For this challenge you need to create a SELECT statement, this select statement must have NULL
handling, using COALESCE and NULLIF.
If no name is specified you must replace with [product name not found]
If no card_name is specified you must replace with [card name not found]
If no price is specified you must throw away the record, you must also filter the dataset by prices greater than 50.
- id
- name
- price
- card_name
- card_number
- transaction_date
- id
- name
- price (greater than 50.00)
- card_name
- card_number
- transaction_date
NOTE: Your solution should use pure SQL. Ruby is used within the test cases to do the actual testing.
COALESCE(NULLIF(name, ''), '[product name not found]') as name,
COALESCE(NULLIF(card_name, ''), '[card name not found]') as card_name,
FROM eusales
WHERE price >= 50;