The plugin is to resolve a well know decimal input issue with samsung keypads flutter/flutter#61175
It's based on RobertHeim workaround
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file and execute flutter pub get:
keyboard_name: ^0.0.1
The following example compares the returned string of the default keyboard input and compares to know if is a 'Samsung'
Future<void> _checkIfSamsungKeyboard() async {
bool isSamsungKeyboard = false;
try {
String? keyboardVendor = await KeyboardName.getVendorName;
if (keyboardVendor != null && keyboardVendor.isNotEmpty)
isSamsungKeyboard.value = keyboardVendor.toLowerCase().contains('samsung');
} catch (_) {
// fallback uses text to ensure it is working on all platforms
isSamsungKeyboard.value = true;
return isSamsungKeyboard;