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Instalation from sources

Alexander Sokolov edited this page Sep 17, 2017 · 16 revisions

Installation from sources

One simple solution is to install the program from the package for your distribution. Access the list of packages at our site.


Should you wish to build the program from the sources, you would need header files for:

  • Qt4 or Qt5
  • cups
  • snappy
  • poppler (with private headers, for example poppler/PDFDoc.h)
  • poppler-cpp

The names of packages depend on your distributions. Here are instructions for some of the popular distributions:

Ubuntu for Qt4

sudo apt-get install \
  libqt4-dev \
  libcups2-dev \
  libpoppler-dev \ 
  libpoppler-cpp-dev \
  libpoppler-private-dev \

Ubuntu for Qt5

sudo apt-get install \
  qtbase5-dev \
  qttools5-dev-tools \
  libcups2-dev \
  libpoppler-dev \ 
  libpoppler-cpp-dev \
  libpoppler-private-dev \

Fedora for Qt4

sudo dnf install \
  qt-devel \
  cups-devel \
  poppler-devel \
  poppler-cpp-devel \

Fedora for Qt5

sudo dnf install \
  qt5-qtbase-devel \
  qt5-qttools-devel \
  cups-devel \
  poppler-devel \
  poppler-cpp-devel \

Getting sources

You can download sources of the latest stable version here. The home codes of the version being developed are always accessible at our page in github ( You can get them as follows:

git clone git://

Building and installing

We use so-called out-of-source builds. They support having different builds with different configurations simultaneously as well as easily remove the build directory if something goes wrong. So, create a directory in ~/boomaga, say build, and cd into it. Type

mkdir ~/boomaga/build
cd ~/boomaga/build
cmake ..

You may use alternative paths to some of the directories. Use the following options in cmake.

Option Default for Linux Description
-DCUPS_BACKEND_DIR /usr/lib/cups/backend Path to CUPS backends.
-DCUPS_PPD_DIR /usr/share/ppd/boomaga Path to CUPS PPD files.
-DDBUS_MACINE_ID_DIR /var/lib/dbus Path where D-Bus machine-id file is placed.
-DDBUS_SERVICE_DIR /usr/local/share/dbus-1/services Path to D-Bus service description files.
_Example:_ ``` cmake -DCUPS_BACKEND_DIR=/usr/local/libexec/cups/backend -DDBUS_MACINE_ID_DIR=/var/db/dbus .. ``` For building and installing please perform the following commands: ``` make && sudo make install ```

Installing the printer

Once the program has been installed, it’s time to add the virtual printer. Please note that this has to be done only once. You don’t have to install the printer over again when updating the program.

The best solution is to use the scripts/ from sources tree– just run it.

If you wish to install the printer on your own, select "Local Printers: Boomaga (Virtual boomaga printer)" in the "create printer" dialogue and indicate the type, "Generic Virtual boomaga printer" or, if you can’t access the previous, select the "build/cups/boomaga.ppd" PPD file.