diff --git a/src/ExchangeSharp/API/Exchanges/Coinbase/ExchangeCoinbaseAPI.cs b/src/ExchangeSharp/API/Exchanges/Coinbase/ExchangeCoinbaseAPI.cs
index e494523c..41fafc0a 100644
--- a/src/ExchangeSharp/API/Exchanges/Coinbase/ExchangeCoinbaseAPI.cs
+++ b/src/ExchangeSharp/API/Exchanges/Coinbase/ExchangeCoinbaseAPI.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all c
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
@@ -20,59 +19,68 @@ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all c
namespace ExchangeSharp
- ///
- /// Warning: This API now uses Coinbase Advanced Trade V2/V3.
- /// If you are using legacy API keys from previous Coinbase versions they must be upgraded to Advanced Trade on the Coinbase site.
- /// These keys must be set before using the Coinbase API (sorry).
- ///
+ ///
+ /// Warning: This API now uses Coinbase Advanced Trade V2/V3.
+ /// If you are using legacy API keys from previous Coinbase versions they must be upgraded to Advanced Trade on the Coinbase site.
+ /// These keys must be set before using the Coinbase API (sorry).
+ ///
public sealed class ExchangeCoinbaseAPI : ExchangeAPI
- {
- private const string ADVFILL = "advanced_trade_fill";
- private const string CURRENCY = "currency";
- private const string PRODUCTID = "product_id";
- private const string PRODUCTS = "products";
- private const string PRICEBOOK = "pricebook";
- private const string PRICEBOOKS = "pricebooks";
- private const string ASKS = "asks";
- private const string BIDS = "bids";
- private const string PRICE = "price";
- private const string AMOUNT = "amount";
- private const string VALUE = "value";
- private const string SIZE = "size";
- private const string CURSOR = "cursor";
- public override string BaseUrl { get; set; } = "https://api.coinbase.com/api/v3/brokerage";
- private readonly string BaseURLV2 = "https://api.coinbase.com/v2"; // For Wallet Support
- public override string BaseUrlWebSocket { get; set; } = "wss://advanced-trade-ws.coinbase.com";
+ {
+ private const string ADVFILL = "advanced_trade_fill";
+ private const string CURRENCY = "currency";
+ private const string PRODUCTID = "product_id";
+ private const string PRODUCTS = "products";
+ private const string PRICEBOOK = "pricebook";
+ private const string PRICEBOOKS = "pricebooks";
+ private const string ASKS = "asks";
+ private const string BIDS = "bids";
+ private const string PRICE = "price";
+ private const string AMOUNT = "amount";
+ private const string VALUE = "value";
+ private const string SIZE = "size";
+ private const string CURSOR = "cursor";
+ private const string TYPE = "type";
+ private const string SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe";
+ private const string MARKETTRADES = "market_trades";
+ private const string TICKER = "ticker";
+ private const string EVENTS = "events";
+ private const string LEVEL2 = "level2";
+ private const string PRICELEVEL = "price_level";
+ private const string SIDE = "side";
+ private const string BUY = "buy";
+ public override string BaseUrl { get; set; } = "https://api.coinbase.com/api/v3/brokerage";
+ private readonly string BaseURLV2 = "https://api.coinbase.com/v2"; // For Wallet Support
+ public override string BaseUrlWebSocket { get; set; } = "wss://advanced-trade-ws.coinbase.com";
- private enum PaginationType { None, V2, V3, V3Cursor}
- private PaginationType pagination = PaginationType.None;
- private string cursorNext;
- private Dictionary Accounts = null; // Cached Account IDs
- private ExchangeCoinbaseAPI()
- {
- MarketSymbolIsReversed = false;
- RequestContentType = "application/json";
- NonceStyle = NonceStyle.None;
- WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas;
- RateLimit = new RateGate(10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
- base.RequestMaker.RequestStateChanged = ProcessResponse;
- }
- ///
- /// This is used to capture Pagination instead of overriding the ProcessResponse
- /// because the Pagination info is no longer in the Headers and ProcessResponse does not return the required Content
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private void ProcessResponse(IAPIRequestMaker maker, RequestMakerState state, object response)
- {
- // We can bypass serialization if we already know the last call isn't paginated
- if (state == RequestMakerState.Finished && pagination != PaginationType.None)
+ private enum PaginationType { None, V2, V3, V3Cursor}
+ private PaginationType pagination = PaginationType.None;
+ private string cursorNext;
+ private Dictionary Accounts = null; // Cached Account IDs
+ private ExchangeCoinbaseAPI()
+ {
+ MarketSymbolIsReversed = false;
+ RequestContentType = "application/json";
+ NonceStyle = NonceStyle.None;
+ WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas;
+ RateLimit = new RateGate(30, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
+ base.RequestMaker.RequestStateChanged = ProcessResponse;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This is used to capture Pagination instead of overriding the ProcessResponse
+ /// because the Pagination info is no longer in the Headers and ProcessResponse does not return the required Content
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void ProcessResponse(IAPIRequestMaker maker, RequestMakerState state, object response)
+ {
+ // We can bypass serialization if we already know the last call isn't paginated
+ if (state == RequestMakerState.Finished && pagination != PaginationType.None)
cursorNext = null;
JToken token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string)response);
@@ -84,486 +92,536 @@ private void ProcessResponse(IAPIRequestMaker maker, RequestMakerState state, ob
case PaginationType.V3Cursor: cursorNext = token[CURSOR]?.ToStringInvariant(); break; // Only used for V3 Fills - go figure.
