the side of your screen like enchants.
- Many bug fixes (magma boss sound not bypassing, skeleton hat showing other people's bones).
v1.0 Build 6
(EDIT: 2019-07-14 - Updated the download to a version that solves compatibility issues (with some other mods and the manabar/skeleton bar for labymod) for now)
- Added a boss bar to show magma cube health
- Disabled durability on tools while in skyblock
- Added a full inventory warning
- Other bug fixes
v1.0 Build 5
- Fixed crash that happens when you do /sba
v1.0 Build 4
This version is not safe to use (crashes, download removed)
- You can now automatically hide the food and armor bar
- Added update checker
- You can now change the color of the mana bar text and bar (hopefully the bar looked decent with some photoshop hue shift lol)
- Other bug fixes (default locations for gui items, updated mixins).
v1.0 Build 3
- You can now place blocks on top/through of the skeleton bones
- You can now view enchants on enchantment tables without hovering over the xp bottles.
- Other bug fixes such as the bone bar being a bit offset.
v1.0 Build 2
- You can now hide the bones from Skeleton Helmet completely
- Added new GUI overlay that shows how many bones you have left
v1.0 Build 1
Not the full update yet, so far this includes:
- Added mana bar feature to see your mana nicely (may or may add more settings later)
- Added feature that prevents bones from the skeleton helmet from blocking hits
- Fixed bug where the magma boss warning could change the color of your hotbar while it was showing
- Removed possible delay between when a magma boss is detected and the sound starts playing
- Maybe other stuff I forgot about