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Releases: Bubb13/EEex

EEex v0.9.19-alpha

28 Feb 22:05
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EEex v0.9.19-alpha Pre-release
  • Reimplemented:
    • Hotkey module - Allows the creation of advanced, multi-key + modifier-key spell hotkey combinations. See top of override/B3Hotkey.lua after installing the module for examples.
  • Fixed:
    • An instance where op408 was being passed a code ptr instead of a projectile.
  • For modders:
    • Reimplemented EEex_Action_AddSpriteStartedNextActionListener() / EEex_Action_AddSpriteStartedActionListener() / EEex_Action_NextSpellToPoint().

EEex v0.9.18-alpha

03 Feb 02:35
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EEex v0.9.18-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:
    • A serious crash in the projectile mutator code; commonly observed shortly after starting/loading a game.

EEex v0.9.17-alpha

28 Jan 23:36
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EEex v0.9.17-alpha Pre-release
  • Readded:
    • Time step module. Press 'd' while the game is paused to advance time by 1 tick, or hold to make time flow until the key is released.
  • For modders:
    • Reimplemented op408, (ProjectileMutator).
    • op248/249 with (special & BIT0) != 0 now has its .EFF bypass op120.

EEex v0.9.16-alpha

03 Dec 22:47
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EEex v0.9.16-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:
    • InfinityLoader should now, for real, correctly handle console io.
  • For modders:
    • Added EEex_Actionbar_IsThievingHotkeyOpeningSpecialAbilities(). This function returns true if the thieving hotkey is currently in the middle of opening the special abilities menu. This allows actionbar listeners to distinguish the thieving hotkey from a player normally opening the special abilities menu.

EEex v0.9.15-alpha

27 Nov 21:48
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EEex v0.9.15-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:

    • InfinityLoader compatibility with Windows versions < 1903.
  • For modders:

    • CONCENTR.2DA->CHECK_MODE->EEex-LuaFunction=function_name is now called as function_name(sprite, damageData), where damageData is a table with the following keys:

      damageTaken: number
      effect: CGameEffect
      sourceSprite: CGameSprite or nil
      targetSprite: CGameSprite
    • Added EEex_AIBase_SetStoredScriptingTarget(aiBase, targetKey, target). This function acts as a Lua version of the action EEex_SetTarget().

EEex v0.9.14-alpha

13 Nov 00:06
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EEex v0.9.14-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:
    • (Vanilla bug) Spell() and SpellPoint() sometimes not being disruptable based on caster direction. See: explanation and example.
  • For modders:
    • Added new CONCENTR.2DA->CHECK_MODE option: EEex-LuaFunction=function_name. This function is called as function_name(sprite) whenever the engine naturally checks for spell disruption. Return: false -> Spell NOT disrupted. true -> Spell disrupted.

EEex v0.9.13-alpha

03 Nov 21:29
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EEex v0.9.13-alpha Pre-release
  • Added:
    • Wine / Proton support.
    • Documentation to InfinityLoader.ini.
  • Fixed:
    • InfinityLoader.exe not saving a crash .dmp if it encounters an exception during initial start-up.

EEex v0.9.12-alpha

20 Oct 00:24
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EEex v0.9.12-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:
    • B3Scale_SetPercentage(p) dropping fractional parts of the value when starting the game.

EEex v0.9.11-alpha

17 Oct 05:49
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EEex v0.9.11-alpha Pre-release
  • Changed:
    • InfinityLoader now caches pattern addresses. Subsequent game launches are now quicker.
    • Converted mod to match Gibberlings3 style.

EEex v0.9.10-alpha

10 Oct 02:10
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EEex v0.9.10-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed:

    • Slow InfinityLoader IO performance on Windows 10, (game slowdowns / freezes with DragonspearUI++).
  • For Modders:

    • Reimplemented op400 (SetTemporaryAIScript).
    • Added op326 special BIT1 functionality — flips source and target for SPLPROT.2DA check.