- }
- #region BaseOverrides
- ///
- /// Overridden because we no longer need a nonce in the payload and passphrase is no longer used
- ///
- ///
- ///
- protected override bool CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(IReadOnlyDictionary payload)
- {
- return (PrivateApiKey != null && PublicApiKey != null);
- }
- ///
- /// Sometimes the Fiat pairs are reported backwards, but Coinbase requires the fiat to be last of the pair
- /// Only three Fiat Currencies are supported
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public override Task GlobalMarketSymbolToExchangeMarketSymbolAsync(string marketSymbol)
- {
- if (marketSymbol.StartsWith("USD-") || marketSymbol.StartsWith("EUR-") || marketSymbol.StartsWith("GRP-"))
- {
- var split = marketSymbol.Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
- return Task.FromResult(split[1] + GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator + split[0]);
- }
- else return Task.FromResult(marketSymbol);
- }
+ }
- protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(IHttpWebRequest request, Dictionary payload)
- {
- if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload))
- {
- string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant(); // If you're skittish about the local clock, you may retrieve the timestamp from the Coinbase Site
- string body = CryptoUtility.GetJsonForPayload(payload);
+ #region BaseOverrides
- // V2 wants PathAndQuery, V3 wants LocalPath for the sig
- string path = request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(BaseURLV2) ? request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery : request.RequestUri.LocalPath;
- string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + request.Method.ToUpperInvariant() + path + body, PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
+ ///
+ /// Overridden because we no longer need a nonce in the payload and passphrase is no longer used
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ protected override bool CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(IReadOnlyDictionary payload)
+ {
+ return (PrivateApiKey != null && PublicApiKey != null);
+ }
- request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-KEY", PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
- request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-SIGN", signature);
- request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP", timestamp);
- if (request.Method == "POST") await CryptoUtility.WriteToRequestAsync(request, body);
- }
- }
+ protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(IHttpWebRequest request, Dictionary payload)
+ {
+ if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload))
+ {
+ string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant(); // If you're skittish about the local clock, you may retrieve the timestamp from the Coinbase Site
+ string body = CryptoUtility.GetJsonForPayload(payload);
- #endregion
+ // V2 wants PathAndQuery, V3 wants LocalPath for the sig (I guess they wanted to shave a nano-second or two - silly)
+ string path = request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(BaseURLV2) ? request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery : request.RequestUri.LocalPath;
+ string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + request.Method.ToUpperInvariant() + path + body, PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
- #region GeneralProductEndpoints
+ request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-KEY", PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
+ request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-SIGN", signature);
+ request.AddHeader("CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP", timestamp);
+ if (request.Method == "POST") await CryptoUtility.WriteToRequestAsync(request, body);
+ }
+ }
- protected internal override async Task> OnGetMarketSymbolsMetadataAsync()
- {
- var markets = new List();
- JToken products = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products");
- foreach (JToken product in products[PRODUCTS])
- {
- markets.Add(new ExchangeMarket()
- {
- MarketSymbol = product[PRODUCTID].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
- BaseCurrency = product["base_currency_id"].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
- QuoteCurrency = product["quote_currency_id"].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
- IsActive = string.Equals(product["status"].ToStringInvariant(), "online", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
- MinTradeSize = product["base_min_size"].ConvertInvariant(),
- MaxTradeSize = product["base_max_size"].ConvertInvariant(),
- PriceStepSize = product["quote_increment"].ConvertInvariant()
- });
- }
- return markets.OrderBy(market => market.MarketSymbol); // Ordered for Convenience
- }
+ ///
+ /// Sometimes the Fiat pairs are reported backwards, but Coinbase requires the fiat to be last of the pair
+ /// Only three Fiat Currencies are supported
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public override Task GlobalMarketSymbolToExchangeMarketSymbolAsync(string marketSymbol)
+ {
+ if (marketSymbol.StartsWith("USD-") || marketSymbol.StartsWith("EUR-") || marketSymbol.StartsWith("GRP-"))
+ {
+ var split = marketSymbol.Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
+ marketSymbol = split[1] + GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator + split[0];
+ }
+ return Task.FromResult(marketSymbol);
+ }
- protected override async Task> OnGetMarketSymbolsAsync()
- {
- return (await GetMarketSymbolsMetadataAsync()).Select(market => market.MarketSymbol);
- }
+ #endregion
- protected override async Task> OnGetCurrenciesAsync()
- {
- var currencies = new Dictionary(); // We could order the return (like Market Symbols are) if we populate as a list then sort and select into a dictionary before return, but is it worth the overhead?
+ #region GeneralProductEndpoints
- // We don't have a currencies endpoint, but we can derive the currencies by splitting the products (includes fiat - filter if you wish)
- JToken products = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products");
- foreach (JToken product in products[PRODUCTS])
- {
- var split = product[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
- if (!currencies.ContainsKey(split[0]))
- {
- var currency = new ExchangeCurrency
- {
- Name = split[0],
- FullName = product["base_name"].ToStringInvariant(),
- DepositEnabled = true,
- WithdrawalEnabled = true
- };
- currencies[currency.Name] = currency;
- }
- if (!currencies.ContainsKey(split[1]))
- {
- var currency = new ExchangeCurrency
- {
- Name = split[1],
- FullName = product["quote_name"].ToStringInvariant(),
- DepositEnabled = true,
- WithdrawalEnabled = true
- };
- currencies[currency.Name] = currency;
- }
- }
- return currencies;
- }
- protected override async Task>> OnGetTickersAsync()
- {
- var tickers = new List>();
- JToken books = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/best_bid_ask");
- var Timestamp = CryptoUtility.ParseTimestamp(books["time"], TimestampType.Iso8601UTC);
- foreach (JToken book in books[PRICEBOOKS])
- {
- var split = book[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
- // This endpoint does not provide a last or open for the ExchangeTicker. We might get this from the sockets, but this call is extremely fast?
- tickers.Add(new KeyValuePair(book[PRODUCTID].ToString(), new ExchangeTicker()
- {
- MarketSymbol = book[PRODUCTID].ToString(),
- Ask = book[ASKS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Bid = book[BIDS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
- {
- BaseCurrency = split[0],
- BaseCurrencyVolume = book[BIDS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- QuoteCurrency = split[1],
- QuoteCurrencyVolume = book[ASKS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Timestamp = Timestamp
- }
- }));
- }
- return tickers;
- }
- protected override async Task OnGetTickerAsync(string marketSymbol)
- {
- // Again, me might also get this from the sockets, but this seems preferable for now.
- JToken ticker = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/best_bid_ask?product_ids=" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant());
- JToken book = ticker[PRICEBOOKS][0];
- var split = book[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
- return new ExchangeTicker()
- {
- MarketSymbol = book[PRODUCTID].ToString(),
- Ask = book[ASKS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Bid = book[BIDS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
- {
- BaseCurrency = split[0],
- BaseCurrencyVolume = book[BIDS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- QuoteCurrency = split[1],
- QuoteCurrencyVolume = book[ASKS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow
- }
- };
- }
- protected override async Task OnGetOrderBookAsync(string marketSymbol, int maxCount = 50)
- {
- JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/product_book?product_id=" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant() + "&limit=" + maxCount);
- ExchangeOrderBook orderBook = new ExchangeOrderBook();
- foreach(JToken bid in token[PRICEBOOK][BIDS]) orderBook.Bids.Add(bid[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = bid[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), Amount = bid[SIZE].ConvertInvariant() });
- foreach(JToken ask in token[PRICEBOOK][ASKS]) orderBook.Asks.Add(ask[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = ask[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), Amount = ask[SIZE].ConvertInvariant() });
- return orderBook;
- }
- protected override async Task> OnGetRecentTradesAsync(string marketSymbol, int? limit = 100)
- {
- // Limit is required but maxed at 100 with no pagination available. Check Sockets?
- limit = (limit == null || limit < 1 || limit > 100) ? 100 : (int)limit;
- JToken trades = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products/" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant() + "/ticker?limit=" + limit);
- List tradeList = new List();
- foreach (JToken trade in trades["trades"]) tradeList.Add(trade.ParseTrade(SIZE, PRICE, "side", "time", TimestampType.Iso8601UTC, "trade_id"));
- return tradeList;
- }
- protected override async Task OnGetHistoricalTradesAsync(Func, bool> callback, string marketSymbol, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? limit = null)
- {
- // There is no Historical Trades endpoint. The best we can do is get the last 100 trades and filter.
