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Dimitris Panokostas edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 7 revisions


This panel allows you add a graphics card to your emulated Amiga (otherwise known as an RTG card). Currently on the UAE Zorro II and Zorro III options are available, as Board types.

The color modes dropdowns allow you to choose which pixel format will be used. In Amiberry, only the default ones are supported (marked with an asterisk) for now, for performance reasons. Please note that the default 32-bit mode is not the same as in WinUAE (Amiberry uses RGBA, WinUAE uses BGRA).

Most of the other options here are not implemented, so they appear as disabled.

The Refresh rate option allows you to select how the refresh rate for the emulated graphics card should behave:

  • Chipset: (the default option) this will use the native chipset selected, for the refresh rate - PAL will use 50 Hz, NTSC will use 60 Hz.
  • Default: this will use the default refresh rate for the selected RTG card. Usually that's 60 Hz always.
  • 50/60/70/75: Use the selected refresh rate.

Please note that Amiberry will always use VSync to the underlying Linux resolution, so depending on what you have there, you may encounter problems if you change the value here to be different. In most cases, leaving this to the default value (which is Chipset) should work fine.

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