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function [sys, mats] = create_model_fnum(side_length, Fo, Co, By) % This function creates the dynamical model% It's much faster than the livescript version, which used symbolic% variables. This ver% Fo - Fourier number% Co - Temperature-dependent heat loss to environment% By - determines the effect of the inputs 'u', unit [K * W^-1] disp('Creating model') disp(cd) filename = "models" + filesep + "heatPlateN_" + string(side_length)+... "_Fo" + replace(string(Fo),'.','-') + "_Co" + ... replace(string(Co),'.','-') + "_By" + replace(string(By),'.','-') + ".mat"; if isfile(filename) loaded_file = load(filename); sys = loaded_file.sys; mats = loaded_file.mats; disp('Model already exists, loading model from ' + filename + '.') return end % index (0,0) is assumed to be bottom left, x moves right, y moves up % tested only for side length 3, 99% sure it'll break for any other size n_elements = side_length ^ 2;% diag_main = spdiag(ones(n_elements,1)*(-4)) + spdiag(ones(n_elements,1) * Fo^(-1)); A = spdiag(n_elements,0)*(-4) + spdiag(n_elements,0)/Fo; %Assuming all points are interior points for now% diag_sub1 = spdiag(ones(n_elements-1,1), -1);% diag_super1 = spdiag(ones(n_elements-1,1), 1);% diag_sub2 = spdiag(ones(n_elements-side_length,1), -side_length);% diag_super2 = spdiag(ones(n_elements-side_length,1), side_length); diag_sub1 = spdiag(n_elements, -1); diag_super1 = spdiag(n_elements, 1); diag_sub2 = spdiag(n_elements, -side_length); diag_super2 = spdiag(n_elements, side_length); A = A + diag_sub1 + diag_super1 + diag_sub2 + diag_super2; %Indices of edge nodes (excluding corner nodes) and corner nodes % Automatically finding edges for NxN plate % sides must be equal, could probably be generalized edge_l = 1:side_length:n_elements; edge_r = side_length:side_length:n_elements; edge_u = (n_elements-side_length+1):1:n_elements; edge_d = 1:1:side_length; A = remove_connections(A, edge_l, -1); A = remove_connections(A, edge_r, 1); A = remove_connections(A, edge_u, side_length-1); A = remove_connections(A, edge_d, -(side_length-1)); A = A * Fo; B = spdiag(n_elements, 0) * By; C = spdiag(n_elements, 0) * Co; sys = @(Tk, u) A*Tk - C*Tk + B*u; mats.A = A-C; mats.B = B; save(filename, "sys", "mats"); disp('Model created')endfunction A_new = remove_connections(A, idxs, index_dist) % A -> heat equation dynamics matrix, assumed as A*Fo^-1 % index_dist -> row-wise index distance from diagonal [h, w] = size(A); for idx = idxs A(idx, idx) = A(idx, idx) + 1; % add 1 to diagonal col_idx_to_remove = idx + index_dist; if (col_idx_to_remove<1) || (col_idx_to_remove>w) continue else A(idx, col_idx_to_remove) = 0; end end A_new = sparse(A);end