- // Check for this data on the sockets?
- var trades = await OnGetRecentTradesAsync(marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant());
- if (startDate != null) trades = trades.Where(t => t.Timestamp >= startDate);
- if (endDate != null) trades = trades.Where(t => t.Timestamp <= endDate);;
- if (limit != null) trades = trades.Take((int)limit);
- callback(trades);
- }
- protected override async Task> OnGetCandlesAsync(string marketSymbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? limit = null)
- {
- if (endDate == null) endDate = CryptoUtility.UtcNow;
- string granularity = "UNKNOWN_GRANULARITY";
- if (periodSeconds <= 60) { granularity = "ONE_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 60; }
- else if (periodSeconds <= 300) { granularity = "FIVE_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 300; }
- else if (periodSeconds <= 900) { granularity = "FIFTEEN_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 900; }
- else if (periodSeconds <= 1800) { granularity = "THIRTY_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 1800; }
- else if (periodSeconds <= 3600) { granularity = "ONE_HOUR"; periodSeconds = 3600; }
- else if (periodSeconds <= 21600) { granularity = "SIX_HOUR"; periodSeconds = 21600; }
- else { granularity = "ONE_DAY"; periodSeconds = 86400; }
- // Returned Candle count is restricted to 300 - and they don't paginate this call
- // We're going to keep retrieving candles 300 at a time until we get our date range for the granularity
- if (startDate == null) startDate = CryptoUtility.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-(periodSeconds * 300));
- if (startDate >= endDate) throw new APIException("Invalid Date Range");
- DateTime RangeStart = (DateTime)startDate, RangeEnd = (DateTime)endDate;
- if ((RangeEnd - RangeStart).TotalSeconds / periodSeconds > 300) RangeStart = RangeEnd.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
- List candles = new List();
- while (true)
- {
- JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(string.Format("/products/{0}/candles?start={1}&end={2}&granularity={3}", marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant(), ((DateTimeOffset)RangeStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), ((DateTimeOffset)RangeEnd).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), granularity));
- foreach (JToken candle in token["candles"]) candles.Add(this.ParseCandle(candle, marketSymbol, periodSeconds, "open", "high", "low", "close", "start", TimestampType.UnixSeconds, "volume"));
- if (RangeStart > startDate)
- {
- // For simplicity, we'll go back 300 each iteration and sort/filter date range before return
- RangeStart = RangeStart.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
- RangeEnd = RangeEnd.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
- }
- else break;
- }
- return candles.Where(c => c.Timestamp >= startDate).OrderBy(c => c.Timestamp);
- }
- protected override async Task> OnGetFeesAsync()
- {
- var symbols = await OnGetMarketSymbolsAsync();
- JToken token = await this.MakeJsonRequestAsync("/transaction_summary");
- Dictionary fees = new Dictionary();
- // We can chose between maker and taker fee, but currently ExchangeSharp only supports 1 fee rate per symbol.
- // Here, we choose taker fee, which is usually higher
- decimal makerRate = token["fee_tier"]["taker_fee_rate"].Value(); //percentage between 0 and 1
- return symbols.Select(symbol => new KeyValuePair(symbol, makerRate)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
- }
- #endregion
- #region AccountSpecificEndpoints
- // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
- protected override async Task OnGetDepositAddressAsync(string symbol, bool forceRegenerate = false)
- {
- if (Accounts == null) await GetAmounts(true); // Populate Accounts Cache
- if (Accounts.ContainsKey(symbol))
- {
- JToken accountWalletAddress = await this.MakeJsonRequestAsync($"/accounts/{Accounts[symbol]}/addresses", BaseURLV2);
- return new ExchangeDepositDetails { Address = accountWalletAddress[0]["address"].ToStringInvariant(), Currency = symbol }; // We only support a single Wallet/Address (Coinbase is the only Exchange that has multiple)
- }
- throw new APIException($"Address not found for {symbol}");
- }
- protected override async Task> OnGetAmountsAsync()
- {
- return await GetAmounts(false);
- }
- protected override async Task> OnGetAmountsAvailableToTradeAsync()
- {
- return await GetAmounts(true);
- }
- // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
- protected override async Task> OnGetWithdrawHistoryAsync(string currency)
- {
- return await GetTx(true, currency);
- }
- // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
- protected override async Task> OnGetDepositHistoryAsync(string currency)
- {
- return await GetTx(false, currency);
- }
- ///
- /// WARNING: Only Advanced Trade Open Orders are supported.
- ///
- ///
- ///
- protected override async Task> OnGetOpenOrderDetailsAsync(string marketSymbol = null)
- {
- List orders = new List();
- // Max return count is 1000 with no pagination available
- JToken array = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/historical/batch?order_status=OPEN" + marketSymbol == null || marketSymbol == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "&product_id=" + marketSymbol );
- foreach (JToken order in array) if (order["type"].ToStringInvariant().Equals(ADVFILL)) orders.Add(ParseOrder(order));
- return orders;
- }
- ///
- /// WARNING: Only Advanced Trade Completed Orders are supported.
