This is the PyTorch implementation of the paper "Fusion is Not Enough: Single Modal Attack on Fusion Models for 3D Object Detection" published in ICLR'2024.
title={Fusion is Not Enough: Single Modal Attack on Fusion Models for 3D Object Detection},
author={Cheng, Zhiyuan and Choi, Hongjun and Feng, Shiwei and Liang, James Chenhao and Tao, Guanhong and Liu, Dongfang and Zuzak, Michael and Zhang, Xiangyu},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
- Code preparation
- Prepare Nuscenes dataset
- Environment preparation
- Prepare dataset annotation file and pretrained model
- Config log
- Sensitivity heatmap generation
- Patch generation
Clone this repository to folder ~/FusionAttack
git clone <repo_url> FusionAttack
Download nuScenes V1.0 full dataset data, mini data and CAN bus expansion data HERE, unzip those files to /path/to/nuscenes/
├── can_bus/
├── maps/
├── mini/
│ ├── maps/
│ ├── samples/
│ ├── sweeps/
│ ├── v1.0-mini/
├── samples/
├── sweeps/
├── v1.0-test/
├── v1.0-trainval/
Create a new conda environment of Python 3.8 called fusionattack:
conda create -n fusionattack python=3.8
conda activate fusionattack
Install required packages:
conda install openmpi=4.0.4 mpi4py=3.0.3 Pillow=8.4.0
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install trimesh==2.35.39 scikit-image==0.19.3 setuptools==59.5.0 tensorboardx timm spconv tqdm torchpack
pip install -U openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.4.0
pip install mmdet==2.20.0 mmsegmentation==0.14.1
pip install nuscenes-devkit
python -m pip install detectron2 -f
pip install gdown
Install the customized codebase (mmdet3d):
cd ~/FusionAttack/bevfusion
python develop
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd ~/FusionAttack
# pwd: ~/FusionAttack/
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd bevfusion
# pwd: ~/FusionAttack/bevfusion/
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Prepare the dataset annotations:
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes/mini --out-dir ./data/nuscenes/mini --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0-mini
Prepare the pretrained model:
mkdir pretrained
wget -P ./pretrained/
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd ../DeepInteraction
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Prepare the pretrained model:
mkdir pretrained
gdown -O ./pretrained/ 1M5eUlXZ8HJ--J53y0FoAHn1QpZGowsdc
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd ../bevfusion2
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Prepare the pretrained model:
mkdir pretrained
gdown -O ./pretrained/ 1tAJA3_5jkE3IAuS_7l8fRNKYSfSEgU5u
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd ../UVTR
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Generate the unified data info and sampling database for nuScenes dataset:
python extra_tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes_unified
python extra_tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes/mini --out-dir ./data/nuscenes/mini --extra-tag nuscenes_unified --version v1.0-mini
Prepare the pretrained model:
mkdir pretrained
gdown -O ./pretrained/ 1dlxXIS4Cuv6ePxuxMRIaxpG_b1Pk8sqO
Link dataset path to subfolder data/
cd ../transfusion
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
Prepare the pretrained model:
gdown 1PElbFAAkja8huLTrJRfhBq29mQdVlX7Q
Link dataset path and can_bus/
folder to subfolder data/
cd ../BEVFormer
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes ./data/nuscenes
ln -s /path/to/nuscenes/can_bus ./data/can_bus
Genetate custom annotation files which are different from mmdet3d's:
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0 --canbus ./data
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes/mini --out-dir ./data/nuscenes/mini --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0-mini --canbus ./data
Prepare the pretrained model:
mkdir ckpts
wget -P ./ckpts/
Write the desired log dir to
log_dir = '/path/to/log/dir'
Launch Tensorboard to visulize the log:
tensorboard --logdir /path/to/log/dir --samples_per_plugin images=200
Model name mapping:
- BEVFusion-MIT -->
- BEVFusion-PKU -->
- DeepInteraction -->
- TransFusion -->
- BEVFormer -->
- UVTR -->
Example command to generate sensitivity heatmap for UVTRT (uvtr
cd ~/FusionAttack
python uvtr train \
--patch_cfg 0 \
--n_iters 5000 \
--batch_size 1 \
--patch_type whole \
--mask_step 4 \
--obj_type None \
--test_name <Name for this test>
Example command to generate scene-oriented patch for BEVFusion-PKU (bevfusion2
python bevfusion2 train \
--patch_cfg 3 \
--n_iters 1500 \
--batch_size 5 \
--patch_type rec \
--obj_type None \
--lr 0.01 \
--score_tres 0.3 \
--test_name <Name for this test>
Example command to generate object-oriented patch for DeepInteraction (deepint
python deepint train \
--patch_cfg 4 \
--n_iters 1000 \
--batch_size 5 \
--patch_type rec \
--obj_type Targeted \
--lr 0.01\
--score_tres 0.3\
--patch_fid 100
--test_name <Name for this test>
You can see tensorboard for the visualized attack results.