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- protected override async Task> OnGetCompletedOrderDetailsAsync(string marketSymbol = null, DateTime? afterDate = null)
- {
- // Legacy Orders may be retrieved using V2 (not implemented here - see GetTx in code below)
- List orders = new List();
- pagination = PaginationType.V3Cursor;
- string startURL = "/orders/historical/fills";
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marketSymbol)) startURL += "?product_id=" + marketSymbol.ToStringUpperInvariant();
- if (afterDate != null) startURL += marketSymbol == null ? "?" : "&" + "start_sequence_timestamp=" + ((DateTimeOffset)afterDate).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
- JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(startURL);
- startURL += marketSymbol == null && afterDate == null ? "?" : "&" + "cursor=";
- while(true)
- {
- foreach (JToken fill in token["fills"])
- {
- orders.Add(new ExchangeOrderResult()
- {
- MarketSymbol = fill[PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(),
- TradeId = fill["trade_id"].ToStringInvariant(),
- OrderId = fill["order_id"].ToStringInvariant(),
- OrderDate = fill["trade_time"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
- IsBuy = fill["side"].ToStringInvariant() == "buy",
- Amount = fill[SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- AmountFilled = fill[SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Price = fill[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
- Fees = fill["commission"].ConvertInvariant(),
- AveragePrice = fill[PRICE].ConvertInvariant()
- });
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorNext)) break;
- token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(startURL + cursorNext);
- }
- pagination = PaginationType.None;
- return orders;
- }
- protected override async Task OnGetOrderDetailsAsync(string orderId, string marketSymbol = null, bool isClientOrderId = false)
- {
- JToken obj = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/historical/" + orderId);
- return ParseOrder(obj);
- }
+ protected internal override async Task> OnGetMarketSymbolsMetadataAsync()
+ {
+ var markets = new List();
+ JToken products = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products");
+ foreach (JToken product in products[PRODUCTS])
+ {
+ markets.Add(new ExchangeMarket
+ {
+ MarketSymbol = product[PRODUCTID].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
+ BaseCurrency = product["base_currency_id"].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
+ QuoteCurrency = product["quote_currency_id"].ToStringUpperInvariant(),
+ IsActive = string.Equals(product["status"].ToStringInvariant(), "online", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
+ MinTradeSize = product["base_min_size"].ConvertInvariant(),
+ MaxTradeSize = product["base_max_size"].ConvertInvariant(),
+ PriceStepSize = product["quote_increment"].ConvertInvariant()
+ });
+ }
+ return markets.OrderBy(market => market.MarketSymbol); // Ordered for Convenience
+ }
- protected override async Task OnCancelOrderAsync(string orderId, string marketSymbol = null, bool isClientOrderId = false)
- {
- Dictionary payload = new Dictionary() {{ "order_ids", new [] { orderId } } };
- await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/batch_cancel", payload: payload, requestMethod: "POST");
- }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetMarketSymbolsAsync()
+ {
+ return (await GetMarketSymbolsMetadataAsync()).Select(market => market.MarketSymbol);
+ }
- ///
- /// This supports two Entries in the Order ExtraParameters:
- /// "post_only" : true/false (defaults to false if does not exist)
- /// "gtd_timestamp : datetime (determines GTD order type if exists, otherwise GTC
- ///
- ///
- ///
- protected override async Task OnPlaceOrderAsync(ExchangeOrderRequest order)
- {
- Dictionary configuration = new Dictionary();
- switch (order.OrderType)
+ protected override async Task> OnGetCurrenciesAsync()
- case OrderType.Limit:
- if (order.ExtraParameters.ContainsKey("gtd_timestamp"))
+ var currencies = new Dictionary();
+ // We don't have a currencies endpoint, but we can derive the currencies by splitting the products (includes fiat - filter if you wish)
+ JToken products = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products");
+ foreach (JToken product in products[PRODUCTS])
+ {
+ var split = product[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
+ if (!currencies.ContainsKey(split[0]))
- configuration.Add("limit_limit_gtd", new Dictionary()
+ var currency = new ExchangeCurrency
- {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"end_time", ((DateTimeOffset)order.ExtraParameters["gtd_timestamp"].ToDateTimeInvariant()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString() }, // This is a bit convoluted? Is this the right format?
- {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
- });
+ Name = split[0],
+ FullName = product["base_name"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ DepositEnabled = true,
+ WithdrawalEnabled = true
+ };
+ currencies[currency.Name] = currency;
- else
- {
- configuration.Add("limit_limit_gtc", new Dictionary()
+ if (!currencies.ContainsKey(split[1]))
+ {
+ var currency = new ExchangeCurrency
- {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
- });
+ Name = split[1],
+ FullName = product["quote_name"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ DepositEnabled = true,
+ WithdrawalEnabled = true
+ };
+ currencies[currency.Name] = currency;
- break;
- case OrderType.Stop:
- if (order.ExtraParameters.ContainsKey("gtd_timestamp"))
+ }
+ return currencies;
+ }
+ protected override async Task>> OnGetTickersAsync()
+ {
+ var tickers = new List>();
+ JToken books = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/best_bid_ask");
+ var Timestamp = CryptoUtility.ParseTimestamp(books["time"], TimestampType.Iso8601UTC);
+ foreach (JToken book in books[PRICEBOOKS])
+ {
+ var split = book[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
+ // This endpoint does not provide a last or open for the ExchangeTicker
+ tickers.Add(new KeyValuePair(book[PRODUCTID].ToString(), new ExchangeTicker()
- configuration.Add("stop_limit_stop_limit_gtd", new Dictionary()
+ MarketSymbol = book[PRODUCTID].ToString(),
+ Ask = book[ASKS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Bid = book[BIDS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
- {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"stop_price", order.StopPrice.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"end_time", ((DateTimeOffset)order.ExtraParameters["gtd_timestamp"].ToDateTimeInvariant()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString() }, // This is a bit convoluted? Is this the right format?
- {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
- //{"stop_direction", "UNKNOWN_STOP_DIRECTION" } // set stop direction?
- });
+ BaseCurrency = split[0],
+ BaseCurrencyVolume = book[BIDS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ QuoteCurrency = split[1],
+ QuoteCurrencyVolume = book[ASKS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Timestamp = Timestamp
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ return tickers;
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnGetTickerAsync(string marketSymbol)
+ {
+ JToken ticker = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/best_bid_ask?product_ids=" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant());
+ JToken book = ticker[PRICEBOOKS][0];
+ var split = book[PRODUCTID].ToString().Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
+ return new ExchangeTicker()
+ {
+ MarketSymbol = book[PRODUCTID].ToString(),
+ Ask = book[ASKS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Bid = book[BIDS][0][PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
+ {
+ BaseCurrency = split[0],
+ BaseCurrencyVolume = book[BIDS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ QuoteCurrency = split[1],
+ QuoteCurrencyVolume = book[ASKS][0][SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow
- else
+ };
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnGetOrderBookAsync(string marketSymbol, int maxCount = 50)
+ {
+ JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/product_book?product_id=" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant() + "&limit=" + maxCount);
+ ExchangeOrderBook orderBook = new ExchangeOrderBook();
+ foreach(JToken bid in token[PRICEBOOK][BIDS]) orderBook.Bids.Add(bid[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = bid[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), Amount = bid[SIZE].ConvertInvariant() });
+ foreach(JToken ask in token[PRICEBOOK][ASKS]) orderBook.Asks.Add(ask[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = ask[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(), Amount = ask[SIZE].ConvertInvariant() });
+ return orderBook;
+ }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetRecentTradesAsync(string marketSymbol, int? limit = 100)
+ {
+ // Limit is required but maxed at 100 with no pagination available
+ limit = (limit == null || limit < 1 || limit > 100) ? 100 : (int)limit;
+ JToken trades = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/products/" + marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant() + "/ticker?limit=" + limit);
+ List tradeList = new List();
+ foreach (JToken trade in trades["trades"]) tradeList.Add(trade.ParseTrade(SIZE, PRICE, SIDE, "time", TimestampType.Iso8601UTC, "trade_id"));
+ return tradeList;
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnGetHistoricalTradesAsync(Func, bool> callback, string marketSymbol, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? limit = null)
+ {
+ // There is no Historical Trades endpoint. The best we can do is get the last 100 trades and filter.
+ // Check for this data on the sockets?
+ var trades = await OnGetRecentTradesAsync(marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant());
+ if (startDate != null) trades = trades.Where(t => t.Timestamp >= startDate);
+ if (endDate != null) trades = trades.Where(t => t.Timestamp <= endDate);;
+ if (limit != null) trades = trades.Take((int)limit);
+ callback(trades);
+ }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetCandlesAsync(string marketSymbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? limit = null)
+ {
+ if (endDate == null) endDate = CryptoUtility.UtcNow;
+ string granularity = "UNKNOWN_GRANULARITY";
+ if (periodSeconds <= 60) { granularity = "ONE_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 60; }
+ else if (periodSeconds <= 300) { granularity = "FIVE_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 300; }
+ else if (periodSeconds <= 900) { granularity = "FIFTEEN_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 900; }
+ else if (periodSeconds <= 1800) { granularity = "THIRTY_MINUTE"; periodSeconds = 1800; }
+ else if (periodSeconds <= 3600) { granularity = "ONE_HOUR"; periodSeconds = 3600; }
+ else if (periodSeconds <= 21600) { granularity = "SIX_HOUR"; periodSeconds = 21600; }
+ else { granularity = "ONE_DAY"; periodSeconds = 86400; }
+ // Returned Candle count is restricted to 300 and they don't paginate this call
+ // We're going to keep retrieving candles 300 at a time until we get our date range for the granularity
+ if (startDate == null) startDate = CryptoUtility.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-(periodSeconds * 300));
+ if (startDate >= endDate) throw new APIException("Invalid Date Range");
+ DateTime RangeStart = (DateTime)startDate, RangeEnd = (DateTime)endDate;
+ if ((RangeEnd - RangeStart).TotalSeconds / periodSeconds > 300) RangeStart = RangeEnd.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
+ List candles = new List();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(string.Format("/products/{0}/candles?start={1}&end={2}&granularity={3}", marketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant(), ((DateTimeOffset)RangeStart).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), ((DateTimeOffset)RangeEnd).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), granularity));
+ foreach (JToken candle in token["candles"]) candles.Add(this.ParseCandle(candle, marketSymbol, periodSeconds, "open", "high", "low", "close", "start", TimestampType.UnixSeconds, "volume"));
+ if (RangeStart > startDate)
- configuration.Add("stop_limit_stop_limit_gtc", new Dictionary()
+ // For simplicity, we'll go back 300 each iteration and sort/filter date range before return
+ RangeStart = RangeStart.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
+ RangeEnd = RangeEnd.AddSeconds(-(periodSeconds * 300));
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ return candles.Where(c => c.Timestamp >= startDate).OrderBy(c => c.Timestamp);
+ }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetFeesAsync()
+ {
+ var symbols = await OnGetMarketSymbolsAsync();
+ JToken token = await this.MakeJsonRequestAsync("/transaction_summary");
+ Dictionary fees = new Dictionary();
+ // We can chose between maker and taker fee, but currently ExchangeSharp only supports 1 fee rate per market symbol.
+ // Here, we choose taker fee, which is usually higher
+ decimal makerRate = token["fee_tier"]["taker_fee_rate"].Value(); //percentage between 0 and 1
+ return symbols.Select(symbol => new KeyValuePair(symbol, makerRate)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region AccountSpecificEndpoints
+ // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
+ protected override async Task OnGetDepositAddressAsync(string symbol, bool forceRegenerate = false)
+ {
+ if (Accounts == null) await GetAmounts(true); // Populate Accounts Cache
+ if (Accounts.ContainsKey(symbol))
+ {
+ JToken accountWalletAddress = await this.MakeJsonRequestAsync($"/accounts/{Accounts[symbol]}/addresses", BaseURLV2);
+ return new ExchangeDepositDetails { Address = accountWalletAddress[0]["address"].ToStringInvariant(), Currency = symbol }; // We only support a single Wallet/Address (Coinbase is the only Exchange that has multiple)
+ }
+ throw new APIException($"Address not found for {symbol}");
+ }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetAmountsAsync()
+ {
+ return await GetAmounts(false);
+ }
+ protected override async Task> OnGetAmountsAvailableToTradeAsync()
+ {
+ return await GetAmounts(true);
+ }
+ // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
+ protected override async Task> OnGetWithdrawHistoryAsync(string currency)
+ {
+ return await GetTx(true, currency);
+ }
+ // WARNING: Currently V3 doesn't support Coinbase Wallet APIs, so we are reverting to V2 for this call.
+ protected override async Task> OnGetDepositHistoryAsync(string currency)
+ {
+ return await GetTx(false, currency);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// WARNING: Only Advanced Trade Open Orders are supported.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ protected override async Task> OnGetOpenOrderDetailsAsync(string marketSymbol = null)
+ {
+ List orders = new List();
+ // Max return count is 1000 with no pagination available
+ JToken array = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/historical/batch?order_status=OPEN" + marketSymbol == null || marketSymbol == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "&product_id=" + marketSymbol );
+ foreach (JToken order in array) if (order[TYPE].ToStringInvariant().Equals(ADVFILL)) orders.Add(ParseOrder(order));
+ return orders;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// WARNING: Only Advanced Trade Completed Orders are supported.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ protected override async Task> OnGetCompletedOrderDetailsAsync(string marketSymbol = null, DateTime? afterDate = null)
+ {
+ // Legacy Orders may be retrieved using V2 (not implemented here - see GetTx in code below)
+ List orders = new List();
+ pagination = PaginationType.V3Cursor;
+ string startURL = "/orders/historical/fills";
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marketSymbol)) startURL += "?product_id=" + marketSymbol;
+ if (afterDate != null) startURL += marketSymbol == null ? "?" : "&" + "start_sequence_timestamp=" + ((DateTimeOffset)afterDate).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
+ JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(startURL);
+ startURL += marketSymbol == null && afterDate == null ? "?" : "&" + "cursor=";
+ while(true)
+ {
+ foreach (JToken fill in token["fills"])
+ {
+ orders.Add(new ExchangeOrderResult()
- {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"stop_price", order.StopPrice.ToStringInvariant() },
- {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
- //{"stop_direction", "UNKNOWN_STOP_DIRECTION" } // set stop direction?
+ MarketSymbol = fill[PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(),
+ TradeId = fill["trade_id"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ OrderId = fill["order_id"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ OrderDate = fill["trade_time"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
+ IsBuy = fill[SIDE].ToStringInvariant() == BUY,
+ Amount = fill[SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ AmountFilled = fill[SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Price = fill[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Fees = fill["commission"].ConvertInvariant(),
+ AveragePrice = fill[PRICE].ConvertInvariant()
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorNext)) break;
+ token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync(startURL + cursorNext);
+ }
+ pagination = PaginationType.None;
+ return orders;
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnGetOrderDetailsAsync(string orderId, string marketSymbol = null, bool isClientOrderId = false)
+ {
+ JToken obj = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/historical/" + orderId);
+ return ParseOrder(obj);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This supports two Entries in the Order ExtraParameters:
+ /// "post_only" : true/false (defaults to false if does not exist)
+ /// "gtd_timestamp : datetime (determines GTD order type if exists, otherwise GTC
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ protected override async Task OnPlaceOrderAsync(ExchangeOrderRequest order)
+ {
+ Dictionary configuration = new Dictionary();
+ switch (order.OrderType)
+ {
+ case OrderType.Limit:
+ if (order.ExtraParameters.ContainsKey("gtd_timestamp"))
+ {
+ configuration.Add("limit_limit_gtd", new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"end_time", ((DateTimeOffset)order.ExtraParameters["gtd_timestamp"].ToDateTimeInvariant()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString() }, // This is a bit convoluted? Is this the right format?
+ {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ configuration.Add("limit_limit_gtc", new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
+ });
+ }
- case OrderType.Market:
- configuration.Add("market_market_ioc", new Dictionary()
- {
- {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() }
- });
+ case OrderType.Stop:
+ if (order.ExtraParameters.ContainsKey("gtd_timestamp"))
+ {
+ configuration.Add("stop_limit_stop_limit_gtd", new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"stop_price", order.StopPrice.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"end_time", ((DateTimeOffset)order.ExtraParameters["gtd_timestamp"].ToDateTimeInvariant()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString() }, // This is a bit convoluted? Is this the right format?
+ {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
+ //{"stop_direction", "UNKNOWN_STOP_DIRECTION" } // set stop direction?
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ configuration.Add("stop_limit_stop_limit_gtc", new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"limit_price", order.Price.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"stop_price", order.StopPrice.ToStringInvariant() },
+ {"post_only", order.ExtraParameters.TryGetValueOrDefault( "post_only", "false") }
+ //{"stop_direction", "UNKNOWN_STOP_DIRECTION" } // set stop direction?
+ });
+ }
- }
+ case OrderType.Market:
+ configuration.Add("market_market_ioc", new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {"base_size", order.Amount.ToStringInvariant() }
+ });
+ break;
+ }
- Dictionary payload = new Dictionary { { "order_configuration", configuration} };
- string side = order.IsBuy ? "buy" : "sell";
- JToken result = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"/orders?product_id={order.MarketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant()}&side={side}", payload: payload, requestMethod: "POST");
+ Dictionary payload = new Dictionary
+ {
+ { "order_configuration", configuration}
+ };
- // We don't have the proper return type for the POST - will probably require a separate parsing function and return Success/Fail
- return ParseOrder(result);
- }
- protected override Task OnWithdrawAsync(ExchangeWithdrawalRequest withdrawalRequest)
- {
- return base.OnWithdrawAsync(withdrawalRequest);
- }
+ string side = order.IsBuy ? BUY : "sell";
+ JToken result = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"/orders?product_id={order.MarketSymbol.ToUpperInvariant()}&side={side}", payload: payload, requestMethod: "POST");
+ // We don't have the proper return type for a successful POST - will probably require a separate parsing function and return Success/Fail
+ return ParseOrder(result);
+ }
- #endregion
+ protected override async Task OnCancelOrderAsync(string orderId, string marketSymbol = null, bool isClientOrderId = false)
+ {
+ Dictionary payload = new Dictionary() {{ "order_ids", new [] { orderId } } };
+ await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/orders/batch_cancel", payload: payload, requestMethod: "POST");
+ }
- #region SocketEndpoints
+ protected override Task OnWithdrawAsync(ExchangeWithdrawalRequest withdrawalRequest)
+ {
+ return base.OnWithdrawAsync(withdrawalRequest);
+ }
- protected override Task OnGetDeltaOrderBookWebSocketAsync(Action callback, int maxCount = 100, params string[] marketSymbols)
- {
- return base.OnGetDeltaOrderBookWebSocketAsync(callback);
- }
+ #endregion
- protected override async Task OnGetTickersWebSocketAsync(Action>> callback, params string[] marketSymbols)
- {
+ #region SocketEndpoints
+ protected override Task OnGetDeltaOrderBookWebSocketAsync(Action callback, int maxCount = 100, params string[] marketSymbols)
+ {
+ return ConnectWebSocketAsync("/", (_socket, msg) =>
+ {
+ JToken tokens = JToken.Parse(msg.ToStringFromUTF8());
+ string type = tokens[EVENTS][0][TYPE].ToStringInvariant();
+ if (type.Equals("update") || type.Equals("snapshot"))
+ {
+ var book = new ExchangeOrderBook(){ MarketSymbol = tokens[EVENTS][0][PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(), LastUpdatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow, SequenceId = tokens["sequence_num"].ConvertInvariant() };
+ int askCount = 0, bidCount = 0;
+ foreach(var token in tokens[EVENTS][0]["updates"])
+ {
+ if (token[SIDE].ToStringInvariant().Equals("bid"))
+ {
+ if (bidCount++ < maxCount)
+ {
+ decimal price = token[PRICELEVEL].ConvertInvariant();
+ book.Bids.Add( price, new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = price, Amount=token["new_quantity"].ConvertInvariant()} );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (askCount++ < maxCount)
+ {
+ decimal price = token[PRICELEVEL].ConvertInvariant();
+ book.Asks.Add( price, new ExchangeOrderPrice(){ Price = price, Amount=token["new_quantity"].ConvertInvariant()} );
+ }
+ }
+ if (askCount >= maxCount && bidCount >=maxCount) break;
+ }
+ callback?.Invoke(book);
+ }
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
+ }, async (_socket) =>
+ {
+ string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant();
+ string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + LEVEL2 + string.Join(",", marketSymbols), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
+ var subscribeRequest = new
+ {
+ type = SUBSCRIBE,
+ product_ids = marketSymbols,
+ channel = LEVEL2,
+ api_key = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(),
+ timestamp,
+ signature
+ };
+ await _socket.SendMessageAsync(subscribeRequest);
+ });
+ }
+ protected override async Task OnGetTickersWebSocketAsync(Action>> callback, params string[] marketSymbols)
+ {
return await ConnectWebSocketAsync("/", async (_socket, msg) =>
JToken tokens = JToken.Parse(msg.ToStringFromUTF8());
var timestamp = tokens["timestamp"].ConvertInvariant();
List> ticks = new List>();
- foreach(var token in tokens["events"]?[0]?["tickers"])
+ foreach(var token in tokens[EVENTS]?[0]?["tickers"])
- string product = token["product_id"].ToStringInvariant();
+ string product = token[PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant();
var split = product.Split(GlobalMarketSymbolSeparator);
ticks.Add(new KeyValuePair(product, new ExchangeTicker()
- // We don't have Bid or Ask info on this feed
- ApiResponse = token,
- Last = token["price"].ConvertInvariant(),
- Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
- {
- BaseCurrency = split[0],
- QuoteCurrency = split[1],
- BaseCurrencyVolume = token["volume_24_h"].ConvertInvariant(),
- Timestamp = timestamp
- }
+ // We don't have Bid or Ask info on this feed
+ MarketSymbol = product,
+ ApiResponse = token,
+ Exchange = this.Name,
+ Last = token[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Volume = new ExchangeVolume()
+ {
+ BaseCurrency = split[0],
+ QuoteCurrency = split[1],
+ BaseCurrencyVolume = token["volume_24_h"].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Timestamp = timestamp
+ }
} ));
- }
- callback?.Invoke(ticks);
- }, async (_socket) =>
- {
- string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant();
- string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + "ticker" + string.Join(",", marketSymbols), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
- var subscribeRequest = new
+ }
+ callback?.Invoke(ticks);
+ }, async (_socket) =>
- type = "subscribe",
- product_ids = marketSymbols,
- channel = "ticker",
- api_key = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(),
- timestamp,
- signature
- };
- await _socket.SendMessageAsync(subscribeRequest);
- }); }
+ string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant();
+ string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + TICKER + string.Join(",", marketSymbols), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
+ var subscribeRequest = new
+ {
+ type = SUBSCRIBE,
+ product_ids = marketSymbols,
+ channel = TICKER,
+ api_key = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(),
+ timestamp,
+ signature
+ };
+ await _socket.SendMessageAsync(subscribeRequest);
+ });
+ }
protected override async Task OnGetTradesWebSocketAsync(Func, Task> callback, params string[] marketSymbols)
@@ -571,13 +629,13 @@ protected override async Task OnGetTradesWebSocketAsync(Func
JToken tokens = JToken.Parse(msg.ToStringFromUTF8());
- foreach(var token in tokens["events"]?[0]?["trades"])
+ foreach(var token in tokens[EVENTS]?[0]?["trades"])
- await callback?.Invoke(new KeyValuePair(token["product_id"].ToStringInvariant(), new ExchangeTrade()
+ callback?.Invoke(new KeyValuePair(token[PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(), new ExchangeTrade()
- Amount = token["size"].ConvertInvariant(),
- Price = token["price"].ConvertInvariant(),
- IsBuy = token["side"].ToStringInvariant().Equals("buy"),
+ Amount = token[SIZE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Price = token[PRICE].ConvertInvariant(),
+ IsBuy = token[SIDE].ToStringInvariant().Equals(BUY),
Id = token["trade_id"].ToStringInvariant(),
Timestamp = token["time"].ConvertInvariant()
@@ -585,185 +643,183 @@ protected override async Task OnGetTradesWebSocketAsync(Func
string timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToStringInvariant();
- string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + "market_trades" + string.Join(",", marketSymbols), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
+ string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(timestamp + MARKETTRADES + string.Join(",", marketSymbols), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString());
var subscribeRequest = new
- type = "subscribe",
+ type = SUBSCRIBE,
product_ids = marketSymbols,
- channel = "market_trades",
+ channel = MARKETTRADES,
api_key = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(),
await _socket.SendMessageAsync(subscribeRequest);
- });
- }
+ });
+ }
- #endregion
+ #endregion
#region PrivateFunctions
- private async Task> GetAmounts(bool AvailableOnly)
- {
- Accounts ??= new Dictionary(); // This function is the only place where Accounts cache is populated
+ private async Task> GetAmounts(bool AvailableOnly)
+ {
+ Accounts ??= new Dictionary(); // This function is the only place where Accounts cache is populated
- Dictionary amounts = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
- pagination = PaginationType.V3;
- JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/accounts");
- while(true)
- {
- foreach (JToken account in token["accounts"])
- {
- Accounts[account[CURRENCY].ToString()] = account["uuid"].ToString(); // populate Accounts cache as we go
- decimal amount = AvailableOnly ? account["available_balance"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant() : account["available_balance"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant() + account["hold"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant();
- if (amount > 0.0m) amounts[account[CURRENCY].ToStringInvariant()] = amount;
- }
- if (cursorNext == null) break;
- token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/accounts?starting_after=" + cursorNext);
- }
- pagination = PaginationType.None;
- return amounts;
- }
- ///
- /// Warning: This call uses V2 Transactions
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private async Task> GetTx(bool Withdrawals, string currency)
- {
- if (Accounts == null) await GetAmounts(true);
- pagination = PaginationType.V2;
- List transfers = new List();
- JToken tokens = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"accounts/{Accounts[currency]}/transactions", BaseURLV2);
- while(true)
- {
- foreach (JToken token in tokens)
- {
- // A "send" to Coinbase is when someone "sent" you coin - or a receive to the rest of the world
- // Likewise, a "receive" is when someone "received" coin from you. In other words, it's back-asswards.
- if (!Withdrawals && token["type"].ToStringInvariant().Equals("send")) transfers.Add(ParseTransaction(token));
- else if (Withdrawals && token["type"].ToStringInvariant().Equals("receive")) transfers.Add(ParseTransaction(token));
- // Legacy Order and other Coinbase Tx Types can be parsed using this V2 code block
- //var tmp = ParseOrder(token);
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorNext)) break;
- tokens = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"accounts/{Accounts[currency]}/transactions?starting_after={cursorNext}", BaseURLV2);
- }
- pagination = PaginationType.None;
- return transfers;
- }
- ///
- /// Parse V2 Transaction of type of either "Send" or "Receive"
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private ExchangeTransaction ParseTransaction(JToken token)
- {
- // The Coin Address/TxFee isn't available but can be retrieved using the Network Hash/BlockChainId
- return new ExchangeTransaction()
- {
- PaymentId = token["id"].ToStringInvariant(), // Not sure how this is used elsewhere but here it is the Coinbase TransactionID
- BlockchainTxId = token["network"]["hash"].ToStringInvariant(),
- Currency = token[AMOUNT][CURRENCY].ToStringInvariant(),
- Amount = token[AMOUNT][AMOUNT].ConvertInvariant(),
- Timestamp = token["created_at"].ToObject(),
- Status = token["status"].ToStringInvariant() == "completed" ? TransactionStatus.Complete : TransactionStatus.Unknown,
- Notes = token["description"].ToStringInvariant()
- // Address
- // AddressTag
- // TxFee
- };
- }
- ///
- /// Parse both Advanced Trade and Legacy Transactions
- ///
- ///
- ///
- private ExchangeOrderResult ParseOrder(JToken result)
- {
- decimal amount = 0, amountFilled = 0, price = 0, fees = 0;
- string marketSymbol = string.Empty;
- bool isBuy = true;
- //Debug.WriteLine(result["type"].ToStringInvariant());
- switch(result["type"].ToStringInvariant())
- {
- case ADVFILL:
- // Buys/Sells have reversed amounts?
- break;
- case "send":
- case "receive":
- return new ExchangeOrderResult {OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(), Message = result["type"].ToStringInvariant(), };
- case "buy":
- case "sell":
- case "trade":
- case "request":
- case "transfer":
- case "exchange_deposit":
- case "fiat_deposit":
- case "fiat_withdrawal":
- case "pro_withdrawal":
- case "vault_withdrawal":
- default:
- return new ExchangeOrderResult {OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(), Message = result["type"].ToStringInvariant(), };
- }
+ Dictionary amounts = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ pagination = PaginationType.V3;
+ JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/accounts");
+ while(true)
+ {
+ foreach (JToken account in token["accounts"])
+ {
+ Accounts[account[CURRENCY].ToString()] = account["uuid"].ToString(); // populate Accounts cache as we go
+ decimal amount = AvailableOnly ? account["available_balance"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant() : account["available_balance"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant() + account["hold"][VALUE].ConvertInvariant();
+ if (amount > 0.0m) amounts[account[CURRENCY].ToStringInvariant()] = amount;
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorNext)) break;
+ token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync("/accounts?starting_after=" + cursorNext);
+ }
+ pagination = PaginationType.None;
+ return amounts;
+ }
- amount = result[AMOUNT][AMOUNT].ConvertInvariant(amountFilled);
- amountFilled = amount;
+ ///
+ /// Warning: This call uses V2 Transactions
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private async Task> GetTx(bool Withdrawals, string currency)
+ {
+ if (Accounts == null) await GetAmounts(true);
+ pagination = PaginationType.V2;
+ List transfers = new List();
+ JToken tokens = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"accounts/{Accounts[currency]}/transactions", BaseURLV2);
+ while(true)
+ {
+ foreach (JToken token in tokens)
+ {
+ // A "send" to Coinbase is when someone "sent" you coin - or a receive to the rest of the world
+ // Likewise, a "receive" is when someone "received" coin from you. In other words, it's back-asswards.
+ if (!Withdrawals && token[TYPE].ToStringInvariant().Equals("send")) transfers.Add(ParseTransaction(token));
+ else if (Withdrawals && token[TYPE].ToStringInvariant().Equals("receive")) transfers.Add(ParseTransaction(token));
- price = result[ADVFILL]["fill_price"].ConvertInvariant();
- fees = result[ADVFILL]["commission"].ConvertInvariant();
- marketSymbol = result[ADVFILL][PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(result["id"].ToStringInvariant());
- isBuy = (result[ADVFILL]["order_side"].ToStringInvariant() == "buy");
+ // Legacy Order and other Coinbase Tx Types can be parsed using this V2 code
+ //var tmp = ParseOrder(token);
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorNext)) break;
+ tokens = await MakeJsonRequestAsync($"accounts/{Accounts[currency]}/transactions?starting_after={cursorNext}", BaseURLV2);
+ }
+ pagination = PaginationType.None;
+ return transfers;
+ }
- ExchangeOrderResult order = new ExchangeOrderResult()
- {
- IsBuy = isBuy,
- Amount = amount,
- AmountFilled = amountFilled,
- Price = price,
- Fees = fees,
- FeesCurrency = result["native_amount"]["currency"].ToStringInvariant(),
- OrderDate = result["created_at"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
- CompletedDate = result["updated_at"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
- MarketSymbol = marketSymbol,
- OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(),
- Message = result["type"].ToStringInvariant()
- };
- switch (result["status"].ToStringInvariant())
- {
- case "completed":
- order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Filled;
- break;
- case "waiting_for_clearing":
- case "waiting_for_signature":
- case "pending":
- order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.PendingOpen;
- break;
- case "expired":
- case "canceled":
- order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Canceled;
- break;
- default:
- order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Unknown;
- break;
- }
- return order;
- }
+ ///
+ /// Parse V2 Transaction of type of either "Send" or "Receive"
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private ExchangeTransaction ParseTransaction(JToken token)
+ {
+ // The Coin Address/TxFee isn't available but can be retrieved using the Network Hash/BlockChainId
+ return new ExchangeTransaction()
+ {
+ PaymentId = token["id"].ToStringInvariant(), // Not sure how this is used elsewhere but here it is the Coinbase TransactionID
+ BlockchainTxId = token["network"]["hash"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ Currency = token[AMOUNT][CURRENCY].ToStringInvariant(),
+ Amount = token[AMOUNT][AMOUNT].ConvertInvariant(),
+ Timestamp = token["created_at"].ToObject(),
+ Status = token["status"].ToStringInvariant() == "completed" ? TransactionStatus.Complete : TransactionStatus.Unknown,
+ Notes = token["description"].ToStringInvariant()
+ // Address
+ // AddressTag
+ // TxFee
+ };
+ }
- #endregion
- }
+ ///
+ /// Parse both Advanced Trade and Legacy Transactions
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private ExchangeOrderResult ParseOrder(JToken result)
+ {
+ decimal amount = 0, amountFilled = 0, price = 0, fees = 0;
+ string marketSymbol = string.Empty;
+ bool isBuy = true;
- public partial class ExchangeName { public const string Coinbase = "Coinbase"; }
+ //Debug.WriteLine(result["type"].ToStringInvariant());
+ switch(result[TYPE].ToStringInvariant())
+ {
+ case ADVFILL:
+ // Buys/Sells have reversed amounts?
+ break;
+ case BUY:
+ case "sell":
+ case "send":
+ case "receive":
+ return new ExchangeOrderResult {OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(), Message = result["type"].ToStringInvariant(), };
+ case "trade":
+ case "request":
+ case "transfer":
+ case "exchange_deposit":
+ case "fiat_deposit":
+ case "fiat_withdrawal":
+ case "pro_withdrawal":
+ case "vault_withdrawal":
+ default:
+ return new ExchangeOrderResult {OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(), Message = result["type"].ToStringInvariant(), };
+ }
+ amount = result[AMOUNT][AMOUNT].ConvertInvariant(amountFilled);
+ amountFilled = amount;
+ price = result[ADVFILL]["fill_price"].ConvertInvariant();
+ fees = result[ADVFILL]["commission"].ConvertInvariant();
+ marketSymbol = result[ADVFILL][PRODUCTID].ToStringInvariant(result["id"].ToStringInvariant());
+ isBuy = (result[ADVFILL]["order_side"].ToStringInvariant() == BUY);
+ ExchangeOrderResult order = new ExchangeOrderResult()
+ {
+ IsBuy = isBuy,
+ Amount = amount,
+ AmountFilled = amountFilled,
+ Price = price,
+ Fees = fees,
+ FeesCurrency = result["native_amount"][CURRENCY].ToStringInvariant(),
+ OrderDate = result["created_at"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
+ CompletedDate = result["updated_at"].ToDateTimeInvariant(),
+ MarketSymbol = marketSymbol,
+ OrderId = result["id"].ToStringInvariant(),
+ Message = result[TYPE].ToStringInvariant()
+ };
+ switch (result["status"].ToStringInvariant())
+ {
+ case "completed":
+ order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Filled;
+ break;
+ case "waiting_for_clearing":
+ case "waiting_for_signature":
+ case "pending":
+ order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.PendingOpen;
+ break;
+ case "expired":
+ case "canceled":
+ order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Canceled;
+ break;
+ default:
+ order.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Unknown;
+ break;
+ }
+ return order;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+public partial class ExchangeName { public const string Coinbase = "Coinbase"; }